SAP PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(2)

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考虑到Sybase数据库的初学者或者没有购买原厂服务的Sybase客户情况,现提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息。
在SAP Support Portal网站或者google上搜索Targeted CR List for ASE,可以看到针对不同版本的CR(CR表示Change Request)简单描述信息列表。
需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!

PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(1)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(2)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(3)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(4)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(5)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(6)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(7)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(8)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(9)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(10)

161678 ***6.0.00 Regression*** Two DataWindows, using ShareData() and synchronizing the vertical scrolling in the ScrollVertical event using the scrollpos arg and then setting the Datawindow.VerticalScrollPosition of the second dw to the scrollpos from the first window. When you scroll after row 1318 in the top dw, the bottom dw with go back to row 1.
161691 Dropdownlistbox control for window has a horizontal scrollbar attribute "hscrollbar" that does not work when set to true ( the scrollbar doesn't appear when data overflows the dialog in the horizontal direction). The vertical scrollbar works fine..
161696 ----5.0 and 6.0 regression connecting to SQL Anywhere.

Only 5.0 Gold desplays appropriate behaviour. Broken in 5.02 and up, 6.0 and 6.01

----6.0 regression connecting to MS SQL Server. Works in all versions of 5.0, but broken in 6.0 and 6.01

SetTransPool() is not reusing opened connections until the maximum amount of connections allowed has been reached. Then opened connections are destroyed and reopened again

161700 Datawindow radio button edit style not working correctly with settext() in querymode. It should "check" the value that matches the entry from settext. Edit styles such as ddlb work fine
161709 Problem with 16 bit PB and ImportFile function. It gets stuck in an infinite loop processing the same information from the file over and over.
161737 ***6.0 Regression*** CrossTab datawindow: If multiple columns are selected for 'Rows' in a Crosstab definition and are of type date, datetime, integer or number, values of only one of those source columns is appearing correctly. Dates display as ??/??/00 and integer/numbers display 0 (zero).
161739 RichTextEdit control and metafiles. Repetitive copyrtf, clear, and pastertf of a word document containing metafiles to a RichTextControl eventually GPFs or hangs the machine. Significant memory leak.
161740 Problem: When a debugtrap is set in the constructor event for global variables (e.g. default transaction), the events do not fire and the debugger does not stop.
161743 A dropdowndatawindow display column of greater than around 520 characters causes a GPF during retrieval of the parent datawindow. The database is Oracle and the column types for several of the columns are varchar2 for the dddw.
161749 ***Using Sybase Adaptive Server 11.5 and Powerbuilder native drivers.
If a table contains a column of type TIMESTAMP, BINARY, or VARBINARY accepts null values, the following SQL statement in the DB Admin painter SELECT * FROM <tablename> will cause the following error: "<colname> datatype is not supported"

This is fixed in Adaptive Server 11.5.1 ESD #4

161766 Short Description: ClaSS No. 20080204-21. In PowerBuilder 6.0 GA Build 251 the size of a visual custom user object will increase in height and width every time you choose properties/position tab and click OK.
161770 Problem: When PBTableOwner='No' in the pbodb050.ini file, the SQLColumns call does not populate the the SchemaName argument. If the current user has access to more than one table with the same name, this call will return the columns from both tables.
161776 ** 6.0.00 Regression ** Dynamic function calls made to a remote object on a distributed PB Server don't work in 6.0
161779 Crosstab datawindow is not calculating percentage computed fields in the summary band properly when columns are generated at runtime
161796 6.0.00 regression: Problem in numeric columns on dw when comma is used as decimal separator. When you use the right keypad to type "1,50" the result is the comma is displayed twice (1,,50). This bug is described in delta 31799, and it was fixed in 5.0.02_04.

Bug exists in 6.0.00 but is fixed in 6.0.01 after build 381.

161797 Picturebutton with "Original Size" checked, bitmap looks shaky ONLY in development environment (window painter)
161798 Format 4 Dynamic Embedded SQL against Sybase System 11.0 on Windows NT 4.0 generates the following error when it contains multiple outer joins:

SQLDBCode: 6

SQLErrText: CT_FETCH: Network Packet Layer: Internal net library error: Net-Library operation terminated due to disconnect.

161807 6.0 REGRESSION: 5.0.02 Application works fine.This only happens on NT 4.0, works fine on WIN 95 and NT 3.51.

A large menu on the MDI Frame contains many menu options that are visible and invisible. In the example some menu options are made visible at program execution time based on the number of menus requested from the user. The menu options are made visible using a FOR NEXT loop. When the count of options made visible is fairly large(seems to happen in test case between 66-68), the displayed frame menu is corrupted, that is, the menu does not display all the normally visible options and/or options made visible at execution time. In the actual application , when this problem occurs, the menu displayed is usually inoperative. By that, I mean that if you click on a menu option, the clicked event programming is not executed. This is not included in the sample as once the menu is painted correctly everything else works fine.

161808 Enhancement. Retrieval argument dialog truncates values entered in European format (12,34) to (12). It only accepts data in US format without truncation. This is due to how we internally handle numbers.

This is really the way it works for now. It's no different than the requirement in Powerscript.

decimal {2} id_decimal

id_decimal = 12.34 // not 12,34


This area is not an editmask but a raw field so data like "12,34" when you bring it inside, becomes '12'. It's like doing:

decimal{2} id_decimal

id_decimal = decimal(sle_1.text) // doesn't understand "," so it truncates to "12"

Since this is a retrieval argument at the top level of a composite, this truncated value gets passed down to whatever nest needs it as "12" which would obviously bring back the wrong rows in a where clause compared to "12.34"

We know it's difficult for non-US users to think in terms of entering data in US format. This is especially confusing for end users - not just developers.

Perhaps the enhancement should be to use an editmask for these types of dialogs that would conform to the Control Panel settings.

Ex: #,###,###,###.## (+/- 2 billion can be represented). This isn't perfect since the user could enter (or want to enter 13,34355)

Workaround and better overall:

For Infomaker users there is no recourse at this point. The dialogs are system dialogs.

For Powerbuilder developers, design a response window dialog with an editmask:

decimal{2} id_decimal


// capture 12,34 in the datawindow editmask the user typed in which gets translated internally in //Powerscript to 12.34


// if there are nests, the id_decimal will get passed through correctly as '12.34' internally or '12,34' as the end user understands it.

In a product like InfoMaker 6.0 where no custom dialogs exist, this can be a problem.

161810 ***6.0.00 Regression*** Composite datawindow ONLY. Page() + PageCount() in Footer band, viewing datawindow in PrintPreview mode each page displays correct page number ie, 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. Send this datawindow to the printer and the hardcopy shows 1 of 3, 1 of 3, 1 of 3.
161819 With a machine code application, some international characters are not well displayed with some PB dialog boxes ( eg. : MessageBox, GetFileOpenName )
161820 When you use modify to enable the autoskip for a datawindow editmask column WHEN FOCUS IS ON THE COLUMN, the current column of the datawindow is changed to the first column of the current row. If another modify is performed, the current column is not changed
161827 N-Up dw Object displays 6 records vertically, not across. Clicking down arrow of vertical scrollbar to change to next page. When the last page is displayed, and the downarrow gets clicked an extra time a gpf will occur in PBDWE050.DLL@0137"115b2347.

Possible workaround: Uncheck AutoSizeHeight in DetailBand properties.

161830 The COM generator is not creating inherited methods for child user objects.

To Reproduce:

1. Create a user object with a public method.

2. Create another UO that inherits from the first.

3. Create the COM object from the second UO (child).

4. View the IDL file for that object and you will notice that under that the methods section will be empty.

161832 The COM generator is creating "set methods" for constant variables. There should only be get methods on constants.

To Reproduce:

1. Create a UO with an instant variable as follows:

CONSTANT integer foo = 100

2. Save the UO.

3. Create the COM object from the above UO. (dual interface)

4. In the IDL file you will notice that under the "properties for public instance variables" section there is a propget and a propput property for the variable.

FIXED IN 6.0.01. DLL not specified.

161843 Problem: Setting redraw to false, calling SetDetailHeight and setting redraw to true causes scroll box to move to the top.
161847 PBLIB050, PBLIB60, PBLIB70 Source Control Check Out function may GPF when the following condition is true:

( length_of_object modulo 4000 ) < 55

Under Unicode, the formula for the GPF would be:

( length_of_object modulo 4000 ) < 110

GPF can also occur for Library Import regardless of source control.

161848 When using the same table several times to be the basis for the select statement and reselecting the same columnname in the dw painter you'll get duplicate names in design mode.
161854 Problems (possibly memory corruption) when attempting to concatenate a string constant with a string from dot notation. .. E.G., "Name: " +
161886 Format properties are not preserved (font, size, italics etc) when replacing misspelled words from Visual Speller OCX when using an RTE control.
161889 Ole Automation PB 6.0. Customer is using Word 8 and has mapped the pbm_omn****events to user events on his descendant nvo inherited from oleobject. None of the events fire when using the oleobject although some do fire when using the OLE Control activated Offsite which has built in events mapped to these same event Id's.
161895 5.0.04 Regression - When setting a null value in a datetime edit mask column with a four digit year, the date is set to 01/01/2000.
161902 Populating columns in datastore or datawindow using SetItem() or dot notation 4-12K is being lost for each iteration. Problem is more severe using dot notation.
161916 6.0.00 Regression: Control Keys don't behave the same in a datawindow: Shift + (Downarrow or Uparrow) and Ctrl + (Downarrow or Uparrow) do nothing. In 5.0.x they navigated between rows the same as Downarrow and Uparrow.
161923 PBVM - All Database Interfaces. The routine that parses DBParms does not allow a numeric DBParm value to be delimited by a blank space. It must end with a null terminator or a comma in order to be processed correctly. This means that a user who mistakenly types

DBParm="UTF8=1 , DBTextLimit=32000 , PacketSize=8096 " will get none of these parms processed correctly. Moreover, there is no warning of any sorts to indicate that something was wrong.

161924 5.0.04 Beta Regression. Invalid help file (PBHLP050.HLP) with the 5.0.04_70 beta release
161925 DW with graph presentation style. Symbols at data points in line graphs are not printed. There are white areas where the symbols should be, so the lines are not contiguous. This makes the graph very difficult to read if there are a number of series and/or datapoints.
161926 SOLARIS
Customer creates a tabular dw and in the graphic painter of the dw painter, shrinks the height of a field. Then he selects other fields and clicks on Edit/Size Objects/Make all heights same as first selected
Then he gets a core dump.
Font size is Helvetica 10.

Not reproducible on win95 and i don't have that font.

1/27 Tried this using Helvetica 12 and Helvetica 10 using JM's Sparcstation 5.
Could not get it to core dump.

1/30 Sparcserver 1000, SUN 4, SOLARIS 2.51 patch generic_103640-05
This problem is intermittent -- sometimes it works ok

Reproduced On GLARPO - PB 6.0:
created a dw with two columns and two headers.
shrank the height of one of the columns, selected other column, clicked on Edit/Size Objects/Make all heights same as first selected -- no problem
Shrank the height of the header text on the right, lassoed both headers, clicked on Edit

signal fault in critical section
signal number: 10, signal code: (, fault address:0x5a, pc
dd35384, sp: 0xefffe430
ABORT: core dump
Bus Error

Cannot reproduce under build 444 pb 6.5 on Solaris.

161928 Problem: A GPF occurs on a datawindow retrieve if the transaction is disconnected after SetTransObject() but before Retrieve().
161930 Severe memory leak and runtime error 'R1047 error internal table overflow. maximum number of objects exceeded' when inserting and deleting parent treeview items that have subitems iteratively during the course of running an application. It appears not all treeview item objects are being destroyed.
161931 *** 6.0.00 Regression *** EditMask (EM) defined as number: 000 and SingleLineEdit (SLE) controls on window. Type number in EM it will also display in the SLE, but it appears to be one keystroke off. Example: type 9 in EM, nothing in SLE, type another 9 and then you see it in the SLE...but you really should see 99.

*NOTE: This is not just with an EditMask of any type. SLE to SLE has the same behavior.

Developer's comments:

A deliberate change was made in 6.0 to have all events posted by PowerBuilder to be processed by a separate queue from the Windows system queue. As a result of this change, PowerBuilder posted messages are processed before Windows posted messages. Since the WM_CHAR message is a posted message, it now runs after the ue_after_keydown message. It is the WM_CHAR message that actually puts the character into the control. In otherwords, ue_after_keydown is running before the character is put into the control. The user should be doing his processing after WM_CHAR processing--WM_KEYUP would be a good place.

161932 If you install the online books from the Powerbuilder CD using the typical install it looks for the online books on the powerbuilder CD in the directory \olbooks\pbbook\pbbooks which is correct. However if you install from the online books cd it looks in the directory \pbbook\pbbooks for the online books. ie both installs work but if you frget which cd you installed from then online books does not come up because it is expecting a different directory structure. For simplicity I think the directory structure where the books are located should be the same on both CD's.

Solution Per Release Engineering:

A) a good point, we should use the same dir struct (requires adding an OLBOOKS dir to the Online Book CD)


B) we specifically NOTE and attempt to ENFORCE short file names for online book installs because the Dynatext engine does not work particularly well with long filenames.

161944 5.0.04 Regression. Opening a window in Win 3.11 that contains a native tab control gives the following system error:

System Error: Cannot write to device AUX. <cancel> <retry>

The window will open and this will only happen once per boot session. This happens opening a window containing a native tab control in the window painter, running the window in development or in a pcode executable.

161953 Dot notation of row assignment in a datawindow causes a rowfocuschanged
161963 PFC Library Extender converts text to lowercase.

Development: Fixed in Pfcext60.exe of 6.0.01

161964 Regression - Installing the pb 5.0.04_70 patch from the web will not allow you to connect to Objectcycle. Error: "The procedure entry point cOCCFree could not be located in the dynamic link library OCC020.DLL"


User error. New PBEOL050 and OCC020.DLL for 5.0.04 must be run together. They get installed in \pwrs\sys32 directory. User had an OLD VERSION of OCC020 in his \winnt\system32 directory which gets loaded first. This old version does not have the cFREEblob function implemented.

161966 Documentation. We do not support printing child datawindows from Composite datawindows. Normally, if users try this, they get only the headers.

In the documentation, under the Functions for DataWindowChild objects we state that you can print child datawindows up until 6.0.00. This was always incorrectly documented and never supported. For 6.0.01, Print() has been taken out as a method for DataWindowChild.

161972 PB 5.0/6.0 Web.PB NS-API 2.0 Crashes Netscape Enterprise 2.01 Web Server

The Web.PB NS-API 2.0 interface pbns2050.dll and pbns260.dll will cause the Netscape Enterprise 2.01 web server to crash when a request is cancelled or refreshed before Web.PB has finished the original request.

Note: This happens only with Netscape Browser version 3.0, but it works with version 4.0.

161975 6.0.00 Regression .Abnormal behavior when tab.SelectedTab = Number when it comes from a posted event (posted from the tab constructor event). SelectedTab works but then goes back immediately to the "selectedtab" number property defined on the window painter. Same problem happens if doing the SelectedTab in a window open event.

Product Support Engineering:

March 31, 1998 - StephenD
6.0.00 - does not bring the correct tab forward.
6.0.01 build 390 - works fine. Fixed with other fixes to posted events and tabs

Two workarounds:
Set the selectedtab properties in a timer event and after set timer to 0
Open event : timer (0.1)
Timer event : My_tab.selectedtab = 3 , timer (0)

B) Keep the scripts existing and add the following ...
Use an instance long varible ilcp=0
In the selectionchanging event :
if ilcp = 1 then
return -1
end if

10/07/98 Simon Besher.
Yet, another workaround:
In constructor event of the tab control
This.Post Function SelectTab(#)
or open event of the window
tab_1.Post Function SelectTab(#)

161981 CreateInstance (and the obsolete SetConnect) do not work when trying to combine Distributed PowerBuilder with the PowerBuilder Runtime OLE Automation Server.
161985 6.0.00 Regression. Alt-downarrow and F4 ignored for dddw and listboxes on PB6 datawindow control. Pressing alt-down arrow and F4 when focus is set to a column of editstyle dddw or listbox on a datawindow control does not expand the list. It did in 5.0.03.
161989 Enhancement. When cursor is to the left of a delimiter in a numeric editmask, hitting the delete key doesn't delete the number to the right of the delimiter.



1x,234.56 // cursor is at the 'x' for display purposes.

If you hit the delete key, it appears nothing happens. It always worked this way. If cursor is at 'x' above, it doesn't pull data from beyond the delimiter (to the right). The character you're trying to delete is the ',' the delimiter. Same behavior if you highlighted the ',' and tried to delete it.

161990 Short Description:

*** 6.0.00 Regression: Originally reported in 444267, bug#44118

EditMask for datetime field, if you enter a time as 00:00:00 it will change to 12:00:00

- See issue 455165 which has the reverse behaviour in 5.0 - enter 12:00:00, the time will change to 00:00:00

Per Development:

This example has a datetime with a real date value and a null for the time. It is not truly NULL so we have to display it as we see it according to the mask.

In working across the mask, we find AM/PM and decide that 00:00:00 is actually 12:00:00 AM.

You can avoid this by removing the AM/PM from the mask, then we will display the 00:00:00

161999 Getfullstate and setfullstate problems with graph and crosstab datawindows and also nested and composites. Setfullstate causes an "out of memory" error using a crosstab for source and destination. Graph datawindows don't have an errors but also don't display.

1. After SetfullState() using a graph to a graph datawindow, nothing shows up. If you then exit the window, it GPFs. By issuing a Filter() or Sort() right after the SetFullState(), this forces a repaint and it does show (workaround) and also it doesn't GPF when closing the window..

2. After SetFullState() to a crosstab to a crosstab, I get "out of memory" even in NT 4.0.

If you use a Tabular to GetFullState() and Setfullstate() to a crosstab already assigned to the destination control (so it uses that one instead), I don't get an 'out of memory' and the crosstab seems to display fine.

3. Nested datawindows GPF on SetFullState()

4. Crosstab datawindows give the error "load of nested report failed" when Setfullstate() is executed.

162000 Print Preview of a datawindow does not show the correct number of pages if the last row requires being pushed to an additional page
162011 A DataWindow cannot be populated correctly from a PSR file in PowerBuilder for Solaris at 6.0.00.
162012 When PB 6.0 development GPFs, it often remains in memory (the PB60.EXE stub) in NT 4.0. If you bring up task manager after cancelling out Dr. Watson by clicking on the <X> on the titlebar, you'll still see PB60.EXE in the processes tab. Often this locks a lot of files.
162014 6.0.00 Regression. GPF when printing a external label presentation style dw. The print preview is shown correctly for example a empty sheet but when selecting the print funcion (dw painter menu) the following error occurs: PB60 caused a divisionerror in modul PBDWE60.DLL at 014f:10682d39.

GPFs in 6.0.00 Gold but not in 6.0.01 build 347.

162022 Can't access properties of a Attachmate programmable OLE object when using a PB OLEObject. Gets Error R1041 Error accessing external object property.

FBASHAW: Verified fixed in 6.0.01 Build 419.

Also need these statements in the following order (they were reversed):

session.Connection = connection

162025 CloseQuery Return 1 fails to keep window open if script in window activate event dot notates into the datawindow on the window, and you close the window from the window control menu X.
162026 Com Generator. The project painter seems to be retaining references to the UO that you are using in the painter. This is preventing you from opening the UO in the UO painter.

To Reproduce:

1. Create a new COM project.

2. Select the UO that you want to use.

3. Set the properties in the properties dialog.

4. Build the component.

5. Close the Project painter.

6. Open the UO. You will get the following error msg:

"UserObject xxx, one of its ancestors or descendants, or a control inherited from it, is already open in another User Object or Window Painter and cannot be modified."

There are no other painters open. Also, the component does not have to successfully build, it seems as long as the UO is accessed you cannot open it again without restarting PB.

162032 Problem: If you scroll to the bottom of the last page in a datawindow that resets the page number on a group break, you will not be able to scroll backwards off the last page.
162037 Printing a graph datawindow on OKIPAGE 16N 'Led Page Printer' (laser) causes the following error, at different addresses depending on the PowerBuilder version:

PB050 has caused a 10H exception in module PBBGR050.DLL.

Print Preview works OK.

162041 ----Not a PB 6.0 problem! 5.0 only, might existed in 4.0.----

Main DataWwindow sharing data with two or more other datawindows. If SetDetailHeight() is called to collaps the rows on the secondary datawindows and datawindows are Grouped By (main and secondary,) the arrow buttons on the scrollbars of the secondary DataWindow's are not functioning.

162045 6.0.00 Regression. PB 6.0 illegal page fault pbdwe60.dll@0157:1067696f when use SaveAs HTML with a grid datawindow with a rectangle object that has been Sent to Back. Tried this in PB 5.0.03 and it did not gpf. It doesn't matter whether you use the datawindow painter or dw_1.Saveas("test.htm", htmltable!, false)

Workaround: If Bring To Front is chosen for the rectangle the gpf does not occur.

162046 Incorrect library name in 16 bit Oracle .def files cause the DLL's to be incorrectly stamped. This is a problem when a DLL is loaded with the wrong library name and the DLL whose name is incorrectly used needs to be loaded.
162053 The currentrow argument passed into the rowfocuschanged event is not correct when a datawindow has no tab order (all zeros) .

(In PFC Examples, Datawindow examples, Row Selection example - using "Single Select", this manifests itself by not allowing the highlight of a new row - ie it takes 2 clicks to highlight a row.)

162058 When PSR files are created from a DW that has a retrieval argument on PowerBuilder for Unix (HPUX & Solaris), an "out of memory" error occurs when trying to preview that PSR using the Report Painter in PowerBuilder for Windows.
162060 Getitemnumber() against a numeric datawindow column of datawindow type number or decimal{2) - when the value is null GPFs on the second NULL value when adding them with the construct:

decimal{2} l_dec

l_dec += dw_1.getitemnumber(1, "decimalcol")

l_dec += dw_1.getitemnumber(2, "decimalcol")


l_dec += dw_1.getitemnumber(1, "numbercol")

l_dec += dw_1.getitemnumber(2, "numbercol")

GPFs in 5.0.04 and 6.0.00. The workaround:

decimal{2} l_dec, l_temporary

l_temporary = dw_1.getitemnumber(1,"numbercol")

l_dec += l_temporary

162066 Distributed PB issue. Connection.Location property has a string character limit of 15. Users would get "location or server not found" error message.

Developer: PB5 has a hard coded limit to number of characters which used to be 16 and is now 30. PB6 does not have a problem.

162071 -------6.0.00 Regression---------------------

Escape sequences for printing not working in machine code executable. (It does work when run from development environment and compiled pcode)

Developer: User must rebuild their exes with the new PBCMP60.DLL

162072 Redraw problems using FillColor on an Oval or Rectangle after scrolling the window
162075 Multiple retrieves of data into a datastore (containing a datawindow object with either computed fields or a dropdowndatawindow) and using ShareData() after Retrieve() creates a significant memory leak. Problem occurs on Win NT4.0 and win95.
162082 Problem: Default display value of text datawindow column with password checked and the default value of a single line edit with password checked are inconsistent.
162085 When RowFocusChanging event Returns 1 to prevent from changing the current row in the DataWindow with only one row showing, the scrolling to next o previous row is occuring on the Key Press of UP, DOWN, Page UP and Page Down keys.
162090 Activating an OLE style datawindow that resides in a window that is statically called causes the OLE client space to be partially hidden from view.
162092 In a Crosstab datawindow, in the clicked event of a datawindow control, if an object that is clicked in Header 1 the dwo.type and come back incorrectly as "datawindow" instead of "text", and the name of the text object repectively.
162106 Memory leak when performing SetItem() and Retrieve() in combination.

- the leak does not occur when doing either function separately.

162121 Printed and on-line help documentation error regarding the DWObject arguments for datawindow events.

Should be



162124 If you place a ~r~n in a dw label and then try to align it by the base with a single line label there is a diference in the alignment when you print the dw.
162133 6.0.00 Regression bug - When typing in a first character for the first item into a DDDW edit style or a DDLB edit style column, the first item is skipped and the next item on the list is displayed. Doesn't happen with the stand alone DDLB control. This is a regression, doesn't happen in PB 5.0.03 and 5.0.04_72.

The problem was fixed for Win95 and Win NT 4.0, but is still broken on NT 3.51 due to operating system bug (per developer).

From Development (3/3/98)

This is only a problem under NT 3.51 if there is no initial selection and the item is the first one in the list (Typing 'A' works as expected). It appears to be an OS bug as it happens in the Non DW DDLB as well. This continues to happen even when we disable all of our window's subclass processing, which further points towards an OS bug. A work around is to have an initial selection and the problem does not occur.

The change from 5.0 to 6.0 is probably due to the fact we mark our 6.0 executables differently so that everything work properly under WIN95 and NT4.0. It looks like this may be causing NT3.51 to behave differently.

162149 Problem: Customer has grid dw. In any of columns, mouse will not highlight data selectively, and she cannot cut and paste data. Mouse can only highlight none or all of the data in a column.

This CR is a Dupe of CR 156272 which is a Microsoft issue:

This is an operating system problem. It has been reported to Microsoft. The reference number for the issue is: SR X99041360189

162154 PB 6.0 Web.PB - Long strings arguments crash DPB server if WEBPB tracing is enabled.

Enabling the WEBPB tracing on the transport object will cause the dpb server to crash when the argument string length exceeds approx 400 characters. The trace console window displays all of the CGI environmental variables including the long argument. It crashes when it is writing the long string to the console. The DPB server program only crashes if the transport.trace webpb=1 logging is enabled.

The only way to prevent this is to disable the WEBPB tracing.

Two error messages appear:

1) pb60.exe - Application Error, "The instruction at "0x36353433" referenced memory at "0x36353433". The memory could not be read.

2) pbcgi60.exe - Application error, the instruction at 0x100034d5 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be read.

162160 Repetitive GetFullState and SetFullState with two datawindows with same select statement, but different presentation styles, GPFs on the second SetFullState
162164 Code that worked in 5.0 using Setconnect() to instantiate a remote object now does not work when using CreateInstance() in 6.0. Getting the error message: R1025 Cannot assign object of type "descendant" to variable of type "ancestor" at line xxx. Memory is corrupted at this point and it GPFs.

Again, this works fine if classes are local and proxies are not used. In this case, there are some proxies leftover from 5.0. (isn't this supposed to be upwardly compatible?)

Development: Developers should be either using one way or the other. The 5.0 way was with a proxy and "Create using". The 6.0 way is using CreateInstance() for server or "Create Using..." for local with NO proxies. Mixing the two will cause this problem.

162165 PB 6.0 Window ActiveX Control behavior problem

Pressing the the backspace key in a SLE control is sending the keystroke to the browser instead of the SLE.

The problem appears to have been corrected by itself in newer builds of the pbrx60.ocx. I checked with the developer and he wasn't aware of this problem.

162166 PB 5.0 and 6.0. Datawindow with a nested datawindow. The nested datawindow has a collapsed detail band that is autosized with multiple fields with AutoSize height and SlideDirectltyAbove properties set to True. When the main datawindow is previewed, the last column of the nested report is not displayed completely.
162167 Creating a Composite style DataWindow. Report on the composite datawindow contains multiple computed fields and previews fine by itself. When previewing composite datawindow, PB gpfs. When computed fields removed from the report, GPF doesn't occur.
162170 When a column name in a SQL Anywhere database contains a period, data manipultion fails on the retrieve with error "Table or view not found. Correlation name <xxx.> not found.
162177 GPFs trying to access an instance variable of custom class user object instanciated with a reference variable (inv_service) that is an instance variable in a datawindow standard visual user object (u_dw). Accessing it via ldw_dw.inv_service.scroll works where ldw_dw is of type u_dw. But putting the dw reference in an array of type u_dw GPFs: la_dwarray[1].inv_service.scroll GPFs. Both

ldw_dw and la_dwarray[1] were populated with the dw_1 reference.

162178 PB 5.0.02 through 5.0.05 illegal page fault when you try to use Edit => Copy and then Edit => Paste of a inherited user object that has a standard visual uo placed on it. Illegal page fault in 5.0.04 is pbrte050.dll @ 0137:10b144ba and in 5.0.02, which is what customer was using, page faulted in module pbrte050.dll @ 0137:10b1435a.

Easy workaround is to right click control and hit duplicate and it works correctly and does not gpf. If you then try to Edit = > Copy = > Edit =>Paste the copy it works fine. PB 6.0 and 6.0.01 work correctly and do not exhibit the problem.

162181 SELECT INTO decimal variable when using native MSS driver truncates after 4 decimals.
162183 6.0.00 REGRESSION ******

Dot notation assignments to rows in filter buffer cause a GPF.

162185 REGRESSION PB 5 to PB 6

Problem: Using SYC connection, a dynamic execution of a stored procedure causes DB error -137 - "Must declare variable '@return_code'" when the current user is not the owner of the procedure.

162203 Win95 is a touch more sensitive about FILE and RESOURCE version numbers.
162206 Define a function with a standard datatype argument (eg. : integer). In this function, make a check on this argument with Isnull(). If you call this function with a any datatype that is null, IsNull() function returns False in machine code.
162207 **6.0 Regression** SetDetailHeight() in combination with a group dw does not allow the user to vertically scroll the entire datawindow. If there are 2 pages in the dw then scrollbars do not appear at all. If there are more than 2 pages the page count is correct but you can only scroll to the next to last page.
162209 Developer looked at the internals of what is going on in this test and this is simply the way it works. When we save a composite DW as a PSR we save the definition for each UNIQUE datawindow within the composite. Since both child reports use the same DW, we only save it once, and we save it for the first one we encounter. If you change the modify button to modify report2 and again load the PSR you will find that the child reports both (again) have the attributes of report1's DW object, ie. the modification is lost.
You can experiment further by perhaps looking at exported syntax for the composite.
This is rather deeply ingrained in the DW save, DW parse, and DW compile processes and trying to change it would be risky ... and ... there is probably a customer out there who depends on being able to modify the first child and have that propagated to other child reports using the same DW object.
Workaround should be used.

Instead of using the same object for both reports, save the object with anoter name (Save As) and use it for additional report. It will increase the footprint of the app, but will save PSR without reflection the changes on the second report.

162220 *** 6.0.00 Regression *** An IsValid on an unassigned ANY variable errors with: Error R1021 Cannot convert any in ANY variable to powerobject.

Developer: The fact that this worked in 5.0 was due to an unrelated bug. It cannot be fixed in a maintenance release. Simple workaround is to assign something initially and then destroy it--IsValid will work correctly after the first time through.

162236 Expression in a computed field fails to evaluate correctly and therefore uses the wrong format. The computed field format is:


but it always shows 0.00 when previewed instead of DIV0 as expected. Rebuilding the computed field somehow fixes it but there is no guarantee what you are seeing is correct.

162248 Nested datawindows in detail band with visible expression such as "if(dept_id > 300,1,0) " GPF when there are more than one nested datawindow. Does not GPF when there is a single nested datawindow.

Does not GPF when autosizeheight is turned off for the detail band. It must be related to trying to paint some nested datawindows and not others and trying to slide all the information up at the same time.

162249 Oracle - Performing Dynamic SQL against a stored procedure that has an arguement an apostrophe will cause an application error:

"The instruction at 0x11111d87 referenced memory at 0x01111000. The memory could not be read"

162251 COM Generator: Build 356. The 'Apply' button on the select objects dialog box does nothing.

To Reproduce:

1. Create a COM Project.

2. Open the 'Select Objects' Dialog.

3. Select an object and then click on the 'Apply' button.

Nothing will happen, it should behave like the 'OK' button minus closing down the dialog.

162254 ReselectRow() causes syntax error for ODBC - when Windows decimal symbol/separator is comma and a numeric with a comma (float, double ...) is included in the unique key columns of the update properties for the DataWindow
162269 MS Web Browser control - beforenavigate2 event is never triggered when the control is used in PB. Other events are also not triggered.
162270 5.0.04 and 6.0.00 Regression. GPF in listview control (PBVM60.DLL in 6.0) or PBSHR050.DLL 0022:6892 when searching for item not in view.
162271 If you create a datawindow from SQL syntax using unqualified column names for columns referenced by Oracle synonyms, the table name portion of the column db name in the datawindow will contain the first table in the from clause.
162296 Dynamically changing the text alignment of column objects shows the original alignment when entering data and the new alignment when another column object has focus.
162301 Defining a computed field in a RichText Datatwindow and giving it an illegal name, corrupts the datawindow. Other types of datawindows present an error message to prevent that an illegal named computed field is defined.
162310 PB 6.0 Datawindow SQL ConvertToSyntax

In the Datawindow Painter in the SQL painter, when converting from graphical to Syntax, if there is an error (column name missing or changed), the SQL statement does not line wrap making it some what unmanageable.

162311 Existing computed columns lose their attributes when the developer changes the sql statement (to delete a column). We do a re-describe in this case and the computed column gets renamed and changed back to a generic column (as if you just added it in the painter). This causes problems since it breaks existing links to these columns (computed fields and so on) and the user then has to rename and reposition these columns again.

This happens for simple ' ' or 9 as computed columns (where the value is the same during retrieval - or when you're using backend functions.

This happens in 5.0.02- thru 6.0.01 build 375 so it's not a regression but very bad painter behavior during the re-describe step.

162312 Problem: When a datawindow has a comuted field and a NULL is passed to <dw>.SetSort(), the computed column is listed several times in the list of columns. If you select the computed column for sorting, you get an "Expression is not valid" error when you click OK.
162350 System 10/11 ASE 11.5 - Error "Could not reconstruct statement graphically, do you want to continue in graphic mode? Yes/No." when trying to access DataWindow as another user which was created as user SA.
162352 Large char column in a datawindow: if Alignment is Justify! and there are embedded carriage returns in the data, some of the data is lost on display and print.
162353 PB 6.0 Web.PB Hangs when a form uses the POST method without any arguments/input fields.

If a HTML page has a form that doesn't have any input or hidden fields, the POST method will hang when calling Web.PB. The browser will just wait indefinitely. The problem occurs with the PBCGI60.exe, PBNS360.dll and PBNS260.dll. The ISAPI pbisa60.dll works correctly.

The work around is to add a dummy hidden field to the html form.

162355 5.0.04/16 bits Regression : Group box in 3D lowered border is not displayed correctly on NT 3.51 and the text appears below the border line.
162358 When saving data with the DataWindow object (Data retained on Save DialogBox) only 16000 rows are saved
162361 Migration issue. When migrating from 5.x to 6.0 or 6.5, all the singlelineedit (SLE) fields lose one byte in their width making some of the fields unusable. The edit control seems to be smaller in 6.5 than in 5.x.

The migration actually changes the x,y,width and heigth of the object. (the example shows PBUs)
5.0 example SLE
6.0 after migration

Workaround: Edit all the SLE's and make them slightly bigger.

162363 Unable to pipe database rows between 2 SQL Anywhere databases, that contain Blob data. Normal rows will pipe properly.

Application Error:

"The instruction at 0x1113bad4 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be read."

162366 Problem: PowerBuilder MSS driver truncates trailing spaces from character fields in the datawindow.
162367 Problem: Using PVCS, trying to restore a previous version of a project causes error: c0114: error scanning object source entry: (name of application object).
162385 From Powerbuilder, can't register two different objects with the same name into different folders of an Object Cycle project.
162390 Problem: If you rename an item in a treeview and initiate a collapse all before tabbing out of the rename control, the handle passed to the endlabel edit event is the root of the tree, not the handle of the changed item. This causes the label of the root to get the new name, not the item selected item that should have been renamed
162392 Illegal Page fault or Dr Watson error when using SaveAsAscii() with an External Datawindow when length of text put into text column is large.
162405 Scrolling problems in Print Preview with Nested Reports.. The scrolling, when using the thumb (the arrow key to go down) gets stuck somewhere near the last page and you can't get through page <n>, and then, as you continue to scroll, you see page <n> scroll by again and again (that's incorrect). It's like watching Fred Flintstone running in his house - seeing the same scene over and over pass by.
162412 Problem: In an RTF control, if DisplayOnly is set to TRUE, you cannot select any text with the mouse and SelectTextAll() does not select anything.
162425 When using the PrintDataWindow function with PowerBuilder for Solaris, the first page of a 2 page printout is lost and a Postscript error is displayed when printing to a Sparc2 printer.
162426 The datawindow plugin for 6.0 GPFs when loading an existing 5.0 PSR file using netscape navigator 3.0x. Happens more often with Gold version either when displaying or when closing browser. Sometimes sporadic and can be related to having 5.0 and 6.0 plugins at the same time.
162427 Problem: Regression 5.0.04 to 5.0.05 and 6.0 to 6.0.01. Datawindow column heading sort does not work on 5.0.05 or 6.0.01.
162439 Problem: Getting a GPF while scrolling a datawindow with the scroll bar.
162441 6.0.00 Regression. HALT CLOSE GPF in a machine code application calling a function that returns a datastore created in the function. Works fine in development and pcode.

NOTE: We have a few Halt Close issues. They are not all the same as user can code just about anything in the close event of the application.

162443 PB 6.0.00 - NT4.0 (SP3) *** REGRESSION ***

Problem:<buffer> dot notation access in the SelectionChanging() event of a tabcontrol prevents Return 1 from working.

162446 Recurrent retrieves into a DataWindow with the group by create a memory leak.
162447 Problem: When a datawindow is created from syntax and the syntax is a join between two Oracle linked tables, the dbname in the datawindow does not contain the table name. This prevents users from derriving the table to be updated when a column changes.
162451 The country selection in the PB 6.0 online registration form doesn't have the countries starting with letters D to G in the DDLB.
162452 calling resetupdate() doesn't refresh computed fields which are using the isrowmodified() function
162456 6.0.01 Pre-beta regression from 6.0.00. Pagecount() inconsistency problem when there is too much data in the bands for a particular detail row and it extends beyond one page. In, 6.0.00, 6.0.01 Build 360, you would get

Page 1 of 2

Page 2 of 2

Page 2 of 2 (on the overflow page)

Now, in 6.0.01 Build 365- 375 you get

Page 1 of 2

Page 3 of 2

Page 4 of 2

This is a "change in behavior" of sorts but what the customer is doing will always mess up the pagecount() since his data for one detail row extends beyond one page - the current limitation of the datawindow.

I guess the problem is we handled it consistently up through build 360.

*** Workaround

Place an empty text object on the datawindow instead of a calculated field

In the window with the datawindow control, create an instance variable of type LONG that will contain the maximum number of pages to be printed.

In the PrintStart event of the datawindow control, assign the instance variable the PageMax argument - this represents the last page being printed

In the PrintPage event assign your page count to the text attribute by using PageNumber argument and instance variable.



long ll_lastpage


ll_lastpage = pagemax // the pagemax is an argument to the event


// page_count is the name of the text field in the datawindow

// pagenumber is the current page being printed passed as an arugment to dw control

dw_1.object.page_count.text="Page: "+string(pagenumber)+" of "+string(ll_lastpage)

162458 The Printer Setup dialog in PowerBuilder for Solaris does not allow you to add a printer once you delete all the current entries.
162460 Problems printing a Rich Text Presentation Style DataWindow on Windows 95 running 16 bit PowerBuilder.
162462 ***6.0.00 Regression: DataWindow control, creates user event mapped to pbm_nchittest, adds script to the user event. Running the application, doubleclick on any column in the DataWindow a page fault occurs in PBVM60.DLL@0173:111ed7f8.

This works in 6.0.01 build 375

162468 5.0.04 and 6.0.00 Regression. Messagebox in the close event suppresed when using Halt Close. Development and runtime.
162471 ParentWindow in a popup menu returns a bad reference when you use a userobject in your window.

This issue occurs when you follow these steps:

1. Create a uo wich contains for example a dw. In the dw constructor create a popup menu. In the dw destructor, destroy the popup menu.

In the rbuttondown for this dw, call the function popmenu(xpos, ypos)

2. In the menu script uses for the popup menu, write something like :

MessageBox('Parentwindow', ParentWindow.title)


Execute and/or debug the application, you can see that the parentwindow points to the uo instead the window.

162475 GetURL function returns General Err (-1) when passe a large query string (around 370 - 400 characters) as an argument. The same string works if passed to url function it works.
162476 A column of type decimal (16), defined in an Informix table- CREATED USING THE DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR, is seen as real in PB's datawindow. As a result any value with more than 8 digits, is not saved as inserted -- anything after the 8th digit changes to zero(s) or some other value. This happens only when a table is created using sql statements in Database Administration painter (and also through Informix ISQL), but it works fine when creating a table using Table painter.

Workaround: As stated, if you get a REAL datatype in row/column specifications against a decimal(n,0) column, you must export and change it to decimal(0) in the datawindow.

162480 REGRESSION IN 6.0.0 Build 360 / 365

Problem: Unable to right-click and drag to select multiple items in a listview.

162488 The new PB 6.0 GetFullState() is interferring with the clearing out of the datawindow's delete buffer. Regardless of whether you clear the resetflag while doing the Update(True, True) or if you use Update(true, false) and then explicitly call ResetUpdate() the delete buffer is not cleared out even though the actual update occurs. Trying to update after an additional delete and you get a "Row changed between retrieve and update" but at this point the resetflag is cleared out and the delete buffer is cleared.
162490 REGRESSION** O73 to OR8

Problem: Unable to call a procedure in an Oracle package that is declared as an RPCFUNC using OR8 native driver.

162508 Source Control Native Interface: PVCS

The "Compare Differences" Menu item is enabled in the PopUp menu when you rightclick a registered object. If you go to the Source Menu, the "Compare Differences" menu item is disabled.

Since this ability did not exist in 5.0 and no new enhancements are being made to the native interfaces, it should be disabled. It should be disabled in the popup menu as well.

Only the SCC interface has the "Compare Differences" functionality enabled.

162516 Calling setchanges() on a datastore inserts additional rows into the datastore. This also happens with datawindows. An additional row is added when setchanges is called..
162528 Unable to call Open() on a OLE object, if the file that is to be opened resides in a directory path that is longer than 129 characters in length.

Application Error:

"The instruction at 0x110b85c8 referenced memory at 0x61616179. The memory could not be read"


Use a shorter path.

162534 Retrieving a datawindow containing retrieval arguments where the SQL is saved in Syntax mode, using the native PBIBM050.DLL in 16 bit causes an error when sent to the DB2/MVS backend.

Select error: SQL0104N An unexpected token " " was found following "". Expected tokens may include: "+ - .... SQLSTATE=42601

162538 When the customer uses the extended window for the sort service in the PFC,
He wants to see in the multi line edit that represent the sort expression the header text instead of column name.
162542 Customer applied 6.0 build 365 patch. Now printed datawindows display the wrong page numbers on the print. For example, a 5 page report with a computed field defined as "page() + ' / ' + pagecount()" results in 5 pages being printed with the computed field showing as 1/5, 3/5, 5/5, 7/5, 9/5. Using 6.0 this does not occur, but the problem exists using builds 365 and 372 of 6.0.01
162557 The describe function is returning incorrect results, if there is more than one index in a table.
162558 if you define a dw with a blob wich have a where clause that match to an inexistant blob in the db, the dw engine retrieves only one row.
162567 Enhancement Request:
Would VERY much like to be able to see (or better yet, access) a list of columns in a datawindow while in a script painter. Why do we have to jump into the DataWindow Painter or the object browser just to see what a column name is?
162590 Problem: When using datawindow querymode, if you specify that equality is required for a column, the user will get a message when they do not specify equality, but it will work anyway.
162594 5.0.04/6.0.00 Regression. HALT CLOSE only executes first line of application's CLOSE script in development, pcode or machine code. Works fine in 5.0.03.
162604 All Unix platforms. The Windu processes (windu_scmd40) which are initiated when a user launches a PB application do not terminate when the user exits the application. Therefore at any time, there are many such processes without parent processes in the system. This makes the system very slow.
162610 OLESTORAGE.OPEN syntax 5 returns always -3 with the stgdenynone! parameter
162620 ClaSS No. 20091363-21. Error codes are different between PowerBuilder 5.x and 6.x. Is this documentation or a bug? The debugger also behaves differently.
162624 ********PB 6.0.00 Regression. Customer has DDDWs which do not have 'Always Show Arrow' checked and when they tab off of the column the field is blank.
162627 Internet Context Object Enhancement Request

The GetURL and PostURL methods do not support connections to HTTPS / SSL web sites. When accessing a secure web page ''General Error'' will occur.

The work around will be to use an ActiveX control that supports SSL.

162630 6.0.00 Regression. SaveAs(HTMLTable! ) shifts computed fields of a grid or crosstab datawindow all the way to the left and it causes misrepresentation of the data in an HTML table format
162644 Garbage Collection Bug: Posting an event with an argument of a reference variable that will go out of scope before the posted event executes, GPFs. This should cause PB to keep a temporary reference that will delay garbage collection until the posted event has completed.
162659 Computed column in the datawindow will return a type of Decimal(-1) if the value of the compute is set to any decimal value.

Occurs with the Microsoft SQL Server driver (PBMSS60.DLL)

162674 Colored headers and columns in DW are not printed when using PB, NT 4 and HP 4 (Si). Similar to PT 399697, delta 43942.
162683 In ODBC - after a successful SelectBlob sqlca.sqlnrows is populated with 0 (zero).
162684 COM Generator, Build 375. After generating a COM object you cannot instantiate the object within a client. You get the following error: "IClassfactory::CreateInstance failed"
162686 Datawindow runtime bug, ShareData is not creating an internal reference in the secondary datawindow/datastore to the primary datastore, that would prevent the primary datastore from being garbage collected when the primary reference variable goes out of scope.
162688 ****** 6.0.01 Regression ***** Date Editmask Control or Editmask column on a datawindow set as [date] for use in international settings the date displays incorrectly when the Regional Setting Short Date Style in the Control Panel is set to either m/d/yy or m/d/yyyy. Displayed date appears to be missing the first character and/or the month displays as the first letter of the represented month(M for March, F for February). If inputting data into an editmask field the date is shifted over 1 space(ie. inputting 12/03/98 is seen as 1/20/39!!)
162701 Problem: In a datawindow, when you go from syntax to graphics, PowerBuilder inserts parenthesis that the change the result set from what it was when executed from syntax.
162705 **** 6.0.01 Regression Build 375. When using the Resize() on certain OCX's the control gets resized but it is placed with coordinates of 0, 0 on the window rather than where originally placed. PB 6.0 GA resizes the control and leaves the x and y coordinates the same on all ocx controls tested. Customer is using the Visual Components Formula One OCX.
162708 Some invalid dates, like 2001-02-29 and 1900-02-29 are not detected by the compiler.
162721 6.0 regression Dynamic datawindow function call crashes when the function is overloaded (GetItemStatus, GetItemNumber)
162725 In dot notation, the value of a computed field sometimes

has bogus characters at the end if the computed field contains the (3-argument) mid-function, the 3rd argument is larger as the 2nd, and the 1st argument is large.

162730 6.0.00 Regression: The default for a time edit mask is 00:00 PM. In 5.0 it was 00:00 AM.

Workaround until this is fixed:

Add the following code to the constructor event of the edit mask:


this.Replacetext("00:00:00 AM")


This will initialize the value to what it was in PB 5. However, if the user selects the entire field and clicks <delete>, it will revert back to the PM value.

162736 Problem: When executing SyntaxFromSQL, datawindow column names are of the format 'c' followed by the column or alias name in the select statement, instead of the format <table>_<column>. In some cases, the 'c' and the table name are missing.
162740 Enhancement for Internet products. Need the ability to save a datawindow or datastore to a PSR in a BLOB variable in script instead of having to write it to disk and read it back off disk to send it to a browser.
162742 Cannot always use arrow keys to move objects selected with lasso in datawindow painter if you lasso across bands and happen to let the mouse up when it's over the dw painter titlebar. The objects remain selected, and you can move them with the mouse. Problem occurs when lasso selection ceases with mouse pointer over a titlebar, and the mouse pointer is left on the titlebar while arrow keys are pressed. Possible OS behavior, being submitted for development review.
162757 Printing a graph to an HP 6M LaserJet printer causes an exception in PBBGR050.DLL in 5.0 or PBDWE60.DLL in 6.0.
162761 Crash when passing a non instantiated datastore or datawindow to the RichTextEdit function datasource.
162765 Regression : PowerBuilder 6.0 gives an Access Violation when trying to use a 256 color cursor as pointer.
162772 In an MDI application, placing the opening of a response window, then an opening of a sheet in the doubleclicked event of a datawindow control causes strange behavior when the doubleclick occurs on a sheet that is INACTIVE just before doubleclicking. Since the response window is closed (and the control is still in the doubleclicked event), when the next call is executed (the opensheet) still in the doubleclicked event, focus is lost momentarily and it takes a second click to re-activate the new sheet for moving via the titlebar.
162776 Problem: Null Output arguments from an Oracle function are not correctly returned to PowerBuilder. Customer is using PB 6.0 and Oracle 8 interface, but problem also occurs in Oracle 7.3 interface.
162780 Printing a DataWindow with compute fields hidden under the print area causes the computer to hang (CPU usage overhead)

.Category and Database:
Sybase SQL Server 11.0.3

HP-UX 10.20 (PHSS_10053, PHSS_10113, PHSS_10565)

.Sybase Products:
PowerBuilder Enterprise 6.00 for HP-UX

.DB Interface:
OpenClient 11.1.0

.Type of network:
Not Applicable

.Does this problem occur in development or/and at runtime environment ?

.If there is other windows software involved ?

When trying to print a datawindow with a compute field ''hidden'' outside the print area causes CPU usage overhead and nothing is actually printed.
The compute fields mentioned above handle bitmaps, however are others like that on the print area and it doesn't cause any problem at all.

162791 At this point it is unclear if this is a PB issue or a PC DOCS issue. When customer runs a PB executable or the PB development environment concurrently with an application called PC DOCS Open32 3.7 or 3.7.1 they get an illegal page fault in pbdwe60.dll or pbdwe050.dll. Running either application alone does not produce the problem.
162793 6.0.00 Regression. SetLibraryList() works correctly on a regular PB application open event when a "added.PBD" is added in the open event. Later on, when a datawindow object is requested from the "added.pbd", it is found correctly and is assigned to the dataobject attribute of a datastore-datawindow, etc. When using the same construct in a Web.PB application called from a browser (even calling the same function), the function in the Web.PB context does not find the dataobject even though SetLibraryList() returned a 1 while bringing up the Web.PB server application. This can be proven by the fact that the SetTransObject() function fails with a -1 return code.
162794 Date editmask spin control behavior inconsistent. For [date], mm/dd/yyyy and mmm/dd/yyyy if you spin to March and tab off you get different values, and it also varies depending upon the control panel settings for date. Also different if you type 03 or "MAR" in spin control, which may be by design.


Using a spin control editmask on a date column in a datawindow, if you spin to March without entering anything else, you'll get a different value in the date depending upon the control panel setting and upon the editmask. The Control Panel influence makes more sense and is probably by design, but the other doesn't make sense:

Scenario 1:


Editmask -------------spin to March-------> result displayed -----------> date

[date] 03/01/00 March 01, 2000

mm/dd/yyyy 03/16/1998 March 16, 1998

mmm/dd/yyyy /00/0000 NULL

The difference in the first two makes sense since "00" is a valid year, 2000, but 0000 is not. We seem to default to today's date. However, if you spin to March on the mmm/dd/yyyy mask, why doesn't it work the same as spinning to "03" for the month using the mm/dd/yyyy editmask? Why don't we either default to today's date for both, or for neither ?

Scenario 2:


Editmask -------------spin to March-------> result displayed -----------> date

[date] 03/16/1998 March 16, 1998

mm/dd/yyyy 03/16/1998 March 16, 1998

mmm/dd/yyyy /00/0000 NULL

Again, why do we default to today sometimes, but not others ?

Scenario 3:


Editmask -------------TYPE March-------> result displayed -----------> date

[date] 03/01/00 March 01, 2000

mm/dd/yyyy 00/00/0000 NULL

mmm/dd/yyyy /00/0000 NULL

Scenario 4:


Editmask ------------- TYPE March-------> result displayed -----------> date

[date] 00/00/0000 NULL

mm/dd/yyyy 00/00/0000 NULL

mmm/dd/yyyy /00/0000 NULL

Scenarios 3 and 4 are probably by design, and they make more sense because of the system date settings.

162797 PB 5.0.05 and PB 6.0.01. When using the Resize() Powerscript function if you make the control large enough - it disappears from view. It does not gpf but the return value is still returning a 1 for success. The control's x and y coordinates are being multiplied by 2 and it appears as though the control quickly exceeds the possible size for integer coordinates.
162798 Problem: Oracle -Datawindow retrieval with comma decimal separator does not work if DisableBind is not set to 1.
162802 PBVM60 - GPF in \runtime\function\fnstring.c fnLeft() function when saving a user object containing the following user object function. The new user object function compiles without warnings, but GPFs when you try to save the user object.

string dbms = Left(string_arg_passed_to_funct, 3)

return 0

GPF goes away if you do assignment rather than initialization

string dbms

dbms = Left(string_arg_passed_to_funct, 3)

162808 The Band parameter in the rtename.CopyRTF ( { selected {, band } } ) is ignored
162814 The toolbar text doesn't appear in a hebrew application under NT4.
162817 DataWindows with VScroll Bar and Autosize Height checked (set to TRUE) always show vertical scroll bar.
162830 Changing position of dragobject by relative x and y cordinates give incorrect result. When using Move function, also drawobjects are affected.
162831 The Band parameter in the rtename.SelectTextAll ( { band } ) is ignored
162832 ImportFile from dw control on a DataWindow object with Header group(s) doesn't recognize groups correctly - only first header is shown
162835 The returned value of rtename.PageCount() is not calculated as specified in the Help file
162836 PB 6.0 PSR Generated on HP don't display in Window Plugin.

This appears to be the same problem as in issue 496749/bug 49432.

When a datawindow is saved as a PSR on HP and then displayed on a Windows system in the DataWindow Plugin, the plugin will get an out of memory error. This only seems to happen if the Datawindow has a retrieval argument.

162845 In a Datawindow, a column date with an edit mask yyyy doesn't accept year 1900.
162857 The customer is trying to use Faxman.ocx version 2.60 with PowerBuilder 5.x. In the printstart event of the OCX he is getting a GPF in Kernel32.dll at 0137 bff72978. This OCX works fine with Visual Basic 4.x and 5.x
162862 SetFullState does not work properly when the target datawindow has a non matching datawindow object currently assigned.
162876 PB 6.0.00 regression: <mdiclient>.Hide() gives Dr. Watson
162885 Enhancement Request: Computed Column on a DW that has AutoSize checked has the leading spaces stripped off. Add a property/flag that can be set so this does not happen.
162888 Garbage Collection - If you have a user object A, that instantiates another user object B, in its constructor event and you let the original user object go out of scope (i.e. the applicaiton ends and you don't explicitly call destroy), the destructor of user object B will fire, but the destructor of A will not fire.

Also, an Application Error will result:

"The instruction at 0x112066b2 referenced memory at 0x00000054. The memory could not be read"

162889 Oracle using O72, O73, OR8: stored procedure datasource datawindow (using result set): If you set both ASYNC=1 and SQLCache to a positive number, when you retrieve into datawindow, get ORA-01059: parse expected before a bind or execute. Happens with or without retrieval argument. If you set either ASYNC or SQLCache separately, it works fine -- it's just the combination of the two.
162891 Under16-bit PowerBuilder running on 32-bit operating system, registryGet() and RegistrySet() functions return -1 when trying to get or modify string values in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key.

Per document Id 47860 "PowerBuilder 6.5: 16-Bit Applications on 32-bit Platform" (available on the Sybase website) deployment of 16 bit executables on 32 bit platforms is no longer supported. This will not be fixed.

162898 The menu items disappear if you maximize your datawindow painter window before you choose design/convert to syntax.
162900 PB 5.0.03/6.0 Solaris Decimal EditMask behaviour bug

The EditMask for a decimal format "##,###.00" behaviour is inconsistent when tabbing from column to column. The editmask also allows the user to enter non-numeric data (alpha characters).

This problem appear to only effect Unix.

162903 Using Addsoft third party SchedOCX causes an illegal page fault with both PB 5.0 and PB 6.0.
162914 Running a 16 bit and 32 bit PB application under NT 4.0 causes a GPF when clicking between the 16 and 32 bit applications. If the 16 bit app is PB 4.x the GPF is in pbrtf040.dll. In 5.0.03/04 GPF occurred in PBRTF050.dll @ 0021:1296.

Does not happen in 6.0

162920 Assigning small datavalues (eg. E-6 range) from the dw buffer into an graph OCX to display using UDT does not display any datapoints. However using integer values the display is ok.
162921 Retrieving > 32k rows in a main part of a nested report causes a GPF when there is a nested report in the footer band - this nested report only contains text in the header and returns no rows.
162926 Problem: setfullstate causes gpf when applied in a series of datastores. Could not duplicate in 6.0.01 build 390.
162929 If you have multiple datasources in the .ODBC.ini file, PowerBuilder will only connect to the first one listed.
In this case, you will only be able to connect to the aaaa datasource and not the 5.0 Student Sample datasource.

Per Development:
Not to be fixed.

162933 Problem: Datawindow has a string column with a max length of 32767. PB allows a string of length 32767 to but put into datawindow. If you try to get the string out using GetItemString() or dot notation, you get an error.
162935 Unable to print text using the PrintSend() function to a file when using the Generic Text Printer under Win95.

Text file created only contains a PageBreak Code.

Works Properly under WinNT.


Use a combination of the Print() and PrintText() functions, see online help or page 1092 of the Powerscript Reference vol2 (ver. 6)

162936 DDE SetDataDDE; When the length of a LinkItem name is 64 characters or more, a VisualBasics DDE client gets a timeout on a LinkRequest to a PowerBuilder DDE server application
162938 PB 6.0/5.0 Treeview ItemExpanding and ItemExpanded trigger twice

When expanding a treeview item the ItemExpanding and ItemExpanded events fire twice in the following order: ItemExpanding, ItemExpanded, ItemExpanding, ItemExpanded.

The double triggering typically appears only on the first item but on occation you will notice it on other items. This typically happens when you click once on the icon for item "A" and then doubleclick on item "B" to have it expand.

Tested PB 6.0 GA, and and all show the same behaviour

UPDATE: The problem seems to be that InsertItemLast does not like being passed a treeviewitem variable which was used previously to reference the parent rather than the child item. I would say this is not a bug except that the problem only occurs for the first item. It is easy to workaround: either use two different treeviewitem variables in the code, one for all references to the parent, or "null out" the treeviewitem variable you are using by setting it equal to a treeviewitem variable which has not yet been used before you call InsertItemLast. In either case, you have to declare two treeviewitem variables.

This may be a bug, or it may be that the documentation for InsertItemLast needs to be expanded to include more information about how the treeviewitem argument will be used by the function on input, and exactly what initialization is expected.


// **itempopulate event** //

treeviewitem ltvi

int i

string ls_item, str

this.GetItem(handle, ltvi)

ls_item = ltvi.label

FORr i = 1 to 10

ltvi.label = "Item " + string(i)

ltvi.children = false

ltvi.pictureindex = 2

ltvi.selectedpictureindex = 2

tv_1.InsertItemLast(handle, ltvi)



// *itempopulate event* * * use another treeviewitem for the populate code **//

treeviewitem ltvi, ltvi_child

int i

string ls_item, str

this.GetItem(handle, ltvi)

ls_item = ltvi.label

for i = 1 to 10

ltvi_child.label = "Item " + string(i)

ltvi_child.children = false

ltvi_child.pictureindex = 2

ltvi_child.selectedpictureindex = 2

tv_1.InsertItemLast(handle, ltvi_child)



// **itempopulate event** //

treeviewitem ltvi, ltvi2

int i

string ls_item, str

this.GetItem(handle, ltvi)

ls_item = ltvi.label

//before the FOR loop, "reset" the treeviewitem variable to "null" by

// using the second treeviewitem variable, which is never otherwise used.

ltvi = ltvi2

FORr i = 1 to 10

ltvi.label = "Item " + string(i)

ltvi.children = false

ltvi.pictureindex = 2

ltvi.selectedpictureindex = 2

tv_1.InsertItemLast(handle, ltvi)


162948 incorrect calculation of the position of a column with slideleft option active when the column to the left has particular display formats. The format is ignored during the calculation
162953 Short Description: ClaSS No. 20088113-21. European date format problem. If you have an editmask in a datawindow column of dd/mm/yyyy and the value for that field is set to 28/02/98. If you try and change this field to 30/03/98, the value will default to 00/03/98. This issue is very closely related to ptrack issue 479219, bug number 48937.
162995 SaveAsAscii returns a -1 when there is a group defined for the datawindow in datawindow painter using Rows/Create group.... Other style DataWindows exibit different behaviour.
162998 When a datawindow is saved as a WMF file, text objects or computed fields with long text are cut-off ; both SavedAs in run-time as in preview
163003 Setting the datawindow .Print.Paper.source property other than the default causes the number of pages printed times two. This works fine in version 5.0.04
163009 6.0.01 Beta. Regression from 5.0.04 and 6.0.00. Numeric editmask in datawindow using German or French settings and [currency(7)] editmask, [General] format chops off the decimal part of the editmask if the datawindow column datatype is "number". Works OK if it's decimal(2). This works fine in 5.0.04 and 6.0.00.
163010 Problem: If you enter 29-feb-1996 into an edit mask or a editmask dw column, you cannot type a valid leap year over the 1996, unless you delete 1996, or type the first three digits of the year, then press delete to delete the 6, then type the fourth digit of the year.
163012 Problem: Performing a DWModify on an empty datawindow causes the RowFocusChanged event to fire. Current row in PB 5 is 1. Current row in PB 6 is 0.
163025 Edit mask of dd\mmm\yy for a date column in a datawindow does not allow user to enter vaild dates of 31\JUL\XX or 31\AUG\XX. Editmask control has same problem.
163026 Column data in a shared datawindow is dropped when you insert a new row (in primary or secondary datawindow). this problem occurs only if you fill your information in the secondary dw.
163038 Only happens in 5.0.0x.
Using OpenSheet() with WindowState=Maximized! in Activate event. When sheet opens, 2 icons and 2 control menus appear on the sheet. If WindowState=Maximized! is not used this does not happen.

This works fine in PowerBuilder 6.0 and an easy workaround is available. This will not be fixed in Powerbuilder version 5.0.

163043 Application had a critical memory leak in PB5 - converted to PB 6 to fix and getting memory leak again in a different place. mdi app 20-40 sheets every subsequent sheet with its own menu & toolbar adds to the leak. Sheets that contribute to the leak are those with their own menus and toolbars..

The example shows a resource drain due to a tight loop the user is running for stress testing..

163045 PB 6.0.01 Regression from PB 5.0 - NT 4.0 ONLY. PB generates a Dr Watson Exception Access Violation in pb60.exe when you paste into an RTE control from the clipboard. WIN 95 works fine and PB 5.0.04 works fine on all platforms.
163048 6.0.00 Regression. Memory leak when using the PFC tabpages (u_tabpg, u_tab)
163052 The customer is trying to use the following PowerScript to get the day name of a leap year st_1.text=string(1998-02-29, "dddd").

A correct day name will be displayed even if the year is NOT a leap year.

163053 A) Text objects that contain a tab character( ~t) cause an application error when displayed.

Application Error:

"The instruction at 0x77e72f61 referenced memory at 0x00000000 the memory could not be read"

B) Computed fields that contain a tab character (~t) display only a white square box - not a tab

C) Computed fields that contain a tab character ( char(9) ) display only a white square box - not a tab

163057 Problem with WebPB Wizard. If you create an HTML page for a function that expects a readonly or by reference string argument, then the Input Name is created incorrectly (it's "string as_string" when it should be only "as_string").

Workaround: Any user object function taking readonly or reference arguments will be created incorrectly in the html output. As you select the function in the wizard, if it's readonly or by reference, make sure you edit the output.htm before you use it.

163060 When a client creates two PB component instances on the same Jaguar connection the Jaguar server crashes when destroying the second component instance.
163066 6.0 build 390 regression: set changes not updating the database all return codes indicate sucess but the database does not get updated. The sqlpreview of the datastore uo does not get fired on the update.
163067 the 'use format' option for an editmask column in a datawindow doesn't work when you use the downarrow key to change the column focus.
163077 When generating HTML syntax using GenerateHTMLForm() from a datawindow with long character columns with a specification of 518 characters or greater (string (518), etc), WITH DATA POPULATED IN THE COLUMN, you will get a GPF in NT with one of the following:

The instruction at "0x11313858" referenced memory at "0x00000002". The memory could not be "read" error.
The instruction at "0x11313829" referenced memory at "0x025110be". The memory could not be "read" error.

This often is found with databases containing large text columns like SYB MS SQL Server 4.x, Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, Oracle, etc but this can be recreated simply even with an external datawindow with a char(518) column populated with data and having a script call "GenerateHTMLForm()".

163079 Regression issue: Setting Create on demand for tabcontrols causes the destructor events of the tabpages and controls on the tabpages to be ignored. When uo tabpages are inserted as uo's in the window painter.
163081 Problem: Datawindow painter inserts single quotes in where clause under certain combinations of AND' OR's and NULL comparisons.
163082 6.0.00 Regression. Huge memory leak/usage and high virtual memory usage during open of 10 not that complicated sheets on an MDI application containing tab controls and a few datawindow controls.

There seems to be a 5:1 ratio of virtual memory usage

10 sheets opened in an example:
5.0.04 - (3 MB)
6.0.01 - (15 MB!!!!!!)

5.0.04 used much less memory.

Development: This leak was associated with large heap usage with the datawindow and is fixed in the first EBF to 6.5.00 in build 454.

163083 PB 6.0 Web.PB - the PBISA60.DLL IS-API interface has a memory leak. I've tested the pbcgi60.exe and the pbisa60.dll and the memory leak only happens with the ISAPI interface. Each called to Web.PB looses 16KB or more.
163084 6.0.01 prerelease regression (build 390). Changing the background.color of a column in a datawindow causes the contents to be hidden. Customer is using changing the color of a column using the ItemFocusChanged event but you can get this behavior using script under a command button using dot notation or Modify().
163086 Pipeline painter limit of 678 columns should be expanded to be the same as the datawindow painter (999 or higher).
163102 Clicking in the window area of an app that has two DDLB's on a Main Window causes PowerBuilder to hang.
163105 16bit applications leave Powerbuilder DLLs in memory when applications are terminated

The following DLLs are left resident in memory:

Simple workaround to unload the dll's left in memory:

Declare as Global External Functions:

SUBROUTINE FreeLibrary(uint libhandle) LIBRARY "Krnl386.exe"
Function int GetModuleHandle(string modname) Library "Krnl386.exe"

Script for application close event:

uint l_handle
l_handle = GetModuleHandle("pbdwe60w.dll") // This can be any dll or library that is loaded into memory. Do not need qualified path if on DOS path

163107 GenerateCSS doesn't produce complete HTML syntax. It should generate the ending tags </TR>, </TH> and </TD>. For some reason the function doesn't provide the complete HTML table (</TR>, </TH> and </TD>) syntax.
163112 On a time editmask (datawindow or window control that has a format of 00:00:00 AM/PM, you can change PM to P0 when user presses Delete key or overtypes the "M" with a number.. When a user presses the Delete key while the cursor is between the A and M in AM in a time editmask field, the M changes to a zero.
163116 Erradic behavior of user object painter painting custom VISUAL user objects. If you change the border of the user object to "3D raised" it saves the setting fine. If you then go back into the object and change script somewhere and save, it always changes the border back to "None" (seen in source as well)
163120 If you rename a Window's User Event after the descendent has script in the event this name change is not reflected in the descendent window This happens in both Pb 6.0.01 and 5.0.04. What you end up with in the descendent is both the originally named user event with the script and an empty newly named user event. The ancestor has the script in the correctly named user event. Full Rebuild, regenerating or resaving the objects does not correct the problem.
163146 Strange transparency effect in PFC application enables the user to click inside of the MDI client area and select (and start) underlying applications

Workaround/Resolution: Do not use SetRedraw(false) in the openevent of the frame.

163147 Problem: Opening window in Window painter causes error: "PB60 caused an invalid page fault in module PBVM60.DLL at 0157:111cd92c."
163148 Comparing to PB 5.0 the execution time is significantly increased when using InsertRow() and a dot notation. Problem occurs on Win 95 and NT4.0 platforms.
163160 5.0.04/6.0 regression: If you click in a computed field on a GRID dw control, type some characters and the take the focus by tabbing or clicking, the characters are put in either the previous or the next editable filed.

Per Development:
This is not a bug, but expected behavior.

163165 Application GPFs on exit after setting toolbaritems visible or invisible.
163173 6.0.01 Beta Regression : Using International Setting German(Standard); When modifying margins in the datawindow print specifications, the fractional part gets lost.
163174 GPF when text computed field is added to a dw and it has a ~t followed by more text.....
163175 The Win95 "context menu key" (the funny looking one on the right side of the keyboard beside the right-hand Alt key -- it was put there for people that don't like to use their mouse but still want to access the "right mouse" menu) fires the pbm_dwnkey event, but the key argument is empty.
163176 When you change the text in a static text field in the Datawindow Painter, the resulting width of the control is greater than it needs to be. The amount of excess width is based on the amount of text and the font. This works OK with static text controls in the Window Painter.
163183 PB 6.0/6.0.01 Regression. Report Style Listview is not repainting properly when clicked. Highlighting of clicked row is split if column is set as Center! or Right! alignment. Left! alignment has slight redrawing problem also.
163189 PB 6.0 ( Database Transaction Pooling does not reuse connections from the pool.

The Transaction Pooling functionality should reuse connections in the pool that matches previously released connections with the same transaction properties (i.e. DMBS, Database, etc.). The fact is that the transaction manager will use all connections up to the maximum and then close any pooled connection before re-establishing the identical connection.

During the testing I also noticed that occasionally connections would be loss. The connection would remain at the database even after PB was closed. I have been unable to consistently reproduce this problem.

163198 6.0.00 Regression. Dot notation copying very slow when target has computed fields.
"<target dw> = <source dw>" is very slow when target dw contains computed field in summary band. Copying approx 3000 rows in PB 5 took less than half a second. In PB 6.0 this takes more than 3 minutes.
163199 Passing <dw control>.object.<dt col>[row] to a function accepting a datetime value and converting this to a string. P-code works fine but when running machine code it fails. This happens when the field is empty, whether or not 'Empty string is NULL'.
163208 Using a Norwegian keyboard with NumLock on: you can not type decimalseparator ',' on the numeric keypad when in Script Painter. '0', '/', '*' and '-' can not be used in dialogue boxes like 'File Open', 'Select Window' ... Not reproducible with US keyboard/configuration.
163237 Comparing to PB 5.0 the execution time is significantly increased when using InsertRow() and a dot notation. Problem occurs on Win 95 and NT4.0 platforms.
163292 PB 6.0.01 Web.PB POST argument size limit of 2K
163403 RichText Edit presentation style Datawindow. Positioning of text ( Left , Right, Center, justify) not being handled correctly.
163405 Oracle 7.x, computed columns based on a numeric db column lose their decimal precision (defaults to decimal(0)) if the computed column is given an alias. If you create the computed column without an alias, it retains the same decimal precision as the database column.
163406 Pipeline START function returns a -17 in runtime (Watcom to Oracle or Oracle to Oracle). Works OK in development.
163409 One cannot set the dbparm of appname for the MDI Gateway using the native driver.
163421 ExternalException script for an ole based NVO when an oleObject is assigned to it.

1. create an NVO from an oleobject

2. add externalexception script to it

3. assign an oleobject returned from a method call to it

4. the scripts, udo functions, instance variables, etc are no longer addressable.

163422 3D radio buttons on a datawindow show silver boxes when the background color of the datawindow is anything but silver (with radio button column background transparent) or when the datawindow background is any color and the dw column with the radio button is anything BUT transparent or silver.
163424 Problem with libraryimport of a datawindow and placing it on a composite report at runtime (in the exe). The report doesn't show although it does during development. It appears a bug was fixed in 4.0 to force a re-cache of the PBL after the new datawindow(s) are added but this didn't make it into 5.0 runtime.

Cannot reproduce 6.0 build 213,

163430 Project Painter, exename control. Every keystroke in this control invokes a process (presumably looking for source mgmt dll).
163437 Getting a page fault in ole32.dll dragging an OLE control onto a custom OLE control.
163438 Listviews. When you select mutiple items in a listview, you lose those selections when you RMB while the mouse pointer is on one of the selected items. The items should still be selected.
163440 CR/LF's embedded in a text column with Informix interface produce error 201 on Update(). Interface should be able to update columns containing non printable characters.
163445 Treeview control. When you select, say a third item of a treeview control, you see the 3rd item expanded but the first item in the treeview highlighted and gets selected. This causes the selectionchanged event to fire twice.
163450 PB 5.0 - Customer is trying to import a standard user object of type datawindow in the Library painter, but receives compiler errors for SQLDBCODE, SQLERRTEXT, and ROW. These are all valid arguments and should import successfully.
163451 User Object controls of type DataWindow placed on a Window all "on top" of each other, can't get the UO on the "bottom" to get focus properly.
163454 Can only obtain the date portion of an OLE Microsoft Exchange property when the property is of type "Variant(date/time)" Mapping PB 'any' or date datatype returns only date portion. Mapping time, datetime, or string give runtime errors: 'Cannot convert date in Any variable to <datatype> at line xxx
163458 Oracle: String output parameters not being returned from stored procedure, 5.0 only.
163459 Informix INTEGER column fetch into a LONG Powerscript variable causes GPF in PBSHR050.dll @ 0009:093d.
163461 Tab controls on multiple response windows with PowerTips work incorrectly on Win 3.1 only. When mouse is moved over tab control on first response window, works correctly, but when mouse is moved over tab control on second response window opened from first response window, the second response window goes to the back, but remains the active window. Without PowerTips, work properly.
163469 A page fault occurs when attempting to compile the following script:

string ls_args[], ls_types[], ls_temp[]


string ls_args[], ls_types[], ls_temp

ls_temp = ls_temp + ls_args[] + " (" + ls_types[] + ") "om

163473 When placing a tabfolder userobject which has a datawindow control on it on a window and you want to save it the PC either hangs or crashes. This only happens when you are varying the userobject's position slightly. This is happening On Win 95(PB 32-bit): The PC hangs (no reaction) On Win3.1(PB 16-bit): PB050 caused a gpf in PBCTL050.DLL at address 0001:01c8. Win95 5.0.01: page fault in msvcrt40.dll at 0137:1021eca5
163478 Cannot correctly define a decimal column for an MS-SQL Server 6.0 table from the table painter.

In the table painter, when connected to a MS-SQL Server, the definition of a decimal column allows the user to specify how many decimal places this column will support. If you actually try to specify a non-zero value for this field (like 2 decimals places for a dollar amount) you will receive the error "the maximum scale for decimal columns is 0".

This error appears to be specific to MS-SQL Server 6.0 and to the Table Painter as Sybase System 10 handles this correctly - as does MS-SQL Server 6.0 when executing the same DDL from the DBA Notepad. Also, existing tables show up with non-zero decimal places in the table painter.

163479 Having problem using on-line help. Customer is visualy impaired and needs to use the High Contrast Black in win 95 but then on-line Help text is not visible (gets black on black). Similar problems with MicroHelp.
163480 Global Temporary tables not seen in the 'select tables' dialog connected to SQL Anywhere 5.0. Worked in Watcom 4.0.

Workaround: Write out the query first in the Datawindow painter syntax mode, and then converts to graphics, the table representations will appear.

The fix for PBODB050.ini file in the SQL Anywhere section - Add:


163481 In the group box if you make it a 3d lowered and 3D raised and try to change the background color, the background color of the groubox text does not change. It only works for the box and box border. Different problems using 16 and 32 bit PB. Using 32 bit PB, the problem only occurs if you set the box to 3d Raised. Using 16 bit PB, it occurs with both 3D Raised and 3D Lowered. In Powerbuilder 4.0 the background color of the groupbox text was correctly set to the chosed color.
163482 PBSYB050 does not process PRINT stmt from sp_dropkey stored procedure.

If you do not have permission to make certain changes to a table, PB should tell you this. In 4.0 it did. But in 5.0, if just ignores the command and gives no message.


Basic change of behavior was introduced in PBSYB050 to help with ptrack #282918. Development management wants us to go back to our historic PBSYB behavior.

In releases 1 thru 4, Print statements from stored procedures were treated as fatal errors. Only exception was an explicit list of success messages from sybase system procs.

Customers often want to use PRINT statements for debugging stored procedures, so in PBSYB050 and PBSYC050, my intent was to ignore PRINT statements except an explicit list of fatal errors returned by sybase system stored procedures like sp_rename, sp_dropkey, etc. These errors from sp_dropkey were missing from the new list.

Development management believe that to solve this problem, we should revert back to the historic behavior of PBSYB rather than add these messages to the "fatal error" list. Thus, when this change is applied to PBSYB050 maintenance, our behavior wil be the same as in release 1 thru 4 described above.

PBSYC050, on the other hand, has a much shorter history. So it is more acceptable to innovate in PBSYC. PBSYC050 will continue to ignore PRINT statements from user-defined stored procedures and ignore success messages from sybase system procedures. Failure messages from sybase system stored procs are treated as fatal errors. No changes are needed to PBSYC050 for this ptrack issue. The bug was strictly in PBSYB.

163485 When the UpdateEnd event is fired, the three arguments passed to that event (rowsinserted, rowsupdated, rowsdeleted) are always zero. Only in 16 bit.
163486 The rich text control now properly supports multilingual fonts and keyboard layout changes.
163487 When a window containing an rte loses focus, it cannot give focus back to the rte. For example, if a window with a rte control (tab order 10) and an sle (tab order 20) loses focus, and then regains it. The window cannot give focus back to the rte, focus goes to the control after the rte in the tab order. You can use the rbuttondown event of the window to test for the control that has focus. If you put the name of the control that has focus into a sle there is not problem but if you use a messagebox to display the information the window will lose focus and you will see the problem.
163488 Changing invisible radio button control selection in groupbox makes it visible. The radio buttons are inside a groupbox on a window and all are invisible. Setredraw() on the window keeps them invisible when changing them but also doesn't redraw the window for other things you change.
163491 Connecting to Oracle 7.2.

In DB painter, he can see all his tables and views, but when he double-clicks on the view (looks at the extended definition),

In 4.0.0x he gets message box with a stopsign, but he can't see any text inside.

In 5.0 he gets Dr Watson error and gets booted out of PB. page fault in pbo72050.dll. Also happens with o71 interface..

This happens when you are not logged in as the creator of the view.

163492 Setting the action argument of the ExternalException event to ExceptionSubstituteReturnValue! causes an infinite loop, as though it were setting it to ExceptionRetry!

Developer: The example coded causes the infinite loop hence the ''infinite looping'' is expected behavior.
Should use ''ExceptionIgnore!'' instead

163493 Microsoft SQL Server 6.5. Getting the "attempt to bind to a non-existent column" error when using the menu option Design/Table Security in the DB Admin Painter.

not bringing up login dialog. 'Database Error: Database connect failed, Application cannot be run'.

SQLCODE=-1, SQLERRTEXT="SQLSTATE = IM008 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Dialog Failed

163495 If you declare a global unbounded array of string, and then reference that global array by as follows:

string ls_mystring = global_array[1]

in the open event of the application, Powerbuilder fails in PBRTE050.DLL and changes to the script are lost.If you declare a global unbounded array of string, and then reference that global array by as follows:

string ls_mystring = global_array[1]

in the open event of the application, Powerbuilder fails in PBRTE050.DLL and changes to the script are lost.

WORKAROUND:Changing the reference to:

string ls_mystring

ls_mystring = global_array[1]

worked just fine.

163496 Trying to connect to distributed application with a web browser. If the database connection fails, the code:

return noconnectprivilege!

but if this happens, you cannot save any user objects when you're returned into powerbuilder. You have to exit Powerbuilder and re-run.

Error message: request failed possible causes:

1. library with complete path\pbl not found or

2. library can be used in read mode only

163499 Win95. SELECTBLOB of an Oracle LONG (text) column into a BLOB variable, you get an "Out of Memory" error message. Occasionally it will GPF in PBO72050.DLL..Running 32 bit PB and Win95 Oracle Client side software SQLNET 2.2x.
163500 Oracle: declaring stored procedure in script executes the stored procedure. Workaround is to use RPC.
163502 5.0.01: Error 50: Object Interface Mismatch calling remote DPB function passing an array of structures (22 fields) by reference. Running from the development environment also causes PB to crash silently. Crash/Error occurs on the Return from the remote function. In Windows for Workgroups, get PB050 caused a gpf in Module PBDSE050.dll at 0004:336E.
163505 Rich Text Edit control not picking up printer changes. Example: Changing Printer1 to Printer2 through PrintSetup(). Rte_1.print(1,"",TRUE,TRUE) still uses Printer1. This problem is limited to printing the RTE CONTROL. The Rich Text datawindow presentation style works correctly and prints to the correct printer.
163507 Using the PasteRTF function with a DataStore always returns -1. The DataObject assigned to the DataStore has a RichText presentation style, as required.
163508 If a table has a Primary Key and a Unique Index, and the names of the key and index are not completely unique, when you go into the dw painter and Select Rows\Upadate..., it indicates the Unique Index as the Primary Key.
163511 GPF with machine code executable and you pass a null to the GetItemDecimal function and assign it to either a LONG or DECIMAL variable. Same problem using dot notation such as dw_1.Object.Data[1,3] or dw_1.Object.columnname[1].

Workaround: Use Getitemnumber() first and check if isnull(). If true you're done. If it is

not null, do a getitemdecimal().

163524 PB 5.0, Rich Text dw, preview, hightlight db column, RightMouseButton, Insert File..., Browse and select a .txt file, causes PB to crash.
163528 OpenSheet/OpenSheetwithParm return value incorrect when opening a second instance of a sheet using a local window reference variable. Returns 1 on the second OpenSheet() when it should return a 0 (since it can't open the second sheet)


Like Open, if you call OpenSheetWithParm using a variable that points to a valid window instance, the window is activated instead of opening a new window. Use another variable or use SetNull on the variable between calls.

163529 Inserting a tab control on, for instance, a second tabpage causes problems inserting other controls (command buttons, etc) on the embedded tab control. The other controls end up being placed on the first tab page. Doesn't happen in NT. Win95 only. Workaround: Make sure you place the other window controls in an area not occupied by the embedded tab control.

Cannot reproduce - 5.0.04, 6.0

163531 If you use the AddLargePicture and DeleteLargePicture command the window does not refresh itself. The only way it will refresh itself is if you go between having no large or small pictures and having some number of them.
163533 If Listview's redraw is set to false it still is redrawing.
163535 Oracle 7.1 native. SyntaxFromSQL() on JOIN puts "c" instead of tablename in 'name=' section of datawindow (what you see as the column name in design mode). Ex: Join on employee/department would show 'cemp_id' instead of 'employee_emp_id" for "name".

However, the same 'c' prefix problem happens with NORMAL joins using synonyms - this bug should be addressed. Also, and more importantly, the syntax generated doesn't have table qualifiers.

NOTE: For using SyntaxfromSQL() in runtime - Not a bug. Must set USERID to the OWNER of the table (not necessarily the same as LOGID in most cases).

This is a nuisance since you must edit all the datawindow column names but there is a workaround.

163536 Exiting out of the application. GPFs in PBSHR050.DLL at 0137:1111157e. opensheetwithparm is used which passes a structure instance which itself contains a bounded array of another structure type.. The larger this 'nested' bounded array gets, the more likely it is to GPF on close of the application.
163538 Memory leak repeatedly calling LibraryExport and using returned string for dw.create function.
163539 Pb hangs when saving an application object with a long pbl name. Machine will freeze, and you have to CTL-ALT-DLT to end task.

Cannot reproduce 5.0.03, 6.0 beta.

163541 When using a datetime Edit Mask in a DataWindow, and the column value is selected and deleted (NULL datetime), the datetime doesn't always stay NULL, but is given month 1, day 1, and hour 12 (depending on the mask being used).
163543 Migration to Powerbuilder 5.0 using 16 bit development. GPF - PBRTE050.dll 006B:0058 when in 'inspecting application dependencies' phase.

WORKAROUND: Use 32 bit Powerbuilder for the migration. Customer has an EXTREMELY large number of objects and has probably hit an internal limit in the 16 bit world. This application will also have trouble compiling into an executable (machine or pcode) - aborting in the same 'inspection' phase using the 16 bit development environment. Should use 32 bit throughout on applications this large.

For those that need 16 bit PBDs (99%) rather than machine code, there is a way do create a 16 bit exe stub using the 16 bit development environment. PBDs are transparent and can run on 16 or 32 bit platforms so the process to build a 16 bit PBD executable with large applications that won't compile is:

1. Build the pbds using 32 bit PB pcode.

2. Create a seperate directory for 16 bit since you'll need to modify some of the pbls,etc

3. Make sure your library list is correct but delete all objects not referenced in the application object. The application object might have global variables, global functions, the MDI frame, etc. This process will get your referenced object count down.

4. Build the 16 bit PBD exe. This should take seconds since you might only have 20-50 objects referenced in the application object. This stub can be used over and over unless you add or delete pbls from your library list.

You can then use the 16 bit stub PBD exe with the PBDs you built in 32 bit. At runtime, all the other references should be resolved fine.

NOTE: Not all objects in all pbls are counted during the inspection phase. Objects referenced in strings and any objects they might call aren't included during the inspection phase so the 'size' of an application isn't the true indicator but the number of 'referenced' objects - objects 'seen' by the compiler is.

/* w_frame will be counted below */


/* w_frame, its instance variables, calls to other objects, etc will not be counted and this could make a significant difference. Other references using open...() syntax 2 also aren't counted */

window wi_frame

open(wi_frame, "w_frame")

Applications this size won't be a problem in Powerbuilder 6.0 since only a 32 bit development environment will be offered with the functionality of both 32 and 16 bit environments including 16 bit pcode generation.

NOTE: This limitation will not be fixed in 5.0 16 bit.

For 5.0.04 32 bit development, 6.0 functionality exists to now build a 16 bit pcode executable using the 32 bit environment.

163544 Has a problem with a DataWindow that is a nested report trying to print it- pbdwe050.dll error 007:5656- running in development. two dw's controls that are nested share with two other datawindows that are nested in a report and trying to print dw's that are nested in the report.
163546 GPF PBDWE050.DLL in PB 5.0.02 (works in PB 4.0x) for computed columns using the String() with a format. For Example: string(fname, "@@@@@@@@@@") or string(fname, "[General]") either previewing or scrolling.
163551 Wrong tool bar tips are displayed when we disable/enable toolbaritems.
163554 SQL Server 6.5. 'Data conversion resulted in overflow' setting permissions in the DB Admin painter after hitting the DONE command button.
163555 Oracle 7.2 datawindow with stored procedure datasource. If the stored procedure has a retrieval argument, second and subesequent retrieves do not bring back rows. First retrieve works correctly. If there is no retrieval argument, second and subsequent retrieves are OK.
163556 Response window title bars have a sunken appearance, a 3D effect. .
163557 When you place a Visual Components Formula One Workbook on a Window, coding the TopLeftChanged Event, saving the window, then reopening the Window causes Powerbuilder to GPF in PBRTE050.DLL in PBRTE050.DLL at 0137 10B17077.
163558 MAC Issue. Return 1 in key event of rte control has no effect
163560 Modifying the x property (position) of a column in a datawindow sometimes causes the data in the column to not be painted in the datawindow display. The data will show in the row that has focus, but other rows will appear to be blank until you click on them.

WORKAROUND: There are a few ways to work around this. One would be to create two datawindow objects with identical result sets and modify the display of one to show the columns in the new position. Then use both dataobjects on the window, do a sharedata to share the result set, and set the visible properties so that the desired display is the one shown. Another possiblity is to show the columns in the datawindow more than once in different positions, and conditionally set the visible property on the column. The best workaround depends upon the requirements of the particular application.


Solution:User error: a number of things jump out with this ptrack: the fields not showing are because the last field that's been moved to the first position is a wide field and, since it's painted last, paints over those 3 fields (i.e., the logic in the f_move_columns function is adding the wrong amount to the new x position). Also, there's a computed field that has the same name as a column (this is certainly not possible to do these days through the painter - maybe it was back then -or- maybe they did something funky through syntax), this could account for the occasional gpfs.

163561 System 11 using PBSYC050.DLL and machine code executable. Running an executable... When calling sqlca.my_sp it returns the following error: The stored procedure 'my_sp' not found. Specify owner.object name or use sp_help to determine if the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output).

This only occurs in the executable. Everything works fine in development.

The same code works using Powersoft Demo DB V5 with ODBC driver for both machine code and p-code exe's.

163563 Creates an external UO but can't seem to attach any objects to it. The UO is the Calender. Place this UO onto the window and when he moves the UO the background moves with it. This didn't happen under 4.0 but does happen under 5.0 on both Win 3.1 and Win 95.
163565 Typing CASE as the first word in a script causes a gpf running PB 16 bit on Win 3.11 platform or PB 32 bit on NT platform. GPF occurs in pbwei050.dll. Customer should be typing "Choose Case" but we should not GPF in any case. Problem not reproduced on WIN95. The problem also occurs using "else" with no preceding "if" statement.
163567 Cannot use an unbounded array to initialize other arrays in PB 5.0 as in

PB 4.0.

163568 ODBC: When multiple rows are returned (SQLExtendedFetch is on) and multiple errors could be encountered, PB can only return one error message and it may not be the right one. To determine the 'real' error, users need to turn off extended fetching (block = 1) and run the query again. Per the developer, this is because internally PB uses the function ODBC_Processerror which only calls SQLError once.
163569 PB painters showing all system procedures to non-dba users even when "System Procedures" is unchecked. (as a comparison, this works correctly in Sybase System 10 CTLIB). Sybase SQL Central seems to filter out system procedures correctly.. Could be that Powerbuilder doesn't recognize it needs to filter dbo.<sp_name> and other system procedures as well. You can see this best using the datawindow painter.


There is currently no way to determine if a stored procedure is a system procedure or a normal procedure via ODBC. ODBC provides functions to identity table types but not stored procedure types.

163571 5.0. Script painter GPFs in 16 bit using Find and "regular expression". When you click on "Find Next" you'll get a gpf in PBWED050.DLL 0002:BD55
163575 Customer is getting a GPF in WIN87EM.DLL using 16 bit PB 5.0.01 (32 bit PB is okay). He gets this GPF when using dot notation and accesses a null numeric field. NOTE: Not all GPFs in WIN87EM.DLL are the same.
163576 Win95 32bit PowerBuilder 5.0.01

After a combination of mouse clicks buttons become disabled in PowerBuilder. They are unusable until you restart PowerBuilder. I have duplicated this with 100% accuracy on my computer, another PC in the lab this will only occur 50% of the time. This has been an ongoing problem with no way to duplicate it until now, so I am submitting this PTRack even with the 50% result on the other machine.

To Duplicate:

1)In PowerBuilder switch to the demo .pbl that comes with PowerBuilder. Example50 is the name of the application. If this .pbl is not available another large .pbl works, the larger .pbl produce more consistent results.

2)Quit PowerBuilder. And ShutDown and Restart windows95.

3)When you get back in Windows 95 go into PowerBuilder.

4)Click on the Application painter.

5)Click on the Window painter and open any of the windows.

6)Click on the Menu painter and open any of the menus.

7)Then click on the DataWindow painter and open any of the DataWindows.

8)Click the preview mode and then exit out of the preview mode.

If by this point you have not seen some of the button along the top of the screen turn grey and become disabled repeat steps 7 and 8 again.

163579 RegistryGet() under Win3.1 doesn't work. Always returns -1.
163581 The UI for the Project painter correctly displays the exe format when Machine Code is unchecked. In the Library painter, Build Runtime, the exe format displays correctly when Machine Code is unchecked.
163583 At runtime, COPYRTF() and then PASTERTF(). The emp_lname column changes from Right justified to Left justified. RightMouseButton on the column and select Properties, you will see that the Alignment has been changed from Right (which is what it was set to in the dw painter) to Left after the PasteRTF().
163584 Resize code for frame. Clicking on an area between toolbar Icons causes the toolbar to disappear. Workaround: If you place a Yield() in the resize event of the frame or toolbarmoved event, it works fine.

Same as bug 30460

163585 Using RPCFUNC to return array from PL/SQL table is giving page fault in pbshr050.dll at 0137:111115ee. This works from 16-bit PB 4.0.05: returns both strings and numbers OK. In 32-bit PB 4.0.05, get back all 0's from numbers, but strings work OK.
163590 Dynamically calling a function within a non visual userobject with an array of structures as its parameter causes PowerBuilder Application Execution Error (R0051). The error message states "Application Terminated. Error: Bad argument list for function/event..."

FROM DEVELOPMENT: there were two problems demonstrated in the sample PBL.

The first bug demonstrated is not a bug. The customer has a function on a user object that takes an unbounded array by reference. In script, the customer is passing in a bounded array. This is just not allowed. It doesn't work ever. The types must match exactly when passed by reference. They include a "comparable" example with arrays of strings, but in that case they pass in an unbounded rather than a static array--which is demonstrably not the same thing.

The second bug they demonstrated, dynamic call of an event with structures passed by reference works correctly as of the latest build (5.03.26, fixed in pbrte050.dll).

Calling the same function statically does not cause an error.

Same thing with user defined events called dynamically get error PowerBuilder Application Execution Error (R0003). The error message states "Application Terminated. Error: Array boundary exceeded..." Calling the same function statically does not cause an error.


Having an array of strings with the event/function either being called dynamic or statically does not cause gpf.


The customer has sent a sample app. that reproduces this issue. I have tried to put a boundary on the array but still got the same error.

163591 5.0.03 of Sql Anywhere with PB 5.0.01, reproduced with PB 5.0.02

Table with key that is a double and is used as an autoincrement. Created a datawindow and when a new row is inserted, the autoincrement value does not show unless a re-retrieve is done.

He exported the syntax from the datawindow and compared it to one that the key was an integer autoincrement and found that the syntax was different; no identity=yes for double autoincrement.

Customer added identity=yes to the export and reimported the datawindow or change the datatype to integer which will limit the number of records that the table can hold.

Development: Added support for doubles as autoincrement defaults. Fixed in pbodb60.dll and pbodb050.dll. Note: To test, you must create a new datawindow instead of using the existing datawindow. This is because the identity attribute is set as the dw is built.

163594 Customer wants to override the system function Retrieve. Creates a dw user object with a Retrieve function that has public access, returns a long, and the arguments have 'any' data type passed by value (same error happens if you use reference or readonly). When customer attempts to save the user object they get the following error message:

Library: c:\path\retrieve.pbl

Object: uo_retrieve

Forward Prototype Declarations

(0002): Error C0122: Function argument differs from ancestor only by pass by reference or value for function retrieve

163596 VBX (Chartnote.VBX from Data Medic Clinical Systems) works fine with PB 4.0.03. In PB 5.0 there seems to be a messaging problem between the PB app and the VBX.
163602 Running a RTE DW for the second time causes gpf in PBRTE050.DLL at 0007 3C35. Also fails using Windows NT and Windows 95 upon exiting the application and re-selecting text.
163607 Identity column in datawindow using Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 is setting the wrong value in the buffer if the key is higher than 16777214. It rolls over to 0,1,2.
163609 Nested reports in group trailer only show data for the 1st group (ex Dept 100). They have sized the band large enough to accept the few rows of data (since there's no autosize in the group trailer) so the data should show up.
163610 Machine code - calling dynamic events causes R0024 error : "Function call does not match its definition"
163611 Retrieval errors from DDDWs or nested datawindows were not triggering the DBerror event on the master DW control.
163612 New Bug Definition: (11/13/97) Net Gateway; If staticbind =1 when running external datawindow sourced by a RPC, the describe of the column returns char. Describe should return the user defined datatype of date. Bug discovered after user implemented code changes recommended to return date from COBOL RPC accessing IMS.

Original Bug Definition: User does not receive valid values for dates when using rpc's and the net gateway. Using date format other than ISO.

revised by lindak 11/14/97

163613 Closing a pcode exe crashes with invalid page fault in PBRTE050.DLL at 014f:10b56fcf. There is a dynamic function call to menu function (inherited menus). Example to reproduce also crashes in development: run from development and will page fault in pbshr050.dll 0137:11117740. However, it ancestor menu is put in another pbl, runtime crash does not occur, but pcode exe still does. Take out dynamic function call and it runs OK in both development and executable.
163615 Window radio button control text and background change color when the groupbox containing the radio button loses focus. The text turns black and the radio button shows square white squares around the round button. The "default" radio button doesn't have this behavior, just the non-default ones. This seems to happen with 3D-Raised borders when the text color for radio buttons is other than black.
163616 When printing a datawindow in landscape mode that is more then one page across, the margins may clip part of the header.
163620 SQL Anywhere. Getting a gpf in PBTRA050.DLL. Happens when a query with an outer join is encountered while trace odbc is on. The query runs fine when the trace is off. Painting query in dba notepad. will page fault in pbtra050.dll 0137:0098ff after choosing an outer join and clicking OK.
163625 N-UP style DataWindow with rows per detail set at 11. Users will be able to dynamically choose how many rows will be displayed, and if there are less than 11 rows displayed, customer gets a GPF when she tabs through the columns and hits the first field in the last row (the total row). Each field has the protect attribute set to false unless it is part of the last column, ie the total row. This does not happen if the user goes through the N-UP window with a mouse.
163626 5.0.2_08:: copyright character on about dialog is wrong, looks like a quote.
163629 Calling the Retrieve() function before turning QueryMode OFF can cause a GPF in PBSHR050.DLL or PBDWE050.DLL. Users should always turn QueryMode OFF before the Retrieve()
163630 Memory leak if using OpenUserObject/CloseUserObject for visual uo which contains another visual uo nested in it. CloseUserObject is not releasing memory. They are using Syntax 2.

NOTE: Retested in Win 3.11. The fix for bug #41071 for OpenTab/CloseTab memory leak in 16 bit seems to have resolved this one as well.

163631 GPF ORA72WIN.DLL when using data manipulation or previewing a table with a varchar column (2000), tablecriteria in DBPARM, staticbind=1. Workaround: Use staticbind=0.
163633 Using stored procedures with result sets as datawindow source for an Oracle 7.2 & 7.3 database. When he attempts to get the set via a datawindow, the dw is not populated. When he did a trace, he saw the error message:

Error 999: Invalid stored procedure parameter mode of 'out' 'begin' please change to 'in'

It appears that Oracle is returning a complete description of the result set (see describe below). Our drivers are expecting only one line back, the ref cursor.

This works with Oracle, but not and 7.3

163639 Duplicate shortcut keys (F1) for 2 menu items. If you disable one of them at all times, the second one should work but doesn't.

Per Development, this in not a bug: Can't use the same shortcut key twice in the same menu.

163644 Using Powerscript string function string(ls_testvalue,"a;'none'") does not return the 'none' string for a NULL value in PB 5.0 and later. In PB 4.0 it worked as documented. Workaround is to test for null and return the proper value without using the string function.
163645 RegistryGet function. It can successfully read strings up to 258 characters. 259 characters causes a gpf in PBRTF050.DLL. 260 or more characters does not gpf but returns a -1 error from the function. Obviously not all numbers were tested, but the only length for which the gpf was reproduced was 259 characters.
163647 If an invalid date and a valid date are compared, and the valid date is 1900/01/01, the result will be Not Equal, even though the invalid date is translated to 1900/01/01. If the two dates described above are put through the String function, the comparison will work correctly.
163651 datastore.CopyRTF ( FALSE, Header! ) won't compile. The error is "c0084 BAD NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS FOR FUNCTION COPYRTF"

Workaround: Use an invisible datawindow control. This has been fixed in 6.0 only.

163653 Informix online 5

When previewing a dw that has retrieve as needed gets "select error sql -932 error on network connection gethostbyname(wsano_data) system call failed. has occurred". Customer is using 5.01 wh1 of inet.

Only when "retrieve as needed" on, you get a

"Select Error:" messagebox. The database trace shows:

SERVER=informixserver (2073 MilliSeconds)

Error -932 (rc -1)

Retrieve as needed is opening up a second connection (cursor). 183898 mentions to increase the # sessions on server to 3 (for a particular process) and the problem went away.

163655 %an of negative numbers were throwing an application error
163656 Have an OLE control using manual OffSite activation with Word. Starting Word and then coming back to the application will cause a GPF in PBROI050.DLL. If InPlace activation (manual or doubleclick) is used no gpf occurs.
163657 Using retain data on save. When report brought up again, it appears the negative values of the previous report have been changed to positive and calculated fields are updated based on those values. If he does another retrieve, the values are appropriately re-retrieved and updated. Same thing happens with PowerBuilder 5.0.01 and 5.0.02
163659 Datawindow Plug-in needs print dialog to specify # of copies, number of pages, etc. Not supported in 5.0.
163660 Treeview control and other objects on a window. Treeview control has lowest

tab order. Populate the treeview on a post open event.

If the first keystroke the user clicks is the right arrow button on the

keyboard ->, they will get a invalid page fault pbshr050.dll @ 014f:11169c84 (In 5.0.02 on Win95, address was 0137:11169F84)


1) In code, expand the first item and select the first item on the treeview control. The

first item being the first item that was inserted onto the treeview control.

This gets rid of the GPF's.

2) Another workaround was to put the population code in the open event, rather than posted to custom event.

163662 Window Painter and Browser. Using browser's copy pop-up causes a crash
163663 If you tab onto a uo whose only object is disabled (or all objects on uo are disabled), focus is totally lost, unless you have a mouse and click somewhere else on the window.
163666 Cannot select a ddlb item in a datawindow using the keyboard. Must use the mouse. If one inserts a row into a dw that has a ddlb on it, and presses the 1st char value of the ddlb display value, then the display value is shown. However, if one inserts a second row, and presses the 1st char value of the ddlb display value, nothing is displayed. User can select the second insert row ddlb display value by using the mouse.


163667 Halt(close) in the DBError event of the datawindow causes a GPF in 5.0.02 16 bit PB. Not database specific.

Workaround: Post the halt(close) after the dberror event

163670 PBSYC - Cryptic message "No cs_command pointer returned to function". User was trying to declare a transact sql batch as a Client Library cursor. Error should read: 3803 "The statement used to define 'syccur1' is neither a SELECT nor an EXECUTE".
163672 Customer has a problem with PB 4.0.06 when SQL Anywhere returns NULL columns.

The problem occurs only on 16 bit versions (4.0.05, 4.0.06 and 5.0.01) and only for strings. It seems there is a SQLBindCol missing (or it is a ODBC.DLL problem).

163673 Binding of variables causes error using Modify(''). The datawindow engine thinks it still has the old select statement and can't bind it with the number of columns in the datawindow. Not database specific. SQL Anywhere gives "S1002, invalid column number" and on Sybase,

"ct_bind: user api layer: external error an illegal value of 2 given for parameter item."

Workaround: Use staticbind=0. This way, it behaves like 4.0 did where it would describe before retrieve to match up columns.

Development: This should be documented that the user has to use Staticbind=0 with these types of modifications.

163675 CTLIB (SYC) Pipeline painter against System 11 source and is trying to manually define the result set. The object can be saved fine and user can close the painter. When user goes back into the object and presses the SQL button, gets message "Could not reconstruct the statement graphically. Do you want to continue in graphic mode?". Either replying yes or no will cause pb to hang or causes a gpf in pbdpp050.dll @ 0137:12a03896 either right then or after closing the pipeline sheet.
163676 MS SQL Server ODBC driver 2.65 is not working properly with stored procedures.
163677 GPF in WIN87EM.DLL @0001:08c9 doing a retrieve on a datawindow containing a dropdowndatawindow. The example retrieves the dddw seperately using Getchild() then does a dw_parent.insertrow(0) in the same script. Removing this dw_parent.insertrow() seems to resolve the GPF somewhat. It seems to be related to calculations for display (after the retrieval of the dddw has finished).
163680 32bit PB, 32bit 3rd party Sheridan OCX controls. Using a Sheridan OCX (calendar), they are able to register use it on the developers machine but having trouble when deploying.

This was fixed with a version of PBROI050.DLL that shipped after 5.0.02 (11/5/96)

163681 Distributed PB application crashes on close when a global (or shared) variable of type structure is declared and there is code in the ConnectionBegin event. Declaring a global autoinstantiated userobject in the server side application will also cause it to fail when a client disconnects from the server.

TWO PART SOLUTION: The bug is fixed in 5.0.03. Also, you cannot connect to a database in the ConnectionBegin event unless you set the Transport Dedicated by coding:


This is not documented for 5.0, but will be documented for 6.0. See also bug number 42042. Using this option also solves that problem.

163682 Problems using an Allbase ODBC driver with PB 5.0. Concatenation of portions of the ConnectString onto the end of the DBParm upon successive connections to the database are a problem.. especially when there are embedded commas in the quoted strings.
163691 An application which retrieves rows into powerscript from an Informix database using INET-7 produces an unexpected error when the FETCH is executed. The error is: -402 address of host variable is NULL.


User error: Cannot select char columns into PB datetime host vars (columns are misnamed). Change l_datetime & l_smalldtm to string (l_bit to double) to correspond vars w/cols.

163692 Problem display blob columns on labels presentation style on Powerbuilder and Infomaker. The blob for row 1 displays for all rows.

This was a long-standing deficiency in the product. Unfortunately, we could not fix the NUP case at this time.

163693 Assigning an array of doubles that contains a null element to an array of another number type will GPF. Also, assigning arrays will not preserve nulls.

double d_a[1] integer i_a[1] SetNull( d_a[1]) i_a = d_a // this will GPF

integer i_a[1]

integer i2_a[1]

SetNull( i_a[1])

boolean b

b = IsNull( i_a[1]) // b will be true

i2_a = i_a

b = IsNull (i2_a[1]) // b will be false

FIX is for GPF. Preservation of NULLs submitted as a new bug: 44501

163694 Customer is getting a GPF in PBRTE050.dll at 0003:f6b3 when closing a window that issues a CloseUserObject for 3 user objects that were opened using OpenUserObjectWithParm passing a structure as the parameter on 16 bit pb. Running 32 bit pb pb hangs when closing the window. Control never returns back to pb.
163695 GPF in module unidrv.dll at 0009 16d4 when using the HP LaserJet Series II printer driver and the PrintBitmap() function.
163696 Print Specifications in datawindow painter. Going back and forth between the "Pointer" tab page and the "Print Specifications" tab pages cause the DropDown options in "Paper" groupbox (Orientation, Size, Source) to be duplicated by the number of times the developer switches between these pages.

The problem becomes, if you select, say "Landscape" orientation from one of the "duplicated" entries, it's an invalid entry and you don't get the orientation you'd expect - most often Print.Orientation, for instance, gets set to 0 (default). You can go back and change it in the painter but you do have to be aware of the bug.

163697 Composite DataWindow containing multiple nest DataWindows, with a mixture of newspaper-style, and non-newspaper-style nests, creates paging problems within the nested DWs, and causes header/footer bands to appear on the wrong pages, and nests to be incomplete.
163698 Deployed 16 bit application. Datawindow works fine on Windows 95, but the datawindow crashes on a 16 bit platform when printing in the development environment or runtime. It seems to be related to intensive calculations with computed fields. The GPF after previewing an d doing a File/Print in development is:

PB050 caused a stack fault in module PBDWE050.dll @ 001e:000e

Development: Intensive numeric computations causes this. The compiler option to optimize is causing this problem. Took out optimization for 16 bit and it no longer has the problem. DLL affected: PBDWE050.DLL 16 bit.

163699 Datawindow bands collapse or close together in datawindow painter. May be related to resources because it only seems to happen when there are a lot of things running on the PC.
163701 When installing Powersoft Products (Powerbuilder/Infomaker) on a network drive, when accessing the "Welcome" help file on startup, the install tries to create a temporary file on the network drive causing a startup error accessing the pbwelcom.hlp file if you don't have write access to the drive.

A "Select Search Path" dialog appears "Unable to locate the specified file in any of the specified search paths. Discover while attempting to display help file "IMHLP60.HLP" (or PBHLP60.HLP).

You can close this screen and online help works but when you close IM/PB and try again, the problem is back, even when you 'set' the option.
The problem is PB/IM is trying to write a small temporary file (1.2) to the network directory (why you need write access) which should be redirected to the users local \temp directory but it doesn't.

This is also true for the PB and IM demo db files - a file named 1.2 is also created then immediately deleted when the databases are launched..

Workaround: Give the user(s) write access to where the help files are.

163703 Some datawindow column conditional expressions are not evaluated correctly on nested or composite reports. Font weight and Font Underline expressions (if(b,t,f)) work correctly on normal datawindows but not when the datawindow is nested. Font color does evaluate correctly.

Development: Definitely broken in 5.0.02 and 5.0.03. Fixed in 5.0.04 and 6.0 by other changes to the datawindow.

163704 GPF saving a pipeline whose source select statement is using TWO system10 databases with syntax similar to:

select emp_fname

from tsdata..employee table1,pubs2..department table2

where table1.dept_id = table2.dept_id

and table1.emp_id = 105

Notice the two databases "tsdata" and "pubs2". This SQL works in the DBA Administrator and in the pipeline painter (you have to use Convert to Syntax to type the SQL in, the SQL painter will not paint this graphically.). When you try to save the pipeline object which contains this unconventional SQL statement, you get a GPF in PBSHR050.DLL.

163708 Does a select data in a dw and does a copy. When he goes to notepad and does a paste everything is pasted backwards. Customer is going to send his app for us to have a look.
163709 The Listview property 'Underline' doesn't work.
163710 The Listview property 'Scrolling' doesn't work.
163711 ctdate OCX control on tabpage always gpf's in PBRTE050.DLL if you try to edit the tabpage again. Will run perfectly if you save the object correctly the first time.

Even a comment in datechanged event causes a GPF when trying to open the tab pages since during the development environment construction of the tabpage, it seems to somehow be firing the datechanged event.

Does not GPF in 5.03.29, 5.04.10 or in Panther.

163712 Passing null values in an array via user object function by reference causes gpf. If the datatype is changed to double then the gpf is pbrte050.dll at 0006 a8d6. A workaround of looking for nulls in the array does not help customers who need to have nulls.
163713 Problem with exe only when using machine code. Use POST to post a global function in the getfocus event of a datawindow : gets a GPF in PBRTE050.DLL . The global function is doing a selecttext of the current row of the datawindow.
It works fine in the environment.
163715 Something scripted in the editchanged event of the datawindow. Once the taborders are set to 0, putting focus on a numeric column (which is pseudo disabled via the taborder), as soon as you type a number system hangs or GPF PBDWE050.DLL 0021:1188
163716 Web.pb does not return complete content-type headers when a datatype mismatch occurs on an argument and the function is declared to return a BLOB.

If a userobject function returns a blob and has an argument of type integer and the corresponding value that is submitted to web.pb is non-numeric, the following error is returned by WebSite:

500 Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

The issue is related to the fact that when you declare a function to return a BLOB then you are responsible for returning the content-type headers. However, web.pb does simple datatype validation before your function is called. If a datatype mismatch occurs then web.pb returns an error message to the web server, and it needs to include a valid content-type header since your function never got the chance to return one.

163717 Executing a stored procedure which has a result set: get ora-01023 "Cursor context not found(Invalid cursor number)" when procedure is executed. Trace indicates that the error comes on Get Number of Columns Selected.
163720 16-bit only: Oracle RPCFUNC IN OUT parameter array of long is returning incorrect results: Hex values of 2 correct values are concatenated into 1 array element. Works OK for arrays of int and uint.
163721 NT 4.0 only. RTE control on a window seems to be transparent. Any window in the background bleeds through the RTE control. Setredraw doesn't help..
163724 Setup doesn't appear to evaluate the time/date variable for file installation. For maintenance cd, tried to install sql anywhere files. Setup does not install over the previous installed files even though date/time stamp is older than what is supposed to be installed. maybe that dbeng*.* files are not being versioned so files are not in the manifest file, so setup doesn't know what to do so it continues....
163725 The following script works fine in 4.0, migrates fine to 5.0, compiles with no errors, but when run gives error - pb fatal execution error (R0011) Application terminated.

Error: Internal Runtime Engine failure. Contact Powersoft Tech. Support. (NOOP).

boolean myarray[]

myarray[1] = true

myarray[2] = true

myarray[3] = true

myarray[4] = true

myarray[5] = true

if myarray = {true, true, true, true, true} then

messagebox("Hi", "hi")

end if

WORKAROUND: Check each array index value individually.

163726 memory leaks when creating and destroying MANY datastores. We have tested this on NT, but do not have the correct tools on win95. Although I would guess the behavior will be the same.


Cannot reproduce in current builds.

163727 You could not enter a PERIOD or SINGLE QUOTE as the first characters in the text attribute for any control which supported the text attribute unless you edited the properties or selected on the text attribute on the style bar.
163728 Using DDE to Word. System hangs. When using Messagebox instead of response window, it doesn't hang.

Example Code:

Open (w_response) // with or without parent - same problem.


ExecRemote("[fileopen ~""+"c:\somedoc.doc"+"~"]","Winword","System")


Developer: Tested on 6.0 also and found different behavior: Word comes up faster so the execremote is in effect attempted too early. User will need to redesign app if they go to 6.0, waiting for Microsoft Word to be fully up and running.

163729 The customer has written an OCX in MSVC++ 4.2 in which he has created two primary functions for error handling. The small sample PB app contains a call, via a cmd button, to each function. The return values are hardcoded in the OCX, and can be viewed in the file ThrowErrorCtl.cpp. Specifically, look at the CallThrowError() and the CallFireError() functions. According to this code, PB should be displaying a messagebox with an error code of 27510 and a message "Message Manager Distribution Services Not Initialized" when these functions are invoked. Instead, an error code, which is completely wrong, 2148166518 is displayed (for the ThrowError() call.) The message text is correct. The customer is very concerned with the error code. He contends that the message text in the full blown OCX as well as the error code are incorrect when these OCX functions are called. Additionally, while the call to ThrowError() returns an incorrect error code, the call to FireError() causes a gpf in PBRTE050.DLL.
163732 Pipelining of Blobs is putting a NULL in the target (destination) instead of the value.
163734 UserObject painter has repaint problems with External visual objects if you do not assign a DLL. If you resize the empty uo it repaints the borders for each resize leaving remnant rectangles.

Developer: This bug was a development time bug that showed up when adding a new external user object without specifying a dll or one that could not be loaded successfully. Sizing the susbsequent placeholder window resulted in frame garbage and tranparency.

163740 VBX from Accusoft, called "Image Year Progold" ver 5.0 takes about 1-3 minutes to load the window containing the VBX when running the executable. With the development environment up and running, it takes seconds. This generally applies to all VBX's not just Accusoft.

WORKAROUND: Use LoadLibrary("PBCMP050.DLL") SDK call before opening window containing VBX.
//Global Externals Required
function uint loadlibrary(string filename) library "kernel.exe"
subroutine freelibrary(uint filehandle) library "kernel.exe"

//Instance variable for handle
uint pbcmphandle

Script to pre-load DLLs:
// just before vbx interaction
pbcmphandle = loadlibrary("pbcmp050.dll") /* loads the following files */


Script to unload DLLs:
// At close of sheet/application or right after loading.

Use FreeLibrary() to decrement the instance count once the window is open (so exiting the application will unload the DLL(s)) or the DLL(s) will remain in memory.

VBXs generally have lower priority.

163743 It is now a requirement that 16bit machine code EXE's be built with PBD's due to fixes requiring the Stack Size of the EXE to be raised. To circumvent customer problems, the Project Painter should now detect the situation where 16bit exe is selected and all of the pbl's in the search path are not selected as PBD's/DLLs.
163744 autoinstantiate does not work properly with user objects. Sharing variables from one user object to another does not work with autoinstantiate on. If you take it off it works.
163745 All graphical objects (gobs) on datawindows were not updating their properties (as far as the property sheets were concerned) when alignment of the object was changed by use of the toolbar items in the painter. Now these changes are preserved.
163747 C0038 "Can't use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure." when after declaring a stored procedure and compiling script. Microsoft SQL Server 6.x.

dec ld_in, ld_out

ld_in = 10.22

ld_out = 11.22


@R = :ld_in,

@op1 = :ld_out Out using sqlca;

Workaround (less precision and not always recommended):

Declare var's as floats.


create PROCEDURE sp_bsel_b @R float, @op1 float output



select @op1 = @R


163749 Using Sybase System 11 and PBSYC050 on Windows 3.11, for BMP files greater than 64K, after a SelectBlob is done, the BMP is distorted on the screen. Also, the blob length is unreliable.
163750 Application runs fine in development. However, using dot notation dw.object.columnname.rownumber in a compiled exe returns a gpf or an app error.
163751 Making a change to an editmask on a datawindow column when focus is on the column can produce unpredictable results. When the user presses esc or goes to another field the edit mask is restored. This happens with many different edit styles. This is bad since tabbing away forces this bad information into the buffer.
163753 Problem with Opentab()/Closetab() using arrays to hold the reference to the tab pages. After creating and destroying 5 tab pages and attempting to create again, the system hangs.
163756 In 5.0 if a document is inserted programmatically into an ole control with ole_1.Insertfile() and then the server is started with ole_1.Activate(Offsite!) the save event for the ole control is never fired when a change is made to the doc and File/Save and Update All is selected.
163757 he problem is that a N-Up datawindow reports dwo.Name to be the column name in the clicked event EVEN when you click on the empty space at the end of the N-UP.
163758 Numeric editmask (window control or datawindow) does not allow partial deletion or overtype of numbers to the LEFT of the decimal point. A mask such as ##0.00. If you swipe (select) only the '0' to the left of the decimal point and replace it with a '2', you get 20.00 instead of 2.0.


Works as designed.

163759 Passing an array of char as an ouput parameter in an rpc does not work: get PLSQL-0018 array bind type must match PLSQL tablerow type. Workd with integers and varchars but not with char(1), char(2), char(3)
163760 Match() function in script passed a null string causes a GPF in PBRTF050.DLL 001B:17DA. Ex: Match(null_string,"something"). Workaround: Do a null check of the string first.
163763 Using Web.pb and the server shuts down if there is any code/comments in the application SystemError event.

Works in 5.0.03 gold and Beta 6.0.

163764 On win3.11only. Declaring a Local External Function and calling Ctl3dAutoSubClass() from ctl3dv2.dll causes a gpf in 5.0, 5.0.01, 5.0.02 at pbshr050.dll @ 0028:1df7. This same call works fine in 4.0.07 with the same ctl3dv2.dll - the latest '96 dll. Also gpfs using ctl3dv2.dll dated 8/31/95. Found a ctl3dv2.dll dated 3/3/95 that doesn't give the gpf in 5.0.02. But customer cannot have an app that runs with just a particular version of ctl3dv2.dll. Gpfs when running the p-code .exe only. In development it runs fine, no errors.
163765 You can switch to a disabled tabpage eventhough you can not do anything on it
163766 web.PB fails to transfer the REMOTE_USER CGI keyword from O'Reillys WebSite to my DPB server app.

This works OK with Netscape FastTrack (using the CGI interface)


To fix the problem:

1. In the CGIKeywords entry in PBWEB.INI, add ",AUTH_USER" at the end

2. In all the remote methods, accept both REMOTE_USER and AUTH_USER. If

the REMOTE_USER is null then assign it the AUTH_USER. If both are null, reject the caller.

You need to edit the pbweb.ini file. There is a section at the top for CGI keywords that are allowed to be passed to the DPB server. If the variable is not listed in ini file, it will not be passed. There are 3 lines at the top for CGI, NS-API and IS-API.

Product Support Engineering

The problem in the issue is not us. O'Reilly has a few minor bugs with CGI variables. They sometimes don't map correctly. The ones that are known about are:



It's also believed that REMOTE_USER/AUTH_USER is only passed to the CGI program if the user has been authenticated. This is another issue ...

You can use a batch file to help determine which cgi environmental variables are available to Web.PB. You would envoke it from a browser.

set of=%OUTPUT_FILE%

echo Content-type: text/plain >%of%

echo. >>%of%

set >>%of%

This should be in the dos shell script directory of the web server

From O'Reilly company: WebSite 1.1 was licensed to Powersoft for inclusion with the Internet Developer's Toolkit over a year ago under an "as is" OEM licensing arrangement. It was clear to the Powersoft staff who negotiated that deal that O'Reilly is not under obligation to remedy any incompatabilities between the two products which Powersoft or its customers might identify after the release of the product by Powersoft. O'Reilly does not currently plan to issue additional service releases for WebSite 1.1

beyond those which are available from our web site for download.

163767 Global variable nvo instances with autoinstantiate set "ON" not correctly running the destructor event. When you exit and re-run Powerbuilder applications, you will often see the results of the destructor of the previous run - visible examples are messageboxes in the destroy event of the previous run coming up when you re-run the executable the second time.

11/21 - Verified fixed in v5.0.03, v5.0.04-67 and v6.0.0-beta 3

163769 If you turn Autosize OFF for pie chart text ("Pie Chart Labels") and specify your own font, when dislayed, it looks fine. When printed, the same text does not show as WYSIWYG - seems off by a factor of 5 (14 point shows up as barely readable). Depending on font, it's sometimes unreadable.

The text we're speaking of is the "Pie Chart Labels" which normally defaults to some percentage numbe (39.5%) displayed at the end of an arrow for each slice of the pie.

The example here is a 2D pie chart. Postscript and PCL drivers show the same behavior.

163770 4.230i-DPB,If you encounter an error and the DPB server crashes, if you attempt to restart the server using the same port number immediately after the crash you can not. It appears that the port is not freed immediately, usually you have to wait a few minutes.
163772 Getting Cursor not open errors with Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 when returning integer and string values back to Powerbuilder from stored procedures which contain cursors. Doesn't happen with non-cursor stored procedures.
163774 Datawindow painter sort dialog. Vertical scrollbar hides the "ascending" check boxes in the "Specify Sort Columns" dialog box in the design mode of the datawindow when you have enough sort columns to fill the listbox dialog - around 10 or 11 columns.
163777 Trying to create a standard visual control as a olecontrol causes pb to crash.
163778 PBODB050.DLL bug--memory handling problems when calling Stored procedures with parameters from pipeline painter in preview mode. Error:

[Sybase][ODBC Driver]Syntax error: near '' in ..., @a_groupid = '11'[])

Workaround: Has changed the owner name from dbmaint to dba.

163779 GPF in PBDWE050.DLL on Win95 (release or Service Pack 1) when doing a INSERT of a new row on a datawindow containing a dropdowndatawindow (dddw).

Turned out to be a double, in the DWE code for DDDW's, that was used before it was initialized -- making its value garbage, and under various conditions, causing an invalid double value to cause a floating point exception, which caused a GPF. Other GPFs are msvcrt40.dll.

163780 The InsertDocument() function does not work for a datastore (native or uo) which does use an rtf dataobject as required. It always returns a -1 return code.
163781 GPF in PBDWE attempting an assignment to a RTE style datawindow via dot notation from another DW.
163782 Problem with the tab page constructors firing twice - constructor of tab page(s) fire twice - when in the constructor event of a tab control. Workaround: Post the Opentab() call out of the constructor event of the tab control.
163785 When you execute an RPC call that was declared with an alias for a stored procedure, it works fine in the development environment and from a PBD. When you run it from a machine code executable, PowerBuilder passes the declared function name as the remote procedure name to the database instead of the name specified in the alias clause of the Local External function declaration. If you run a database trace the following error is shown: Identifier alias name must be declared PLS-00201 error
163786 MS SQL Server 6.5 connecting with PBMSS050.DLL. If a dw is created using a smallint column from the db, and a value is entered into the dw column that is greater than 32767 and the db is updated, the return code is 1 even though the db was not updated and the value that was entered is out of range for the smallint datatype. The database painter does not give any indication that a value greater than 32767 is out of range when an update is done on the smallint column either.
163787 PB appears to be ignoring the precision of decimal columns in a structure that is populated from a datastore with an array of 'any' datatype members when the 'any' variable is populated using object pronouns in dot notation.
163788 Distributed PB having a problem passing a null decimal variable parameters in a function call to the proxy. It shows in debug from the client that it is going across as a blob instead of a decimal. R0050 Error Distributed Service Error: SMI call error at line xxx of function yyy.
163789 Win 95

32 bit and 16 bit {pb 5.0,5.0.02_11,5.0.03_35,5.0.04_39}

Keywords:: DDE, Voice recognition, hotlink,

Problem description::

Cannot start a hotlink when a channel is already open and another hotlink was assigned previously.

This DDE application opens a channel and uses a hot link to a Voice Recognition server. The server picks up various commands that you train it to do. Speaking the word maximise for example into the microphone will maximise the screen.

The application in Powerbuilder will work with no problems as long as there is a hotlink set up with a default user. There is an option in the app to change to a different user and perhaps use the same command or different commands. But no commands will work when you change the user.

The only way to get it to work as a different user is to close the app and re-open the channel and then do a hotlink.

It appears only one user can be use the app when a channel is open. The customer has provided a C program aswell (.exe) which demonstrates that when you change the user the application will still understand and respond to various commands, unlike the behaviour in Powerbuilder.

As per issue 395806

"The customer is attempting two conversation

> simultaineously against the same window, which uses the same window

> HANDLE,app, and topic. This is not allowed, because it is not unique.

> A DDE connection is identified as unique by these four variables:

> * appname, topicname, client window handle, server window handle.


> Varying any of the four variables will give the connection uniqueness,

> therefore making it acceptable.

> Think of it this way: If you have two Openchannels, which is two

> wm_dde_initiates, how does the server, in this case Excel, keep track of

> which connection it is talking to, or when a CloseChannel is issued ,

> which connection is closed. There is no way to identify which

> connection is to be closed, and which is to be kept open.

> Any attempt to do an openchannel with a connection that is already

> established, fouls up ALL existing connections between the two windows,

> causing termination of those existing connections.

> NOTE: This includes the termination of any existing Starthotlink that is

> active between these windows.

> StartHotlink is similar in that it can only have one window(handle)/data

> location to another window(handle)/data location at a time.


> It probably works with VB because the are different client window

> handles, or different server window handles involved in the

> conversation. Each sheet in excel is a separate window."


(1)If you take out the notify done from the hotlink alarmin the w_child window 'notify done' will not appear but if you click on the title bar or somewhere on the window then no text will appear in output box. Usualy ' ?? ' would appear. He claims that because no text appears then the DDE link is also broken

12-9-97: yes I verify that if you take out the 'notify done' in the hotlink alarm then run the app there is a communication between the client and server, but as soon as you click on the title bar no trained words will appear. The communication link is broken.


Customer has changed some code in the voice recognition server engine to get it to work with his pb app. He has plans to migrate to 6.0 and will be using Web.pb and other new features of 6.0 with this application. Until then, this issue is being put 'on hold', he will cb if this particular problem exists using 6.0.

163790 In a scattergraph, plotting datetime gives an incorrect graph.

Developer: Scatter graphs only work with numerics. If you use datetime, it only recognizes the date portion. This will be documented in 6.0.01 GA Help and in the Users Guide.

163791 WebPB for Solaris 230i+, can not consecutively invoke a DPB function to retrieve a blob. (transfer a gif or jpg file). Will work initially on the 1 call, the gif or jpg file comes over to the browser, any additonal calls to retrieve another blob will fail. The console for the DPB server indicates that the "DSE: user could not connect" and "SMI - Client call returns an error".
163792 Unable to restart the DPB server once the DPB server gets the following "DSE: user could not connect" and "SMI - Client call returns an error". When you attempt to restart the DPB server, you get the following error:

DSE: user could not connect

SMI S040 039060020 Client call returns error

DWS 039060020 Exit server thread 0:0

SMI S070 039060001 Transport.StopListening()

DWS Quiesce! exit server thread TID: 0 STOP_LISTENING:14

DSE StopListening: application(oops), location(localhost), driver(WinSock) SUCCEEDED

SMI S050 039060001 Invoke Transport.Listen()

DWS 039060001 Server RPC

DWS Socket Error at line: 205, TID: 0, errorcode: WINSOCK_SOCKET_ERROR,

WinSock LastError: <<

DWS 039060023 Server RPC return

DWS 039060023 Exit server thread WINSOCK_SOCKET_ERROR:CC

DWS 039060001 Create server thread - 039060023

DWS 039060001 after Server RPC wait

SMI S060 039060001 Error: x'CC' starting Transport

DSE Listen: application(oops), location(localhost), driver(WinSock) FAILED

163796 'CREATE USING..." is creating the wrong object in very special situations. The error you get is usually "R0019 Application terminated : cannot convert <object1> in Any variable to <object2> at line x in <event name> event of object <object> of u_custom"
163798 GPF in PBSHR050.DLL using syntax 2 of Opentab() after opening and closing some tab pages. Only happens when the user object used for tab page(s) has a tab control containing tab pages - doesn't GPF when the user object containing the tab control has no tab pages.

Looping on OpenTab()/CloseTab() using Syntax 2 for Opentab causes a GPF in PBRTF050.DLL.

163801 PB 5.0-5.0.03 16 & 32bit.

Using the ImportFile(), Sort() and GroupCalc() functions. App migrated from 4.0.0x to 5.0, customer noticed significant change in execution time using these functions. In 4.0.0x 16 & 32bit, the ImportFile() function importing 15,000 records would execute in approximately 30 seconds. In pb 5.0 16bit it now takes approximately 50 minutes. The Sort() function would execute in about 30 seconds in 4.0.0x. In 5.0 16bit it now takes approximately 5 minutes. PB 5.0 32bit execution times are not as long as 16bit, but longer than 4.0.0x 32bit.

163802 Using SYB, we ignore the IGNORE_DUP_KEY warning message, using SYC, it is reported as an error, and no database updates occur.
163803 Running PB under Windows NT, PBSYT050 and Open Client 11.1. GPF on dbopen() call.
163804 Informix 7 - ODBC; No way to name a primary key

From the Table Properties window, select the Primary Key tab. There is no box to enter the name of the primary key. This results in a default name that is assigned but this creates a problem if you try to modify or delete it. It doesn't seem to know how to find it.

163805 Informix 7 (ODBC connection) - Invalid syntax in the PBODB050.ini file for:

- primary key creation and deletion

- foreign key creation

- drop column

Results in -201 syntax error has occurred

163806 Informix 7 (ODBC) Error when trying to see the view syntax after it has already been created.
163807 Invalid page fault in module PBSHR050.DLL at 0137:111117ce with machine code exe that uses an 'any' type array as a retrieval argument for a dw.

NOTE: PFC uses this method.

NOTE: You must compile with 5.0.03 or higher. It's not enough to just 5.0.03 DLLs with an executable compiled with 5.0.02 - it will still GPF.

163808 gpf: PB050 caused an invalid page fault in module PBRTE050.DLL at 0137:10b17194 . Occurs in an mdi sheet during the create of a menu in a global function.
163809 If using the debugger with PFC application the PostOpen event fires before the Open event.


PB does not guarantee the order in which events are fired.

163810 Prompt before Printing set to ON in a datawindow object used in a datastore causes hanging after issuing "datastore.print()" when the printer dialog displays under Win95. Works fine under NT 4.0. Works fine under Win95 using a datawindow control. Using HP IV printer and drivers.
163812 Using a treeview control. Click on the last sub item of the first item on the treeview, scroll it so that it is at the top of the control, delete the item and the treeview disapears. Show lines is off. Cannot recreate this if show lines has been switched on. Do the same with any other item, and this will works fine. Happens only when deleting the last sub item from the first item, and when it has been scrolled to the top of the control.
163814 Running 16 bit PB under 32 bit OS (NT, Win95) shows horizontal lines or grey boxes through 3D Lowered SLEs or on many dialogs and property sheets where there are dropdowndatawindows. It also affects listboxes but to a lesser extent. The lines aren't as noticable.
163816 Borders on an ocx which was inserted into a dw are doubly-offset. This only occurs when the ocx is inserted using the 'insert control' option for inserting ole objects.
163817 Gpf with rounding decimal values that are set to null in conjunction with a setitem using this newly rounded null value by setting it into a dw column of type decimal. Gpf occurs in machine code only. Pcode and dev env work w/o a gpf.
163818 Sybase Sytem10When creating a table through the table painter, if you add a column, named "colname", whose datatype is timestamp, you will get an error "Column 'colname' must be named timestamp to function as one". The message sounds like a warning - maybe you do want a timestamp column that has a name other than "timestamp" - but it behaves as a fatal message. You cannot create the table until you go back and rename the column "timestamp".

You can create tables with columns whose datatype is timestamp and whose columnname is not "timestamp" through other means (pipeline for example) and do not have to follow this rule - seems like we should treat it as only a suggestion in table painter as well.

163819 Pipeline painter behaves differently in its handling of blob columns when accessed through the Tool Bar as compared to accessing it through a table's graphical object.

If you have a table which has a blob column opened in the table painter and you RMB click on the table, the pop-up menu has an option to take this table's definition into the pipeline. If you access the Pipeline Painter through this method, your blob column will be included in the "pipe-able" result set. This is also the way it works if you access the Pipeline Painter through the pipeline icon on the PainterBar

If you access the Pipeline Painter through the ToolBar, you will be asked to name the table you want to pipe. When you name a table that has a blob column in it, that blob column will not be included in the "pipe-able" result set. So you can select all the columns but not get the blob column - this requires a separate step inside the Pipeline Painter to add the blob column to the pipeline definition.

163820 DDLB with 3D style border property set using 16 bit PB 5.0.x under Win NT 4.0 appear with lines across the SLE.
163821 Initial values on decimal and number columns such as 1.23 work only for US Regional settings (comma thousands, period decimal seperator). When you use European settings, (comma decimal, period thousands seperator), the 1.23 initial value becomes 123,00 when a new row is inserted in the datawindow..

A similar problem has been discovered for combo-boxes (dropdownlistboxes) in datawindows. If a code table for a numeric field contains a number with a decimal point, that number will be misinterpreted after changing decimal separator symbol.

Per Development: This is not a bug.
When you have specified an initial value with a decimal character under one locale and try to use it with another locale and another decimal character specification, PB has no way of knowing that we must translate it to the new locale. Example; you save 1.50 in the DW under English (US) we know it is 1"decimal_point"50. If you use the DW in another locale which uses a comma for decimal point and period for thousands we now see it as 1"thousands_seperator"50. You would see a similar problem if you saved 1,200 in English(US) and you would get 1"decimal_point"200.
We simply cannot know if the number was saved under another locale.

163823 Resizing a tab with more than one tabpage on it causes a gpf, program error or application error. This happens in the uo painter or running the app with the uo on a window. WIN95: PBSHR050.DLL@0137:11170CBD.

NT: PB050.EXE - Exception: divide by zero(oxc0000094), Address: 0x11170cbd.

Workaround: Tab properties, check Ragged Right checkbox.

163824 Fairly big memory leak doing iterative retrieves with a datawindow containing groups. Example has 30 retrieves losing about 1MB.
163825 If a response window is opened between a 'run' and an 'execremote', the execremote is not performed and the reponse window opens behind the app that is 'run.'
163826 REGRESSION in 5.0.02. Composite datawindow with nested datawindow (report1) containing a retrieval argument which is displayed. When an item is SET (setitem) on the nested datawindow (report1), the retrieval argument being displayed suddenly disappears. This didn't happen in 5.0.01.
163832 Listview Large Icon view. when renaming an item, a horizontal line appears near the text. this line will not be removed unless the listbox is scrolled past this, then back. if there are no scroll bars on the list box because there are only a few items, the flaw will remain.

Cannot recreate using 5.0.04 or 6.0

163833 Listview. small and large icon view. Autoarrange mode. drag and drop cannot move items in the control. all return codes good.

Cannot recreate using 5.0.04 or 6.0.

163834 Can not use ranges in OLE with Excel 8/Office 97 due to its object model change.

Developer Not A Bug: Correct Scripting, etc:

/* Set a RANGE of cells...

Cannot use the ["B2:e5"] syntax because strings can't be indices.

Cannot use the ("B2:E5") syntax because Excel97 is different from Excel95

Using the "Range" method.


xlApp.Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets[1].Range("B2:E5").value = "My String"

163835 256 character limitation with NT 4.0 and adding pbls using SHIFT-CLICK to the library list (using the "Select Library" dialog. Error: "<partial name> file not found. Please verify the correct file name was given." This happens when trying to add a large number of PBLs to the library list. Workaround: You have to add pbls around 25 at a time.

Cannot recreate during 6.0 BETA.

163836 If a hotlink is started and then a warmlink is started, and the warmlink is closed, the hotlink handle seems to be lost and a return code of -2 (server can not be shut down) ensues when one attempts to stop the hotlink.

Developer: There appears to be some behavioral differences in the windows subsystems between NT and WIN95. Both OpenChannel and/or StartHotlink initiate in the same fashion (WM_DDE_INITIATE). Multiple instances of either/both kinds of calls will break under NT 4.0. This is a Microsoft subsystem problem. The workaround is to manage the connections or use different windows for simultaineous connections, between the client and server.

Please note that this discovery applies to any 32 bit environment, NT or Windows 95.

In Microsoft's 16 bit subsystem, it was possible to establish multiple DDE conversations simultaneously between two windows.(client and server) This could be demonstrated with a simple DDE application conversing with an Excel Spreadsheet. Excel has long been considered a benchmark for DDE validation.

However, in Microsoft's 32 bit subsystems this functionality has unfortunately changed. More than one conversation CANNOT be established simultaneously between two windows, and doing so produces unpredictable results.

Because Powerbuilder calls these DDE API's provided by Microsoft, Powerbuilder is in turn constrained by these changes in the 32 bit subsystem, and therefore CANNOT support more than one simultaneous conversation between two windows. Affected Powerbuilder function is Openchannel (and there are potential problems with StartHotLink)

Customers with 16 bit applications, that are being ported to the 32 bit environments are advised to augment their applications to manage their windows, or keep conversations between windows sequential. Please note that if either the client or the server application are 32 bit code, similar problems will result, both the client and the server must remain 16 bit if retention of this functionality is desired.

163837 Problem description: Changing OCX properties inherited from a standard user object in window painter have no persistent effect.

The customer is tyring to modify the properties of this user object on the window and it has no effect. You can change the properties in the user object painter.

However if I create another ocx ( ctmeter ) and place it on the window there is no problem. So it is the user object inherited from CT_meter that causes the problem. Other user objects that contain custom controls appear to have the same bad effect.

163838 The destructor for the xlist.ocx is not being fired when it is inserted into a PB app, then activated (by clicking on it), and the app is subsequently closed. If the ocx is not activated , the ocx destructor is fired appropriately when the PB app is closed.
163839 Using <dw>.Object.DataWindow.Syntax against a datawindow that contains a retrieval argument unreferenced in the SQL and the returned syntax does not contain the 'argument' attribute.
163840 Distributed. If a client connection goes down abnormally, it hangs the rest of the client connections. The server hangs if we tried to connect a client at the same time the server is doing a refresh.

Sometimes, it takes 3 or more abnormally client terminations to recreate the behavior and cause the server to hang. When closing pb on the server application, it GPF'd

The instruction at "0x10b16d45" referenced memory at "0x0000004". The memory could not be read.

WORKAROUND: The transport object variable in the example is global. If you make it an instance variable on the dpb server window, the problem doesn't occur.

163842 If you use the setpicture function to change the .bmp associated with a picture control, and then use the resize function on the picture control, the .bmp will revert back to the original one.
163843 Copying rows from one dw to another is using memory which is freed only when changing the dataobject of the target dw (with RowsCopy) or never freed (with =

Cannot reproduce 5.0.03 build 22 and beta 6.0 build 114.

163844 Customers who are using the CentaMeter product (on WIN 3.1 or 3.11 pc's) have reported a stack fault in PBSHR050.DLL when running 16 bit PB 5.0x on WIN 3.1 if the CentaMeter "Agent" is also running.
163845 The ocx_error event is not being fired when FireError() is called from an ocx.
163846 Performance of Formula One Spreadsheet with PB 5.0 and looping constructs to fill a large number of rows on the spreadsheet is much slower than expected. (using the TextRC or NumberRC functions.
163847 5.0.03_01 and Panther build 103. Getting an invalid page fault in user32.dll at 0137:BFF649C7 when executing an editlabel function after a deleteitems function.
163848 Passing unbounded array of structures by reference to a uo function in proxy object using distributed Powerbuilder. If array is populated to be extremely large upon function return, Powerbuilder shuts down.
163849 When selecting printer trays on NT to specific printers the tray definitions are coming out as 'UNKNOWN'. This is causing problems for printing from multiple bins.
163850 panther build 103. Migrated the example app from 5.0. It got a few errors. Then, I went into the debugger, and clicked on the plus (+) sign next to the window in the upper right panel. I got an invalid page fault in MSVCRT.DLL at 0137:779F41F8. Even with the migration errors, it shouldn't blow up in the debugger.
163851 ***This only happens with dw style of type Rich Text***

In the dw painter, if you change the 'Unit of Measure' from inches to centimeters, save the dw and then go back into dw and properties, the 'Unit of Measure' will go back to inches. Tried same scenario with dw styles such as Tabular, FreeForm and Group and this does not happen. If you change the 'Unit of Measure' to centimeters and go back into the dw, it is saved.

163852 6.0 BETA and 5.0.03_01. Problem with painting of window background color when scrolling window. The window background has been set to a non-flat color (ie there's a bit of a pattern to it). It's RGB(192,128,192).

If I scroll the window either to the right or down, and then scroll back using either the thumb or the arrows, I end up with pinstripe-like lines on the background of the window. (When I'm scrolling vertically, the lines are horizontal;when scrolling horizontally, the lines are vertical.)

If I scroll the window by clicking in the scrollbar, but not on the thumb or arrow, I don't get the lines.

I've had times where sometimes the lines are a darker color, and other times where the lines are a lighter color. They are colors that are in the pattern of the RGB.


Windows NT handles the alignment of the dithered brush and the scrolling. I tried to override this with SetBrushOrgEx with no luck. This is not serious enough to pursue further.

163855 Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 or 6.5 Passing an input parm when string contains apostrophe causes the error

Error 179 (rc -1) : Can't use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure. Similar to bug 31591

163857 Using a standard visual user object of type graph, when placed on the window you cannot change the graph style property.
163859 MDI frame menu with toolbar. Two menu selections under File -->New & File -->Open are defined as MenuCascade/DropDown and bitmaps are assigned to each item in the next level. Running the app (in devl) click on the first DropDown and select a picture and it changes the toolbar picture button. Click on the second DropDown and select a picture, it changes the FIRST toolbar picture button, the second does not get changed at all.
163860 Fairly large memory leak passing large strings by value to an event. This doesn't happen using a function.
163862 There is a problem RETURNING long character strings to web pb. Getting error PowerBuilder Server Communications error: SMI Error '31'. Very small strings seem to work fine.
163865 Solaris - The window does not repaint when dragging one object to another object. It leaves a trail of black space.

Development: This was actual a fixed by a fix to the porting layer from Bristol technologies. After extracting the patch from the .tar file on Unix, do the following:

cd $PBDIR/windu/lib.sol2


tar -xvf pt400247.tar <<< this should write the new version of

The sum value for should be: 12672 951

You can determine if you have the correct file by doing: "sum" and it should return this number. If it doesn't, then something went wrong.

163866 PBSYC050 - Datetime input args for RPC invocation of stored procedures not converting properly. Loss of up to 3 milliseconds.
163867 Datawindow Validation expression: call to global function passing TRUE or FALSE as boolean argument to function returns error message " ')' expected to close expression after function"

Expression " gf_boolean_param(TRUE) = 1 " produces the error message.


Modify the datatype of the function argument as noted. Alternatively use an expression that evaluates to a boolean. Using the above function declaration, " gf_boolean_param(1=1) = 1" worked fine, likewise substituting 1=0 in place of FALSE.


Dw expressions do not support (nor do we document them supporting) TRUE and FALSE keywords

163869 Informix 7.1 32 bit connect. Switching servers using Setnet32.exe - changing the registry - isn't picked up by Powerbuilder causing the following error:

"-761 Informix Server does not match either DBservername or Dbserveralias"

NOTE: In order to connect to multiple databases, you need to use the setnet32.exe utility in either Win95 or NT 4.0

163870 When opening a popup window from a main window, you cannot get focus on the popup.
163873 On the Solaris platform, when SetRedraw is set to False and rows are retrieved into a DataWindow, the data is displayed. When data is copied into the DataWindow using the RowsCopy function, all the rows are put into the first row of the DataWindow.
163875 MSS and SYB and RPCFUNC: If you initialize a string variable to space(255), nothing comes back from a varchar(255) or char(255) output parameter. Works OK in SYC. Works fine if initialized to space(254), or other numbers <255.
163877 Select tables dialog in the datawindow painter too small to paint datawindows with databases containing long names for tables or columns. (DB2 but also applies to other databases) Often, users must use syntax mode at all times (pasted from the clipboard) since the painter will not display enough of the table in the dialog to be distinct. This dialog needs a horizontal scrollbar.
163878 6.0_109: autoincrement with double column is displaying 0 after saving to database. Correct value is displayed on reretrieve.
163879 Non-Cursor Select using Paste SQL using an instance variable on an object as an INTO variable pastes an illegal syntax into script containing a object.variable notation that immediately gives you C0014 Undefined variable when you compile.

Example of object instance variable pasted by the Paste SQL and the INTO variable dialog:

select emp_id

INTO :uo_mytest.is_string

from employee;

C0014 Undefined variable.

163880 PB 5 Unix ShowHelp() command doesn't convert Topic! numbers correctly.


- Create a global function called showhelp()

- For the helpcommand enumerated type argument, define it as the type ANY.

- For the typeid use the any data type also

- in the function do a case statement

ShowHelp(HelpFile, HelpCommand, TypeId) - sample code

Arguments: HelpFile, string, value; HelpCommand, any, value; TypeId, any, value

string ls_KeyWord

long ll_TopicId


CASE Topic!

ll_TopicId = TypeId

run("hyperhelp " + HelpFile + " -c " + string(ll_TopicId) + " -s 0 -d 28395 -display : 0.0" )

CASE Keyword!


CASE Index!




Developer: Definitely broken in 5.0.03 but works fine in

163881 5.0.03 Regression

Retrieve dw, rowcount > 1, then retrieve again, rowcount = 1, SetRow to row 1 fails with a -1 return code. This only happens when result set is 1 row, and previously result set was more than 1 row. Regression. Problem did not occur using 5.0.02

163882 Datawindows containing duplicate columns in design as dropdowndatawindows save data values only when saving to PSRs. Example: 2 "state" columns (one 'placed' in design mode as a duplicated of a column in the select.) If the dddws are slightly different for these "state" columns, the data values will be displayed instead of the display when saving the PSR.


Duplicate of issue 45339

163883 Create tabs dynamically, scroll tabs left so only one is visible, delete that tab, scrollbar and all tabs disappear and are inaccessible.
163884 Nested datawindows are not showing on all pages when autosizeheight is set to on, if autosizeheight is off they do .
163885 Function Painter File->SaveAs causes a Gpf.

on Win95

163886 Converting to Graphics using the IBM native driver gives the 42601 error.

SQL0007N 'The character " " following "<table>.<column>", is not valid. SQLSTATE=42601

We're basically clipping the newline delimiters somehow during the conversion. No problem with the ODBC driver.

163887 Oracle 7.2, 7.3 : when declaring a RPC, the alias is no more automatically generated
163889 Informix 7 (ODBC connection) - Invalid syntax in the PBODB050.ini file for:

- drop column

Results in -201 syntax error has occurred

Using OpenLink Driver

Developer: Modifed DeleteColElement grammar in the INFORMIX_SYNTAX section

Fixed in pbodb050.ini

163890 Running 16 bit 5.0 and then 32 bit 5.0 Powerbuilder application GPFs in PBRTF050.DLL 0022:000003df when trying to bring up the 32 bit application.

Developer: This is caused by the fact that PB 32 and 16 bit are registering window classes with the same name, the 16-bit code successfully registers the classes and the 32-bit version fails. Because of this, when the 32-bit version tries to create a window, it starts executing 16-bit code and that is where the problem is. The solution is to change the window class name to includes a "32" in the 32-bit version. The danger is that any test tools (Segue or SQA) or applications that are dependent on the window class name (i.e. WinSDK FindWindow()) will break.

NOTE: Powersoft has spoken to the test tools vendors and they agreed to a non-destructive fix that we have implemented in 5.0.03 and 6.0.

163891 Opening a DW with OpenUserObject then closing it with CloseUserObject then repeating this cycle again causes PB to GPF (or hang) on the 2nd OpenUserObject call.
163892 Import fails when there is an indirect circular reference to an instance variable of a nvo
163893 With an EditMask of ###,###.00, if the data in the column is selected, entering a negative number or a number that starts with a decimal point, does not work properly.
163894 Problem using a date editmask changing a month entered originally as 01 to a two digit month from 10 to 12 (any month with no leading zero.) Doesn't seem to be a problem if the month is not initially 01. The problem varies slightly depending upon whether the editmask is dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy. The behavior using [date] editmask which uses the Windows Control Panel International Date Format setting is the same depending on whether the date format matches dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy.

Specific steps to recreate:


1) enter 310197

2) tab to next row

3) shift-tab back

4) try to enter 311297. It will skip the zero digit, and you cannot change the date.

When I tried 280297 and 310397, 300497, and 310797 these dates all worked fine when I tried to change the month to twelve, it is not simply a problem changing single digit months to double digit months.


1) enter 013197

2) tab forward to next row

3) shift-tab back

4) try to enter 123197. It will again skip the zero digit and you cannot enter the 12. However, if you use the left arrow key to move back to the beginning of the date, and try to enter 123197 again, now it will let you. This did not work for the dd/mm/yy editmask.


You can either "swipe" the whole date with the mouse to highlight it, and then you can enter the full date, or you can "swipe" just the month digits to highlight those, and then you can enter the correct two digit month. No code workaround known.

163897 Distributed PB app called from web.pb causes GPF when implementing transpooling on a Sybase Open Client (PBSYC) when shuting down server using a EXE with PBD s.
163898 win 95 32 bit pb 5.0.02 Find function

A huge memory leak if expression inside Find() function uses string function with format mask. Example: "string("+ ls_column +", [general]')"

163900 An exported object with library comments, where Ctrl-Enter has been used in the comment, will fail to import.
163901 The problem is the libraryimport to a pbd in conjunction with setlibrarylist. The first time it works but on the second libraryimport powerbuilder is not finding the dw in the pbd
163902 Win95/NT 4.0. Problem with the Datawindow Plugin where users who never installed Powerbuilder onto their machines are getting the error message:

"Could not load the plug-in 'Powerbuilder Netscape Plugin Dynamic Link Library' for the Mime type 'application/datawindow'.

The DataWIndow Plugin Requires another file called "OLEPRO32.DLL" to be present in the users Windows System directory

163903 If you run the examples you will not get the vertical scrollbar unless you click on the area where you would think it would appear.
163904 Filtering a datawindow with a group in print preview causes a GPF in PBDWE050.DLL in all platforms. This happens when you've paged down beyond the first group break (example: from department=100 to department=200 section). If you use a filter to filter out everything but the first group break ex: dept_id = 100, you'll GPF every time.
163905 Distributed pb application. Problem connecting to db from server application, locks up server and client applications. The second attempt on running the app freezes the system

WORKAROUND:the workaround is for the server to not shut down the threads between remote calls from the client. To do this you use an undocumented options setting on the transport object on the server. The option string should contain "dedicated=1". This causes the test pbl to work as long as you DO NOT USE TRANSACTION POOLING. If you use transaction pooling then you will run into this bug eventually no matter what.


Problem is related to SQL Server 6.0 using either 6.0 or 6.5 client drivers in a multithreaded app that makes cursor calls. "Freeze" is actually the MS DBLib calls looping inside of an enter critical section call. Problem goes away with 6.5 Server. May want to see if it goes away using any of the SQL Server 6.0 service packs. I noticed they did fix a number of threading issues in the service packs.

163907 R0050- Distributed Service Error: Attempt to call remote object while prior call is still executing... using 16 bit client calling the same function twice before allowing the first to finish.

Developer: This is not a bug. This is as designed, although it's not documented fully. The application needs to guard against nested calls.

Workaround: One work around is to use API calls (setcapture & releasecapture).

163908 When saving text in an Rich Text control on Solaris, line termination appears to be problem in several areas. CTRL M characters are saved along with the data, inserted at the end of each line when saving or getting selected text. Also inserting a "Unix style" string into a Rich Text control doesn't process the End of Line properly.
163909 5.0.03_18 16-bit (32-bit works OK) Regression: Rows...Sort does not

work in datawindow painter when datawindow is previewed: no columns show up.

Could not reproduce in 5.0.03_25. Build sync issue.

163910 On a retrieved row, if the row status is changed from NotModified! to New! (I guess to fool PowerBuilder into thinking the row has just been inserted), if a change is made to one column, the row status changes to NewModified!, as expected, but ALL of the column statuses change to DataModified!, not just the one that was just modified.



Add a note to documentation on SetItemStatus, Powerscript Reference Guide.

Something like this:


If you use SetItemStatus to change an existing row to New! and the columns to NotModified! and then change one of the columns, all of the columns in that row will change status to DataModified!

The way the DataWindow update logic works, is that if the row status is New! or NewModified!, PowerBuilder will generate an INSERT statement which includes the values of all the insertable columns in the DataWindow regardless of the column statuses.

For example, in the situation described below, if we have columns:

id, name, address

and we retrieve:

101, "Dave", "561 Virginia Rd."

now change the row status to New!, then change the the name field to read: "Dave Smith" and upon doing DW.Update(), the SQL generated is:

INSERT INTO emp VALUES(101, "Dave Smith", "561 Virginia Rd.")

It would not make sense to generate:


since there was data in the columns already.

The reason why the case where the row is inserted works as it does, is also logical since initially the row values are all NULL. So, after changing the id column via SetItemXXX or via keyboard, you truly will have a row:


As expected, row status is NewModified!, and column statuses are DataModified!, NotModified!, NotModified. As a result, the SQL we gen:


which indeed is indicative of what the column values are.

Fixed in PS Ref doc sources. Will be fixed in help and online books for PB 6.0.01 GA. Revised usage description of SetItemStatus function.

163912 Declaring string variable local to dw itemchanged event and initializing it using upper(string_argument_to_event) on the same line of code causes a gpf in PBSHR050.DLL, and also caused the 4.0 application migration to fail. Also occurs with lower() function. Workaround: many - don't do declaration and initialization on the same line of code, use the upper or lower function later in code, not at initialization, use another local variable which gets set to the string_arg_to_event, etc. Easy to workaround, but hard to pinpoint if problem occurs during 4.0 to 5.0 migration attempt.
163913 Oracle 7.2. typo in error message when trying to declare overloaded function in packages (an unsupported feature).
163915 SYT declaring local external function is not working properly. function is being declared as subroutine, and also the last output parameter is not being declared as 'ref'.
163916 Cannot use the Window painter to change a TreeView User Object Control PictureWidth, PictureHeight, and PictureMaskColor properties.
163917 SYT using RPCFUNC with char output parameter. Getting -1 sqlcode after calling the stored procedure, sqlerrtext is datalen(255) must be less than maxlen(0) for rpc parameter 2. This happens when an output parameter is initialized to space(255). It is OK for space(254) and lower. OK with SYC.

RAD 02/28/97: NOTE: I could not test this on 5.1_103 because I get a stack fault trying to connect with SYT to System 10.

163919 DPB server application. If you try to access a control on the server application main window from within the ConnectionEnd event, the event terminates without error and remaining script in the event is not executed.
163920 On a ListView control containing a Vertical Scroll Bar, if the ListView is unpopulated, the Vertical Scroll Bar does not disappear.
163922 Resizing of bitmap is not working under NT 4.0 (it seems that there is a bug in NT 4.0 for 2 of the 3 possible methods and that we are using one of them).
163923 win 95 and nt 4.0 32 bit pb 5.0.02,

MS Office 97. Error trying to access server function ' cell ' from Excel 8. Some methods in Excel 8 are now being treated as properties.

Customer is getting a "Powerbuilder Application execution error ( R0032)

Application Terminated. Name not found calling external object function CELLS ..."

This confirms the letter sent from Microsoft: According to attached information from Microsoft. Many Methods including calling Cell values, are now Properties instead of Methods.

This was also backpatched into 4.0.07 (Build 23).

NOTE: 4.0.07 final was build 21, so customer's will not have this patch unless they ask for it.

163925 There is a "Select Error" with Informix 7 when using NLS to translate character sets
163927 When a Window is first opened, pressing the right mouse button on a Vertical Scroll Bar will not bring up the pop-up menu until another control is clicked on first.
163928 6.0_109 SQLAnywhere: cannot preview a datawindow with stored procedure datasource: Select error: SQLSTATE=37000 [Sybase][ODBC Driver] Syntax error: syntax error near 'BL'. Sometimes it will work properly, but eventually will fail.

(once I got a more complete error message with the name of the pbl)

163929 If a window control is added to a descendant object, and a user event is declared for that control, and then the control is later added to the ancestor with the same user event, the user event does not fire in the ancestor if there is no code in that event in the descendant. If even a comment is added then the ancestor script works fine. Regenerating the objects does not resolve the problem.

Not exactly a bug, but would be nice if the product handled this better since it is natural that during the development cycle this sort of change might be made. Workaround, or really correct implementation method is to add the control to the ancestor object instead of the descendant object.

163930 Cannot create Oracle catalog tables when logging in to Oracle for the first time using ODBC. Powerbuilder is generating the create statement for the pbcattbl table with only one column
163931 Oracle async=1. Long running query from/in datawindow and the application is locked until rows start coming back. Can't get to other applications or cancel the query before the rows hit the datawindow.
163933 Window with tabcontrol paints the color of the tabcontrol differently than what was specified at design time. Example: If the tab's color = AppWrkSpace and the tabpage's color = ButtonFace, when running the app the tabpage's color is now AppWrkSpc along with the tab.
163936 Has defined synonyms to remote tables and are defined with a db link. The owner of the base table and the base table of the synonyms are not in the local db--it is distributed processing. Cannot see these synonyms in the table selection list.
163937 5.0.03 REGRESSION. This problem was fixed for 5.0.03_27, but in build 29 I was able to recreate in NT 4.0 & Windows 95. Composite datawindow prints 1 inch per page.
163938 When running application, datawindow column with editmask of type decimal and form 00.0000, hitting the backspace or delete key, the EditChanged event is not getting triggered. If format is ##.####, the event will trigger with the Delete and BackSpace key.
163940 Problem: RPC call to Oracle corrupts the last 4 bytes of blob output parameter when SP argument is of type RAW or LONG RAW. If PB string is used, it is populated with the external hex value of the data. RPC prototype translates Oracle RAW and LONG RAW to PB STRING.
163942 Native tab control with native tab pages - each containing a datawindow object (native as well). If you adjust the position of the tab control on the window and save, then re-open the same window, adjust and save, you get a gpf in pbctl050.dll @ 014f:11c37668 the second time you try to save the window.
163943 When you place a tab control on a window (and add tab pages), the 'tabs' do not appear. You cannot get to any of the tabpages - only to the control itself. If you preview the window, you do not see the tab pages, but if you "run" the window (use the 'dirty window') you will see the tabs. If you close the window and then reopen the window you will see the tabs.
163944 Can call PRIVATE functions on objects when using the dynamic format. The following compiles (correct) and doesn't give a runtime error (incorrect).


Should give some type of Cxxx error - cannot access private function.

163945 The application is calling a method GetObject() from an Automation Server written in PowerBuilder. This GetObject() returns a pointer to a new instance of an OLEObject. The pointer is usable in 5.0.02 but makes the application crash in 5.0.03.x
163946 Impossible to call an ORACLE 7 stored procedure which takes a PL-SQL table of CHAR(1) as IN argument or IN OUT argument.
163948 Client has an inhouse MSVC C++ DLL (uses MFC) that pops up a dialog box. They have two applications which call a global external function in this DLL - one is a 4.0 application, another is 5.0. When running the 5.0 application, then the 4.0 application, a login dialog is suddenly missing some command buttons in the 4.0 application. This doesn't happen if the 4.0 application is run first.
163949 constructor of auto-instantiate uo is triggered several times if the ancestors are also auto-instantiate
163950 If you place a dw in the header band of a composite report with nested dw's, the text and data in the header band only prints on the first page. This also occurs in preview mode.

****This works fine in 5.0.03, 5.0.04 and 6.0

163951 In a freeform datawindow, using the vertical scrollbar handle or thumb, if you drag it all the way to the bottom, you do not get to the last row, you get to the row just before the last one. You have to click on the down arrow to get to the final row. The problem occurs both in datawindow preview in the painter, and in the datawindow control of the application at runtime.
163952 When you set a breakpoint in the debugger and then continue beyond the breakpoint, the application's events non longer fire properly. Some events fire others do not.
163953 You are no longer able to put a null into a datetime field of a database from a dw that has an edit mask that includes time

Regression Issue: Issue was fixed in 5.0.03 and was supposed to fixed in 6.0, but tested in Build 114 and was still broken. Checked to make sure updatable was checked etc. Same pbl being used.

163955 When trying to install w/ pkgadd package "PWRSpbsyd" (System 11 db interface) generates a long error message. It starts: pkginfo: option requires an arguement -- c usage:... and ends with saying that PWRSpb is not installed (it is).

The package is not installed.

163956 Just declaring a blob variable local to a script causes a memory leak when running machine code exe. No leak in development environment. There are other similar bugs reported, but most are with 16 bit and occur in development as well. This was reproduced using machine code exe only, and using 32 bit as well.
163957 Rich text control crashes when trying to choose font from the

Fontfamily drop down list.

163960 5.03_025b REGRESSION Printing a window from pb is resulting in only a blank page being produced.
163963 NUP presentation style cause GPFs in window painter with 2-up in the following scenarios. (tab orders in parenthesis). GPF in PBDWE050.DLL

1) emp_id_1(0) manager_id_1(0) emp_id_2(10) manager_id_2(20)

2) emp_id_1(20) manager_id_1(30) emp_id_2(10) manager_id_2 (40)

Either GPFs when trying to associate the datawindow with the control (has to insert 2 blank rows to render the display) or when opening a window containing this dataobject already placed in a control.

163964 Pb 5.0.02_11 win 95 32 bit. Internet developers Toolkit

Customer gets an error 'attempt to free resources' in the console window when running with IDT. The customer is using PBCGI050.EXE with O'Reilly WebSite.

Everything he does gives him a gpf/access violation message pbcgi050.exe caused faults C0000005 in moduld pbcgi050.exe @ 014f:1000600c.

Also gets an ' smi40 ' error message when using pb 5.0.03_25

Possible solution to this problem is

If you take a message out of the sytem error event then PB will not terminate... This is the main problem here. Also try coding " transport.options = "Dedicated = 1". This will cut down the amount of threads used to 1.

Solved with distributed powerbuilder dlls from pb 5.0.04_65. They include pbsmi050.dll, pbdpb050.dll,pbdse050.dll,pbnpc050.dll,pbnps050.dll,pbosc050.dll,pboss050.dll,pbwsc050.dll,pbwss050.dll

163965 Using Microsoft Active Server, Transaction Server, etc. Problem passing variant datatypes which doesn't occur in VB. PB is somehow mixing up the types.
163966 When removing horizontal scrollbar from a tv and the content has been shifted to the right, it is not correctly reshifted to the left => only half is displayed.
163967 Oracle: a datawindow created against a synonym is not updateable if the table name is unqualified and the datawindow is created by user other than the owner of the table.

Example: table t1 created by user scott. Public synonym t1 created on scott.t1. User joe creates datawindow with this syntax in DBA notepad or dynamic datawindow: select col1 from t1. Datawindow is not updateable.

163968 SQL server 6.5 . A fault On rpc calls which use setnull() to pass in null string input parameters to a stored procedure.

On rpc calls which use setnull() to pass in null string input parameters:



sqlerrtext= A SQLServer request resulted in bad return code or status but no error message was returned.

If the string is passed in to the rpc call as "", it works without error.

163970 The OLE AMBIENT FONT property is returning an HFONT rather than an IFontDispatch (or fail). Refer to "FontTest.ocx" control in PT421811.ZIP.
163976 Extended attributes not showing in the Alter Table dialog for Label, Comment, Header when using the Oracle 7.2 (PBO72050.DLL) native driver. Works with PBO73050.DLL.
163977 Groupcalc() not in DW Plug-in for dataobjects of group datawindows used as PSRs. Sort(), Filter() directives - if contained in the dataobject used to create the PSR - should be invoked as well.
163978 The event pbm_menuselect does not get triggered inside PowerBuilder although the windows message wm_menuselect is fired
163979 During retrieval with ASYNC=1 system resources (CPU utilization) jump to 100%
163980 PBSYC and PBSYD on Solaris need support for security and directory services too.
163982 Silent install of the pb 5.0.02 , pb 5.0.04_7..32-bit deployment kit. The client can successfully do the silent install on the pb development machine. But when she tries to do the same on a deployment machine that does not have pb, receive error message that "can't find .inl files".


verified that this is NOT a bug...

(1) Customer needs to make sure that the path specified in the session.set (open it up in word or notepad etc) is valid.

(2) need to make sure that /s is used in the run command. /s stands for silent install

(3)In the session.set file c:\silent\PBDKNTI.INS should exist and that permissions are granted to get to the file.

163989 Problem Description: Customer is dynamically triggering a windows function and gets back a null reference error or bad argument list for a windows function

"li_integer = lnv_attributes.TRIGGER DYNAMIC FUNCTION nf_get_integer( aany_object )" and gets back the error message "bad argument list in the function."

Determening how this is a bad argument list or not is imppossible to determine as the static function call of the same routine causes no error like this.

Running this through the debugger does not show me anything about how the argument list could be wrong. If the argument list was called statically, there is no problem. The results and returns codes etc in the debugger are exactly the same from both static and dynamic.

163990 Disappearing nested report

A nested report does not display data for the 2 record and beyond.


Fixed by fix for bug number 42295

163992 Multiple client connections opened to a distributed server application. When one client connection is lost due to a client re-boot, client system error, server system error the client session still exists on the sever application. This is observed via a 'server monitor' application using distributed functions such as ConnectToServer (with admin privileges) and GetServerInfo. When the server application is closed with the errand client thread still running, it takes a Dr. Watson error. Also, when the client thread is left open on the server application, the RemoteStopConnection function will not kill the errand connection (causes a Dr. Watson and kills the server application).
163996 NT 3.51 Win-16- Query Painter - Joins - 5.0.03 and 6.0 Build 122

You can join tables together from the PainterBar but you cannot use the Menu 'Design.. Joins' this is grayed out or disabled.

163997 DW fills the rest of a NVARCHAR field with spaces. NVARCHAR(10) for example, which is storing a 3 character string, fills the rest of the string with 7 spaces to be a hard char(10). Informix Only.
163998 DDE server application which communicates with a Client DDE application using a hotlink. The server performs a SetdataDDE from an user event of the window server. If the user event is triggered from another event of the window, it works. If it's triggered from a menu item, it doesn't work : SetdataDDE returns -1 (called in wrong context)

Development: This problem is architectural. The DDE functions rely on the setting of internal window handle to indicate which window to do communications from. This window handle is only set when a window message is received. Because these scripts are triggered/posted, they do not go through normal message processing, the internal window handle is not set, and therefore communication is attempted with the wrong window handle. One possible solution is to create versions of the DDE functions at the object level so that the window handle is taken from the object instead.

164000 DPB issue. GPF in PBWSC050.DLL@0001:1133 occurs in 16bit client when you try to call a method while prior method still executing.
164002 After adding controls to a window and pressing the tab key to move from one control to another in the development environment, the tab will delete whatever text was written in the last control added or clicked upon.


no longer an issue, works correcly in

164007 ** REGRESSION ** for OLE.

Customer opens a window that contains the ct_date ocx. Gets a pbshr050.dll gpf.

(fix requires PBCMP050.DLL as well)

164008 PBORCA_CompileEntryRegenerate is always returning -11
164011 A Tab Control withn a Tab Control. Cannot add new controls to a Tab Page with another Tab Control "directly underneath" the current Tab Page.
164017 Distributed Powerbuilder cannot return large arrays from server functions when passed by reference. Testing was with character arrays. Results were as follows:

Size array: : returned size

----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------

1- 8021 : 1 - 8021

8022 : 8021

8023 - 8034 : SMI call error

8035 - 12028 : 8030 - 12023 (5 bytes less)

12029 : 12025

12030 - 12041 : SMI Call Error

> 12042 : PowerBuilder just disappears

WORKAROUND: Add function to determine what array size will be and break the call into multiple calls returning portions of the data. Call the function in a control loop. Example, if you need to return 12000, call function with flag to return the first 6000 values, then call again to return the second 6000 values, putting them together in the client application.

This is very similar to bug number 41163 and may turn out to be a duplicate bug. 41163 deals with arrays of structures so it is reported separately.

164024 WIN 3.1 : when you hide then show again the control menu on a response window, the control menu loses in 3D effect.
164031 When you take an application and "save as" to itself, you get a GPF and the application is lost. PBRTE050.DLL at 0137:10b1b257.
164032 Library painter. Long paths are wrapping around and getting chopped off in Entry/Properties.
164033 *** 5.0.03 REGRESSION ***

Stored procedure created on MS SQL Server 6.5 database using DBMS=MSS. OUTPUT parameter in procedure declarations. If the script containing the declare is modified in any way, after saving the script, you will get an access violation/page fault either right after the save or when you try to run the application.

164034 After a Child Window invokes a Messagebox, focus returns to the Main Window, instead of staying on the Child.
164036 many Windows 95 color schemes, if you disable a TreeView, the background behind the Labels and Pictures switches to one color, while the background behind the Lines switches to a different color. This mars the appearance of the user interface.
164037 When using the prereleased dll's from pbdwe050 and pbshr050 of build the getrow() function returns a wrong value when coded in the rowfocuschanged event.
164039 The DATE FORMAT setting on customer's instance of DB2 is USA (mm/dd/yyyy), not ISO (yyyy-mm-dd) which is the default. With this configuration, date values are being displayed incorrectly in PB data windows and in the data manipulation painter. For example, a date of 03/19/1997 is being displayed as 1/??/03. Modifying edit masks and/or display formats does not fix the problem. Note, that in this example as well as others, it appears the digits for the month in USA format are being interpreted as the year.
164040 Using PB mail session object, each time user logs on and logs off, 8k of memory is taken, possible memory leak.


appears to be a bug in mapi32. Wrote a windows app (ms windows; c code) that just loaded the mapi dll logged on and off; and freed the library . No PB involved at all. Win32 C app had same degree leakage.

164042 If the first column in the tab order of a datawindow is an editmask style column with the required property set on, when the datawindow gets focus by clicking on the editmask column the itemerror event fires and complains that the field is required, even though the user has not tried to leave that column without entering data. The problem only occurs when the datawindow and column get focus by being clicked on rather than by being tabbed to. The problem does not occur unless the edit style is editmask.


the problem occurs when the datawindow gets focus, AND the first column to get focus is an editmask required column. Try the following:

Declare a boolean instance variable on the window, boolean ib_workaround

// initialize instance in the open event of the window. You know the first time into the

// datawindow you want to avoid the error message

Window open event:

ib_workaround = true

// When you insert a row and click on the datawindow the itemfocuschanged event fires.

// This must be triggering the itemerror event. So suppress the error the first time in:

Datawindow ItemError event:

if (on the editmask column) and (ib_workaround) then

ib_workaround = false

return 1 //suppresses error message

end if

// Problem occurs when datawindow gets focus, so reset the workaround variable

// because the next time dw gets focus you want to suppress the error again.

Datawindow Losefocus event:


// back on the window, declare a user event called "bug_workaround" mapped to one

// of the pb custom event ids.

Window "bug_workaround" event:

ib_workaround = true

Since the test case is very simple, you may need to do some additional checking. For instance if there are other non-required columns that could be clicked on instead of the required editmask column, you will want to check which column you're on in the GetFocus event of the datawindow and set the ib_workaround variable to false if you're not on the required editmask column, etc. Refer to Application Techniques manual for additional information on data validation.

164043 Solaris - Pasting text into a RichText Edit Control doesn't seem to work properly. There is no end of line terminator. Loading a file into the RTE is ok, but pasting text doesn't work.
164045 After importing an object into an open (expanded) PBL that is not the PBL with your current application object in it, you must close and reopen the PBL to see the object.
164047 OLE\Automation Server Issue. PB does not seem to be generating the "tlb" TYPELIB (Type Library) file correctly. When a user object function in the Server pbl is defined to accept an argument by REF, the TYPELIB file should reflect the argument is expected "by reference" (REF), however, it does not.
164048 **PB 5.0.0x 32bit ONLY**

Has a large tab control inherited from PFC u_tab with several tabpages on the tab control inherited from u_tabpage. Put the control on a sheet, save the sheet. Re-open the sheet, if you click on a tab page you gpf: PB050 caused an invalid page fault in

module PBRTF050.DLL at 0137:10d3dba6.

164049 5.0.03 regression. Worked in 5.0.02. With this 5.0.03 version of the NET native driver the customer now has a problem with DW or DB Admin queries that include a timestamp column. When retrieving a timestamp column she gets the error:

"attempt to convert data stopped by syntax error in source field".

All queries that do not include a timestamp work fine.

164052 Secure dbparm (MSSQL) is not working if you follow PB documentation. There are also differences between Secure=1, Secure='Yes' and Secure='True'.
164054 Win nt 4.0 32 bit. { pb 5.0.02_11, pb 5.0.03_35, pb 5.0.04_31}

Keywords:: Web PB. incorrect URL syntax. GPF or web server crashes

Problem description::

Main issue here is that when the customer enters in an incorrect URL that errors occur. When she changed a parameter in the URL. and passed argument into a function, the whole server crashed. Essentially a gpf.

When using iis, pbcgi050.exe and internet explorer, received the following error message:

The instruction at "0x10001a56" referenced memory at "0x00145000". The memory could not be written

The web server can hang or when using iis, netscape browser and pbcgi050.exe, received the following error message:

PBCGI050.EXE Application Error

The instruction at "0x10001a56" referenced memory at "0x00145000".

164055 If you have an object open in another windows, and you delete it in the library painter and then continue using it, PB freezes or GPFs.
164057 Datawindow issue. 32 bit, pb 5.0.02, pb 5.0.04. win 95 and win nt 4.0 "

Customer uses the following syntax

" = " and this causes rows in the dw to become obscure/non readable.

However if he uses the script in the issue description you see the workaround.

164058 When you press F1 or do Help -> Help Contents, you will get a blank screen. You are able to press index to search PowerBuilder Help.

per development:

cannot recreate using 5.0.03 build 35

164059 When accessing worksheet cells of the Formula One OCX, PowerBuilder reverses the row and column.
164061 Changing the mouse pointer property for an OCX control has no effect. Development will determine whether this is a bug, or whether the OCX control must be programmed to recognize the setting of this property in order for it to work.

Workaround: In MouseMove event of control add script: SetPointer(HourGlass!).

164064 Solaris - after changing .WindU to print to a file, file is not created using dw_1.Print(). This functionality worked in Solaris PB4.
164067 PBSYC050 When executing a datawindow that invokes a stored procedure, a server database error should take precedence over the PowerBuilder generated message "Requested result set 1 not found".
164070 MS SQLServer 6.5; IDENTITY column is not displaying correct data after inserting a new row of data & dw.Update() (i.e. 28136021523688752 for 32 bit PB) or -(null for 16 bit PB). Connecting via ODBC driver: Sqlsrv32.dll version 2.65.0201. This also happens with native driver PBMSS050.DLL.
164072 REGRESSION 5.0.03 to 5.0.04: two arrays of booleans, one global and one an instance. With the "old" DLLs I can execute the following statement: ib_array = gb_array Where "ib_array" is declared but not initialized and "gb_array" has 32 boolean elements (set variously to "true" and "false"). With the "new" DLLs, this statement causes an invalid page fault in module PBSHR050.DLL. Problem does not occur using 5.0.02 or 5.0.03.

WORKAROUND from customer:

I've found that the following notation works:

for li_cnt = 1 to upperbound(gb_array)

gb_array[li_cnt] = ib_array[li_cnt]


164074 If UpdateBlob succeeds, sqlca.sqlnrows should be set to the number of rows successfully updated. sqlnrows returns 0 currently.
164077 Arabic PB 5.0.02 & Informix 7: When saving datawindow with date retrieval argument an error occurs: SQL Error (-282): "found a quote for which there is no matching quote"


Could not recreate with recent 5.0.04

164079 Customer is trying to enter data into a dw with a LONG datatype column. Customer states that it does not save all of the text. The ROW, COLUMN SPECS states 29000. However, when he enters/updates text > 2048bytes and then tries to retrieve, the text is gone. If the text is <= 2048bytes, then he can enter the text and retrieve the data.

We tried to view the row through the dbadmin painter through the data manipulation grid, and we got the same results. The text that is > 2048bytes, comes back as an empty column, where as the text that is <= 2048bytes is retrieved without a problem.

164080 Win 95 and NT 4.0

32 bit only {pb 5.0, pb 5.0.02, pb 5.0.03, pb5.0.04}

Keywords:: OLE automation, Visual C++ (version 5), pointers to methods, VB

Problem description::

Basic problem is that powerbuilder does not appear to handle pointers to methods when using an ole object. Customer has created a dll using MS VC++ ver 5. He has both PB5 and VB5 applications. The VB app connects fine and calls to the ole object functions work. The PB app connects but calls to the functions fail.

Error message he gets is

"PowerBuilder Application Error (R0033) Application Terminated. Error: Invalid parameter type calling external object function assignvariantlong at line 7 in clicked event of object

cb_assignvariantlong of w_genapp_sheet."

164084 PBSYT - 5.0.03 regression. GPF on UpdateBlob if the existing blob in the database is either null or less than 100 bytes in size.

Fixed in 5.0.04 (build 16) and 6.0 Beta (and 4.0.07 after it went gold).

164086 Leaks in runtime executables with connect/disconnect. All drivers are affected - some worse than others. Worst with server executables (either Web.pb or distributed).

ODBC driver - 6MB

O73 driver - 3.9MB

IN7 driver - 3.4MB

SYC driver - 500KB

SYT driver - negligible

MSS driver - 40KB

164090 Lack of horizontal scroll bars in the library painter, for example, trying to import an object. The prompt for the destination library dialog does not have horizontal scroll bars.
164091 Fix to separate the winsock driver from pbvm and allow PB to run without

requiring a winsock.dll be available under Win16. The fix is created a new

DLL, pbwsd60w.dll which is for Win16 systems only. Please note the listed

DLL's in Ptrack pbwsc60.dll and pbwss60.dll DO NOT exist and should be removed.

164093 GPF when saving an inherited menu that contains a menu ITEM which you've named the same as the global ancestor menu object. Ex: Naming File menu item m_genapp_frame on a menu m_genapp_sheet (inherited from m_genapp_frame) and saving. GPF in PBRTE050.DLL 0005:1E7D or 0004:1121
164095 The row argument of the pbm_dwnlbuttonup event is always returning -1
164096 Can not reproduce in build 153
164097 When you preview a menu the toolbar is not painting correctly along the bottom
164099 When using the ImportFile() function on a datawindow, the user can use the mouse to select the file they wish when they supply a null value for file name (File Open windows dialog comes up). When using a datastore, the mouse is no longer enabled, but can use the arrow and tab. It seems to be capturing the mouse anytime Powerbuilder script puts up a File..Open or File Save As... windows dialog going against a datastore.
164100 3rd Party OCX events not firing in PB.
164104 Win16 : DPB Client : WinSock driver : ConnectToServer function : Not able to connect to DPB Server from Win16 client under Windows 3.1 environment. The call to ConnectToServer function will not return. The server side trace (on WinNT) displays a successfull connect message.
164105 pb 5.02, pb 5.04, win 95 win nt 4.0. DW edit mask issue.

Click on the edit property of a time column

Then change the edit Mask: to hh:mm am/pm or hh:mm:ss am/pm

Type in 12:00:00 and tab away, it is changed to 00:00:00 am

That is the bug.

However if you use the full datetime data type and type in the date aswell as the time and enter 12:00:00 as the time, tab away and there is no problem.

164106 REGRESSION from 5.0.03. RPCFUNC with Oracle date output parameter is returning error ORA-01483: invalid length for DATE or NUMBER bind variable.
164111 Most often reported problem with dropdownlistbox control on a window - with "allow edit" ON with HP Vectra with Matrox video card but it's a much more generalized problem.

In NT 4.0, if you use the CONTROL-ALT-DELETE to bring up the "Windows NT Security" dialog and click on the Cancel button any window which contains a dropdownlistbox begins painting hundreds of times until it stack faults. During this time, the machine is completely locked up.

Another way to do it is to put focus in the editable dropdownlistbox edit fields and right mouse on a blank area of the desktop and go into the Properties dialog onto the "Background" or first tab page and change the "Pattern" listbox from, say, (none) to 50% grey and click on OK to apply the change. It seems this forcing a repaint on the NT 4.0 background (or Win95) causes the looping and it's NOT VIDEO CARD specific or resolution specific.

If you turn "Allow Editing" off on the dropdownlistbox, the weird painting stopped happening and it doesn't loop and GPF.


1. Turn allow editing off on the dropdownlistbox

2. Use a datawindow with 1 column instead of a dropdownlistbox.

Similar to bug 44295.

Development: Fixed for NT 4.0. Win95 still freezes.

164112 Informix 7 - IN7 32bit.

Customer is experiencing a memory leak on the client on the size of the blob. When they do a SelectBlob to a local variable, then it will chew up the memory which is equivalent to the size of the blob"

164113 PB 6.0 build 153 on Win 95. Database Profile Painter ignores one of the parameters when writing Database Profiles to the PB.INI.

On the System tab page for a Sybase Net Gateway database profile, there is a field named System Owner. It appears to default to SYSIBM, but if you look at the profile in the preview tab page, the SystemOwner='SYSIBM' value is not being written. So when you connect with this profile, you will be prompted for SystemOwner despite having provided this on the Profile Painter.

164117 GPF when compiling a machine code executable containing 3 levels of inheritance. The problem is initialization of instance variables. An example of the construct causing the problem: instance variables of one nvo - nvo_inherited:

UINT foo = 1

UINT bar = foo

We are getting compile error "C0085 Invalid variable declaration initialization", ignoring the compile error and then GPFing trying to evaluate the expression. This will happen during a full rebuild or doing a full rebuild while creating an executable.

The workaround (set UINT bar = 1) as well.

164119 ***** 5.0.03 Regression *****

SYC (CTLIB). PB 16 bit. After 20 - 30 connects/disconnects the application terminates with the following gpf: "pbstb050 caused a gpf in module pbsyc050.dll @0002:08f0". SYB(CTLIB) terminates with gpf: pbsyb050.dll@0001:0936.

164122 While connected to a DB2 database using the Sybase Net Gateway native driver, if you then attempt to connect to a second DB2 database using the same driver you will abend with an invalid page fault in kernel32.dll or libtcl.dll. This problem cannot be recreated in PB 5.0.03.
164124 Microsoft sql server 6.5, pbmss050.dll from pb 5.0.03 and pb 5.0.04 Win 95 and win nt 4.0 16 bit.

Customer is getting a gpf in pbmss050.dll at 0002 : 0003224 when using PB 5.0.03 and PB 5.0.4 16 bit . He was in the library painter trying to regen a window that had a stored procedure declared.

Note: The gpf does not occur if the customer uses the 5.0.02 version of pbmss050.dll.

The line of code from the stored procedure

" declare myproc procedure for @return_val=pef_byroyalty2 "

is causing the problem. In pb 5.0.02_11 there is no problem under any platform. In pb 5.0.04_21 the problem still occurs.

If you comment out the above line, there is no problem.

This GPF also occurs when you try to declare the same stored procedure in Powerscript. The real problem is when using the Powerscript "Paste SQL" Icon, you get an ILLEGAL script for "declare procedure" missing the procedure name - but it compiles correctly.

In 5.0.03, this doesn't compile correctly (GPFs) in regen or compile where it should give a message "syntax error: Procedure name missing from statement". If the syntax is corrected, it compiles and runs in 5.0.02 and 5.0.03.

Workaround: Fix the syntax so it's legal but this is tough since the regenerate bombs PB before you can get a list of "declares" errors. Should perhaps use the object browser.

164125 Dw with nested reports inserts blank pages (horizontal) ONLY after printing it. You only see the extra pages if scrolling or clicking 'next page' from preview painter. If you resend to printer, it still prints out the correct number of pages. Problem was symptom of having a composite with different units of measures than the nests.



Open composite dw, change Units of Measure property on dw to PowerBuilder units.

164127 GPF in PBMDI050.DLL

In 5.0.02, the GPF occurs at 0001:0C47

In 5.0.03, the GPF occurs at 0001:0C93

Error 5701 Database context changed to xxx

164129 ****5.0.03 REGRESSION****

OLE Automation with MS Word 8.0, following script gives error: Powerbuild Application Execution Error (R0033) - Application Terminated - Error: Invalid parameter type calling external object function insertfile at line 10 in clicked event....

This is the line of code that fails:

word_obj.selection.insertfile("c:\my documents\doc1.doc")

164130 PBSYC60 (Beta2) - GPF during SYC connect logic if the following select statement returns a row:

select dateformat from master.dbo.syslanguages where langid = @@langid;

This will happen if you've changed your date format for us_english or if you are using a different langid as the default language for your SQL Server.

164134 ** PB 16bit only ** MS SQL Server 6.0, table with timestamp datatype.

Customer is doing a RowsCopy() and getting a gpf in pbdwe050.dll @0044:0000044c.

This seems to happen if there are > 56 rows being copied, anything less works fine or if timestamp is not included or dw style is not GRID. Tabular and FreeForm dw's WITH timestamp do not gpf.

164135 5.0-5.0.02 PASTE SQL Icon in the script painter is painting the wrong syntax (according to the documentation) for DECLARE PROCEDURE..

The syntax should be corrected to agree with Powerscript 5.0 Reference documentation on page 118.

This is what is currently painted:

Declare myproc PROCEDURE FOR @int_var...

Notice there is no "actual" procedure name after the keywords "PROCEDURE FOR". This worked in 5.0-5.0.02 because the compiler filled in "myproc" under the covers from the alias name to the actual procedure name.


Seems to have been fixed by another bug.

164138 OLE presentation style is not working properly with Excel 97
164140 Regression 5003: Drag and Drop caused an invalid page fault in

module KERNEL32.DLL dragging from one datawindow to another datawindow.

164141 ********* Regression Bug (5.0.03)

Running app in 5.0.03, page fault occurs in PBSHR050.DLL@0137:1111198e. It happens on the second pass of retrieving into the ds. If you use dw's instead, the page fault does not occur.

164145 Creating and editmask for a date column and defining the mask to be [date] does not seem to pick up the international setting in Control Panel. If you go into control panel and change the short date format to dd/mmm/yy and then run your datawindow, the format is not reflected. This is true regardless of the Format also defined on the column.
164148 Dot notation for the 3D attribute of a checkbox column in a datawindow doesn't work.

Using dot notation to change the 3d property of a checkbox on a dw does not compile.

dw_1. modify ("column_1.checkbox.3d=no") compiles and works, but

dw_1.object.column_1.checkbox.3d='no' will not even compile.

It's because we made a change going from 4.0 to 5.0. It should work as shown above.

Development: Powerscript doesn't allow identifiers to start with a number. In this case, use: 'dw_1.object.column_1.checkbox.threed' dot notation instead if want to do this in dot notation. Doc issue as well.

164149 5.0.03 Regression - 1) Using a currency(7) EditMask on a DataWindow, if the field is highlighted, when the first number is entered into the field, the cursor immediately jumps to the far right. 2) Cents cannot be entered! The only way that cents can be entered is if the number is large enough for it to jump to the cents column.

OK in 6.0

164153 HP-UX - ''X Server Error...'' pops up on stderr with every click on most of the action buttons.
> X Server Error, Message reported is: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
164155 Customer is having a problem passing parameters across the distributed environment via proxy objects. The problem seems to be whentheye pass a structure by reference followed by a long by value. The long value is fine on the client application just prior to the call to the server application but is trashed when it arrives on the server application. If the order of the arguments is changed the problem goes away. NOTE: The customer is using PB 5.0.03 with pre-released 5.0.04 distributed dll's.
164156 ***** 5.0.03 REGRESSION *****

Problem encountered with a datastore. If you use a GetText() to retrieve data from fields in a datastore and a SetText() to put the value into a datawindow column a validation error occurs because it is trying to return the date from the datastore to a string field in the datawindow.

Workaround: Use an invisible datatwindow.

164157 win 95 and Win nt 4.0

32 bit and 16 bit {pb 5.0.02, pb 5.0.03, pb 5.0.04}

If you place additional uo tab pages within a uo tab control, place the tab control on a window and click on the tab control a few times you get a Quincy error box and PB hangs(or a gpf in PBRTF050.DLL @ 0137:10d3e096).

This only happens in development (and only in 32 bit PB. . Customer has this problem on NT 4.0 and I can recreate it on Win 95 with Pb 5.03. aswell

Fixed in pbctl050.dll ALso need to include pbroi050.dll from pb 5.0.04_26

164158 Using an EditMask of ###0 on a numeric datatype field on a DataWindow, when the field is highlighted/selected, entering a 1 will result in 10. Entering a 5 will result in 50. It seems the zero is taken as a literal instead of a mask.
164159 Win 95 32 bit pb 5.02 and pb 5.0.03, pb 5.0.04

Hangs on placement of non-PowerSoft OCX

System hangs when I place an non-PowerSoft OCX on a window.

Any of the microsoft OCX controls such as combo box or forms cause pb to hang in any of the above versions. These OCX controls come with office 97.

With Win NT 4.0 you cannot resize some of microsoft controls at all (multimedia player can be resized and does not crash)

164163 SQL Anywhere 5.5

datawindow yyyy editmask on a date column. If 2000 is entered then 0000 is displayed.

164164 Using Dot Notation to add a string column of data to a datawindow with an array inserts the data to the first column. If you add data 1 row at a time it inserts to the correct column.
164169 Private variable declaration propagating to event scope. If you declare a Private instance variable on a user object u_ancestor:


int test

If you then declare a user event and later inherit u_decendent from u_ancestor and try to call the u_ancestor event via

super::event eventname()

in u_decendent, you will receive an error:

"C0109: Private or Protected function cannot be accessed:"

when you try to regenerate the u_decendent object. The PRIVATE instance variable declaration in u_ancestor seems to trigger this. If you also have PUBLIC: in the same instance variable area of u_ancestor, the error doesn't occur when regenerating u_decendent.

164179 The ansi left outer join syntax can not be used with ms sql server using odbc.
164181 Regression : PBDWE050.DLL from 5.0.03 causes Datastore to terminate Distributed application.
164183 Problem with reading the TEXT attribute of a drop down list box. It seems the Text property of a DropDownListBox is not available when it is first populated on the Solaris platform as it is on the Windows platform. It seems to be one event behind what is actually happening.

For instance, if a DDLB Text property is populated in the Constructor event, it is shown in the DDLB. However, if a function calls for the DDLB Text property, it is not extracted right away.

164185 System hangs when client passes bounded array to distributed PB server.

Workaround: Use unbounded array.

Developer: Problem occurs because you are trying to pass a bounded array to something that takes an UNbounded array by reference. Since it's by reference and the types don't match, it's a problem. This is fixed in 6.0 but cannot be in 5.0 due to the severity of the fix

164187 DropDownListBox border is drawn improperly when displayed using the Window plug-in. It overlaps the item selected when the border is 3D


Cannot reproduce using 5.0.04 or later

164189 ***** Regression in - probably as a result of issue 414767 memory leak fix. Customer is trying to change the color of a bar on a DataWindow chart using Syntax 1 of the SetSeriesStyle function. When this function is called, it always GPF's in PBSHR050.DLL at 0001 0FC1.
164192 NT or Solaris using ODBC drive to Informix - The database painter still includes datetime columns in the WHERE clause for update when previewing and deleting/inserting rows through the data manipulation. This is fine except it creates the wrong syntax for the datetime "year to fraction (5)" columns. (data manipulation creates a datawindow on the fly with the datetime in the WHERE clause - incorrectly.) When creating a normal datawindow, you don't get the error.

The datawindow is generating:

WHERE ... AND created_datetime = {ts '1997-02-03 17:48:00.00000'}

Which causes the error:


[INTERSOLV][ODBC Informix driver][Informix]Extra characters at the end of a datetime or interval.

This should be the syntax it's generating. This works.

WHERE ...AND created_datetime = DATETIME (1996-12-11 09:45:00.00000) YEAR TO FRACTION(5)

Development/Product Support: or 6.0.01 build 349.

164194 OS::Win nt 4.0/Win 95

32 bit. {pb 5.0.02, pb 5.0.03, pb 5.0.04 }

Keywords:: MS sql server 6.5, sybase sys 11. MSS, SYB, dynamic SQL

Problem description::

Execute Dynamic does not return result sets when using the MSS driver in NT 4.0. It will return correct result sets when using the SYB driver.

The customer is trying to get to the same stored procedure which sits on MS sql server 6.5 using differnent drivers (which are supposed to function the same way) but do not.

You need to use Dynamic SQL for the problem to occur. If customer statically swiches from syb to mss and vice versa there is no problem. Its only at run time that this problem occurs.

The Sybase sql server version 4.X is similar to MS sql server 4.X, but it is not similar to SQL server 6.5 when using dynamic sql.

164207 Clicking on tab causes a page fault in: PBRTF050.DLL@0137:10d3e096. This only happens in the user object painter. At runtime it does not happen. It also does not happen if the user object is placed on a window and you click the tab that causes the page fault.

Workaround: Check Multiline and Ragged Right properties of ancestor tab and save object.

164216 Errors are not reported correctly when using tsequal in syc driver (Sybase SQL Server)
164220 PowerBuilder Unix DataStore and dot notation cause segmentation faults.
164222 PB 6.0 Beta 3 v3 When creating a new pipeline through the Database Painter with MSS connection, I receive database error message 2734 or 2710. When creating a new pipeline through the Pipeline Painter with same connection, I receive no error message.

Database connections used in the example: profile name = MSS 6.0, DBMS = MSS, database = pbdev1, server = sql95, ID = t1user, password = t1pass profile name = SYC-system10, DBMS = SYC, database = qadata, server = system10, ID = qalogin, password = qapass

To recreate through Pipeline Painter:

1. Open the Pipeline Painter. Click new.

2. Select SQL Select as Data Source. Use Database Connections: Source is MSS 6.0, and Destination is SYC-system10.

3. Select any table. Select all columns. Click SQL.

4. Execute. Works fine.

To recreate through Database Painter:

1. Through Database Painter, connect to MSS 6.0. Open the same table as #3 above.

2. Click Pipeline icon. I used the option "Create-Add table".

3. Click Destination Profile icon. Select SYC-system10. Click Connect.

4. Notice that t1user is appended to table name.

5. Execute. Error message 2734 "User name t1user does not exist in Sysusers".

6. Redo steps 1 through 5, but this time use SYC as the Source and MSS as the Destination. Receive error message 2710 "You are not the owner specified for object named dbo.table_you_chose in this command (CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE, UPDATE STATISTICS, or BULK INSERT). The database owner can use the SETUSER command to assume the identity of another user."

Similar errors occur with Oracle and Informix database connnections. With the Informix connection, a "." is appended to the table not the ID.

164224 BlobEdit(blob_var,1,"ZZZ") returns 5. BlobEdit(blob_var,1,blob("ZZZ")) returns 4. Should they both return 4 ? Also, converting blob_var to string only shows the first string when the BlobEdit call is done repeatedly. Is the C null character indicating the end of the string being included in the blob if the blob() conversion function is not used ? Is this a bug, or correct behavior ?

PER DEVELOPMENT: If something is passed to BlobEdit as a blob, no terminating NULL is included, whereas it is if the item passed is of the string type. At a fundamental level a string is just a bytestream with a terminating NULL, so this makes sense.

164225 Window plugin with 2 datawindows; does PrintDataWindow() to keep both dw's in one print job. If a Response or PopUp window is brought up, the datawindows no longer print using PrintDataWindow()...dw_1.Print() does work but this creates a separate print job for every dw.
164228 *** 5.0.03 Regression ***

A datetime column in a datastore that has an editmask of mm/yy/dd on it will not print. If he takes the editmask off and uses the edit style it prints fine. Works fine in 5.0.02. If he uses a datawindow instead of a datastore works fine in 5.0.03.

164235 Win nt 4.0 only

32 bit { pb 5.0, pb 5.0.02, pb 5.0.03, pb 5.0.04, panther 6.0 beta 3 version 189}

Problem description::

If the customer tries to insert a wmf file that he created from win nt 4.0 with a dw.SaveAs function into an ole container ( Word 7.0 or 8.0 ) he can not see it.

If you save the metafile from win 95 then just activate it from nt 4.0, you will see no problem. This proves that the dw.saveas() is causing the problem.

We tested this out with word 7.0 and word 8.0.

Also tested with NT 4.0 service pack 3 and nt 4.0 with no service packs.

The results were exactly the same.

On some machines running win nt 4.0 800X600 RESOLUTION causes the problem while

1024X768 RESOLUTION works fine

164242 Solaris - Customer is using the BlobMid function. This function has three arguments; the blob to work on, the number of the first byte to work on (a pointer), and how many bytes to be returned. When BlobMid is called with a pointer of 7, and will return an integer value, it will actually return the value starting at position 9.

A work around is to subtract 2 from the pointer argument before the BlobMid function is called, then add 2 back to it, if you're keeping track of the pointer.

164243 Debugger goes into continuous loop, datawindow with a computed field on it that calls a user defined function, the debugger will stop at line one of the function even though there is no stop in the function.


Not a bug. gf_raise is used to calculate the datawindow computed object salary. Every time you go from the debugger to the datawindow, the focus changes which causes all computed objects to be updated which calls gf_raise ....

164247 Line control has no BringToTop property
The Line control does not have a BringToTop property, and neither do any of the other drawing controls.

Development: Drawing objects are always in background.

164248 Calling an Oracle function, which should return a REAL NUMBER, returns a NULL value in PB. Specific to Oracle 7.3.3.
164256 Win 95, NT 4.0

32 bit only { pb 5.0, 5.0.02_11, 5.0.03_35 5.0.04_41}.

Keywords:: Dynamic tab pages, treeview, keydown!

Problem description::

The main problem here is that when the customer scrolls through a list in the treeviewitems and holds down the CTRL key and the down arrow, that the top level treeviewitem is deleted, then subsequent treeviewitems after it.

The item will reappear if you run the app again.

Note Ctrl-Left and Right Arrow scrolls one pixel when a TVI is selected. Why does this happen. Also shifting by one pixel to the left and right happens with CTRL and left/right arrow key. This should not happen

Other Questions::

Question 1: Why does Ctrl + Arrow keys allow scrolling when there is no need to scroll? (Note Ctrl-Left and Right Arrow scrolls one pixel when a TVI is selected)

Question 2: How can default tree keypress behavior be intercepted and/or overridden?

Question 3: How can I control horizontal tree scrolling? I already know about VScroll using Send(Handle(This), 277, x, 0)

Develpment will look at Question 1

Question 3 above is related to issue 421025 which is still open in the dev-gui Queue.

Question 2 look at issue 455981, 423387 some info in here about it. Place a mesasgebox or a return of some kind. Or else trigger the error event to stop this from happening.

164261 Edit Style Maintenance...Edit is giving page fault for dropdowndatawindow style, but only for the 7.2 database (where Powersoft repository was created with char columns instead of varchar colums)
164267 ** 5.0.03 Regression **

Application error R0035 at the InsertFile() command trying to insert into an Word OLE Control on a window. Using the Clear() command.

Example Code:

The customer is using







This worked fine in 5.0.02.

164270 16 bit and 32 bit. ole_1.object.application.cells(1,1).value = value fails after 35-48 attempts using 16 and 32 bit PB and 16 and 32 bit Excel. Fails with inserting into many cells or into the same cell. The number of attempts before failing depends on the version of Excel. Excel 5 errors out at 35.

Error received: R0035 message- Error Calling External Object Function 'Cells'. Underlying this error is one coming from Excel 5.0 from using PB's internal traces:

...GetProperty Invoke returned 0x00000000

...GetDispID - GetIDsOfNames returned 0x80010002 << here


PBROIApplication:: dtor


This issue also happens in Visual Basic 4.0 16 bit and 32 bit. The script that duplicates the error:

The same thing (OLE2) on Visual Basic 4.0 gets the same error after 47 iterations.

Script under a command button going against the Excel 5.0c Worksheet on a Visual Basic form.

Dim count As Integer

For count = 1 To 300

Label2.Caption = count

OLE1.object.cells(1, 1).Value = 1997

Next count

The runtime error in Visual Basic 4.0 16 bit under WFW 3.11 using Excel 5.0 16 bit.

Runtime Error: Ole automation error: -2147418110 (80010002)<<<< Notice same 80010002 error from Visual Basic 4.0.

The runtime error in Visual Basic 4.0 32 bit under Win95 using Excel 7.0 32 bit

Runtime error: Ole Automation Error: -2147023174 (800706ba). Excel 7.0 dies at 545 iterations.

NT 4.0 seemed to be a little bit more robust and VB 4.0 32 bit and Excel 7.0 32 bit completed 3000 inserts.

The Microsoft issue # is SRX971009600309.

164272 When decimal numbers reach the overflow condition the reported value of the decimal is inconsistent
164273 Getting message "999: An invalid handle was passed in a call to the database driver." when trying to OPEN CURSOR or EXECUTE PROCEDURE in Format 3 Dynamic SQL using ODBC driver to execute an Remote Stored Procedure on the DB2 mainframe that returns a result set. This is code that works using the MDI gateway native driver (MDI), but fails when using ODBC against the DirectConnect DB2 Access Service (essentially the old MDI Gateway).
164278 Using the reserved word 'Step' for a function argument as an array (step[]) is not caught by the compiler and this causes problems if you save the function and try to re-open it. Also causes an error during import. (5.0 and 6.0 affected)

Other reserved words also have this problem such as "update[]", etc.

The script compiler catches this.

164297 ProfileString not matching on spaces and equal sign embedded in the section name. Just a doc issue ?

User reports that ProfileString is not correctly matching if a section header includes an equal sign surrounded by spaces.

This is probably not a bug, we probably just send the call right to GetPrivateProfileString and that is not handling the spaces the way the user expects, but I didn't find documentation on GetPrivateProfileString that specifically addressed this scenario and user wants this reported as a bug.

Here is what the profile.txt file looks like:

<beggining of file>

[section 1]


[section = 1]




[section =1]


[section= 1]


<end of file>

In Powerbuilder, here are the function calls and what is returned:

Profilestring("c:\profile.txt","Section 1","key","Failed!") >>> Returns Banana

Profilestring("c:\profile.txt","Section=1","key","Failed!") >>> Returns Apple

Profilestring("c:\profile.txt","Section = 1","key","Failed!") >>> Returns Failed!

Profilestring("c:\profile.txt","Section =1","key","Failed!") >>> Returns Failed!

Profilestring("c:\profile.txt","Section= 1","key","Failed!") >>> Returns Failed!



The GetPrivateProfileString function in Windows does the space mangling you are seeing. If you really need to care about spaces inside key names, you will need to embed quotations. Personally I recommend against it as Microsoft is no longer actively supporting INI files. However the following information from the Knowledge Base may be useful:


An application can retrieve information from a profile file by calling the GetProfileString or GetPrivateProfileString function. If the profile file associates the specified lpKeyName value with a string that is delimited by quotation marks, Windows discards the quotation marks when it copies the associated string into the application- provided buffer.

For example, if the following entry appears in the profile file:

[application name] [application name]

keyname = 'string' or keyname = "string"

The GetPrivateProfileString and GetProfileString functions read the string value and discard the quotation marks.

This behavior allows spaces to be put into a string. For example, the profile entry

keyname = string

returns the string without a leading space, whereas

keyname = ' string' or keyname = " string"

returns the string with a leading space.

Doubling quotation marks includes quotation marks in the string. For example:

keyname = ''string'' or keyname = ""string""

returns the string with its quotation marks -- 'string' or "string".

164306 Problem description::16 bit. Customer is using OLE and MS Word 97. Runing an application using OLE automation causes GPFs.

When closing word I get a GPF "PB050 caused an invalid page fault in module rpcrt4.dll at 0137:7fd07317.

The next GPF I get is " GPF in KRNL386.EXE "

164307 *** 5.0.03 Regression ***

Customer is sharing data between two datastores. RowCount() from secondary datastore comes back with 0 (zero), it should be 2.

164308 5.0.03 Regression. Win 3.11 only. OLE Blob column in datawindow causes painting problems on the datawindow when using 16 bit and closing the server application - in this case - Word 6.0 16 bit. Users must re-retrieve to force the datawindow to correct the painting problem. Development and runtime.

Development: This particular issue was fixed when other OLE window redraw issues were fixed.

164311 Crtl+X and Ctrl + V don't work in an editmask control.
164312 Problem description:: Menus or toolbars do not activate when closing a response window while multiple sheets are open ..

Customer has an MDI application. He opens a sheet, and pops a menu with a right mouse click that opens a response window.

He then right mouse clicks the reponse window which pops up another menu.

Once he closes the reponse window, the menu on the frame does not work. You can navigate the menu, but no scripts are executed when a selection is performed.

164327 Connecting with Powerbuilder to Adaptive Server 11.5. Pulling up the list of tables in the painter gives the error "301 error message:- Query contains illegal outer join request".

This is due to a problem with a subselect statement in the pbsyc2.sql that comes with either pb 5.0 or 6.0. Pbsyc2.sql changes the syntax for the sp_pb50table stored procedure created in pbsyc.sql so the user sees only tables that he has access to. You can use the original sp_pb50table (or sp_pb60table) stored procedure that comes in the pbsyc.sql file by rerunning the pbsyc.sql file or if you want to fix the pbsyc2.sql file the following change can be used:-

Original statement:

or ((select max(((sign(uid) * abs(uid-16383)) * 2) + (~(protecttype/2)))

from sysprotects p

where =*

and (p.uid = 0

or p.uid = user_id()

or p.uid =* u.gid)

Change to:

or ((select max(((sign(p.uid) * abs(p.uid-16383)) * 2) + (~(protecttype/2)))

from sysprotects p,sysobjects q, sysusers r

where =*

and (p.uid = 0

or p.uid = user_id()

or p.uid =* r.gid)

164330 Powerbuilder executables formerly had no means of returning an exit code to the operating system. This has been addressed by allowing the user to set the message.longparm as the last line of the application close event--this value is then passed out to the OS as the return code.
164332 After modifying the Edit.Case property of a column for a datawindow by script dw_1.Modify ("column_name.Edit.Case='lower'"), you get an uncomplete syntax when you execute dw_1.describe ("datawindow.syntax") from the modified datawindow.

Dot notation gives also an uncomplete syntax. The " = lower" is missing in the resulting syntax.

164342 Using the PBNS2050.dll NSAPI interface in the Netscape Enterprise Server v3.0 with encryption (SSL) turned on doesn't work. If you turn off encryption on the web server it works fine.

Solution Per Development:

This issue has been defined as an enhancement and not as a bug. The interface was developed in accordance to the Netscape Enterprise 2.0 NS-API interface. Therefore Powersoft's statement currently is that we don't support the NS-API 3.0 interface. This same situtation happens each time a database vendor provides an new version of their database drivers. Development has committed to and is working on a NS-API 3.0 interface.

164345 Problem description:: win 95, win nt 4.0

Customer is handling pointers to methods when using an ole object. Customer has created a dll using MS VC++ ver 5. 2 gpfs occur when closing an application involving the invokation of variant and long arrays

On win 95 Error "PB050 caused an exception 03H in module KERNEL32.DLL at 0137:bff76694."

On win NT 4.0 " " The exception Breakpoint has been reached. (0x80000003) occured in the app at 0x77f75d64."


Development says that the return coming back from the server is of unknown memory size. So the user will need to know ahead of time what memory to allocate or pass unbounded arrays.

164350 Problem description: Object browser. Trying to find the hierarchy of particular objects cause a GPf at PBRTE050.DLL at 0137:10b14472. This can easily happen if the objects are in a PBL that's left off the library list by mistake. It should produce the same compile errors that a script compile with a missing object does or a migration does.

In win NT 4.0 get a Dr. Watson

An application error has occurred and an application error log is being generated PB050.exe.

Exception: access violation (0xc0000005, Address 0x10b14472)

In win 95

the error message there is:

PB050 caused an invalid page fault in

module PBRTE050.DLL at 0137:10b14472.

Solution Per Development:

This can't be fixed in 5.0 because it requires an architectural change. The library list has to be correct. In 6.0, no GPF occurs (but there is no helpful error message). This type of message is already given during incremental rebuilds, etc.

164351 **** 5.0.03 regression ****. When installing from the 5.0.03 enterprise CD (the FULL CD), it doesn't install PBDSE050.DLL. When you try to bring up Powerbuilder, it gives you an error "PBDSE050.DLL" not found.
164352 Win95 only. Running a 16 bit PB application, then a 32 bit PB application causes a gpf in pbshr050.dll @0009:00000107 or 0000010a. If you run the 32 bit application first and then the 16 bit application everything is fine.

In 6.0, the GPF is in module PBVM60W.DLL at 002c:00000101.

NOTE: The original bug to fix window class collisions bug 41416 - is still OK. 41416 was strictly window class name collisions. This particular bug occurs when there is a datawindow on the particular window(s) in the 16 and 32 bit application.

Per Development:

This issue cannot be addressed in any maintenance release or EBF. This is because changing class names will affect existing applications that are dependent upon the original class names.

164354 Unable to retrieve keys/values from the registry when running the 16 bit PB on NT 4.0 using key HKEY_CURRENT_USER, but can with 32 bit PB on NT 4.0. Can use key of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT on both.

Development: This is a documentation issue. Registry functions all refer to RegistrySet for detailed usage info. RegistrySet documents that HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is the only root string accessible on Win 3.1.

164355 If you use hh:mm for a date editmask in a datawindow, and you change data, the system always sends back "2000" for the year instead of the original year.

1950-02-15 becomes 2000-01-01 in the "date" portion when you're only trying to change the "time" portion.

The bug perhaps here is that since the date value is in the buffer, why generate a bogus date on something already retrieved.

If you leave the date portion off by editing the "sqlpreview", you get todays date

UPDATE "timestamp" SET "timestamp1" = '12:15:35.000000'

WHERE "newid" = 1 AND "timestamp1" = '1950-03-15 12:10:00.000000'


January 8, 1998 12:15:35 - the date this issue was entered.

If you let it default, the system always generates 2000-01-01 for the date portion.

164356 32 bit. REGRESSION 5.0.03

Customer is using an OLE/OCX gamesman control. The control is CTyear. He was originally using pb 5.0.02 and the control worked fine. When he went to 5.0.03, they were having trouble with ole/ocx controls.

You get an error about external function daycolor not being passed the correct number of arguments.

164357 ***5.0.03 Regression***

Drag and drop: dragging from a dw and move to another dw which happens to not be a valid drop dw, it changes to the invalid drop icon, but when moving cursor away from the invalid drop dw to a valid drop dw, the icon never changes back and it starts to flicker then a page fault occurs: PBRTF050.DLL@0137:10d1f67f (in 32bit). In 16bit, it boots you out of powerbuilder and windows.

164361 Unable to generate an Exe WIN 3.1 with PB 5.0.04_54
164363 When using the SelectText function on a datawindow column that has an EditMask of ##:## or 00:00, you cannot immediately start entering the replacment text. If you do, only one character can be entered because the previous contents are removed and cursor remains at the end of the edit field.
164365 Oracle8 driver: In the table painter, object datatypes don't have their Width, Dec, Null, or Default columns grayed out, and also extended attributes, so it looks as if you can change them. If you do and attempt to save the table, will gpf in pbor8xx.dll.
164367 Using ODBC driver - ASYNC=1, DBCancel() and comment/code in RetrieveRow event for asynchronous processing. If retrieve is cancelled before even one row comes back, the next time you try to retrieve an error occurs:

- Error "CLI0125E Function sequence error. SQLSTATE=S1010" (for DB2/MVS)

- SQLState=S1000 Connection is busy with results for another hstmt (for MS SQL Server)

164369 Developer is dynamically creating the datawindow and wants the user to be able to move columns in a grid, etc drag & drop to select columns.

Development: Needs the dot notation or Modify() after the fact to change the moveable attribute. A dynamically created datawindow might not have these and definitely not if it isn't a grid.

164370 Beta 6.0 build 235 - SharedObjectRegister() function, causes page fault if a user object is registered in the constructor event of another user object that has been instanciated. PB60 caused an invalid page fault in module PBVM60.DLL at 0137:10c4711d.

Note: no SharedObjectGet() is involved

164374 6.0 build 248 RC3. Library painter. Comments for objects that have duplicate names (a menu and a window named 'm_test' show the comment of the first object.
164375 6.0 beta Regression. Posted events (postevent ('ue_event') do not get fired when they are called as part of an internet application on the window plug in. Both the window plugin and the Window ActiveX control show the same problem. Worked in 5.0.

Workaround: Use Triggerevent()

164378 Datawindow that has a titlebar causes problems with autoselection. When editing the field, autoselection keeps the entire field selected when it should shut off when users start editing. It should only stay highlighted when the field initially has focus.

Probably closely related to child window with titlebar bug 41443. As with bug 41443, HOME/END seems to unhighlight the edit control so users can edit.

164381 Beta 6.0 - builds 220 & 230. Datawindow Plug-in.

DW plugin does not show up in Internet Explorer; in Netscape after hitting the reload button two page faults occur: NPDWE60.DLL@0137:00ebb2fc, click OK another page fault in MFC40.DLL@0137:5f80103b.

164383 *** 5.0.04 Regression *** Strange display behavior in PB development environment. Happens on NT 3.51 16 bit PB + prereleased 5.0.04 dlls only.

Comments: 16 bit on NT 3.51 only !

Step-By-Step Instructions (In development environment):

1) go into the Application painter

2) right mouse click , selecting properties,

3)-> the tab folders are "white-ish" without any 3d effect.

164386 memory leak when calling the chartgroups collections of the OCX "Olectra Chart" from the KL Group. expl. ole_1.object.chartgroups[1].elevationdata.value[i,j] = rand(100)
164388 If you have two tab controls on a window and the tab controls are marked "Create on Demand", the constructor event of the first tab control (tab_1) tabpage does not fire. The constructor event of the second tab control (tab_2) tabpage does fire as does the constructors of objects on that tabpage.


The tab control functions correctly in both 5.0 and 6.0. The above test scenario can't be used to verify the tab control behavior, because MessageBox calls disturb the message control flow.

To verify that all constructors are being called please replace the MessageBox calls with e.g. writing to a file. You will find that the constructor events for selected tab pages and controls on the selected tab page are always triggered even though CreateOnDemand is TRUE.

164392 Oracle 7.3. Invalid interpretation of the type NUMBER by PB. Defining a column of type NUMBER in Oracle. It is a NUMBER (22) by default in Oracle. In database painter, it appears as a FLOAT (22).

When creating a pipeline based on this table, the column appears as a NUMBER(43,5). This produces an error : "numeric precision specifier is out of range (1 to 38)"

164402 Problem description: Regression in pb 6.0 that was fixed in pb 5.0.03 . Customer will get an access violation in PBCMP60.DLL when machine code dlls are created in a second orca session. A similar issue 353609 was fixed in 5.0.03 . This issues has been broken again in pb 6.0 panther build 203 - 251.

If you step through the source code in the second session and place a break point

and step via the debugger in assembly language you will get a message that an Access Violation error occured. The title bar will read " PBCMP060.dll " which indicates the dll is broken. All other dlls that are read in to this point have no errors attached.

164405 'Row changed between retrieve and update' error when modifying a character column in a SQL Anywhere database.

WORKAROUND: Using the pipeline to re-create the table seemed to clear up the problem.

Development: - If you unload of database, and examine the data contained in the .dat files, you will see that the "date" column "fccreacion" is of type date, but the data is actually of type datetime. Now, this would not cause a problem if all the time portions were set to 00:00.

(I believe that all dates are stored as datetimes internal to the db). In this case, however, there is a specific time stamp associated with some of the rows. If you go through the .dat file and see which rows have the 00:00 time stamp, you will find that the "row changed between retrieve and update" message will not occur. For example, try to change/update row 1 ( '2BDAT', -1 ). There will not be a problem. I believe that when you pipelined the data, it must have stripped the time ( zeroized ).

An example of an inserted value that might "take" and get stored in the database as a datetime:

'95-12-01 00:00:02'

164406 Informix 7.22 using IN7 driver - when trying to update a decimal value below 0.5 and binding is used (DisableBind=0 / default) - With 5.0.04 driver no error, but the update has no effect.
164408 If a function returns an ANY datatype variable and a NULL decimal variable is cast into the ANY return value, the function call GPFs at the RETURN statement of the function if you're using machine code. There are no problems in development or p-code.

The PFC-Specific GPF:

gpf in pfcdwsrv.DLL 0137:02a1276e

This is not the same as bug 40759 which was fixed in 5.0.03 regarding a GPF right at a getitemdecimal() call going to a NULL decimal column.. This bug specifically deals with returning a NULL decimal cast to an ANY datatype variable and GPFing right at the "RETURN <any variable>" statement. This is exactly how of_getitemany() FORMAT 4 is structured in PFC "pfc_n_cst_dwsrv". PFC uses a non-visual user object function but this can be recreated this with a window function.

NOTE: ALL other numeric datatypes work in machine code with NULLs using of_getitemany() - datawindow types ULONG, LONG, REAL, NUMBER all work correctly.

This bug exists in 5.0 and 6.0

Workaround: (for PFC users)

First option


Make the calls to Getitemdecimal() manually rather than using of_getitemany(). You could evaluate the "Describe("#1.coltype") and only if it returns "decimal", use Getitemdecimal() manually with in-line script.

Second Option


Object: pfc_n_cst_dwsrv

Function of_getitemany() format 4 - returns ANY



CASE "decim"

la_value = dw_1.GetItemDecimal ( al_row, as_column, adw_buffer, ab_orig_value )

// Add some checking code here

if isnull(la_value) then

decimal ld

ld = "-100"

la_value = ld

// cast this with a NON-null but identifyable value so it doesn't GPF at the 'return' call

return la_value

/*----------- end of of_getitemany() function ----------*/

/* back in powerscript - trap for your decimal NULL condition*/

decimal ld_decimal


if of_getitemany(x, y) = -100 then


end if

DEVELOPMENT: Fixed in compiler in pb 5.0.05 and later. Requires regenerating your machine code exe.

164412 In structure painter when moving rows with the mouse (no keyboard) and then saving, the structure is not being saved.
164415 *** 5.0.03 Regression *** There is a problem with datawindows displayed in the Window Plug which use checkbox or radiobutton editmask's. The checkboxes are always checked. They also appear as a yellow checkbox with a red check in them. The radio buttons on the other hand are a red blob that you can not determine if they're checked or not. Clicking between the two radio buttons doesn't change either.
164417 Beta 6.0 builds 230 & 235: The STRING() function does not work if data = ErrorReturn. It does not give an error, it just comes up blank in a MessageBox or SLE.


Please refer to the documentation for String() in the Return value section. It specifies that it returns and empty string if the data type of the data passed is an incompatible type. Enums are not compatible w/ this function

164418 Beta 6.0: Messagebox appearing behind window when called from SharedObject UO_function()


This is not a bug. As indicated in the 6.0 documentation you should not call any visual function from a shared object or server session. On Unix they will not work. See above for more detail.

164423 Button object on a datawindow. Documentation/help is incorrect when descibing the datawindow buttonclicking, buttonclicked, and clicked events.

See PSE notes in issue for details.


The documentation and help should refect this.

1) The clicked event on the dw will fire first if there is code in it. The return code here is unchanged from 5.0 and has no effect on the new button events. Return 0 allows normal dw processing to continue (ie, column clicked on gets focus), Return 1 stops the focus from changing.

Note it is not a good idea to use messageboxes in this event. It can inhibit the button events that follow.

2) There are two new events in the dw; buttonclicking and buttonclicked. These will be fired as described below. Also there is a Suppress Event Processing property for the button object. If it is on, the buttonclicking and buttonclicked events are not fired, but the action assign to the button is executed.

3) If the Suppress Event Processing property is off, the buttonclicking event will fire after the clicked event (if the clicked event has code), and before the action assigned to the button is executed. A return code of 0 here allows the action to be executed followed by the buttonclicked event. A return code of 1 will inhibit the action from being performed, and inhibit the buttonclicked event. So processing here prior to the action can be used to inhibit the action from executing.

The order of events then is:

Suppress Event Processing ON:


1) clicked if coded

2) button action executed

Suppress Event Processing OFF:


1) clicked if coded

2) buttonclicking

3) button action executed (if buttonclicking returned 0)

4) buttonclicked (if buttonclicking returned 0)

164427 Transparent background pick is not available on the "background color" button of the toolbar although if the user sets the property in the property sheet, they get a box representing it on the painterbar.

[n] <--- This means transparent when set from the property sheet. This is not available from the dropdowntoolbar.

164429 Beta 6.0 - Application Gallery:

Migration of FTPTest.PBL with SOCKETS.PBL omitted causes gpf in pbvm60.dll

Migrated an application from the AppGlry\FTP\FTPTest.pbl. I accidentally did not include both pbl's (omitted sockets.pbl from library list) and received a gpf in pbvm60.dll. (in build 220 I received a gpf in pbcmp60.dll)

164433 *** 5.0.03 Regression *** Powerbuilder 16bit P-code ONLY.

Has a function that retrieves the sql statement appropriate for the particular db connection and it calls a dynamic cursor that fetches one record. They call that function that executes the dynamic cursor approximately 5000 times, it gpf's between 1,000 - 2,000 iterations in module PBSHR050.DLL @ 000D:0799

164435 Modified pbsyb0's Syb_DbShutdown() to use Sleep rather than GetTickCount to allow for Thread Processing Completion.
164441 5.0.03 Regression. Worked until 5.0.03. Windows event timer doesn't work in 5.0.03,, 6.0 build 244 when the event calling the timer is called via a postevent() in the open event of a window.

Window Open event


Window ue_timer event


This works fine if you use a triggerevent instead of a postevent.

164443 ** PB 6.0 Regression **

GPF in PBVM60.DLL at 0137:0053d745 when trying to insert an OLE control and there are no registered controls on the machine.

164444 Calling the SaveAs() function saving almost all file types causes a handle leak within the operating system. Each SaveAs() call loses one handle. PSR loses 4 handles per save.

Appears fixed by bug 44892 fix.

164447 Problem Description: PB 6.0 build 245, All Painters appear to have significant handle leaks

Each time that you enter any of the development painters, handles are allocated but never released. Run the etsk manager and notice the amount of handles being taken up but not released.

DEVELOPMENT: could not reproduce.

164449 Oracle stored procedure date output parameter incorrectly converted by PowerBuilder on a declare / execute stored procedure.
164452 *** 5.0.03 - REGRESSION *** SQLAnywhere database 5.5.02 - table has a column defined as type FLOAT. Datawindow column property using the 0% Format, numbers are showing up either as zero or some unrelated large number. This appears to be specific to ODBC only.

Fixes uploaded to: // (for 32bit) or (for 16bit)

164459 *** 6.0.00 Regression RC3 *** This works in 5.0.03, 5.0.04. DirList() does not find drives when used with a dropdownlistbox(). Works fine with a plain listbox. Also when using 16384 (just list drives), 6.0 RC3 Build 248 shows files only in a dropdownlistbox and files and drives in a listbox. 5.0.03 and 5.0.04 show only drives in both.
164461 Setting focus on a visual component ocx resized it
164463 5.0.04 regression : Numeric Edit Mask ##0.00. When you select the value in the Edit Mask (0.00) and type 1 you get 10. In 5.0.02 and 5.0.03 you got 1.
164468 Oracle - O73: When using a DW based on a stored procedure, no rows are being retrieved if the retrieval argument is a datetime and the date to be retrieved is anything other than 00:00:00
164469 SaveAs to Excel format from a datawindow with a text field > 255 characters truncates the output and only puts <# chars> - 255 in the output. It probably should be putting out at least 255 characters - still truncating but at least putting out the maximum it can. A warning message would be nice too "truncating data".

Developer: Cannot put out a warning message -esp with datastores. Perhaps some kind of computed field which would show "DATA TRUNCATED" or null for a visible thing.

164473 Constuctor events of objects on tabpages not fireing if the tabpage is opened in script with OpenTab and the Tab Control has Create On Demand checked.
164474 Regression in Help from to 6.0, Build 250. When are in the window painter and you select properties, click on the icon tab, select browse and then help on the Select Icon window, you get help for Select Declared Cursors dialog box
164476 6.0.00 Regression. Regenerating from object browser after using "show hierarchy" does not work. The actual menu pick for "regenerate" appears to do nothing.
164479 MS SQL Server 6.5 - In the Database Administration painter, when you select menu option: Design-->Maintain Users, select a database and an error message displays: "Attempt to bind to a non-existent column".
164480 Accessing the HTMLTable attribute of a DataWindow using Web PB returns only the last column of a multi-column datawindow. The GenerateHTMLForm function behaves the same way. This is HPUX and AIX specific.
164493 6.0.00 Regression. 16 bit only. Passing null any array arguments - (all null) to the retrieve() function (using datawindow or datastore) causes a GPF in PBVM60W.DLL 0001:23BB. More specifically, this affects 6.0 16 bit deployed PFC applications using the datawindow caching service - used by treeviews for example.. when a retrieve() against a datawindow using no retrieval arguments is being cached - used by treeviews for example..

(PFC_N_CST_DWCACHE, of_refresh (string as_id)).

any la_args[20]


// nulls in all entries

ds.retrieve(la_args[1], la_args[2]......) <-- GPFs here.

Line 123 of of_refresh(string as_id) contains this construct in the


statement "RETRIEVE,SQL" section. The PFC examples uses this construct populating the listview and treeview on w_examplemain - the frame window for the examples.

Workarounds: For pfc pfc_n_cst_dwcache service of_refresh (string as_id) function.


// Workaround: Check to see if null arguments exist in the first few arguments

// of the la_args[] array of any that is used in the retrieve(). If they are null,

// this means a 'normal' retrieve for a datawindow with NO retrieval

// arguments - exactly the example that causes the GPF IF YOU USE AN ARRAY.

// instead, catch the specific null condition.

if isnull(la_args[1]) and isnull(la_args[2]) and isnull(la_args[3]) then

// 3 entries is enough. Don't feed it the array if all nulls. This causes the GPF.

// instead do your own retrieve()

li_rows = istr_cachelist[li_cnt].ds_obj.Retrieve()

return li_rows


// normal processing with old PFC code. At least one any array argument is non-null.

// This doesn't GPF.

li_rows = istr_cachelist[li_cnt].ds_obj.Retrieve(la_args[1]....la_args[20])

return li_rows

end if

NOTE: This should be fixed soon, but if you need to use the workaround, as always, don't edit the PFC_ layer, add the function on the PFE_ layer where it will override the ancestor automatically.

164500 Setchanges on a datawindow using a blob from a getchanges which had a return code of 0 is causing pb to crash.
164503 GetURL( ) function on the INet object will GPF in development when called after the application has been stopped and restarted. If the application is restarted and the PostURL() function is called prior to a GetURL(), the function works properly.
164512 DDDK16: pbtra60w.dll is not on the deployment kit -- this was an oversight. Customers whose apps use trace will need the dll deployed. OK on 32-bit DDDK. Should be one of the optional dlls listed like RTC.
164516 Dot notation with HTMLTable.GenerateCSS. The statement:

ds.Object.DataWindow.HTMLTable.generatecss="yes" causes the error R1041 "Error accessing external object property generatecss

The .HTMLTable.NoWrap property will also fail.

Workaround: Use Modify() instead.


dw_1.Object.datawindow.HTMLTable.NoWrap = 'yes' // This will fail

dw_1.Modify("datawindow.htmltable.NoWrap='yes'") // This will work


the following syntax will work:

dw_1.object.datawindow.htmltable.generatecss = "~"yes~""

164520 Active X built in Visual Basic doesn't work in PB. The tab, enter, escape, and delete keys don't work.

Per Development:

Fixed only in PB7.0 because it was a major change that could not be fixed in a PB 6.0 maintenance release.

164525 Problem with the characterlabel in DW. When changing a text e.g. dross into dro� it looks ok until he tabs away. The text dro� is changed back to dross.
164529 ShareObjectGet call to get a reference to a registered shared object hangs when issued in constructor of another shared object.
164532 PB 6.0_251 - You cannot check the Generate Trace checkbox on the connection profile dialog for the MDI Gateway. The click is acknowledged (known, because the Apply button will become enabled) but the checkbox is never checked.
164537 User cannot access x and y arguments of the Visual Components Formula One worksheet component in the dragdrop event of the window. They are not showing up although the doc says they should be there.

Mouse events do have x,y. OCX_y , OCX_x but drag events don't reveal x,y

Development: The VCI doc refers to the VisualBasic "DragDrop" event which is different. Documentation deficiency.

164538 PB 6.0.0 GA Window Plugin doesn't work with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 4.0 or 3.0.


2/3/98 JMartin

The problem is the registry entries that are created by the PB 6.0 installer. The entries are documented in the PTrack.

The Installer program needs to be modified so that these entries are not created.


The error from IE 3.0 when loading a page with a pbd embedded in it states "An error occurred inside a plug-in contained on this page".

The result from accessing either the window or DW plug in from IE 4.0 is that the area/rectangle is blank (no icon) and if you right click on the document you can analyze the doc. The result of the analyze is: "The following EMBED did not install properly." It goes on to say:

This might have been caused by one of the following conditions:

1. Your current security settings prevent this EMBED from being used.

2. This EMBED was not propertly installed on your computer

3. The page or EMBED was authored incorrectly.

Environments that fail:

Window Plugin: IE 3.0, IE 4.0

DW Plugin: IE 4.0

NOTE: See bug #48588 for the status of the Datawindow Plugin fix.



PB Development spoke with Microsoft Tech Support - they recommended to:

**completely uninstall IE4.0 then re-install IE4.0

**There is a technote at Microsoft website about how to _completely_ remove IE4 from a client machine.

Also - make sure that the browser security options allow _any_ plugin to run.

Also - like the discovery above, make sure the PB5 plugin is not being loaded rather than the PB6 plugin.

Also - IE will look into the NETSCAPE 'plugins' directory when looking for the plugin to load...

164542 Using ORCA with PowerBuilder for Solaris, the PBORCA_CompileRegenerate function causes a segmentation fault when invoked from an EXE.
164544 SharedObjectGet hangs when called from within a shared object to obtain a reference to another shared object when no shared objects are currently registered.
164548 Oracle 8.0.03, DBMS = OR8: Accessing a table that has a primary key defined on a non-unique index. This is now supported in Oracle 8. The uniqueness of the primary key is enforced in the constraint not in the index. In data manipulation, cannot insert records; Insert icon and menu choice are disabled. Creating a new datawindow, the datawindow defaults to non-updateable.
164551 ***6.0.00 Regression*** Some .CUR files used as Pointers cause a GPF when you try to save the Pointer setting, or preview/run. These worked in 5.0. Also, migrated objects that used them in 5.0 crash the system when previewed or run. Reported for datawindows, but I tried the window painter as well and also got a gpf.
164554 PBSYC050 Generated syntax to invoke sp_password should put double quotes around arguments. This enables users to create passwords that begin with a number instead of a letter.
164557 The currency symbol for Regional Settings German(standard) does not display correctly in editmasks of [currency(xx)]. In the Control Panel > Regional Settings > Currency tab, the currency symbol is defined to be DM. In PB it shows up as MDM.
164560 Sybase System 11 (DBMS = SYC) - When attempting to make the 26th connect (twenty six connection objects) he gets the following error: Error 6 (rc -1) : ct_connect(): user api layer: external error: The maximum number of connections have already been opened.

Also, when 2nd connect fails during SelectBlob processing, PB GPFs.

2/9/98 Update:


File located:

Contains PBSYC050.DLL from 5.0.05.

Three main enhancements added:

1) New static DBParm lets the user override the default CS_MAX_CONNECT property for the Client Library context used by PBSYC.

Usage: sqlca.dbparm="maxconnect=nn" where nn = number of connections you wish

to allow for this context.

2) New dynamic DBParm, OptSelectBlob=1, lets the user optimize SelectBlob processing

by using the current transaction object to perform the SelectBlob request. It is the user's responsibility to make sure that they are not doing any datawindow retrieval of blob or binary data while OptSelectBlob=1. This dbparm can greatly improve performance for applications that use the SelectBlob powerscript function. User can specify OptSelectBlob at connect time or at any other time while the connection is open. The

following example shows how to turn OptSelectBlob for one specific request:


SelectBlob blobcol into :myblob_variable from blob_table where id = :idvalue;

if sqlca.sqlcode = 0 then


end if

sqlca.dbparm="OptSelectBlob= 0"

3) Fixed GPF in PBSYC that occurred whenever the 2nd connection requested by Select Blob processing failed.

164563 ***5.0.03 Regression*** Database: SQL Anywhere - passing a string from embedded SQL to a stored procedure, execute the stored procedure to update the DB. Column in database is defined as Long VarChar. Now when doing Insert or Update and string is larger than 16,000 char's this error occurs: SQLSTATE = S1001 [Microsoft] [ODBC Driver Manager] Memory allocation failure.
164565 5.0.04 Regression - In a datawindow, customer has a numeric column with the mask ##,##0. Customer enters 40000 then go to the right of the field and press backspace key to suppress the last 0 : it still displays 40000. Gettext() in editchanged event returns 4000.

1/9/98 RENEEN PSE Update:

Regarding the backspace behavior, per development:

"In the edit mask code we DO intend to keep the '0' if we are backspacing over it's position in the mask ... maybe not "correct" behavior but it looks like original code."

This was verified with PB 4.0.03 gold and 4.0.07 gold, PB 5.0 gold through 5.0.04_70, and 6.0 gold (build 251) and 6.0_332. As the developer points out, this may not be "correct" behavior but it's original code in the product and changing it at this point could cause problems for other customers that have built applications based on the current behavior.

>>I do not feel that we should change this behavior at this point because of the impact it may have on other customers.

Regarding the editchanged event not firing:

>>This event now appears to fire using PB 5.0.04 Build 70 and 6.0 gold as well as 6.0_332.

Regarding the editchanged event returning the wrong value:

>>I feel that this is the only behavior that should be investigated for a fix.

Per Development:

Partially fixed. The error where we might return incomplete data when the mask has a comma in it is fixed. The behavior of the delete key and what is returned to editgettext in the itemchanged event when the delete key is pressed is not changed. Too much risk of screwing up other applications.

164567 ** 5.0.04 REGRESSION 32bit, NT platform ONLY ***

Placing Visual Components Formula 1 ocx v. on a window in NT 4 will cause intermittent hanging, Dr Watson and sometimes pb will simply crash without warning.

164568 PB 6.0.0 GA Datawindow Plugin doesn't work with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 4.0.


2/3/98 JMartin

The problem is the registry entries that are created by the PB 6.0 installer. The entries are documented in the PTrack.

The Installer program needs to be modified so that these entries are not created.


NOTE: See bug #48389 for the status of the Window Plugin fix.


PB Development spoke with Microsoft Tech Support - they recommended to:

**completely uninstall IE4.0 then re-install IE4.0

**There is a technote at Microsoft website about how to _completely_ remove IE4 from a client machine.

Also - make sure that the browser security options allow _any_ plugin to run.

Also - like the discovery above, make sure the PB5 plugin is not being loaded rather than the PB6 plugin.

Also - IE will look into the NETSCAPE 'plugins' directory when looking for the plugin to load...

164573 *** 5.0.03 REGRESSION *** PowerImage w/Powerbuilder 32bit.

A bitmap opened on a window, as the window is resized, there is alot of flickering. Also if you open another window ontop of another and then close the top one, the other window loses it scrollbars. If you click in the area where they should be the scrollbars repaint.

164577 ***5.0.04 Regression*** MS SQL Server 6.5 - EXECUTING a Stored procedure returns correct value as long as the output value is an INTEGER. If it is a string or a getdate() being returned the following error will occur:

Error 242 "implicit conversion from datatype varchar to int is not allowed use the convert function to run this query"

Workaround: Prefix stored procedure with owner name, ie dbo.spname.

164578 Netscape 3.0x, Internet Explorer 3.0x and other 4.x browsers GPF when opening the printer setup dialog available while using the right mouse button and selecting Print... (the print dialog comes up), then Printer/Setup. GPFs in either IEXPLORE.exe or Netscape.exe for 3.0x browsers. GPFs in NPDWE60.DLL using Netscape 4.04 browser.
164582 A deployed 16 bit PFC exe displays a validation error during closequery if there are pending changes in a dw. No validation errors occurred inputting the new row. There are no validation rules in the datawindow.

February 9, 1998 - StephenD (Stephen Dupre) PSE

The REAL problem: 6.0.00 Regression in 16 bit. Works fine in 5.0.04 16 bit and 32 bit and 6.0 32 bit. A 16 bit only problem with casting a numeric into an any variable which incorrectly evaluates to >1 and <= 0 - an impossible condition. Most numeric datatypes have the problem.

// here is the example.

int li_int = 1

long ll_long =1

decimal ld_decimal = 1

double ld_double = 1

real lr_real = 1

any la_rc

la_rc = <ll_int, ll_long, ld_decimal, ld_double>

if la_rc < 0 then messagebox("evaluate < 0", "true")

if la_rc >= 1 then messagebox("evaluate >=0", "true")

Any of the variables shown will return "true" in both sets of messageboxes. It should only return true for the "evaluate >=0" messagebox.

For a REAL datatype cast into an ANY variable under 16 bit, it seems NEITHER if ... then statement evaluates to "true"

Again, all numeric datatypes cast into any variables under 32 bit work (even REAL)

The very specific 16 bit PFC problem


PFC has a construct in the pfc_n_cst_luw (logical unit of work service)in the object function

of_updatespending (powerobject apo_control[]) returns integer

that evaluates a "1" assigned to an any variable incorrectly as a -1 in an if..then statement as a window with pending changes is being closed.

//excerpt from of_updatespending((powerobject apo_control[]) returns integer)

any la_rc

la_rc = lpo_tocheck.Dynamic of_UpdatesPending ()

If ClassName(la_rc) = 'integer' or ClassName(la_rc)='long' Then

// Functionality was found.

If la_rc < 0 Then Return -1 /*** << both evaluate to true

If la_rc >= 1 Then /*** <<

//some code

end if

The dynamic call above to of_UpdatesPending() during a window close with pending changes returns "1" into la_rc in both 16 bit and 32 bit (as seen in the debugger) but when doing the IF...THEN evaluations following evaluates BOTH

If la_rc < 0


if la_rc >= 1

to true - an impossible condition. Since the "if la_rc < 0 return -1" evaluates true first, the system errors out with a bogus validation error when it should produce a "Save changes y/n dialog".


Product Support Engineering: There are other similar constructs that are fixed with this fix. Dot notation returns an any and in an IF..THEN construct would evaluate TRUE always using 6.0.00 16 bit:

if = 'total_garbage' then

Messagebox("evaluate", "true")

end if

This could have far-ranging effects so far as code execution is concerned. You must be using 6.0.01 build 366 or higher to get the patch that fixes this.

164588 Problem with Full ReBuild after upgrading 5.0 PFC application to 6.0 PFC.
164591 SaveAs Excel5! broken if null value exists in a column. Columns/rows beyond the first null value are garbage. Using Excel! instead works okay.
164596 Several editmask problems found while migrating from 4.0.07 to 5.0.03.

Using ##,###,###.0 If user enters negative number (ex, -60), edit mask only accepts the 6. The only way it works is to type in number and then backspace to put in - sign.

Using ###.00000

a) If user puts in .365, edit mask reads it as 365.

b) If user puts in 0.365, edit mask accepts it as .365.

Product Support: These both exist in 5.0.03 but not in later builds due to many changes in editmask processing.

164598 Oracle 8.0.03, DBMS=OR8: DataWindow, select statements has a retrieval argument. Preview data, enter in value for retrieval argument, error displays: "Unnecessary or unimplemented conversion requested."

Retrieval of data is successful under these scenarios:

- There is any DBParm (w/out StaticBind, which it will default to 1)

- Set StaticBind = 1 explicitly even though it is considered to be the default

- Set StaticBind = 0 and DisableBind = 1

- Set DisableBind = 1

Workaround: If using default StaticBind= 1, hard code the DBPARM where the database connection information is or in your database profile. Or set a different DBPARM (if applicable).

164601 ODBC setting PBTrimCharColumns='YES' affects only datawindow retrievals and not FETCHs issued on a cursor with embedded SQL (SELECT INTO embedded SQL does, however, work as desired).
164603 A GPF will occur when connecting via ODBC to a database in a PowerBuilder component running in Jaguar CTS or MTS.
164606 In the SQL painter, the area where you choose the column name is improperly sized. To re-create:

1) Enter the script painter for any event of any object.

2) Select "Paste SQL" from the PainterBar.

3) Double-click "non-cursor / Update".

4) Click OK to select any table.

Notice, on the "Update Column Values" window, that the child window on which you select column names is too small to fit the scroll bar completely. I remember an earlier version of PB where this child window was actually movable. This seems OK, but the right half of the vertical scrollbar is cut off. I'm using a Thinkpad with SVGA/800x600/small fonts.

164611 6.0.00 Regression. Creating and running machine code with an object compare construct in an IF...THEN statement causes a GPF in 6.0. Regular datatypes seem to work fine.
164612 Descendant window control scripts being moved to the associated script on the window, if there is no ancestor script in the window. If you have inherited a window with a cb on it. in the descendant, if the ancestor cb has no script in the clicked event, the descendant script will be moved to the clicked event of the window.

This has also been reported with menus. The menu painter is unable to save script of a descendant menu if the ancestor has no script. The script moves 1 item up. If the menu shows:




and you script the clicked event, it ends up in the "New" clicked script.

164613 6.0.00 Regression. An unbounded array of strings as a instance variable in a custom class user object is not populated when calling a remote object function to populate the array. The same function called on a local object populates the array successfully.

PER DEVELOPMENT: We do not support remote arrays, only remote objects. The object passed to the server when of_popinfo is called is a pointer to an object on the client, so it is remote. Then setting the array elements local to server.

WORKAROUND: Call a remote function to get the data in the server and assign it locally to the array.

164620 On PowerBuilder for Solaris, the "0" and "." keys on the numeric keypad do not work, no characters are displayed (with numlock on).
164628 Using the old Put_Line function calls for creating Oracle stored procedure source datawindows does not work with the OR8 driver. Will either page fault or get message: cannot create datawindow.
164629 6.0.00 Regression. Clicking on or around an OCX ctclock in Win95 causes a GPF in PBVM60.DLL 0137:111ed7f8 or PB60 caused a stack fault in module <unknown> at 0000:0000000f. GPFs in NT 4.0 too. This does not happen in 5.0.03 or 5.0.04.

Can't recreate in 6.0.01 build 360 in Win95 or NT 4.0.

164630 Problem with negative values for graph overlays. Graph with overlays, in script customer is looking for max and min values including overlay values. In sample application the value for an overlay line is set. When this value is positive, the line displays. When the value is negative, the line doesn't display.


similar to the fix made for parsing negative numbers.

You can workaround the bug in the script by adding a " " (space) after all the commas in the script.


// Set Series Lines

string ls_avg = "50.4"

string ls_lcl = "-10"

string ls_ucl = "120"

string ls_goal = "80"

string ls_actual

// Change values property of graph

this.dw_1.Object.gr_1.Values = "yaxis,goal," + ls_avg + "," + ls_lcl + "," + ls_ucl


// FROM:

"yaxis,goal"+lcval+","+ldval+"," .....

// TO:

"yaxis , goal" +l cval+" , "+ldval+" , " .... // add a space before and after each comma.

164631 Using RPCFUNC with Informix IN5/IN7: string, float and decimal parameters are not working properly (see related issue 403472 for issues with declaring these procedures/functions. Also see issue 458960 which is similar issue concerned with only input parameters)
164637 Regression 5.0 to 6.0: Pcode EXE working okay, machine code gpf pbvm60.dll @ 0137:11217ec9 referencing dwobject in if statement.


IF isValid(theCurrentFriend) AND (theCurrentFriend <> aDWFriend) THEN

// other code


The work around I used was quite simply to embed the second condition test as follows:

IF isValid(theCurrentFriend) THEN

IF (theCurrentFriend <> aDWFriend) THEN

// other code



164638 In painter for declare user events, click on args button, the definition display for return value defaults to "integer" but the actual default return value is "(None)". So if you declare a user event without looking at args, but then go in later to see the args, it still says "integer". If you click OK at that point, it will change to integer, but otherwise it stays (none), which is what you see when you are in the script painter to enter script for the event.


Set the return type to (None) or to integer (or whatever is needed) and click OK instead of Cancel. Now the correct return type is reflected when you go in to look at the event definition under the Args button.

164639 PB6.0 GA allows two embedded servers to be IP-UI Active at the same time.
164640 Performance issue with debugger expanding user object treeview item in the debugger. When it has many objects to expand - as with a PFC application, it can take a long time.
164641 Messagebox does not show if you place it in a user event of an ancestor window and posting the event in the Ancestory Window Open event - only if there is a messagebox in the Window Open of the descendant window


Call the PostEvent from the Descendant Open Event since the event won't get fired until after it's script is finished - even when called from the Ancestor Open Event.

164642 UNICODE PB Runtime. The ProfileString() function fails to return valid information from an INI file if the following conditions are true:

1) The INI file was saved as a unicode text file

2) The first two bytes of the file are 0xFFFE

3) The section name being requested is on line one, immediately following the invisible 0xFFFE.

PER DEVELOPMENT:This is a bug in ProfileString. This is true for all applications using the windows api under unicode. We can't fix this.

Possible workarounds:

1) include a routine that makes sure the first line of the INI file is a blank (either check everytime, or else create a file containing only a blank line if the file doesn't exist) - this will prevent the collision of the first section header with the Unicode flag bytes at the start of the file.

2)make sure that the INI file is stored as ANSI (the API routines automatically handle translation when required, so having an ANSI INI file presents no problem to a Unicode app) by creating the file as an ANSI file before first writing to it from the app.

164647 Checkbox On/Off string values and RadioButtons "Display" and "Data Value" attribute string values in the datawindow painter dialog for edit style seem to have a limit of around 255 characters and you get a validation error when trying to enter a string > 255 characters - even in PB 6.0.

Development: This will be a documented limitation starting in 6.0.01.

164654 Attempting to call the EditLabel() function that resides in a user event for the ListView control from a PopUp menu causes the selected Listview item to Enter DragMode if the DragAuto property is set to TRUE for the control.
164655 -----------PB 6.0 regression--------------------

Compiling a user event script with a referenced argument and getting a compiler error "c0014:undefined variable <arg_name>".

Development: In old code needs regen or migrate or bug will appear.

164662 5.0.04 REGRESSION

Problem:Page fault in call to PB OLE Automation server when calling functions.

164669 If run the same 16bit MC & PC executable twice, once one shuts down the second gpf's on shutdown. On WinNT4 with both exe's running in the same memory space you get a PBSTB60 caused a GPF in Module PBVM60W.DLL at 0074:225E. This does not happen if you run them in Separate memory spaces. In Windows95(No Separate memory spaces) you get PBSTB60 caused a GPF in module PBVM60W.DLL at 0074:00002261
164673 5.0.04 and 6.0.00 Regression. Tab control with CreateOnDemand ON does not paint correctly in machine code only in 5.0.04 or in pcode or machine code in 6.0.01 build 349.

This worked correctly in 5.0.03.

Developer: Not a BUG.

When CreateOnDemand is set to TRUE the constructor event for a tab page is not called until users view the tab page. The fact that it has been called in the past (5.0) was actually a bug (which was used as a feature here). Please use the following approach to achieve the desired behavior:

//ue_postopen event


int li_ctr

string is_title


for li_ctr = 1 to 5

is_title = "Tab#" + string(li_ctr)


iuo_tabpage[li_ctr].text = is_title // Set text here and not in the constructor!



return 1

This will be updated in the 6.0.01 documentation.

164676 Problem: Datawindow painter creates a temporary file dwexxxx.TMP in WINDOWS\TEMP that is not deleted when painter closes or when PowerBuilder closes.
164678 EOL not being written properly under Unicode
164679 Documentation: Please document clearly the need to size nested reports correctly in order that they are not clipped. Pb 5.0 through 5.0.02 did not allow the users to Hide information by sizing the nested report but this was corrected in PB 5.0.03. This gives the customer greater flexibility in designing their reports but needs to be further clarified in the documentation.


Added info that columns may be truncated if report too narrow to UG p.673. Fix will appear next time online UG is refreshed on web server or hardcopy reprinted.

164681 *Powerbuilder 6.0 On-line HELP*

Goto Topic SetItem() Powerscript Function, select Syntax 1 for Datawindows, Datastores and child DataWindows. Then click Examples command button. The examples displayed are for the Sort() Powerscript Function.

This is also the case for Syntax 3 for ListView control column.


Fixed in PSRef doc sources. Will be fixed in Help and online books for PB 6.0.01 GA.

164682 PB 6.0 Datawindow Plugin GPFs 16 bit platform

When loading the psr file into the browser, it will GPF. Problem exists in the NPDWE60W.DLL. Reproduced the problem using Netscape Navigator 3 on Win 3.11

164686 Problem: When creating a datawindow from SQL syntax using unqualified column names based on Oracle table aliases, the DW column names consist of "c" followed by the actual column name.
164688 PB 5.0 OCX Browser Causes GPF

GPF occurs in PBROI050.dll when you double click on the OCX icon in the Object Browser painter on the OLE tab. The problem only exists if Microsoft Visual Interdev is installed on the system.

164690 Problem with ocx's in an exe running on win 95. The app works fine on win 3.51 and win nt 4.0 but not in Win95. R1041 error.

Development: We don't see the behavior in 6.0.00 or 6.0.01. Assume they didn't have the thing registered. (if they were dual booting and forgot to re-install under Win95, this could easily happen.

164693 6.0.00 Regression. There seems to be a resource leak associated with large inherited menus causing an open of a sheet to freeze after about 25-35 opens and closes using NT 4.0 SP3. You can't even open WordPad in NT 4.0 after the OpenSheet() stops responding.
164696 6.0.00 Regression. There seems to be a problem with the parsing of the TableCriteria DBParm via PowerBuilder's ODBC interface and can be recreated against the Powersoft Demo DB using PB6.

Simplist case is using %,dba (no quotes) in the System Tab of the Profile dialog which is the equivalent of:

DBPARM="TableCriteria='%,dba' "

It works in 5.0.04 but not in 6.0.00 (returns no tables)

164697 Alt Gr doesn't work with PB 5.0.03 and 6.0 for Solaris. This makes it impossible to type standard characters on European keyboards, where Alt Gr is used to give a key a third meaning.
164702 5.0.03 Regression. Machine code compile error on an RPC that uses the ALIAS keyword with a stored procedure with quoting containing tildas.

Follow-on from or variation of 424807 bug 43003. Does not work in or 6.0.01 either. This syntax compiled in 5.0.02.

subroutine MARLENE(long INARG1,string INARG2,ref long OUTARG3,ref string OUTARG4) RPCFUNC ALIAS FOR "~"dba~".~"something~""

The key is the "~"dba~".~"something~""

There are many ways to put quotes in aliases so there are several flavors of this bug.

NOTE: Does not work in 5.0.04. Will be fixed in 6.0.01 only.

164704 PB 6.0 Window Plugin Yield doesn't work

The Yield function doesn't allow any other events to be handled. The customer has a process button that they need to be able to suspend/cancel from another button. They use the yield() method in a tight loop and test an instantance boolean to see if the cancel button was pressed. The window doesn't respond to anything and the browser is locked up.

Tested against the NS 3.0, 4.0 and IE 3.0 browsers with the same results.

164705 Passing an array of decimals as a part of a struct to a user event or a function in a shared object doesn't work properly.
164707 Problem: Selecting procedure syntax from the DB Admin painter while connected to a Jaguar server causes a page fault.
164708 GPF in PBVM60W.DLL 0001:237B when running a 16 bit machine code executable and the exe can't find a DLL after getting "Powerbuilder fatal execution error R0001" Error application reference could not be resolved.
164710 Problem: VB Automation. page fault when window is opened in user object.


This is actually not supported because PB automation server does not support visual objects.

164712 Documentation correction/change regarding the use of ScrollNextPage function.

The Return Value should read:

"Long. Returns the number of the row displayed at the top of the datawindow control when the scroll is complete or if it tries to scroll past the last row. ScrollNextPage returns 1 with Composite reports and child datawindows since the current row cannot be changed in these cases. ScrollNextPage returns -1 if an error occurs. If dwcontrol is NULL, ScrollNextPage returns NULL."


Fixed in PSRef doc sources. Will be fixed in Help and online books for PB 6.0.01 GA. Additional information added to Return Value description.

164714 PB 5.0.03 / 6.0 Window Plugin Multiple LIBRARY tags.

The Window Plugin (nppba050.dll and nppba60.dll) do not work on IE 4.0 when there are multiple LIBRARY properties defined in the EMBED tag of the HTML page. Testing has shown that the problem only exists with IE 4.0. It seems that IE doesn't fetch the additional .PBD files that are listed in the EMBED tag.

This appears to be a definite bug in the IE 4.0 browser.

Using the WinSock trace tool, I watched the communications of the browser to the web server. The browser is not handling the EMBED tag correctly. This is the sequence of events.

- Browser requests winplug6.htm

- Browser requests winplug.pbd (declared as SRC=)

- Browser requests extra1.pbd (declared by the first LIBRARY= entry)

- Browser re-requests winplug.pbd (THIS CLEARLY SHOULDN'T HAPPEN)

- No requests are ever maded for the additional LIBRARY= entries.

Per Development:

Bug in IE4 - PowerBuilder workaround/fix put into PB6 and later.

The bug in IE4 appears to be that IE4 does not allow multiple tags with the same keyword.

Hence - I modified the Netscape Plugin to accept:




Actually, a tag "LIBRARYanything" will work too.

Hence a correct webpage which works in both NetScape and IE4 is:




<TITLE>PowerBuilder Window Plugin - Issue 499901</TITLE>



<H2>PowerBuilder Window Plugin - Issue 499901</H2><hr>

<h3>Testing problem with multiple LIBRARY parameters in the EMBED tag</h3>


<EMBED SRC="winplug.pbd" type="application/vnd.powerbuilder6"













<h3>After plugin...</h3>




164717 ***5.0.04 & 6.0 Regression: In the database admin painter, do a SELECT... on a table, in the data manipulation painter insert a new row. Type the same column value as one that is already there and is also the primary key. You should get an error: Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object <tablename> with unique index. BUT instead a page fault occurs in PBDWE050.DLL@0137:115dd981 or PBDWE60.DLL@0137:10679f4e.
164725 Return 1 is ignored in the closequery event WHEN in this event

an openwithparm was done using a response window and an autoinstantiate object as parameters AND the close come from a WM_SYSCOMMAND message (Alt F4)

164730 Code or Comments in getfocus events will cause the debugger to stuck if you step through code.Even if you have just a comment in the getfocus event it will jump into the event comment. PB 6.0 only.

Per Development:

Not a bug. The issue is that every time you step, the focus changes. This causes getfocus to re-execute and re-enter the debugger. Having a comment is the same as having just a return statement, so it behaves the same.

164735 6.0.00 Regression. Low ASCII characters stored as '~111'

'~001' through '~006' and '~014' through '~031' are actually stored as '~111' (compiled machine code).

Place the following single line in an application's open script and compile it.

MessageBox('', String(Asc('~001')))

164748 PB 6.0 Web.PB Crashes HP-UX Creating Datawindows using SyntaxFromSQL

The transaction.SyntaxFromSQL method will not work in a distributed environment on the HP platform. Apparently the SyntaxFromSQL code is trying to access GDI resources and that is not valid due to the fact that the XWindows libraries are not thread-safe. This is similar to bug # 49877.

164749 SetFullState() for nested and Composite datawindows causes GPFs or errors in a distributed environment. You get a Dr. Watson... NT 4.0) pb60.exe. Exception:access violation( 0xc0000005), Address: 0x112bfddf or 0x11290caf. Composites generally give "Load of nested report failed", nested datawindows often GPF in the SetfullState() but switching back and forth will often cause GPFs in either.
164751 6.0.00 Regression. Placing a groupbox on a window and modifying a property causes a GPF when you press the "OK" button on the property dialog.

Workaround: It is possible to save a window with a groupbox, edit it's properties in exported source and re-import. Moving and resizing a groupbox does not cause a GPF. There are only a few properties in a groupbox.

164753 ----------6.0 Regression-------------------

The GPF occurs when SetItem() function attempts to put a datetime value in the datawindow after disconnecting client using RemoteStopConnection().

164754 5.0.04 Regression. Default editmask for a number column of ###,###.00 does not work correctly when data is highlighted and overwritten by new data.

Entering 12.34, highlighting and re-entering 12.34 causes the "1" to stay around when you start typing, this causes problems and corrupts the editmask.

164757 Inbound OLE automation is case sensitive
164759 5.0.04 and 6.0.00 Regression. Setting the visible attribute to 0 to all columns of a datawindow in the open event of a window causes a GPF if you then click or doubleclick on the datawindow with the columns invisible.
164763 Fix logic in DW painter to detect null hDC returned from GetDC and set text metrics to default values.
164769 REGRESSION 5.0 to 6.0

Problem: Attempt to check out an object using SCC API with an error causes the object to appear checked out even though it is not.

164774 Regression introduced with patch applied to PB 6.0. Connecting to the Jaguar server with ODBC and using GenerateResultSet( ) in the PB server component. A Jaguar component is returning CS_LONGCHAR_TYPE to Jaguar and the ODBC drivers used by the client do not support LONGCHAR. Note that PB 6.0 GA returns CS_VARCHAR_TYPE. Request some conditional code that if a short column is used, that CS_VARCHAR_TYPE is returned.

Per Development:

Normally Jaguar should only be connected to by Open Client clients and not ODBC clients. However for Power Dynamo, Jaguar catches all of its ODBC calls and deals with them. Since the ODBC driver treats CS_LONGCHARs as blobs and the ODBC driver doesn't support that, a change was made so that if a string column is 254 (NOT255) or less, it will go through Jaguar as a CS_CHAR, which the ODBC driver can handle. Also if the datastore is from an ORACLE database, ORACLE longs aren't supported as they are actully long character strings (32K) in the datastore. ORACLE longs can be used if the client is an Open Client (ctlib-based), but not Power Dynamo ODBC.

Additional Details about the Jaguar patch:


pbvm60.dll 2/5/98 (3382272)

pbdwe60.dll 2/5/98 (1604608)

These dlls are a special build. They were created to address a specific problem that was encountered when using PowerBuilder and Jaguar (see issue #492550 below for specific details). The dlls were created using PowerBuilder 6.0 GA, and include only the following three additional fixes:

Issue 1 - #492550, Bug #48863

Description: A GPF will occur when connecting via ODBC to a database in a PowerBuilder component running in Jaguar CTS or MTS.

NOTE: Issue #492250 was the original problem reported and the reason this patch was created. The two problems described below were identified by Development as a result of researching a fix for issue #492550.

Issue 2 - #495305, Bug #49106

Description: dw.GenerateResultSet fails with the following error from Jaguar "srv_xferdata null indicator not set when datalength = 0" for a character column that contains a blank space (vs. being NULL) in a database.

Issue 3 - #492401, Bug #48829

Description: The datastore.GenerateResultSet function does not work properly when the datastore is populated through an ODBC connection to an Oracle database for columns of type long, char and fully populated varchar2.

164780 PFC function of_UpdatesPending, in object pfc_n_cst_luw, calls a function that Powerbuilder thinks returns no value ( inv_metaclass.of_isFunctionDefined() ) - however the function does return a value.

Occurs only under 16bit under win95. 16bit under WinNt works properly.

Application Execution Error R1020

"Function doesn't return value at line 113 in function of_UpdatesPending() of object pfc_n_cst_luw"

Fixed in 6.0.01

164783 5.0.04 Regression. DELETE key doesn't work after highlighting all data entered in a numeric column that uses a currency([7]) editmask by doubleclicking. This did not make 5.0.04 final.
164784 6.0.00 Regression. Project painter doesn't automatically check off all PBLs as PBD or change the PBD header automatically to DLL when creating a 16 bit executable (pcode or c-code). It should always automatically check off ALL pbls as PBDs or DLLs (if machine code is checked) if "16 bit" is selected in the "Executable format" dropdown...

Per Development:

p-code should never disable and check off all the pbd's - not a bug. It never did this - not a regression. This is required and works for machine code only.

164791 Problem Definition: Using the newest version (3/98) of the Intersolv ODBC driver against the DirectConnect Access Service. When a time is retrieved to a datawindow, the minutes are not diplayed. This works in Access, ODBCTest. It appears to be a parsing problem with PB looking for colons and not periods.


This is not a PB bug as originally thought but a failure to send the data in the right format according to the spec.

164803 Unable to perform a SELECT INTO or a CURSOR fetch against a column that contains large amounts of text using the Sybase SYC interface.
164804 Problem: Setting a text control inside a datawindow to NULL causes a GPF.
164805 Problem: Opening a window in the window painter in Windows 95 with a First Impression graph causes a gpf. Also happens at run time. Problem is related to some obscure grapg characteristics. Fixed in First Impression 5.0.07.
164806 For a DataWindow column of type real / float and a display format with decimal separator (e.g. #,##0.00) the value displayed is higher than the value typed in
164808 When PowerBuilder builds an activex component. The component .reg file contains an entry that is improperly terminated. The component "NotInsertable" entry is terminated with a double quote instead of a close bracket (]).
164809 Problem: Opening the Database painter or datawindow painter to create a datawindow with SQL Select,when connected to a Jaguar server causes error: "Unrecognized command sp_pb60table".
164820 Problem: When the same column of the same row is being updated by two different instances of PowerBuilder (Informix IN7 connection) the column being updated by the second instance is not being updated. The problem is that the user does not receive a message that the row has changed between retrieve and update.
164821 GPF in PBVM when attempting to insert OLE controls on a window after installing the Microsoft Outlook 98 upgrade.

Per Development:

This is not a PowerBuilder bug. THIS IS A BUG WITH THE MicroSoft INSTALL:

The Install for Outlook 98 correctly creates an entry in the registry for the SchedulePlus library :



which contains a number of subkeys, including VersionIndependentProgID. This is fine.

However, the installer also incorrectly creates a subkey:



which does not belong here. The presence of this faulty key causes the GPF in PowerBuilder.

This erroneous key can be removed from the registry with no ill effects.


A PowerBuilder workaround/fix has been provided so that customers do not have to edit their registry to fix the Microsoft error.

164826 Out of Memory using SQL statements > 32k in certain painters.
164875 dwRowsCopy() duplicates the same row repeatedly when the source range and the beforerow parameters overlap.


Not a bug. While this looks unusual and it is a novel way to use rowsCopy this is the way it works if you have overlapped your source range and before row destination.

164880 Bitmap Inversion. Inverting a bitmap that is contained on a report is not supported by some print drivers.


This is an issue with the printer drivers, not a Powerbuilder issue.

164887 Microsoft SQL Server 6.x. Arithmetic Overflow for tinyint not caught. If you use datawindow, embedded SQL or DBA Notepad, inserting a value greater than 255 (maximum value of tinyint) doesn't generate an error although the native ISQL/W tool from Microsoft returns 'Arithmetic overflow ocurred'.
164890 Datawindows data objects copied into the executable from a separate library on a library searchlist don't show up in the executable. Even doing a LibraryDirectory("c:\32bit.exe",DirDatawindow!) shows NO data objects in the executable.

You would create the executable without checking off the PBD option for the PBL that contains the datawindow objects. All the datawindow objects have been assigned to datawindow controls so they are definitely not "dynamic".

Solution Per Development:

This is a documentation issue, not a bug.

Datawindows are included in an executable only if they are referenced by

windows or user objects that are included in the exectuable. When a window

or user object appears in a pbd, the datawindows they reference (even if

they are assigned statically) must be referenced in the pbr file (PB

Resource file) associated with the pbd. IMPORTANT NOTE: Statically assigned

icons and bitmaps work the same way.

164894 Customer is using the project painter to create his executable. When it gets to "inspecting application object" he gets "Application terminated. Error null object reference at line16 of function inittrans of object n_dbconnection". I have regen n_dbconnection successfully. Also if he uses the application painter the executable is created successfully.


Cannot recreate in later builds.

164895 PBIBM - Format attribute on a column not showing up in datawindow. It only occurs if the name of the column with format mask property assigned contains lowercase letters.


Fixed in 6.0 code base 9/29/97. Fixed in 5.0 code base 9/29/97.

164897 Library painter "Optimize" causes unexpected behavior when the PBL is on Novell drives since, by default, the new file created by the Optimize has its shareable attribute set to false. This file can no longer be written to and causes "save of object failed" in painters or blank "link error" messageboxes during compiles.


The issue is caused by the default behaviour of Novell for new files, as is not something we can change (see the full description). This should be documented, however.

Issue transferred to documentation.

164898 In querymode only the old windows shortcut keys work. Control-Insert (copy), Shift-Delete (Cut) and Shift-Insert (Paste). The new windows keys ^c, ^v, ^x do not work.

Cannot recreate during 6.0 beta.

164899 Sybase CTLIB (SYC) Subquery not working : The compiler will not allow a subquery syntax through the SYC DBA interface allowed by the SYB interface. Error is: "Incorrect syntax near FROM or ','"
164901 Deleting the last row in a datawindow screen causes a GPF in PBDWE050.DLL. They are coding a dw_2.scrolltorow(dw_1.getrow()) in the rowfocuschanged of dw_2. Getrow() is returning 0 in this case.


I found 3 code changes that are required in the app's PowerScript. Let's start by reviewing the given code in the test application.

cb_delete.clicked: // the DeleteRows button on the window

int i

for i = 1 to dw_1.rowcount ()

if dw_1.IsSelected (i) = TRUE then

dw_1.DeleteRow (i)

end if


dw_1.RowFocusChanged: // the primary data window

dw_2.ScrollToRow (this.getrow ())

First of all, the for-loop is the wrong construct for bulk deletes. The 'i' variable increments on each loop (1,2,3,...), but if Row 2 is deleted, then Row 3 becomes Row 2. 'i' increments and tests Row 3 (which was Row 4), and the old Row 3 (now Row 2) does not get tested. The following do-loop tests each row...

do while i <= dw_1.rowcount ()

if dw_1.IsSelected (i) = TRUE then

dw_1.DeleteRow (i)


i ++

end if


This loop only increments the row number when the tested row is NOT deleted. If Row 2 is deleted, then Row 3 becomes Row 2, and Row 2 gets tested again.

Second, each DeleteRow issued against dw_1, causes a refresh of dw_2, which could lead to timing problems, since the data table of dw_1 is still being manipulated (potential GPFs). All refreshes of dw_2 should wait until all dw_1 manipulations are complete. Therefore there should be a dw_2.SetRedraw (false) before this do-loop, and a dw_2.SetRedraw (true) after the loop. This also speeds-up the delete procedure, by suppressing all the dw_2 refreshes.

And lastly, I found that if I selected rows from the top-down in dw_1, and deleted them, I hit the GPF. If I selected rows from the bottom-up (selecting the same rows, including or excluding first and last rows), I do not get the GPF. This was related to the dw_1.RowFocusChanged event. Selecting from the top-down, the last row selected, at the BOTTOM of the DW, becomes the current row. Selecting from the bottom-up, the last row selected, at the TOP of the DW, becomes the current row.

If I select from the bottom-up, and the last row selected is Row 2, and this becomes the current row, and the first row deleted, then Row 3 becomes Row 2, and the current row remains as Row 2. If I select from the top-down, and the first row selected is Row 2, and the last row selected is Row 10, and Row 10 is the current row, then when Row 2 is deleted, Row 10 becomes Row 9, and the RowFocusChanged event fires.

The RowFocusChanged event tries to sychronize the shared DWs with a ScrollToRow in dw_2. This was causing a repagination of dw_2 (because of the deleted row), but the row deletion operation was not yet complete, and table synchronization problems caused the GPF. The ScrollToRow should be delayed until dw_1 has completed its operation.

dw_1.RowFocusChanged: // the primary data window

dw_2.PostEvent ("GoToRow")

dw_2.GoToRow: // the secondary data window; new user event

this.scrolltorow (dw_1.getrow ())

Or, better yet, suspend RowFocusChanged actions until the do-loop is complete -- again, speeding up the delete process. The resultant code would look something like this...

w_test window instance variable: // new variable

boolean ProcessRowFocus = true

cb_delete.clicked: // the DeleteRows button on the window

int i

dw_2.SetRedraw (false)

w_test.ProcessRowFocus = false

i = 1

do while i <= dw_1.rowcount ()

if dw_1.IsSelected (i) = TRUE then

dw_1.DeleteRow (i)


i ++

end if


w_test.ProcessRowFocus = true

dw_2.SetRedraw (true)

dw_2.PostEvent ("GoToRow")

dw_1.RowFocusChanged: // the primary data window

if w_test.ProcessRowFocus = true

dw_2.PostEvent ("GoToRow")

dw_2.GoToRow: // the secondary data window; new user event

this.ScrollToRow (dw_1.getrow ())

164909 Problems with shortcut keys in descendant menus. If you have a shortcut defined in a decendent menu, save it, reopen it and change some other thing - like text - on the same level as where there is a shortcut, when you save, your shortcuts will be gone/missing.
164911 PB 4.0.0x - PB5.0.0x

Does an insertrow() on a dw that has a ddlb. Then a setvalue() on that ddlb, then a modify to change the background colour. If the setvalue tries to insert to a row on the ddlb greater than the next availble row, it gives a return value of 1 but gives a gpf on the modify.

164913 Using Microsoft SQL Server 6.x, Sybase CTLIB/DBLIB, Datetime columns are not included in the WHERE clause for DataWindow's created with "Key and Updateable". The precision of the time could not be guarenteed at the time of update and could cause the error "rows changed between update and retrieve.

This fix will not allow the user to include a datetime field in the update clause. Development has now been asked to put this code back into the product, and provide customers with an option whether or not they want to include these fields in the where clause. The default will remain as is, these fields will not be included and customers will need to explicitly override the default using the new dbparm option..)

New DBPARM for 5.0.04 and 6.0: DateTimeAllowed='yes'

Default behavior will be to NOT include datetime columns in the WHERE clause.

164916 29 character limit length for column names in dw painter against an ODBC datasource. Column names greater than 29 characters can be created and viewed via the database painter but do not work within the datawindow painter.

Workaround: (if possible) use native driver.


SQL Anywhere has an internal sqlda structure that only holds 32 characters (which meets the original IBM spec)

However, now that the engine can store larger column names, if the odbc driver receives a column name that is 29 characters, it is supposed to be "suspicious" of truncation and query the engine for the entire column name. This was only being done in the case that the sql had been executed via SQLExecDirect or SQLExecute. In PB, we had just prepared the statement and had not executed it yet. The SQL Anywhere driver has been fixed to do the check regardless of execution state.

Fixed in wod50t.dll build 1680

164917 Selecting a border style of shadowbox for an SLE, MLE, or dw within a tab control has the same affect as a border style of box. The 3D's are all working fine.
164918 GPF in Kernal386.exe when closing window by trapping the KeyF2! in the pbm_dwnkey event of a datawindow and executing a close(parent) to close the window. Workaround: Trigger an event on the window to close the window.
164923 Project Painter should toggle "PBD" and "DLL" depending upon whether machine code is checked off or not. There appears to be some confusion with users that DLLS are actually being created in the project painter as apposed to the lib. painter.
164926 Problem with migrating an app from 3.0c to 4.0c. User has an existing window with a dw control called dw_1. After migration, go into PB 4.0c and change the name of the dw control. Now go into the script painter for the dw control. Click the ddlb for 'Paste Object'. The the new name of the dw control does not appear. Consequently, you cannot save or modify the window.


Fixed during 6.0 beta.

164927 Treatment of "PUBLIC" for synonyms is different in the DB-Painter, the SQL-Painter and the DW - QUICK-Select. Causes syntax errors. When you create a new datawindow - gets table list without owner, if you select a table, the table is not updateable.
164939 Upgraded from DBLIB to CTLIB. Now getting different SQLDBCODE for "bad login". Before, they got 4002 "Login Failed", now they get 44 "ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: external error: The attempt to connect to the server failed."

We had basically hard coded some returns like "login failed", etc.


This was fixed in both 5.0 and 6.0 code base. We now give "Login Failed" and SQLDBCODE=4002 for a bad password. This happens in PBSYB, PBSYT, and PBSYC.

164949 The word color is being cut off under the document tab of a rich text edit.

per development:

cannot recreate using

164952 When printing a range of pages for a datawindow, if the beginning value for the range is greater than 999, all pages up to the beginning of the range are printed. If you choose a range starting before page 1000, the correct pages print.

Workaround: Put a space between the ranges and around the dash:


164955 Minor paint problem when moving around the floating toolbar. Extraneous gray lines left behind.
164957 In SQL painter, trying to paint a sql statement and one of the columns is missing in the group tab of the SQL painter. This column is spelled very similar to the one above it. Both columns appear in the list of available columns, when he clicks on the group tab and the second column does not show up. Any database.

The key is to make sure of the order of the columns in the table. The problem occurs if the longer named column is before the shorter one, e.g.




We are doing a Match() instead of a equality comparison under the covers. Other more subtle things might occur as well.

You will see problems with the destination part of the Group dlg (i.e. the list on the right) no matter the order in the table - just try dragging cols into the right-side list in the order I list above; you should see c_prod replace c_prod_no when you drag it...

Similar problems actually occur in the Sort dlg as well (try dragging columns to the right-side; also deselecting cols from the table window)

164960 The first character of the label does not appear until the 2nd character is typed. Also, minor paint problems occur while editing the label and extraneous white lines are left behind.
164961 Clicking 'Insert' on Function Delcaration dialog appends an argument

instead of inserting it if focus is on the 'Type' field.

164967 Autocommit is not supported in pbnet0x0.dll but it is with the 3.0 version of the Gateway. Old applications do not function properly now against the Net Gateway. Workarounds are difficult.
165026 16 bit DPB client fails calling remote object function on 32 bit DPB remote object.
165047 Enhancement request : SetColumn() return -1 if there is no record.
SetColumn() should return another value than -1 if the column exists in the DW and there is no record.
165055 Short Description: Performance degradation after a dw has been migrated from PB 5 to PB 6. When tabbing through a dw you'll notice a poor performance compared to PB 5.
165080 6.0.01 regression. 6.0 and earlier builds of 6.01 up to build 375 do not exhibit erroneous behaviour.
In a datawindow with grouped columns and New page on group break and Reset Page Number on Group Break properties set to true in the print preview mode the page numbers for the second and following roups are not being reset in computed field with "'Page ' + page () + ' of ' + pagecount ()" default formula. For instance, if first group has tree pages of data in print preview computed column will display:
Page 1 of 3
Page 2 of 3
Page 3 of 3
If the following group has 2 pages of data instead of page 1 of 2 and page 2 of 2 you'll see
Page 4 of 2
Page 5 of 2
PageCount () will reset number of pages for the following groups while Page () will not reset page numbers. If each group has onlu one page of data to be displayed or printed, you'll page 1 of 1
Page 2 of 2
Page 3 of 3 etc.

NOTE: Duplicate of 168806.

165112 PB6 on WNT 4 Open Client 11.1.1 / Net Gateway / DB2.
Cannot create a datawindow with a Stored Proc as data source. Error msg : Mainframe Server Gatway. Syntax Error. 1 execute sa.proc_name()

A workaround exists, ie. to manually create a "normal sql source dw" and changing the source to a stored procedure in the exported datawindow.

PBNET60 is at end-of-life and is not shipping with 7.0. Since there is a reasonable workaround this problem will not be fixed.

165123 If Protect property of columnsis set to True and Tabsequence of at least one column is greater than 0, RowFocusChanged and RowFocusChanging events will not fire on retrieve.
165132 Connecting to Ms Access database, via odbc, cannot insert or delete columns in database adminstrator painter. Normally, this is related to NOT finding the pbodb60.ini in the same directory as PBODB60.DLL. This "silently" fails but in this case, it appears the records are just missing.

Notice no primary key, tab is there and you can't add columns to the table. Everything is greyed out

165137 Customer connects to Informix from PowerBuilder 6.0 using Informix ODBC Driver (version 2.80.0005) iclit09a.dll. When they retrieve an integer or decimal column, second and subsequent rows show zero as the column value.
165172 Distributed powerbuilder application (client / server) on AIX crashes after performing a connect/disconnect (5 to 10 times).Running the example on NT4.0 platform there is no problem !
165173 Distributed powerbuilder application client win95 or WinNT 4.0 cannot handle a BLOB variable comming from server on AIX correctly.
165177 Rich Text Edit control. Input fields that are saved with fixed length and right justification, come up as left justified when called up again.
165255 New behavior of DDLB userobject. After migration from PB 5 to 6 the ddlb shows a different behavior ie. it ignores a selectitem(index) function call called from a userevent and instead shows the last user input. It is not a migration problem since I could recreate building a new window in PB 6.
165271 If an OCX custom control has a property with enumerated tyopes that contain a gap in the list, The PB Object Browser will ignore the gap and 'slide' the rest of the values up to fill the gap. For example, if 7 was not used, the item that should be 8 will show as 7 in the Object Browser.
165276 32k limit on one line in most script painter areas of the product including "Convert to syntax" screen, file editor, etc. Beyond 32k and you either hang or GPF even in NT 4.0
165378 System11 error in PREPARE statement previewing a nested datawindow with a retrieval argument of datetime in dw painter - not at runtime. Select Error: Arithmetic overflow during implicit conversion of VARCHAR '1-0-1900 0:0:0.000' to DATETIME field.

This error occurs because the Invalid date used for the PREPARE is constructed incorrectly.

165394 When connecting to Informix 7 using the IN7 connection, the following system tables appear in the DB Painter table list, regardless of whether "show system tables" is checked:


165410 6.0.01 Regression:
Main DataWindow has a column with Edit Property of DDDW. The DDDW has a retrieval argument. If "Always Show Arrow" is unchecked, a Page Fault will occur: msvcrt.dll@0137:78009dfa
165476 dwcontrol.ImportFile function fails with return code -7 (Error reading the text), when trying to import dbf file. dbf file is valid.
165586 6.0.00 Regression. Repaint of detail rows of composite report doesn't work if you're on page 2 and you re-retrieve. Worked OK in 5.0.04.
165589 Connected to DB 2 via Net Gatway. A select error in the DB Admin Painter puts up a generc MessageBox with the SQL Statement. If you attempt to build a datawindow with the same SQL statement, the full error from the database is displayed.

Per Development:
Not to be fixed.

165638 GetRowIdFromRow(<rownumber>,<delete! or primary!>) does not work.
165639 APIs FindFirstFileA and FindNextFileA in doesn't return complete filenames. 2nd, 3rd and 5th character is always missing. Makes it impossible to implement file-listing capabilities in dpb server running on Solaris.
165641 When MDI gateway setting to limit number of rows/bytes is exceeded, PB / Infomaker displays message box with error message Select Error and then displays the data retrieved upto the limit specified in the gateway setting.
165652 New feature(s) causing severe resource leak in Win95 ONLY. There is a resource leak (GDI and System) in the datawindow painter DESIGN MODE when manipulating objects, ( resizing columns, moving items, etc) and when the dataobject has some button objects (the new controls for the datawindow in 6.0) AND they have "Use Action Default Picture" checked meaning they're using a graphic stock Icon on top of the button.

Second leak. Property sheet of button control in dw. Cycling through "action" dddw to show icons (use default icon for action checked) was leaking slightly due to the painting of the icons (for example for retrieve).

165685 PROBLEM: When using print orientation of landscape on HPUX, datawindow will print the first page over and over.
165739 Printing perfomance of dw with 3d borders is very slow in PB6 compared to PB5
165760 Datawindow synchronization between a shared datastore and a standalone datawindow. GPFs trying to SetChanges from the datawindow to shared datastore.

6/8/98 Fbashaw: Verified fixed in build 439

165774 Selected.Mouse (Mouse Selection) for grid and crosstab works in development but not at runtime (you can open the clipboard and see it works in development in preview mode in the datawindow painter but not at runtime when the datawindow is on a window.)

Per Development - no bug -- works as designed. The Copy feature is something the user has to program into the application. In a DW Preview we provide the user with menus and toolbars for things like Retrieve, Update, InsertRows, SaveAs, etc., -- and Edit / Copy of a grid selection (Edit /Copy of the contents of an EditBox is handled by Windows common controls). None of these features are 'automatically' associated with a DW Control dropped on a window -- they have to be programmed by the developer.

165780 If MS Pen Driver is installed on a Win 95 machine and the application has a datawindow with the combination of a checkbox or radiobutton selected first and another column with an editmask PB 6.0 results in a stack fault and PB 5.0 results in an illegal page fault. If the checkbox or radio button is not selected first, even if positioned first, the problem does not exist.
165791 Description: On PowerBuilder for Solaris, the RowCount function incorrectly returns a 1 when no rows are present when used with a DataStore for which a data-object has not been assigned.
165816 GetFullState() SetFullState() does not copy the filter or delete buffer in PowerBuilder 6.x.
Engineering implemented this feature for PB7.
165823 6.0.00 Regression. Database columns placed in header ( in a simple datawindow containing a 1 row result set ) scroll off the screen as the user uses the THUMB on the scrollbar on the right to scroll vertically. All the objects in the header band should stay in place as you scroll.
165824 6.0.00 Regression. Scrolling in a group-style datawindow (or datawindow with groups) is missing rows when scrolling in PREVIEW mode (not print preview which seems to be fine). There is a new "virtual scrolling" feature in 6.0.00 which paints the group headers as you scroll and it paints it based on a "page" boundary whether in preview or print preview. In 5.0, the group headers would remain at the "top" until the group break. This regression concerns the fact that when SCROLLING DOWN ONLY, you will often see "gaps" or a missing row or two in PREVIEW mode (everything is OK in print preview mode).

Sometimes, when scrolling down, the GROUP HEADER doesn't paint correctly but scrolling up (with the THUMB) does print correctly

165829 When creating stored procedures from Powerbuilder in the DB Administrator for Informix using native driver IN7 PB doesn't send the newline char to the database and the procedure is missing the end-of-line characters (is not formatted) when retrieving the text of the stored procedure.
165844 Rich Text datawindow incorrectly defaults a datatype of type time to a date type
165845 6.0.00 Regression. Vertical scrollbar painted too far left. The rightmost edge of the scrollbar seems about 5 pixels or more too far left. This sounds really minor but it's very distracting if you have a datawindow with columns that go right out to the edge horizontally and you can actually SEE data beyond the vertical scrollbar.
165857 When scrolling through certain groups, two of the same Group Header with subsets of the group, are displayed on the screen .

****R&D response (March 9/98) -- NO bug; NO regression; NO fix. The scrollbar operation for DataWindows was changed in 6.0. The virtual scrollling enhancement allows any row to be at the top of a screen view (even in a group dw), and print preview scrolling to scroll from the top of the report to the bottom of the report, all in one slide. This means that it is possible to scroll to a point that shows the bottom half of one page and the top half of the next page. This is what's happening in this issue. Even in screen views the data is paginated in a fixed layout. The page size of a screen view is the size of the visual dwControl. The data was arranged into groups and it was determined that a group header was required in the middle of page 6 and repeated at the top of page 7. This layout does not change because of the scrollbar position. If the arrow keys or the page up/down keys are used exclusively, then the issue does not arise. The scrollbar enhancement was added to override the navigation keys.

165880 Description: When migrating a PBL that has the DW print orientation set to Landscape
from NT to HPUX, previewing the DW on HPUX causes PB to hang.
165883 PROBLEM: PB does not read the options from the windu file. Even if you go in and select the printer name, resolution, page size and paper tray and hit ok and save. PB does not save the options.
165884 Description : Under printer setup/options, there is a ddlb for paper size and paper source. Customer wants the ability to select these options from the print specification screen. On windows that functionality is available.
165929 SaveAsAscii() bugs. It puts an extra comma at next line . The headers are wrong. Multi-line headers cause a cr/lf, leading to incorrect headers. I would suggest that multi-line headers (that have ~r~n / ctrl-enter characters) not be put on multiple lines, but on one line, effectively replacing the ctrl-enter with a space.
165931 When creating either a global or object level function "olecustomcontrol" is not in the dropdownlistbox although it works when typed in manually. Although the documentation states that you can specify any datatype a customer could assume that they are all listed. This seems to be the only graphicobject => window object => dragobject => that is not listed in the dropdownlistbox. It's ancestor omcontrol is not listed but the other descendant olecontrol is listed as a selection. Typing it in works, but the simple addition of this in the dropdownlistbox would make application development easier for the customer.
165945 6.0.00 Regression. Null datavalue in dddw column causes GPF when tabbing off
Null datavalue in dddw column causes GPF when tabbing off. Sometimes in MSVCRT.DLL, sometimes in PBDWE60.DLL.
165963 Parentwindow property of a menu object returns incorrect information when this property is used in conjunction with a NVO, the name of the NVO is returned instead of the parentwindow.

PB Version and Build: ----> Fail ----> Fail --> Fail
7.0.81 ---------> Fail

The menu option contains the following script:

window lw_test
lw_test = parentwindow
messagebox("OPEN MENU OPTION",classname(lw_test))

The PowerBuilder online help for menu object properties states the following:

ParentWindow - Specifies the window that owns the Menu object.

Using PowerBuilder and, when the parentwindow property is called from a command button on a visual user object using the following script:

m_menu lm_pop
lm_pop = create m_menu

The name of the "command button" is returned instead of the name of the window.

In PowerBuilder 6.0 and the name of the window is returned correctly.

When a NON VISUAL userobject is used with the above script, all versions of PowerBuilder (5.x, 6.x, 7.x) return the name of the non visual userobject instead of the name of the window.

The following are related cases:

CR 162471 ---> Ptrack 50145 ---> Bug number 49657.

Ptrack 272083

165964 When building a Crosstab datawindow, doing a preview/or running gives a crash in pb6. In PB 5 it was working ok.
165965 PB6 on AIX: Coredump when trying to establish connection via File->Connect, whereas File->ConnectPromt works. AIX 4.2.1
165982 The return value of an RPC is inconsistent with MSS driver
166019 6.0.01 Beta Regression. Crash in PBDWE60.DLL or MSVCRT.DLL (Win95) when doing a bad Setitem() value to a dddw. This is the case where the value doesn' t have a matching display value.
The bug is that if you setitem on a drop down data window with a value that is not in the table of that pulldown. This can happen when lookup values (for the setitem) come from tables that don't match the ones being referenced by the dddw.

Win95 hangs and gpfs for customer in PBDWE60.DLL at 0257:105e01fd.
NT 4.0 GPFs in pb60.exe 0xc000005, address 0x78008dfa

This worked in 5.0.04 and 6.0.00.

166025 PowerSite object model does not include a method or property to control timeout on sessions.
166053 A datawindow that contains a drop down datawindow and a long varchar column causes a gpf in MSVCRT.DLL at 0157:78008dfa on the retrieve if the data in the source table does not match the values in the DDDW.
166061 ISUG Enhancement Request e15_045:

The Datawindow Engine/Painter needs to be rewritten in order to allow text and large character columns to be displayed accurately when it does not fit a on a physical page. There is 'a longstanding DW requirement that rows fit on a page.

166063 Documentation Bug - PFC Reference Guide - Page 188.

Function of_GetDetail()

Description ==>> Creates an array containing references to all details for the current DataWindow.
Access ==>> Public
Syntax ==>> dwcontrol.instancename.of_GetDetails ( details[ ] )
Description ==>> Creates an array containing references of all details for the current datawindow.
Usage ==>> Call this function from any DataWindow in the linkage chain to access its detail DataWindows.

Documentation needs to include a description, and/or a warning, when using the of_GetDetail() function along with the of_Unlink() function. There was an enhancement request to enhance the functionality of the of_Unlink() function to address this issue.

A small note should perhaps be added to mention something like the following:

''When using the of_Unlink() function along with this function, be sure to check all the elements in the Linkage chain are actually referencing a u_dw object as you loop through the linkage chain. Keep in mind that the of_Unlink() function does NOT remove elements from the PFC Linkage chain. It only re-references the the element to an ramdom section in memory.''

Excerpt from enhancement request:
''Currently PFC Unlinks a datawindow from the linkage chain by creating a local variable of type u_dw and assigning it to the element in the array that references the datawindow control the user wants to unlink. This is done by calling the of_unlink() PFC function. The of_unlink() function then calls the of_unlikdetail() function which performs the re-assignment.''

Note: How PFC development will deal with issue is directly revelant to the outcome of this one.
RKN: I will work this out with PFC development.

166067 When using a datetime datawindow retrieval argument, you sometimes get an error when going from the SQL graphics painter to the DW painter. The error is caused by a SQL statement created by PowerBuilder that contains a datetime value in a string format that is incorrect. The problem is that there is a negaive number in the milliseconds portion of the date.
166068 This only happens in Windows NT 4.0. Win95 works correctly . This was originally submitted as a PB 6.0.01 regression but when tested here thie same behavior was seen in all versions tested back to PB 5.0.

If a datawindow has a long char column (255 char) that has Auto Vertical Scroll and Autosize Height selected when a new row is inserted and a user is inputting data there are differences in behavior from NT 4.0 and WIN 95. In NT 4.0 if the space bar is pressed multiple times at the end of the visible input line to try to take the user to the next line the cursor does not move until a valid character is entered. The extra spaces however are retained in the row and in the database. In Win95 the appropriate number of spaces hit to take the user to the end of the visible input line takes the user to the next line and no additional spaces are retained to the database.

166069 Allow the modification of the "datawindow.printer" attribute with Modify() and dot notation. This would allow background print processing used by many servers to switch printers - using dw_1.print() automatically with script.
166070 6.0.01 beta Regression. A char(2000) datawindow column with a dddw edit style causes a GPF during retrieval.
166106 In later builds of PowerBuilder 6.0.01, If your script contains certain international characters then you will get the following access violation 0xc0000005 0x00333437

I have managed to reproduce the access violation with the following international characters: � � � � �

I have performed the following tests with all builds of PowerBuilder 6.0.01:

6.0.251 GA - Will allow me to create a 32 bit machine code executable.

The following characters are displayed in message boxes with my test application:

� - � - Correct
� - � - Correct
� - o - Incorrect
� - � - Correct
� - o - Incorrect

If I create a 32 bit p-code executable, all the characters are displayed fine. - Will allow me to create a 32 bit machine code executable.

The following characters are displayed in message boxes with my test application:

� - o - Incorrect
� - o - Incorrect
� - o - Incorrect
� - o - Incorrect
� - o - Incorrect

If I create a 32 bit p-code executable, all the characters are displayed fine. - Will NOT allow me to create a 32 bit machine code executable.

I get the following link error: Codegen compilation error, see file 'D:\TEMP\test2.log'.

Test2.log contains the following information:

CGEN: Compiling 'D:\TEMP\test2.c'
D:\TEMP\test2.c(13) declaration specifiers are required to declare 'INT'
D:\TEMP\test2.c(12) syntax error before 'WINAPI'; probable cause: incorrectly spelled type name
D:\TEMP\test2.c(45) syntax error before 'INT'; probable cause: incorrectly spelled type name
D:\TEMP\test2.c(493) syntax error; probable cause: missing ';'
D:\TEMP\test2.c(498) syntax error; probable cause: missing ';'
D:\TEMP\test2.c(500) syntax error before 'VOID'; probable cause: incorrectly spelled type name
D:\TEMP\test2.c(537) syntax error before 'INT'; probable cause: incorrectly spelled type name
D:\TEMP\test2.c(2134) symbol 'VTAB_CLASS_INFO' already defined
D:\TEMP\test2.c(2134) 'int VTAB_CLASS_INFO' defined in: D:\TEMP\test2.c(493) (col 8)
D:\TEMP\test2.c(2134) syntax error; probable cause: missing ';'
D:\TEMP\test2.c(2144) symbol 'VTAB_GROUP_INFO' already defined
D:\TEMP\test2.c(2144) 'int VTAB_GROUP_INFO' defined in: D:\TEMP\test2.c(498) (col 8)
D:\TEMP\test2.c(2144) syntax error; probable cause: missing ';'
D:\TEMP\test2.c(2146) syntax error before 'VOID'; probable cause: incorrectly spelled type name
D:\TEMP\test2.c(2170) no reference to symbol 'VTAB_CLASS_INFO'
D:\TEMP\test2.c(2170) 'int VTAB_CLASS_INFO' defined in: D:\TEMP\test2.c(493) (col 8)
D:\TEMP\test2.c(2170) no reference to symbol 'VTAB_GROUP_INFO'
D:\TEMP\test2.c(2170) 'int VTAB_GROUP_INFO' defined in: D:\TEMP\test2.c(498) (col 8)

If I create a 32 bit p-code executable, all the characters are displayed fine.

I get the same results as after testing with,

With I get the following access violation when trying to compile a machine code executable 0xc0000005 0x00333437

I also get the same access violation while testing with the following builds of PowerBuilder 6.0.01:,,,,,,,

If I create a 32 bit p-code executable with the above builds, all the characters are displayed fine.

166109 New Feature Request: The Pipeline object error messages should be more comprehensive eg. insert new error message numbers, according to the actual error happening.
166129 The PowerBuilder PFC documentation for the u_calendar service should be changed to reflect the restriction that, if used with a datawindow column, the date formats must be compatible with the client default system date. That is, you cannot override the format with an editmask on the dw column.
166206 6.0.00 Regression. Setting menu visible attribute causessheets not to open.
Setting multiple menu item visible attributes in the Open event of a window causes the opens to fail if you open and close about 40 sheets. The window is inherited and there is similar code in the ancestor to turn off/on about 15 menu items and the descendant window open event script also has another 15 or so. Seems to be NT 4.0 only. SDI type application.
166217 Checkboxes and radio buttons appear incorrectly when on a datawindow and called from a Visual C++ program through OLE automation. The datawindow will appear fine in any other environment (dev or runtime).
166233 If you have PWDIALOG in the application dbparm. If your Sybase password has expired, the executable is not displaying the change password dialog. This works in PB 5.0.0x in development. pcode and compiled code. In 6.x it works in development but not in pcode or compiled code.
166239 Please ignore, logged by mistake.
166240 Word 6.0,7.0 remembers the state of the previous sheet open. If you have some document sheets open and maximize the 'active' sheet (using the maximize icon on the titlebar), you will see that the text time you do a File/New, the next "document" will also open maximized into the frame. Powerbuilder 4.0-6.0 has a different behavior. In this same scenario with some sheets open and the active sheet being "maximized", and if no default {arrangeopen} style is used in the Opensheet() call, it ALWAYS opens the next sheet in such a way as to re-arrange ALL the sheets to "cascaded!" rather than opening the new sheet as maximized (like the previously open sheet).
166243 In PB 5.0.04 and PB 6.0.01 if a numeric column has an editmask (###,##0.#### for example) or (###,###.00) on it and the user highlights the field and hits the delete key, initially the value changes to '0' exactly as it should. However when the user tabs off of the field the original value is re-entered into the field. If a '0' is entered or any other valid entry then there appears to be no problem.

In PB 6.0 GA (build 251 tested) there was a different problem, that has been fixed in PB 6.0.01, that masked this problem where if you highlighted the field and hit the delete key a huge negative number appeared in the field.

Without the editmask it triggers the editchanged event when the delete key is hit and the itemerror event when tabbed off but with the editmask on neither the editchanged or the itemchanged events get fired. If valid data is input, even a "0" then both the editchanged and the itemchanged events get fired.

Workaround: Map a user event on the datawindow called ue_key to the system event pbm_dwnkey. Code the following:

long ll_null, ll_row
int li_column
string mod_string, ls_coltype

if key = keydelete! then

// did you select ALL text for delete? Bug 166243

if len(selectedtext()) > len(gettext()) then

// what type of column am I on? Make sure you're on a column

if not isnull(getcolumn()) then

// get the row and column numbers
li_column = getcolumn()
ll_row = getrow()

mod_string = "#"+string(li_column)+".coltype"
// get the column type "deci, numb, long, ulong
ls_coltype = describe(mod_string)
// Error checking.
if mod_string <> "!" then

// get value ready

// find out if it's numeric
choose case left(ls_coltype,4)
case 'deci','numb','real','long','ulon'
end choose

end if /* mod string check*/

end if /* getcolumn not null */

end if /* Selected full text in editmask */

end if /* Pressed DELETE key */

166252 NT 4.0 only. Database column data in header band missing. Output truncation in header band under groupboxes. Missing column output in header band when printed. Works fine in print.preview. 5.0.04, 6.0.00 and 6.0.01 build 424 seem to have the problem..

Win95 does not have this problem. LaserJet 4 driver.

166256 The new Virtual scrolling feature in 6.0.00 seems to have introduced some problems with the thumb scrollbar - even in development. If you have a semi-complex datawindow into print preview and then re-retrieve(). After the second retrieve is finished, if you then pick up the thumb on the vertical scrollbar and move down slowly to about 3/4's of the full scrollbar, it will GPF.
166263 On a nested report set border to "BOX", during preview and printout, the printout is missing the left and top parts of the box and the right and bottom parts that do print are printing with a pen that is 1/2 the size it should.
166287 Calling the functions ole_1.Move() and ole_1.Resize() together from the same event cause an ole control to move briefly to its original position (as defined in window painter) before moving it to the position specified by the Move function.

Only with ole controls and standard visual uo of type olecontrol
Only reproduced with an OLE custom control (OK with 'Create New' or 'Create from file')
Any ole custom control will show this, example is with Visual Components Formula 1
Not reproduced with other PB controls

166289 ole_x.resize(x,y) returns the x and y co-ordinates to the original values even if the object has been moved
using the move function. Only occurs with ocx/ole controls
166312 SYC/SYB drivers don't have FormatargsasExp DBPARM implemented in 6.0.00
Open/Client SYC, problems with dw retrieval argument of type number with 16 digits. Dw_object seems to never work with 16 digits of precision and ending in 001...
166367 Using the secure window plugin nppbs60.dll.
Non secure code in control constructor and/or window open events does not give the expected runtime error when using the secure window plugin. It is possible to read and write to disk, delete files, call external functions etc which are all illegal actions with the secure window plugin

The same code in other events (such as a user event posted from open/constructor events) gives the correct runtime error - R1071 - and exits the window

Tested with Netscape 3.0 to 4.0.04 and MSIE 3.0 to 4.0 on NT 4.0 and Win95

There is no acceptable workaround. Could post a user event from constructor/open events but this will not make the client machines secure from other web apps which have been developed without using this alternative.

166380 16 bit under 32 bit OS GPF using "cancel" during retrieve of datawindow.
166448 If ObjectCycle is used with Visual J++'s Microsoft Common Source Code Control (MCSCC), and if there is more than a single user using source control, then you will experience problems with checkin/checkout status.

Problem 2: If user1 checks an object out into ObjectCycle, user2 should NOT be allowed to alter the checked out object, but currently user2 has the ability to do this.

166457 The PostQuitMessage API used in conjunction with other Windows API calls does not give the same results in PB 5.0 and PB 6.0.
The customer is using PostQuitMessage to determine the ending status of his application from another (nightly batch jobs). However, the message that he posts gets altered by PB when retrieved using the GetExitCodeProcess API from the application that processes the batch jobs.

There is definitely a change in behavior from PB 5.0 to PB 6.0. It appears as though PB 6.0 is interfering with the windows messaging or this could also be simply unsupported behavior.

166458 ODBC - After calling a stored procedure on a transaction object which holds an open cursor - Error -1 Cursor is not open ocurrs
166482 PB 6.0.01
If you have a datastore that is using sharedata, have only one row, assign the values to that row with dot notation and click on the first column of the dw that value will seem to disappear until you click on a different column. At this point if you click again on the first column it does not disappear. This also happen with the above scenario if in the script you use a setfocus() to the datawindow. When you click on a column other than the first, the data in the first reappears also. If there is more than one row in the datawindow then it also doesn't occur,
166524 6.0.01 Regression: Accessing pipeline objects when the user is not the owner of the tables results in an error: "The table <tablename> not found"
166525 Running a simple 1 row freeform datawindow with a or multiple long text (with autosizeheight ON and autoverticalscroll ON and autohorizontalscroll OFF) columns above other nested reports causes some reports to slide up and overlap even though the data is less than half of one page for the entire row. Even playing with zoom factors doesn't seem to help.

There is a mixture of long text columns and nested reports in a freeform style but the entirety does not flow beyond a page.

What is happening is the long text columns are print previewing to a larger font and this makes it appear to overlap the nested reports below it (even if the autosize is set properly everywhere).

Per Development:
Not a bug -- This is the long standing overlap bug due to conversion from print to screen resolution.
This is another example of PrintPreview facsimiles not being able to reproduce an exact image of the printed page because of the integer-math of screen resolutions. This report has a bad layout design of a mixture of AutoSizeHeight text columns, and AutoSizeHeight nests. On the printer, the data is presented in the proper position. On the screen the initial large text columns on the detail band expand to twice their print size, because of the lower resolution -- and therefore higher font height -- of the screen. The text expands to appear under the subsequent nests. This is a long-standing side-effect of PrintPreviews of large text columns. If the PrintPreview is to be used to view the report, then the design should be changed to put each of the large text columns in its own nest. The last lines of the nests will probably get clipped -- due to accumulated line height differences -- but at least the blocks of text will not be overlapped. Also, once you start placing nested reports in a detail band, the remainder of the detail band should all be nests -- that is, do not add more columns or text fields after the nests, because of nest pagination rules.

166576 When the library search path is not correctly specified (ie. the pfc libraries are left out of the search path of the application object) regenerating an object inherited from one of the PFC classes leads to a PB crash or hanging.
166581 Changing the property "DataWindow.Table.Data.Storage" to "Disk", has no effect ( when checking the property value at run-time it returns "memory".
166587 A modified column cann't be edit anymore in datawindow query mode after you set override_edit to yes.
dw_1.Object.Datawindow.QueryClear = 'Yes'
dw_1.Object.DataWindow.QueryMode = 'yes'
dw_1.Object.Emp_id.criteria.override_edit = 'yes'
166590 Customer would like to log a CR: If a ToolBarButton is disabled, then the Tooltip should not get displayed.
166625 The customer reported that in his code he is calling a function on the window, passing it a custom nonvisual object (by reference) that has never been created. In the window function, he is assigning the nonvisual object parameter to an instance variable of the same type.

In all versions of PB 5.0 and PB 6.0 prior to build 424 his script works fine. Starting in build 424, and also failing in build 429,
this same script gives an illegal page fault in PBVM60.dll. In build 424 the address is 0137:11218af5 and with build 429 the address is 0137:11218b05 on my machine.

This has been simplified by removing the function and simply assigning the instance NVO to the local NVO that has not yet been created in the script on the button. The same illegal page fault is generated.

Duplicate of bug 166615

166627 Java Proxy generated for a NVO that uses bounded array by reference arguments can't be compiled. It results in compilation errors. The current workaround is to avoid using bounded array by reference arguments or to mark methods that have such arguments as "private".
166648 GPF/Dr. Watson when switching OS language (WIN95, NT) in a RTE Control with the shortcut Ctrl+Shift
166667 PB 6.0.01 Regression - Customer is reporting a difference in behavior between PB 5.0.04 and PB 6.0.01. Customer is using VCI Formula One Workbook but I tried a different control and it behaved the same way. An ole user object is not being resized correctly when placed on a sheet whose resize event has the following script - ole_1.resize(this.workspacewidth(),this.workspaceheight()). PB 5 and PB 6.0 GA (build 251) work correctly - when the sheet is opened in the frame window, the ole user object is resized appropriately but in PB 6.0.01 (all builds from 360-424 that were tested exhibited behavior) it does not resize until you manually resize the sheet , or click on the sheet, after opening it.
166676 In Distributed PB, using Syncronize Functions: Deleting Subsequential times causes Update() error: -1 with message: Row changed between retrieve and update
166680 In Distributed PB, when client calls setchanges returns -1 in state of resetting the flags.
166691 6.0.01 regression, SetChanges returns a -2 trying to apply changes to a server datastore.

6/8/98 fbashaw: Verified it works correctly in build 439.

166694 6.0 build 419. Numeric editmask in datawindow using German or French settings and [currency(7)], or '###,###.00' editmask, [General] exhibits the following behavior if the datawindow column datatype is ''number": Type in 12.34, tab out - you get 12,34 - fine. Now click on that field again - it displays 12,00. If you tab out, or click elsewhere, it reverts back to 12,34. This only happens when you select, or tab into, the field again.

Similar to cr163009.

166732 Feature request:
Currently the font for the RTE control can only be of type truetype. It is not possible to reformat the text of an RTE control by setting the font manually tofixed sizedd fonts like FixedSys or MS Sans Serif.
166736 Oracle 8 - PB6 update with binding doesn't work against column of type CHAR - reproduced with build PB
Error: Row changed between retrieve and update.
No changes made to database.
166737 DB2 ODBC Cst uses stored procedure. The parameters in/out are truncated to 254 characters. with SQLLINK ODBC Driver for DB2
166738 Whn you perform an update from a PFC application, the update causes a page fault in kernel.dll or pbvm60.dll.
166741 Oracle 8 - PB6 retrieval argument with binding doesn't work for column of type CHAR

with 6.0 DataWindow Error
Select Error: ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
with 6.0.01 the error message doesn't show, but the data is not retrieved

166747 Median values for Group values in Datawindows are sometimes calculated incorrectly.
166760 The problem that the customer is experiencing is that they have a text field that can be up to 255 characters in length and cannot predict what the longest sub-string or word will be. The column on the datawindow is narrow enough that at times part of the text is getting truncated when printed and there is no way for the customer to know this. When the length of an individual word is longer than the width of the column the extra characters are truncated and not in the printed report. The customer believes that PB should wordwrap at this point.

There are also differences seen with the sample when the column has focus and whether or not it has autosize on or not. From speaking with GerryR. this is most likely just behavior and not a bug.

166799 Oracle 7.3 / 8 DBPainter - in Foreign Key Definition Dialog Box the Primary Key columns don't appear
166817 Closing the window from the key even will cause an application error under NT and Win95. Only occurs if there is a datawindow control with a datawindow object on the window. If the dw control does not have a datawindow object, the error does not occur.

Works properly under PB 5.0x

166826 Problem dealing with shared objects and corruption of heap space on a multi-processor machine.
166871 5.0.04/6.0.00 Regression. With 2 report objects on a composite report -- the first being a standard header, the second being the actual report. They are "stacked". In the second report, the user specifies "new page on group break" on the group attribute. The footer is trailed on both report objects within the composite report. 5.0.04/6.0.00 is now putting one blank page at the beginning of the report just after the header nested report. (can be seen in print preview) before showing the first group.

August 3, 1998 - Product Support Engineering
Workaround found: Use another level of composite (put the composite in a composite) and the group report will start after the top header report without going on to the next page.

166875 If all columns in the datawindows are defined with the Protect attribute set to 1, the SetRow() function returns -1 and the row in focus does not change. This is contrary to the fact that users can change the row using the mouse, or programatically if we set the TabSequence attribute to 0 instead of using the Protect attribute.

Tab Order Protect Rowfocuschanged via Setrow()
--------------- ----------- -----------------------------------------------
1. <all zero> <all protected> Fires <<- huh? Why fire it in this case but not case 2?
2. <10,20,etc> <all protected> Does not fire (setrow(), getrow() fail) <<- This is the complaint
3. <all zero> <none protected> Fires
4. <10,20,etc> <none protected> Fires

166920 6.0.01 beta Regression.Keypad '.' ignored when using comma decimal separator. This happens with an edit style "edit" in a numeric or decimal{2} datawindow column as an example. This does not happen when there is an editmask on the column. Note this worked fine in 5.0.04 and 6.0.00.
166922 Datawindow pagination gives 1 of 14000 for even 1 row datawindow if there is the following conditions:
1. There is a datawindow button in the DETAIL band and the HEADER band.
2. The Properties/Print Specifications is set to "Display Buttons on Print Preview" is checked
3. The detail band is set as "autosizeheight".
4. The datawindow must be a SQ L source datawindow and it must retrieve data (you don't have to show ANY columns anywhere in the datawindow but it MUST retrieve).

Once the datawindow is put into Print Preview, you can see the problem in the pagecount.

Also, if you take either the DETAIL band button or the HEADER band button out, this doesn't occur. It has to be in BOTH bands.

Workaround: Try turning autosizeheight of the detail band off and size the columns so they don't need slide or autosize.

166925 6.0.00 Regression :
Calling an rpc function with an output parameter using the 16-bit SYC ct-lib interface in PowerBuilder 6.0
gives following error :
999 Number of parameters do not agree
Problem does not occur with PowerBuilder 5.0.03 16-bit
166933 This problem was originally reported as CR 161435, this CR has now been closed. The problem was fixed by this CR, but only in preview and runtime modes. The problem still exists in design mode, the underline column property is still 'thicker' than it is when in design mode in PowerBuilder 5.x.
166948 Memory is leaking when connected using OR8 and calling a window function that loops executing embedded SQL.
166996 **6.0 Regression: Making external function call: WSASTARTUP() from WINSOCK.DLL (16bit). If running on NT4.0 or NT3.51 or Win3.1 a gpf will occur in PBVM60W.DLL@002b:11c7. This worked fine in 5.0.04 16bit and is not a problem using 32bit on NT making call to WSOCK32.DLL. Nor is it a problem running 16bit PowerBuilder on WIN95 or WFW3.11.
167003 In a script, if you use: STRING(2001-02-29,"dddd, dd-mmm-yyyy"), no compiler errors. Result: 'Thursday, 29-feb-2001'.... an invalid date.
Direct assignment in script is also an issue but it's already reported. CR 162708.
167010 Setitem(row,col, 2001-2-29) works with invalid dates. You can either do this literally or with an invalid date assigned via script like:

ld_date = 2001-02-29 <-- This compiler bug is CR162708.


Development: SetItem() does not do any validation. The bug is in the compiler that allows the specification of an invalid date constant bug 162708.

167019 DELETE in date editmask can leave an invalid date. For example: . In a edit-mask with mask "dd/mm/yy" the user types in '31/12/96' and then deletes the '1' of the 12 (month), resulting in '31/02/96'. Then by means of a button the contents is being read and displayed: '31 february 1996'.....?

Although this data has not been validated yet, by deleting the '1' in '12', we effectively let the user extract a valid date.

Development: Not really a bug. The editmask control cannot prevent all possible conditions and keystrokes. We would have to disable the delete key for this circumstance and that would not be appropriate

167047 Regression -16 bit PB app runs another 16 bit PB app, GPFs on close of 2nd app
167129 Regression: 16 bit app does not open window.

6/10/98 fbashaw: Fixed in 6.0.01 build 442.

167159 6.0.01 Regression: PFC Examples GPF when populating a listview.

This bug is a duplicate of 166615. Fixed in 6.0.01 build 442.

167218 If you are using a single PBD/DLL with the OLE generate registration feature, and if the LibraryList using a long filename path is greater than 129 characters on NT 4 or Win 95 the type library will NOT get generated. You will get the following error message in step 5 of 6 of the OLE automation registry generation dialog box "Error Generating Type Library".

If you are using three or more PBDs/DLLs with the OLE generate registration feature, and if the total length of the LibraryList using a long filename path is greater than 276 characters then PowerBuilder will produce an access violation (a different address is generated each time) on NT 4 and PowerBuilder will hang indefinitely on Win 95. The problem occurs on the second press of the "Proceed" command button in step 5 of 6 of the OLE automation registry generation dialog box, usually the "Proceed" command button will work first time, but not under these circumstances.

167223 6.0.01 Beta. There is a severe memory usage and handle leak problem in 6.0.01 434 when opening a window with inheritance. The window takes about 10 seconds to open vs sub-second in 5.0.04 most often mentioned with PFC and INHERITED objects. The handle leak is about 72 handles per open of PFC's pfc_w_master. PowerBuilder returns them all when the application closes.

Development: Release note stating customers should rebuild all applications to avoid Application Painter load delays when using 6.5 Powerbuilder with older 6.0.00 applications and even when running the application.

We change the internal type definitions slightly in 6.5 and this caused ANYTHING big being opened to take longer with 6.5 - meaning an Incremental or Full Rebuild (best) was required to sync up an old application with the new type definitions.

We "recompiled" pfc for 6.5. By taking an older 6.0 application opening it with this version of PFC, then PFC (6.5) is newer than their application and this causes a mini incremental rebuild on startup. If the developer uses the original 6.0 version of PFC then everything is in sync, of course.

Any time the ancestor classes are newer than their descendants (as in this case using a 6.0 PFC application with newer 6.5 PFC pbls - as just about everything will be) then the vm must do a psuedo-rebuild of the descendants since the ancestor has changed. This happens when you open the app painter because it encounters one of these situations and then does the rebuild. So think of it like you are doing an incremental rebuild every time you open the app painter (or any painter for that matter). The difference is, this rebuild does not get saved back to disk so until you do a real one incremental rebuild, it will keep happening.

Of course, the work around is to do an incremental rebuild and it is then solved.

The problem is there is nothing we can do to solve this. This is actually correct behavior and really is a staging issue. The only way around this would be to ship the 6.0 GA version of PFC. But, of course, you can't do that because then you don't get bug fixes. Developers should do a full rebuild any time they upgrade to a newer version of PFC.

167238 5.0.04/6.0.00 Regression. Gettext() on a NULL date column with editmask shows 2000-01-01. It should show nothing. More importantly, validation expressions (or any expression) using this value also could break applications. Isdate(gettext()) returns TRUE on a newly inserted row with no data (since the gettext() is "getting" 2000-01-01 a perfectly valid date.
167242 IsValid not working on Server Push object references
167247 Using the DebugBreak() function and "Just In Time Debugging" mode. When the debugger is launched it does not stop at the DebugBreak () function or execute any remaining script in the ItemChanged event of the datawindow if there is any code, even a comment, in the LoseFocus event.
If you then proceed through the debugger by clicking the Continue icon, a MessageBox() will display with: "There already is an instance of the debugger".
Click OK, when you return to the debugger, all icons are greyed out. When you return to the application, run it again and it "blinks". After another try or two, a page fault will occur in PBVM60.DLL@0137:1120f02d.
167325 The following is quoted from our documentation:

DESCRIPTION: GarbageCollectSetTimeLimit ( newtimeinmilliseconds ) Sets the minimum interval between garbage collection passes.
ARGUMENT: newtimeinmilliseconds - A long (in milliseconds) that you want to set as the minimum period between garbage collection cycles If NULL, the existing interval is not changed

Specifies the minimum interval between garbage collection passes: garbage collection passes will not happen before this interval has expired.
Garbage collection can effectively be disabled by setting the minimum limit to a very large number. If garbage collection is disabled, unused classes will not be flushed out of the class cache.

When I pass GarbageCollectSetTimeLimit a value equal too 2147483647 (maximum value for a long) there is no effect.

Recreated with 32 bit PowerBuilder 6.0 GA and 6.0.01 build 424.

167327 Customer is connecting to Oracle 7.3 with native drivers.

Customer has created extended attributes in Powerdesigner and wants to use these in Powerbuilder. He has created public synonyms with these extended attributes. The public synonyms are available, including the extended attributes, while in PB in the Database Painter and when creating a Quick Select dw. They are not available in a SQL Select datawindow.

He is trying to create datawindows with these public snyonyms and he can see them when he chooses Quick Select, including all the extended attributes, but when he tries to build a SQL Select datawindow he can see a table reference with the same name but it appears without the public qualifier and it does not have any of the extended attributes. He needs to use SQL Select because several tables are usually involved in these datawindows.

167329 6.0.00 Regression. Scrolling with a RetrieveAsNeeded datawindow not in print preview has large white blank spaces when scrolling.

This does not appear in 5.0.04 or 6.0.01.

167332 If a column is defined as type TIMESTAMP and NULL's are allowed, in the dw painter you cannot select this column. It first comes up with a datatype of binary(8). It should be TIMESTAMP. This behavior can be seen in versions 5.0.04, 6.0.0x.
167355 6.0.00 Regression. Picturelistbox using a picture of 180x150 pels cuts off the bottom half of the picture. (bad in 6.0.01 beta I, II as well).
167370 When retrieving recordset into a datawindow object created from a Oracle7.3 and 8.0 stored procedure as a datasource, retrieval arguments with single quotes do not return result set.
167407 GPF when go back to an html page wich includes a Window ActiveX pbrx60.ocx
167473 6.0.01 Regression: Day() function problem: Day( Date("2/29/2002")) returns day of one instead of zero.
Workaround: Always apply the IsDate() function and only proceed on valid dates.
167530 Using PrintDefineFont to set fonts, and PrintText to print strings using the defined fonts. 5.0.x works in all cases 32 and 16 bit, but 6.0.x 16 bit does not work on Windows 3.11, all strings print in a default font.
167550 6.0.00 Regression. Unable to directly assign an element of an array that is part of a structure that is returned by a function to a variable.

You must have an intermediate structure that will take the return from the function and then assign the array element to a variable.

This was allowed in 5.0

For example:

uf_function() returns a structure of type 'LongStructure' that contains 2 elements: One of type Long, and another of type Unbounded Long Array.



long l_long

long l_longarray[]

long ll_rtnlong

ll_rtnlong = uf_function().l_long // this will work in 5.0 and 6.0

ll_rtnlong = uf_function().l_longarray[1] // this will not work in 6.0, but works in 5.0

Both of these cases in the future will generate compiler warnings. Returning a structure as part of a function call in a Powerscript statement can be dangerous since the memory could have been freed. We made several changes in 6.x and beyond to fix several memory leaks that were really these structures left lying around (which is why you could reference them as above in 5.0). Now that we clean these structures up after the function call, it's possible to get memory corruption with these types of constructs.

Correct way to code this:

long ll_rtnlong

LongStructure ll_struct

ll_struct= uf_function()



Per PB Engineering:

The reason this worked in 5.0 was because we were not deleting the temporary struct returned from the function call in the expression myfunc().fieldname. This resulted in a memory leak which has since been fixed.

As part of fixing this memory leak, the field elements were also free'd after the expression evaluation. Because the field here is a string, the string value therefore is free'd resulting in the garbage that you see when you run this test case.

It is expected that this syntax will work for simple data types at this time, but not for strings, or arrays.

Please issue a separate change request for a compiler warning against this, to eventually be a compiler error in the next major release of PB. Due to this, I would strongly recommend to customers that they change all occurrances of this syntax to use a local struct variable, and return the function result into that. This ensures that the data will be correct and avoid any crashes until we fix the compiler to warn against this.

(CR 203969 was added to request the compiler warning.)

167663 Resource leak opening multiple sheets with inherited menus with Windows 3.11. If you use up all resources, it de-stabilizes Win 3.11 and when you exit the application, you will get a GPF in PBRTE050.DLL. 0003:f6c3
167715 Informix IN7 driver DW generates Update syntax with "is NULL" in WHERE clause for a column which contains an empty string
167753 When you call <dw>.SaveAs() to create an HTML file form a free form datawindow, the resulting html file may not contain all of the data from the datawindow. Multiple DB columns on the same line seem to trigger the problem.
167793 6.0.01 Regression - Graph with Value Axis property: AutoScale=off displays 'weird' numbers on the axis - seems like a rounding problem.

All show the same 'weird' numbers on the axis like 49.9999999 & 149.9999997 instead of rounding to 50 or 150.

1. Turn autoscale back ON in the Value Axis Tab Page.
2. Format the Value Axis Text by clicking on the Text tab of the graph property sheet.
-Click on 'Value Axis Text' item in the Text Object listbox to show all properties for the Value Axis
-Notice the Display Format field shows [general] for the format. Click on the Formats... button and change the format to something like 000 or ### and you will no longer see trailing 3's or 9's.

167794 An accelerator key on a tab page is fired when the tab page is not current. Problem exists in PB 5.0.04. It does not exist in 6.0.01 build 444.
167803 Customer reported that when they applied the 419 Beta patch they started experiencing problems trying to do a Full Rebuild on their PFC application. With PB 6.0 GA the application was able to complete a Full Rebuild in either the Library Painter or the Project Painter. The customer is hanging while I receive an illegal page fault, but it is failing consistently on the same objects and otherwise identical. He has plain WIN 95 while I have WIN 95b.

Through testing his original full application (44 pbls), and the narrowed down sample app I discovered that the Full Rebuild started failing in Build 404, which is the first available build after a different PFC application Full Rebuild (CR 164588) bug was fixed. This was tested up through build 444 with the same results.

167825 Setitem()/Reset() loop leaking memory with a datastore. Using the same datastore over and over and calling Reset() is the culprit. The original value would be leaked across a call to Reset(). A simple work around would be to delete the datastore every time in the outer loop.

The Setitem() call causes an allocation (to hold some data)

167852 Declaring global variable (in the Declare Global Variables dialog) of inherited PFC autoinstantiated user objects such as n_cst_color, n_cst_numerical, n_cst_datetime causes error invalid page fault 0137:111fcfbc / access violation in 0x111fcfbc when trying to run the application after a full rebuild or when doing a full rebuild in the library painter to create an executable.

This was due to some extra source for some of these objects causing a problem when made global. To permanently correct the source, you need to resave all the inherited objects using the user object painter from pfc_n_base down to the object you're using as a global. Migration, regeneration and import will not solve the problem - the source must be re-written by the painter.

In general, we don't recommend using autoinstantiated objects as global variables.

Workaround: Code the references to these objects from the application manager NVO inherited from n_cst_appmanager (which of course is not autoinstantiated). This way, there is only one global variable - everything stays encapsulated, and it is not hard to reference in code (just qualify everything with gnv_app.reference)

167853 If you create a user object and place a datawindow control on it without specifying the underlying datawindow object, a subsequent call to SetFullState() will cause the datawindow to shift up within the user object.
167855 If you change you default printer within PowerBuilder, the setting should only last for the life of the current PowerBuilder session. However, if you close PowerBuilder and start it up again, the printer is not default back to the system default.
167859 Regression from PB 5.0 for all builds of 6.0/6.01 tested GA through build 444. Customer reported as P1.

The dll's being left in memory is happening on all platforms tested, WIN95, NT 4.0 and WIN 3.11 platforms. Extensive testing was done with WIN95 as this is the platform that this customer is using.

When the customer runs a 16 bit exe with datawindows or userobjects with datawindows on them PB is leaving 11 - 16 bit dll's in memory. When the customer then tries to run a 32 bit application he is receiving an illegal page fault. Also trying to rerun the 16 bit application or returning to the 32 development environment causes gpf.

After testing this issue out I found the problem to exhibit itself in different ways depending on what I tried to do next after closing out normally from a simple 16 bit executable. I also tried this with both machine code and pcode with the same results. The PB 6.0 exe leaves the following 11 dlls in memory: ole2.dll,ole2disp.dll, ole2nls.dll, pbbgr60w.dll, pbdwe60w.dll, pboui60w.dll, pbvbx60x.dll, pbvm60w.dll, storage.dll, typelib.dll, unidrv.dll. Furthermore, when I tried to unload the dlls if I unload pbdwe60w.dll all of the other 10 dll's also get unloaded but if I try to unload pbvm60w.dll then pbbgr60w.dll and pbdwe60w.dll were still left in memory.


Declare as external functions:
SUBROUTINE FreeLibrary(uint libhandle) LIBRARY "Krnl386.exe"
FUNCTION int GetModuleHandle(string modname) Library "Krnl386.exe"
Script in Close Event of Application:
uint l_handle
l_handle = GetModuleHandle("pbdwe60w.dll") // This can be any dll or library that is loaded into memory.

167936 It is impossible to print a clear 3D graph datawindow. They always print out very small, illegible and in the centre of the page. No change of graph properties helps.

Fails with following 3D graph types :
3D Column
3D Bar
3D Area
3D Line

2D graph datawindows print fine and MS Graph prints correctly with a 3D graph.

167949 6.0.01 Regression starting with build 424. Composite datawindow using Page() + PageCount() in header or footer band. In preview mode or print output, the page numbers display ie 1 of 3, 1 of 3, 1 of 3 (if there were only 3 pages in the report).
168031 Can not insert a tab character into an mle on a tab page or in an MDI app.
168037 Tested and reproduced with Pb 5.0.04/PB 6.0 GA and 6.0.01 build 444.

Trying to delete or re-enter a new date on a highlighted editmask column with either Center or Right alignment that is only partially visible because the column is too narrow results in an illegal page fault or a seemingly infinite loop. Left (default) and justify alignment appear to not exhibit the problem.

With the infinite loop when I hit Ctrl=>Alt=>Delete I got a messagebox with "The system is dangerously low in resources. Would you like to terminate the following application? accompanied by the title of the window. "

Illegal page faults I received on my machine : PB 6.0 GA build 251 @ 0137:1113c9cd
PB 6.0.01 Build 444 @ 0137:1111ef1b

168054 6.0.00 Regression. Setting the tabstop property MLE mle_1.tabstop[<position>] = <size of the tab> for a multilineedit control doesn't work
168067 6.0.01 REGRESSION - Can't select a value in a dropdowndatawindow if the display value contains a comma (European format) 5,2. Get "Item does not pass the validation test"
168070 Incremental rebuilds fail with PFC applications. Must do a full rebuild for any small changes in descendant objects. (there were many examples of this. The best thing to do is try the release it is fixed in)
168071 Documentation enhancement added to the User's Guide and On-line help: Nested and composite datawindow's require a printer driver be installed on the user's machine. When the datawindow does not display properly (it's blank), it is probably because there is no printer driver installed on the machine they are using.
168111 Using a datetime column type for a graph "value" expression (graph style datawindow or graph object on a datawindow) causes the application to hang during preview (really while painting the data) after the retrieve or setitem() to the datetime field. This is a bug from Powerbuilder 5.0 on.

Workaround: You can use a date() by instead substituting "DATE(datetime_column)" for VALUE on the graph.

168121 Using datetime retrieval argument for datawindow causes error -181. Cause is use of too many digits in microseconds prtion of timestamp.
168131 Converting a string to double with the DOUBLE function and with german country settings for numbers (decimal seperator = "," and number group = ".") causes wrong convertions.
168138 DW painter generates incorrect SQL for union of outer joins using SQL Anywhere.
168141 In the library painter, if you move the mouse pointer over one of the toolbar items and have the tooltip appear; [starting from the Export toolbar item and all others to the right of it (Import, Regen, Search...)], then doubleclick and open an application object, when the toolbar repaints, the item the mouse was on stays.
168177 function for truncate or round time on seconds, minutes, hours ..

function for truncate or make a round time "TruncateTime( time value, integer mode ) " truncate on hours minutes and so on - by mode selection

168178 5.0.04/6.0.00 Regression. Setting the rowstatus with SetItemStatus to DataModified when the Key Modification is set to "Use Delete then Insert" generates a DELETE and INSERT statement on Update() and re-inserts the same row.

This only happens if you code the Update() function with the datawindow in this state. This was caused by a fix to 157312 in 5.0.04.

168181 Regression 6.0.01 beginning with build 381 and reproducible through build 444.

Customer has simple genapp application in which he is initially changes the visible attribute to false for several menuitems: visible. He then changes this same properties to 'true' in script and the application halts with an illegal page fault in USER.exe @ 0011:00000971.

Placing a messagebox, a yield() or running through the debugger eliminates the illegal page fault.

168233 Inherit a window from an ancestor window which has any visual userobject placed on it.
Close it immediately after without saving.
Try to open the ancestor window and get the error:
"Object or one of its ancestors or descendants is already open in another window painter...etc"

Must exit PB and start again to open the window.

Same happens if use a custom visual uo instead of a window in example above

Works OK in 5.0.04 but not in 6.0 GA nor 6.0.01 build 444

168244 If you change the name of a tab control (eg tab_1 -> tab_10) on a custom visual uo which has been inherited from, that change passes down correctly to the descendant when it's saved.

But. Change the name of the tab control in the ancestor object again and at the same time add a couple of comments to a tabpage in the tab control and this is the error which appaers in the descendant when trying to open and save for a second time...

Object: u_descendant
tabpage_1 Class Declaration
(0001): Error C0001: Illegal data type: tab_1

The only way to get this change into the descendant is export, edit and import the descendant object.

This can be reproduced with any control embedded in the tab control - reproduced with tabpages, datawindow controls, command button.

The important combination is
Change name of parent control (tab_1) once, allow changes to be saved in descendant
Change parent control name again AND add some script to an embedded control (or tabpage).

168277 Originally bug 41584. If an EditMask on a DataWindow column contains one # to the left of the decimal point (#.## or ##.##), no data can be entered into the column. Using the same EditMask on an EditMask control, the behavior is wrong, as well.

If you highlight all the data by doubleclicking and click on the DELETE button and tab off, you get "item does not pass validation test"

Development: Not a bug. It works this way because a single decimal point is not a valid number. When first painted we will paint a single "." but once data is entered or the contents of the editmask control the data window engine will insist on a valid number being there. One workaround would be to define the edit mask as #.00, and define a format display of #.##, define the column to "Use Format". Then, when the column has focus, the column will display .00 but, when it does not have focus it will display "."

168289 Setfullstate() gpfs in 6.0.01 . Works fine in build 424. This is a simple example with a freeform datawindow using the department table (5 records). Same thing with Grid - datawindow type didn't matter.
168415 You cannot create or preview a datawindow based on a stored procedure if you are using Oracle 8.0.04 client software. If you are using the OR8 connection to an Oracle 8 dtabase, you will get error ORA-01001. In all other cases you will get a GPF.
168417 When a datawindow is set to QuerySort and that datawindow contains a DropDownDataWindow the column with the dddw shows the data column instead of the display column after selecting an item from the dddw and clicking out of the row/column.

Setting QueryMode on without QuerySort is OK in the same conditions.

168421 PowerBuilder hangs or GPF's when the user resources are down to the minimum. A new feature is needed to handle the fact that PB cannot allocate new memory anymore and fail silently or give the user an error message.
168452 As you drill down into objects in the window tab of the browser, the icons become incorrect and the contents incorrect.
168506 If you try and enter a date using the European date format dd/mm/yy, in preview or runtime mode, PowerBuilder will give you the following DataWindow error message "item '29/03/98' does not pass validation test." If you typed in 03/29/98, then there is no problem.

If you place a command button on a window which contained the following script: MessageBox("Today's Date",string(today())), when this is executed the messagebox will display today's date e.g. 06/22/98

If you edit the .WindU file and scroll to the [intl] section, you can see the date format which is used.

Here are the initial settings:

SLongDate=dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy

If you now change the above to European date format i.e.

SLongDate=dddd, MMM, yyyy

Now if you execute MessageBox("Today's Date",string(today())), this will return e.g. 22/06/98. Which is what you would expect.

If you now retrieve some information from your database via your datawindow, which contains a datetime column, the dates would be displayed in European format. Which is what you would expect.

If you try and enter a date using the European date format dd/mm/yy, in preview or runtime mode, PowerBuilder will give you the following DataWindow error message "item '29/03/98' does not pass validation test." If you typed in 03/29/98, then there is no problem, UNTIL you tabbed off the column. The date gets converted into European format i.e. 29/03/98.

168547 Customer is toggling the 'UseAsBorder' DDDW property programmatically from a command button and if the user click on whitespace or a text field the data disappears from the ddddw colum that currently has focus. It happens whether you change the property with dot notation or with a modify statement.

This is not a regression.

When the user clicks on an actual column this does not happen. There also does not appear to be problem with the analogous "alway show arrow" property checked or unchecked.

168592 SetFullState GPFs when the blob size is around 1 Meg.
Could not reproduce in 7.0
168596 If you sepcify a non-default pointer to an RTE control on a window, the window runtime ignores this and continues to use the arrow poinbter.
168610 In code similar to the PFC DataWindow DropDownSearch service, It gpfs when the dropdowndatawindow "UseAsBorder" attribute is NO and it is being changed to "YES" by Modify() and the dddw Always Show Arrow is 'NO', it will GPF when modifying the dddw display column at runtime.
168611 Mss driver doesn't allow more than 25 connections. Customer would like the MaxConnect DB parm to be available for the Microsoft
SQL Server (MSS) driver. Error message when exceeding maximum was an ambiguous "A SQL Server request resulted in a bad return code or status but no error message was returned".
168683 When using dot notation to assign data from a datastore or datawindow to a bound char array the array's length 'stretches' to fit length of the data in the dw/ds field

char char5[5]

char5 = "1234567890" // will give -> 12345 Correct, expected behaviour
char5 = dw_1.object.col1[1] // will give 1234567890 (assuming the col has that value)

A workaround is to pass the same code through String()

168715 6.0.00 Deficiency. There is a problem expanding hierarchies in the Object Browser causing GPFs on heavily inherited tab or user objects.

Development: The problem is with the browser/window painter in that it builds a list of objects has an architectural limitation.

168723 Calling a remote Oracle stored procedure fails with a describe error in PB 5 and PB 6. This worked in PB 4.
168757 Repeated executions of an Oracle stored procedure cause about 8 K of memory to be used per call. Occurs with OR8 driver and Oracle 8.0.03 and 8.0.04. Memory is returned when the application disconnects from Oracle.

Development: Verified that leak is caused by Oracle client not giving up memory associated with the stored procedure calls until the environment handle is is freed by a call to OCIHandleFree.(). Developer needs to contact Oracle to open a case with them.

168806 6.5.00 Regression. The Page() computed field in a footer of a datawindow with a group is broken when the report has "Reset Page on Group Break" set and the report is in print preview mode.

The settings that fail:

New Page on Group Break (ON)
Reset Page Number on Group Break (ON) <----- This is what is broken.

This allows things like

Page 1 of 2 - Page 1 for value 100
Page 2 of 2 - Page 2 for value 100

Page 1 of 3 - Page 1 for value 200
Page 2 of 3 - Page 2 for value 200
Page 3 of 3 - Page 3 for value 200

What happens now:

Page 1 of 2 - Page 1 for value 100
Page 2 of 2 - Page 2 for value 100

Page 3 of 3 - Page 1 for value 200
Page 4 of 3 - Page 2 for value 200
Page 5 of 3 - Page 3 for value 200

Workaround: Placing the datawindow in a composite will show the Page() correctly as the groups break and continue from page to page.

168856 If a change is made in the database painter (in the table painter) to a column's extended attribute such as 'Justification' the column's extended attribute for 'Case' is changed even though this was not requested nor available for change in the table painter.

Put on a trace and you see that the table pbcatcol is being changed for this table/column for the column when you only change the justification attribute...

pbc_case from the value 27 (upper) to the value 0 (lower)

Would like this value not to be touched in PBCATCOL if it hasn't been changed in the painter

168888 String(lparam, "address") not properly de-referencing string address in 32 bit.

Not a PB bug. In 32 bit passing an address by value between two separate apps will not work as they are running in
separate memory spaces, and cannot access each other's memory.

168937 A pipeline with two or more outer joins. When pipeline executes and Extended Attributes is checked, a page fault occurs: r "pb050 caused an invalid page fault in module pbshr050.dll at 014f:11132175" or PB60 caused an invalid page fault in module pbvm60.dll at 0157:1111F2A1. If Extended Attributes is NOT checked, this does happen and the pipeline executes successfully.
168945 When using the SqlCache parameter with an ODBC connection, the SqlReturnData is not being populated with the cache statistics as described in the help text for SqlCache.
168977 16 bit memory leak in OpenUserObject & CloseUserObject in Win3.11
169016 You cannot call the ChildWindowFromPoint Windows API function from PowerBuilder. You get error "specified argument differs from required argument at runtime in DLL function ChildWindowFromPoint. Invalid stack pointer on return from function call."
169041 The Identity Column values that are retrieved in a datawindow after an update may give incorrect results if many users are inserting rows into the database at the same time.
169062 In Windows 3.1 or in Windows 19 (16 bit only) you cannor enter a filespec argument for the DirList function that uses the computer name instead of the drive designation. For example "q:\junk" works while "\\hawg\common\junk" does not.
169080 Regression. Window Plugin generated w/PB 6.5 build 444 doesn't show up in browser.
169128 Default behaviour changed between PB 5.0 and PB 6.0. Cannot find documented reference to this change anywhere.

Add code to a descendant event which has no code in the same event in the ancestor. Go back and add code to this ancestor event. When we return to the descendant event the new code in the ancestor has been OVERRIDDEN by default. In PB 5.0 this was EXTENDED by default.

169132 In an N-Up datawindow, while trying to highlight a computed field via SelectRow in script, the text color changes to white and the columns are not highlighted. So if the datawindow background is white, they "disappear". True even when using [0], [1], etc to ensure that it is clear which row of data the computed field should be associated with.

Possible workaround: perform calculations on the back end if possible, and return as part of the result set. Then the calculated data
will be treated as regular columns by the nup datawindow, and SelectRow will work properly.

169222 Browsing in several areas of development (Library painter, File Editor) causes a working directory change that often causes applications not to run correctly afterwards since it no longer can find supporting ".ini" or other files. This has been an annoyance since 3.0 and is reported as a frustration by many customers.

GetFileOpenName() and GetFileSaveName() have the same results at runtime. Once the working directory has changed, finding .ini files with ProfileString() calls often fail.

Workaround: Reset the working directory by opening (expanding) a PBL in the directory that you want to be your working directory.

169280 calling a window-function with two call-by-value-parameters (windowobject and string) causes R0051 "bad argument list" in PB 5 and in PB6.0 a crash.
169293 Using 6.0 Plug-ins on win 3.11 browsers IExplorer / NNavigator results in different GPF's depending on the browser being used.
169310 When placing a non valid 2/29/XXXX value into a Date datatype it is accepted as a valid date value, This can result in wrong behavior when using DaysAfter() and displaying of value in SLE's, etc. . Other invalid dates (2/30/XXXX) are caught by the window initial compile.

Simple workaround is to use the IsDate() on all dates entered in SLE's to insure that they are valid.

169338 Unable to create datawindows of source Stored Procedure with Informix if the Stored Procedure argument list has spaces or tabs
169371 When intercepting the SQL order of a datawindow and replacing it with an EXECUTE of sp. using Setsqlpreview().
leads to an error message: " Row changed between Retrieve and Update." This happens with PB 5.0.04 and PB 6.0
169396 Application is using the Prompt for Criteria option, with a dddw with a data value that is an int and a display value that is a string, entering incorrect information results in an infinite loop. If instead of picking a choice from the dddw the user types a non-valid entry they initially receive the proper PB generated Messagebox - DataWindow Error Specified criteria is invalid! They can hit OK but at this point they will be trapped in an infinite loop that they can only get out of by shutting down the application using CTRL=>ALT=>DELETE. Initially it will let them hit cancel but trying to proceed to make a correct choice will put the user into the infinite loop.

In PB 5.0.04 after the initial PB Messagebox for the DataWindow error the application allowed the user to enter a correct value or drop down the DDDW and pick from the list.

169426 PROBLEM: Used build 444 & 522 on solaris and hpux. App server crashes when retrieving a nested or composite datawindow in webpb or retrieving using get/setfullstate. Works ok outside of webpb. Works ok on windows (build 444) in webpb. Works ok if I don't use a nested report. App server retrieves data ok.

Problem happens using using distributed pb and calling remote method that's retrieving a nested report.

Getting the following error on hpux:
The error of Floating exception pb60 (core dumped) will appear on the unix command line.

On solaris, the error is:
signal fault in critical section
signal number: 11, signal code 1, fault address: 0x0, pc: oxecfa35co, sp: 0xeb0058f8
ABORT: core dump

Used apache web server on solaris and build 444 of pbcgi60.exe. App server was on hp and solaris. Also tried using website on nt 4.0 and app server running on hp and solaris. Same problem with pbcgi60.exe on windows.

169430 When an app is running in cron and uses the run function to fire off a shell
script, cpu usage will jump up to 98%.

Doesn't happen in Solaris.

169453 The problem has been reported in the past (PTs 465170, 333235, 460101, 314405, 269665).

When a field within a datawindow is too wide or extends too far to the right for the size of paper to be printed on, the datawindow displays a second empty page regardless of the content of this field at runtime. Microhelp at bottom of datawindow in preview mode says "Horiz page 1 of 2"

Instead of taking the runtime width and calculating when a second page is needed the datawindow seems to base its calculation of the static width of the field as defined in the datawindow painter so it shows an empty page when this is not necessary.

For example a string field has a max width of 50 chars, when there is a string longer than 25 the field will not fit on 1 page so it prints on 2. But when this same field only has 1 char it still shows a second page even though it is blank. Customer would like the datawindow not to show this page when it's not needed by checking the runtime width of the column/field and not width as drawn in the datawindow painter (which is always the same, in this case 50)

169558 Ct like to have a tool in the libvrary painter where he can remove automaticly the PVCS informations stored in PowerBuilder objects.
169561 * Dropdowndw jumps from left to right when it is larger than the dw control
169599 Oracle 8.0.3. Using a bind variable in the where clause does not bring back a result set.
169724 PB 6.0 on NT4.0 / WIN95 using the function MAPI - MailReadMessage() didn't resolve the filename of the attachments. mailMessage / mailFileDescription structures are not filled with the right attachment file data.
169752 A set of stacked reports in a composite datawindow does not paginate correctly. The second report on the stack always starts on the second page. In 5.0, if you had:

Composite Parent
Header report
Composite Report #2

The "Composite Report #2" would start immediately after the Header Report on the FIRST page. (assuming the header report was less than 1 page).

Now, in 6.5.00, when previewing or printing the report, if the entire "composite report #2" does not fit onto the remainder of the FIRST page, it is started on the SECOND page.

Workaround: Place the Parent composite report above into another composite report and by adding one level, it previews and prints as expected.

169822 Using build 444 on hpux, cpu usage goes up to 98% when dragging columns in
the dw painter.
169842 The date() function returns inaccurate results. Under windows,
you can modify the shortdate in the control panel/regional settings.

Changed the sShortDate in the Intl section. Same problem.

169864 When the RightToLeft property of an editable control (sle, mle ..) is set at True, you can't change it to False inside a script. The opposite works.
169868 Regression - When selecting more than 22 columns for the rich text
presentation style on Unix, pb will core dump.

Ran a test using pb 5.0.04 on Solaris, no problem. I was able to select all 26 columns--no problem.
Under pb 6.0.01 (build 444), pb will core dump on solaris.

Ran another test on solaris (build 444) and selected only 20 columns. I then went back into the dw painter and selected
the additional 6 columns 1 by 1 and added them to the dw. No problem. I then hit design/preview
and the following error message appeared on the unix command line:

Abort, Ignore?
(I then hit Ignore and the following message appeared)
Premission denied

All of this works under pb 5.0.04 on Solaris.

169935 In an editmask control defined as mm/dd/yyyy, enter 12/31/1999 and tab away. Click back on the editmask control and place the cursor between the digits of the year so that it is between the 1 and the 2. Hit the backspace key and the 12 will change to 02. You can now tab off of the control and the date that remains will be 02/31/1999.

This may be correct behavior since at this point it is pretty difficult to anticipate what the user's next move will be, much like the situation
where a spin control allows invalid dates, but user would like development determination.

This works as designed. The editmask control does not check valididity when it loses focus. The DataWindow engine does check valididity when tabbing from one column to another which is why it fails there. Users should check themselves in the LoseFocus event.

169977 PFC-help mentions for the n_cst_dwsrv object in the function of_GetObjects description : dwcontrol.instancename.of_GetObjects ( objectlist[ ] {, objecttype, band, visibleonly } ). ...
see case notes
169983 calling "post open(w_response)" in a script causes a Dr. Watson ( 0x000005 0x10c8beea )
w_response wi_response
post open(wi_response)

instead of post open(w_response)

169996 AcceptText in a dw LoseFocus event causes an infinite loop on a validation error.

Per Development:
This is a problem with running the ue_accepttext event when the DataWindow control has focus. By running AcceptText(), the validation is triggered again, which pops up a message box, which causes the control to lose focus, which run the LoseFocus() event which posts another event. In 5.0, the ue_accepttext event ended up running while the message box was up, so the DW did not have focus. The fact that the event ran while the message box was up was a bug that was fixed in 6.0 (it was causing lots of problems). Coding the event in this way is incorrect for 6.0. A way of fixing it in the PowerScript would be to keep track of whether the DW has focus (using an instance variable and the GainFocus()/LoseFocus() events) and not running the AcceptText() in ue_accepttext if the DW has focus. I tried this solution in the supplied example and it fixed the problem.

169998 Registered an NVO as a PB Automation Server. Method on NVO takes an argument of type DATE by REF. When called from any client application, an error occurs: R0085 Error in reference argument passed to function.
Arguments of type DateTime, String, Int ... are ok.
170009 Application Close event not firing when a datastore is instanciated (5.0.04)
170025 PB 6.0 on Solaris - Signal Fault when resizing columns in the dw painter.
The error is signal fault in critical section
signal number:10 signal code: (, fault address:0x5a,pc dd35384, sp: 0xeff430
Abort: core dump
Bus Error
170076 Regression:
Unable to clear check-out status if the work PBL does not exist (or was renamed), or if the drive letter where the work PBL resides has changed.

Error message:
"Clearing check out status of library entry failed. Probably library I/O error."

170164 Cust updated a datawindow (based on a table containing a serial column) with an identity column.
Then cust used selectBlob function and application crashed in KERNEL32 at 0137 or hang.
This can be reproduced on both pb6.0 and pb6.5 build 444 while it worked fine with pb5.0.04
Same test works fine with sql anywhere and pb6.0 or pb6.5
170175 PowerBuilder will give an access vilolation if an array of structures is passed as an argument to ClassName().

The following script will produce the access violation:

lstr ls_mystructure[]
any la_any

la_any= ls_mystructure
cb_1.text = classname(la_any)

170309 6.0.00 Regression : edit mask ##.00,allows to type more digits than allowed after the decimal point if the number being entered has only a decimal component (.39, etc).

Workaround: Use 0.xx for data entry. That is, enter a zero, then a dot (or comma if your decimal separator is set up as such) then the decimal number.

170311 Can't generate an exe in Machine code with czech characters.
170316 6.0.00 Regression. PB 6.0 is using significantly more memory than PB 5.0 when using visible datawindows. (virtual memory)
170324 Customer's application consists entirely of approximately 90 response windows. The response windows have coordinates and size explicitly set to maximum size. In PB 5.0 he was able to use the debugger with this application. Basically in PB 5.0 the debug window comes up in front of the application window so you can choose to step through, continue...... In PB 6.0_251 through 6.5_444 the debugger window comes up behind the application's response window and as the response window is maximized the application is essentially frozen and the customer cannot step through the debugger. If the response window is not a maximized size you can put focus on the debugg window by clicking the debugger in the background. Although, doing this allowed me access to the debugger's window it still left the response window on top. Other observed wrong behavior is that it allowed me to close the response window by clicking the X in the upper right hand corner which resulted, not surprisingly, in an invalid page fault in module PBVM60.dll at 0137:10c84b0.

Tested this with several types of windows with results as follows: Response windows - debugger comes up behind response window
Popup window - debugger comes up behind popup window
Main window - debugger comes up in front of main window.

Workaround: Make sure response window is small enough while in development to 'grab' debugger window behind it.

170366 6.0.00 Regression. The currentrow parameter of the rowfocuschanged event on a re-retrieval (2nd retrieval) ON A SHARED DATAWINDOW (using Sharedata()) is 0 in 6.0.00 where it was 1 in previous versions specifically when the execution is in the following order:

1. Retrieve (currentrow = 1 after retrieve)
2. Change the current row (click on row 2)
3. Retrieve again (currentrow changes to 0 instead of 1 in 6.0.00 and 6.5.00)

170374 Enhancement: CheckBox default value of Check/Uncheck in DataWindow painter like the CheckBox control has a property: Checked.
170506 Accessing column information from a child datawindow within a nested report via dot notation causes large amounts of memory to be allocated.

On Windows 95 and on NT4.0 the memleak_3.pbl test case is leaking about 4.2M of memory per 10K of test case loop iterations or about 420 bytes per loop on average. On the HPUX machine it is leaking at about the rate of 5.4M per 10K iterations or 540 bytes per loop on avarage.

On all three platforms I observed some very interesting behavior: When I first bring up PowerBuilder and start the test case, it starts leaking right away and continues to leak through out the first test run. For example on the HPUX, memory would initially be at 7.3M for PB06.exe and after 10,000 iterations the memory usage would 12.7M. If I then exited the test case execution, returned to the development environment, and then restarted the app, memory usage is still at 12.7M. But now when I run the app it does not leak until around the 10,000th iteration! Then it starts leaking again at the same rate as before. So it appears that in between executions the memory that was 'leaked' or used is reclaimed by PB. It does not return it to the operating system, but keeps it internally and is able to reuse it. But it is not able to reclaim this memory during the execution of a single test session, even when the app is idling. I can suspend the loop iteration and idle, but no memory is reclaimed. Resuming the test loop at this point continues the leak.

So knowing this, the best way to always see the leak is to shut down PowerBuilder and restart it, then the test case will leak from the start. Otherwise any given test case run is dependent on the previous highwater mark of memory usage in the same PB session before it will start to leak again.

I've simplified the test case and can also see the memory leak with a simple nested report created from the demo db. The test case has a main datawindow with 1 row of data, and a nested report with one row of data. No database connection is needed, the datawindows have data retained on save. The script is a tight loop that simply assigns a string to a column in the nested report using dot notaion. The leak is isloated to the line of script that is dot notating into the nested report and assigning a string to a column in the nested report:
dw_1.object.d_emp[1].object.emp_fname[1] = "ABCabcDEFdef"
If the line assigning the string to the dot notated column is commented out, it does not leak. The leak is related to the fact that the report is nested, if the nested report is put into the main datawindow control, dot notating to the same column no longer leaks. The size of the column does not seem to matter, very large columns and small columns all seem to leak. Also, the size of the string being assigned does not seem to be a factor, even assigning an empty string ("") leaks.
The problem is not related to visual processing, using a datastore leaks, and setting SetRedraw to false with a datawindow still leaks. The advantage of setting SetRedraw to false really speeds up the test case. It gets to the leak quickly and the leak is quite dramatic. There is often a delay for several seconds when starting the test (while the test loop is iterating) before the leak is apparent. I can only assume that PB has an internal memory pool and when the pool is exhausted it requests more free memory from the operating system. Once this initial threshold is reached, the leak is apparent, and rapid as PB keeps requesting memory and never returning any.
I also tested this new test case on both the Windows 95 and NT4.0 platforms. With this test case I'm also seeing a significant
leak on both of these platforms as well. It seems to be a smaller leak on these platforms, but it is clearly leaking.

170519 Having 2 stacked (in the y-direction) nested reports - with autosizeheight set ON - in the main header band of a datawindow causes the application to hang if the user tries to scroll using the thumb after playing with the zoom factor of the datawindow.

Workaround: Turn off autosizeheight for both the nested reports in the header.

170526 Concatenating several calls to the Oracle function NVL() will cause a GPF in PBOR860.DLL when the number of NVL() calls concatenated in one line of a SQL select goes above 4 (in this example, but this number may vary).

Address in PBOR860.DLL can vary a little.

The following SQL sentence causes a GPF

+ nvl("TABLE_NAME"."COL_NAME",0)
+ nvl("TABLE_NAME"."COL_NAME",0)
+ nvl("TABLE_NAME"."COL_NAME",0)
+ nvl("TABLE_NAME"."COL_NAME",0)

170547 6.0.00 Regression. Datawindow scrolling using the thumb on the vertical scrollbar - with print preview OFF - is showing blank spaces (missing rows) for the row that is just beyond the bottom of the datawindow control visual area while scrolling. The blank areas (rows) recur at intervals exactly equal to the height of the datawindow.

Most often happens with datawindows with groups in development and runtime but the printout is OK. Nothing seems to get rid of the blank areas during display (setredraw, etc).

Development: There is a gap at the end of the page of grouped reports, where the next row does not fit and is pushed to the next page. This gap is still visible as the display is scrolled -- but no rows are missing. However, we did make a change to the group display. If the display is scrolled, a page separator (single line) is drawn between the two pages. This is an attempt to show that the gap is intentional, and the space is supposed to be blank. This line is not printed.

170632 Jaguar server crashes when there are multiple client sessions from the same client. Access is via ODBC.
170646 DPB Deadlock - Server push to busy client can cause deadlock. It happens when the server post's a push to a busy client and the client triggers another server call before the posted push call executes. Workaround: the deadlock can be avoid by the client posting calls to the server.
170685 Regression : DW Date and Datetime EditMask mmm-yy cannot work with year 00 (year 2000), the field displays -00 (null)
170686 Feature Request:
Add a feature in the project painter to specify the target location (directory) of PBD's and DLL's, not just the executable.
170748 6.5 Regression: Full Rebuild of PFC / Cornerstone application fails in 6.5
170758 5.0.04/6.0 Regression: Executing a Pipeline at runtime, correcting any errors and then executing the Repair() function causes a page fault in PBSHR050.DLL@0137:11133A4A or PBVM60.DLL@0157:10B55F7D.
170883 Variable of type 'any' that is NULL is not handled in the right way with the SetDynamicParm function. This causes different SQLErrText messages. SQLDA.SetDynamicParm will return a -1 when you try to pass a any varibale with NULL. When you try the same thing with a integer variable with NULL it will work and the function return a 1.

cast the any varibale into the rigth datatype and it works. ex. SetDynamicParm(1,integer(my_any_variable))

170913 Treeview SelectionChanging firing twice when dragdrop enabled
170917 5.0.04/6.0.00 Regression. Dynamic Protected functions cause a runtime error in 5.0.04, 6.0.00 & 6.5.00. They do compile. This worked in PB5.0.03.
Protected means the function of the ancestor should be able to be called in a descendent BOTH directly OR using the keyword DYNAMIC. In 5.0.04, 6.0.00 and 6.5.00, the call in the descendent for the PROTECTED function works when called directly but doesn't when using the keyword DYNAMIC. This is incorrect.

For a PROTECTED function called from a descendant, the DYNAMIC keyword seems to cause a runtime error and treats these function calls as if the ancestor function was declared as PRIVATE.

This was probably caused by the fix to 163944.

R0065 Application terminated. Error: Dynamic function not found. Possible causes include:
pass by value/reference mismatch...

170967 When in the control panel the comma is set as decimal separator, PowerBuilder 6.5 crashes on a print preview of any rte datawindow.
It crashes also on a print preview of a rich text control when calling rte_1.preview(true).

This problem does not exist in PowerBuilder 6.0

171026 PB 6.5 Editmask doesn't allow the input of negative values (minus sign) when having the numbers highlighted (selected).Edit MAsk is set to #,###,###,##0.00.
Result: You'll get a beep and NO minus sign is going to be displayed.
171027 SetRow not working when all columns protected and have a non-zero tab order.

This will not be fixed:
Per Development: This has always been the behavior for PB and would be too risky for Development to attempt a code change at this point. If this was done, it would have the potential to break too many existing applications that depend on the current behavior.

171033 Enhancement req for null value support in EditMask and option to enter NULL
171038 6.5.00 Regression. The real() and Double() functions (both Powerscript and Datawindow) do not convert numbers that have European format separator for decimal (the comma). The string '1,225' passed to each of these functions (with Regional Settings for Number in control panel set for comma decimal separator) return "1" instead of 1,225.

Workaround: The decimal() function seems to work OK and might be an acceptable workaround in Powerscript (but not in the dw painter functions)

171051 Enhancement Request: Customer would like to have an additional menu option added to the Edit...Size Objects that makes objects both the same height and the same width just to make it quicker to make a bunch of objects exactly the same size, rather than having to do the height and the width in two separate steps.
171071 5.0.04/6.0.00 Regression. Rows/Page for Data tab of Graph object on datawindow causes ObjectatPointer() to fail. Rows/All for Data Tab works and ObjectatPointer() returns correct values. The graph object does not have "size to display" on.
It would be nice if PB or PVCS informed the user that an ancestor or a descendant of the object is also checked out.
171096 The properties HtmlTable.CellSpacing=0, CellPading=0, Width=100% are not working. The values are not included in the HTML.
When you set Cellspacing and Cellpading to 0 these two settings are not included tin the HTMLTable when you save a dw. The Browser automaticly build a table with Cellspacing and Cellpadding = 1. When you spacify Cellspacing = 0 and Cellpadding = 0 in the HTML code the browser build a table with smal lines. ct like to be able to set the spacing and padding to 0 and this should be placed in the HTML script of a dw.
171100 DataWindow sort order--- if you have a string with a dash in it, the DataWindow will not sort it correctly. DataWindow seems to be ignoring the dash.

Resolution from development: This is sorting as it should ... In Win32 the compare that we're doing internally intentionally ignores hyphens (-) and apostrophes (') (this is called a word sort as opposed to a string sort). To do otherwise would have to be an enhancement .

Workaround: To achieve a sort taking the leading "-" or "+" into account add the column you would like to sort that includes the "-" hyphens twice - assume it's called col1. Doubleclick on the first instance of col1 in sort dialogue and modify the expression as follows ( left(col1,1)). Check off sort order and leave the second instance as simply the column name. This will sort on the first character first and then on the entire column resulting in a sort that takes into account the leading "-" or "+".

171105 Using an editmask of ###.00, if the column of the datawindow is not large enough at runtime for the mask to fit, the editmask behaves strangely. Warning beeps occur, the cursor does not move consistently, and when you tab away the data will be incorrect.

WORKAROUND: Either make the column larger (usually only wider is necessary) or the font smaller, so that all of the data can be
easily displayed during data entry.

171151 InfoMaker User Guide missing from 6.0.00 box.

NOTE: For customers wanting a User Guide, please see page x in the InfoMaker Getting Started book. As in 5.0, the User's Guide is not packaged with the product. It can be ordered by calling the number on page viii.

171152 6.0.00 Regression. In the itemchanged event, if you change an attribute of a column - some examples:


You get a GPF in MSVCRT.DLL

171177 The properties HtmlTable.Width should be able to become a value in % like htmltable.width = 100%
171191 5.0.04/6.0.00 Regression. Syntaxfromsql using JOINs prefixes the column names incorrectly for native drivers and in some cases ODBC if the user is a non-owner of the tables. Prior to 5.0.04, the column name would be prefixed with the table name.

Ex: Select emp_id dept_name from employee, department where employee.dept_id = department.dept_id

Should product column names of: 'employee_emp_id' and 'department_dept_name' exactly what you'd see if you created a datawindow in the painter and looked at the 'default' assigned column names in design mode.

Instead, it produces 'cemp_id' and 'cdept_name'. This was an old behavior with Oracle but now this has migrated to all drivers (in this case SYC). Even with using the correct USERID prefixing, there is no way at runtime or in development to get the correct names.

This is definitely related to CR 161648.

Workaround: Prefix the tables in the FROM clause with their owner.

Select emp_id, dept_name from employee, department where employee.dept_id = department.dept_id
Select emp_id, dept_name from dba.employee, dba.department where employee.dept_id = department.dept_id

Per Development:
This will not be fixed, you must use the workaround.

171248 Regression in 6.5.00
When the decimal separator is set to a comma in the control panel, an Edit Mask Control shows value 1,00 in the display when the text value was set to value 1,25 ; i.e. no fractional part when using Real() or Double() PowerScript functions to convert the string 1,25.

String (real (sle_real.text))
An editmask on a datawindow column has the same behavior when using the Real() and Double() report functions in the datawindow as computed fields.

171256 Incremental rebuild after changing an ancestor slightly - even adding a comment - is broken for 6.0.00. If you use incremental rebuild in the library painter, you get dozens of object not found errors, etc even through just before the change incremental rebuild found no errors.

Workaround: Full Rebuild.

171269 On a PowerBuilder SYC connection, connecting takes a long time if the SYSALTERNATES table contains many entries.
171324 The Group Sort for a datawindow with groups does not work for any group > 1. It does work for the first group.

Workaround: Use a nested report instead of a second group on one report.
The parent report would define the first group (you might have to change the SQL statement and use DISTINCT).
The nested report would contain the original 2nd group but have this as it's first and only group.

An example can be given to all customers by using the PBL for this bug (it's much easier to see than to explain).

The problem with this workaround is it creates a nested report which will have the "1 page per detail row" limitation (and this could cause problems with some reports where the nest flows beyond one page)

NOTE: This has been fixed in 6.5 and above. Any build after 500 should work. For example 6.5.1 build 620 and above should work.

171334 A Group datawindow with one or more datawindow groups defined has painting problems when placed in a composite or nested report and the user scrolls down through about 1/3 the pages (almost exactly 1/3) with 2 groups or to the last page of the report with 1 group. This doesn't happen if the same group report (in print preview) is not placed in a composite or nested. The painting problem shows ghosting and an overlap of information. This happens in the datawindow painter print preview or at runtime in an application.
171335 6.0.00 Regression - External function call returning a long and 2 structures passed by reference causes a page fault in: pbvm60.dll@0157:10cf2294 or 0157:10cf2598 or on NT a Dr. Watson occurs 0x0000000b.
171387 If you create a crosstab dw (three integer columns who are primary keys) it shows in special cases some values on the wrong place.

In the db are three columns of integer and one of type money. The three integer columns are the primary key.
Crosstab dw definition:
define the first integer = column, and the 2. and 3. integer are rows. Value is the sum of the money . Now in some special cases when the column (first integer) is equal to the 2. integer row the crosstab dw mixed the values of the integer rows.

Insert a computed column between the two rows and make it invisible

171392 Informix IN7 to ANSI DB with DisableBind=1 gives SQL error -280 : A quoted string exceeds 256 bytes.
171398 dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Printer is used to get the name/path of the default printer. This name/path is more than 73 characters long and is cut off in Win95. There are no problems using NT 4.0.
171403 6.5.00 Regression. The assignment of a datawindow datetime column to a structure element of type date using dot notation fails in 6.5.00. A datawindow date also fails assigned to a to a corresponding structure element of datetime. Both failed in 5.0.03 and 5.0.04 but was fixed in 6.0.00. The runtime error is R0049 Type Mismatch (development or runtime). Now 6.5.00 has this not working again.

Strangely, the assignment of a structure element of type datetime to datawindow column date using dot notation works as does assigning a structure element of type date to a datawindow column of datetime.

Workaround: Use exactly matching datatypes.

171413 Enhancement to SQL painter: The datawindow painter has a built in functionality (for new users) to automatically create a JOIN between like named columns if two tables are selected whether or not there is an actual primary key/foreign key relationship. This is a nice feature in most cases. But, there is no way for the user to - and this is important - easily see - the difference from JOINs that are REAL and joins that the painter is "assuming". This can cause problems in datawindows that will cause table scans, etc.
171425 The PB COM Generator connot handle a NVO that contains user object functions that take more than 15 arguments. The generator will crash when you attempt to generate COM objects for such classes.
171426 6.0.00 Regression. The opensheet function using a non-zero position argument causes the sheet list to appear under the FIRST (normally File) top level menu item. In the simple example of File....Edit....Window....Help, if the opensheet call uses position 3 (Window) and the open event of the sheet makes "Edit" invisible, the sheet list should still appear under Window - it now appears under File.

This appears to be related to 161211 which was fixed in 6.5.00. The fix for that bug seems to have also fixed this particular offshoot.

171430 OCX built in VB, function call causes error: R0033 Invalid parameter type calling external object function. The argument sent to the function TestMethod (ref long i) is correct according to the information in the PowerBuilder browser.
171454 Enhancement request to include the object functions for Windows, Menus, and User Objects into the script painter as a drop down.
171455 Enhancement - include dw button objects into tab sequence in dw painter
171471 Performing GetFullState on a datastore that has a composite/nested datawindow object and then performing SetFullState() to a datawindow that already has an existing datawindow object will cause the following errors:

Under Win95:
"PB60 caused an invalid page fault in module PBDWE60.DLL at 0157:115e83fa. "

Under WinNT:
"The instruction at 0x115e83fa referenced memory at 0xd0000005e. The memory could not be written"

Only occurs when performing the above with a standalone application - does not occur with a distributed application where the GetFullState() is done on the server and the SetFullState() is performed on the client.

171546 The PowerBuilder 6.0 and 6.5 help files does not display an alphabetical list of DataWindow object properties, a blank screen is displayed instead.
171548 6.5 Regression
When the control panel the decimal separator is set to a comma :
When entering data in a Float or Real type datawindow Column, the fractional part is lost when tabbing to the next column.
Columns of type Double or Number do not have this behaviour.
It happens also in preview in the database painter.
171581 6.5.00. System Options for 6.5 is still writing/reading information to the 6.0 registry entries. It's writing information, (for example, initpath or initialization path) to the following key:


The PowerBuilder 6.5 environment seems to work OK. The profiler.exe seems to want to read from the '6.5' key:


Change Request 171575 addresses that.

171641 6.0.00 Regression. The Yield() fiunction has no effect when executed from the application open event.
171672 When the SystemError event is triggered by a dw column with an editmask and either the SystemError event script closes the window or does a Halt Close and the application close event has script in it (even a comment), you will get an Invalid Page Fault. With PB 6.5 the Illegal Page Fault was in module PBVM60.dll at 0137:10baef24. If the column that triggers the SystemError does not have an editmask the Illegal Page Fault does not occur.
171705 6.5 Regression : Crosstab crashes when three columns in "Crosstab Columns" dialog.
171725 Enhancement: Page(), Pagecount() and PageAcross() datawindow functions return INT. They should return LONG. This can only be accomplished in a full release (since it requires a migration).
171731 6.5.00 Regression. OLE automation GPFs using a simple example.
171771 There is a 64k limit to the pb.ini. As you exceed this limit and exit out of PowerBuilder, the next time you go back into PowerBuilder, you will get the typical New/Open/Cancel dialog prompt to create a new application. This happens even though your Pb.ini is correct, your "initpath" points to the correct directory, and the pb.ini 'deflib' key - the key powerbuilder uses to open your "default application" on startup is populated with an application that exists on that exact location on your hard drive.

It almost seems like when the 64k limit is reached, Powerbuilder 'acts' as if the pb.ini is readonly, missing entirely, or the PBL that the DefApp key points to has been renamed or moved and puts up the New/Open/Cancel dialog for creating a new application.

Workaround: Edit your pb.ini and delete applications from the bottom up
Look in the [Application] section. The applications begin with a $. Delete until you're way under 64k and you will find Powerbuilder will automatically open up the correct 'DefApp' application on startup again.

171818 The crash is not reproducible in PB9.0.2 Build 7682++


Following script causes a crash in 6.5, either immediately or after exiting the application


scriptdefinition scriptlist[]

variabledefinition argumentlist[]


argumentlist = ScriptList[119].ArgumentList


This problem is related to CR162727


Crash while accessing the properties of created Meta Information variables (EnumerationDefinition, VariableCardinalityDefinition, ScriptDefinition,



171844 PB 6.5 Regression. Minor regression as the icon looks disabled but on all machines tested that exhibited the problem the icon actually worked, but you had to click twice. Seems machine dependent. Tested many machines and on some WIN 95 a and b machines it was a problem but on other WIN 95 machines it wasn't. All NT 4.0 machines tested appeared to be fine.

When creating a new DW and hit 'X' to close, click cancel to save and the Preview Icon on toolbar is disabled. Design=>Preview works fine and also hitting SQL icon to get out of SQL mode icon is enabled. Even when disabled on machines clicking Icon once changes it from looking disabled to enabled and it worked properly.

WORKAROUND: Hit icon twice or exit by hitting SQL icon rather than "X".

171846 When in Pipeline Painter SQL mode the Preview menu bar icon is displayed but is disabled. In PB 6.0_251 this is enabled and allows the user to preview. This icon is also displayed but disabled in PB 5.0 through 5.0.04.
171850 The 6.5 maintenance file PB65MNT.EXE, that is downloaded from the web, does not "clean up" after the installation. Launching the .exe, it unpacks all the files in a directory. You can choose what directory it unpacks to or it will default to windows\temp. Once the installation is complete, you exit out of the setup program and the files are left behind.

What to do: Just delete the files manually from the directory where you directed the program to unpack them.

171864 Regression: Retrieving/previewing a crosstab datawindow which is defined to have multiple columns selected in the "Column" field
of the Crosstab definition dialog causes Powerbuilder to either gpf or hang, depending upon the system. This problem did not
occur for 5.0.04 and does not occur using 6.0. Upon migration to 6.5, a retrieve of this type of crosstab causes a gpf
or causes Powerbuilder to hang.
171892 Dot notation on nested column attributes causes loss of 2-n result sets. There was a fix put into 5.0.04 for a GPF dealing with dot notation into a true nested report. An undesirable side effect is that the result sets for the first nest is OK (for example, things change color correctly) but after the dot notation, result sets 2-n are lost for the other nested result sets.

Another set of bad side effects
- any filter() or retrieve() directive seems to break the change. (reads in the original dataobject definition - this is incorrect)

examples of the dot notation:

dw_1.object.d_employee[1].object.emp_id.color="0~tif( emp_id < 200, 255,0)"
dw_1.object.d_employee[1].object.emp_id.font.weight="400~tif( emp_id < 200, 700,400)"

171895 A SQL PRINT statement executed in the DB Admin painter does not echo the resulting string in PB 5.0.04 and causes a GPF in PB 6.0.00 and PB 6.0.01, 6.5.00.
171897 Simple incremental rebuild of Qckstart PFC application fails with many errors when even a slight change, a comment, is made to an ancestor. May be a duplicate or related to CR171256 with the key difference being that with the Qckstart.pbl application changing the ancestor was successful at an incremental rebuild in PB 6.0 GA. Fails in PB 6.5 build 444 and 446.

Workaround: Use Full Rebuild.

171901 A Return 1 in the SQLPreview event not working correctly to stop a Retrieve() or Reselectrow()
171949 MDI context no more available if resizable main window property is dynamicly set.
This doesn't happen in SDI context...
171961 Setting the myconnect.options="MaxRetry=15" will cause the client app to hang on a disconnect; myconnect.DisconnectServer() call. Anything 16 and over works, 15 and below will hang. This is a 6.5 regression, it works fine in 6.0.

Workaround: Set myconnect.options = "MaxRetry=16" or anynumber > 16.

171974 Using LibraryImport() with syntax generated from SyntaxFromSQL or from a hardcoded string within the script generates an Illegal Page Fault on WIN 95 or an Unhandled Exception on NT when the window did not have a dw control on it. When using LibraryImport() with syntax generated from Describe() this problem did not occur. This window would naturally have a dw control on it.

In fact in the Development environment, using LibraryImport() with the syntax from Describe() prevented the page faults with the previous two methods of generating the SQL even when the active pbl was changed. If the PB development environment was exited and re-entered the page faults reappeared.

Behavior was consistent with above in an executable version.

Workaround: Place a empty invisible DW control on window.

172020 Informix ANSI DB Create Table dialog pops up when trying to alter existing table
172021 PB 6.5 Regression
A crash occurs when both the 'other' event and the 'clicked' event
of a datawindow with a button in it, has been coded or contain comments.
The crash occurs when clicking the button.
172022 Enhancement. Project painter puts up a dialog when it finds an error or warning rather than continuing on with the compile and presenting the errors at the end. Also, PowerBuilder should be able to log warnings and informational messages to a file instead of promting the user to continue when displaying the error dialog after the Rebuild is finished and just before the actual compilation occurs. There should be some sort of "Silent Compile."

This is a case where the user wants to see the warnings or errors (IE they don't want to UNCHECK showing of Information or Obsolete Messages in the Design/Options menu of the Project Painter (7.0)) but they don't want them to be shown - perferably with an option to log to a file - until after the exe is created. (esp if the messages are just warnings)

If the project is run as an automated process (through a tool such as sqa robot), there is no way to continue on until a user actually responds to the messagebox which makes it hard to automate overnight builds and running of regression suites afterwards.

A batch mode compile would also be nice.

172026 Using the same dataobject, if you use the datawindow synchronization functions to synchronize changes and then Update, the SQL
statement generated will update all updateable columns of the datawindow rather than just the modified column(s). If you make the
same data changes to a standalone datawindow using the same datawindow object and issue an update, only the column that actually
changed is updated on the database. This is not critical because the resulting data is the same, but there could
be a performance impact. Checking with development to find out whether this difference was implemented by design.
172050 Autocommit is not working in pbnet050.dll and pbnet60.dll for System 11x servers. CR164967 originally put in support for long transactions, but had to check to make sure that we were working with release 3.0 or higher of Sybase Net Gateway. We did this by checking the first byte of the version number only.
172064 NT only: If you set the default text color for your system to something other than black and then print a Crosstab datawindow, the
data itself does not print. You end up with a printout of gridlines with empty cells.

(Nov. 17/98): this issue is dependent on the printer driver and its configuration settings; I printed the sample on a desktop Canon and on a HP 4Si LaserJet (using a PostScript driver); I received gray-scale print on the Canon and black print (on all columns) on the HP; if the printer can handle gray-scale printing then it will turn colors into shades of gray; if the printer does not handle gray, then it will round down the color value to a black, or round it up to a white (which makes it invisible); it could be a problem with PrinterControlLanguage (PCL) drivers vs. PostScript drivers; try altering the Graphics properties of the printer driver to produce darker, finer, vector output -- this should cause more colors to round down to black, instead of white

172107 Got "SQL ERROR -766 : String must be null terminated. Has occured" error when declare/open a cursor with an INFORMIX7 ANSI DB (INET 7).
This only happens when disablebind is set to 0 and when there's a string host variable in where clause with an informix ansi db.
WARNING!!! corrected in some cases (static embedded sql) in pb5.0.05_10 CR 159854 => This still doesn't work with dynamic sql
172152 After having made a change to a column in a datawindow GetFullState() is executed on the source and then SetFullState() on the target dw or ds. The status flag for the row is DataModified! on both the source and the target. But the column's status flag is DataModified! on the source dw but is NotModified! on the target. According to documentation for GetFullState() the status flags should be included. The problem is that if an update() is done on the target dw or ds the rows that have been modified do not get updated.

A better approach is to use GetFullState() and SetFullState() only when initailizing with data retrieved from the database and then use GetChanges() and SetChanges() to reflect any changes. This does result in the correct status flags and updates.

Workaround: Use Getchanges() and Setchanges() to retain status flags.

172158 6.0 Regression: GPF on Return of dynamic function call with boolean argument passed by readonly.
Workaround: Call the function statically if you can, or try changing the pass by readonly to pass by value.
172186 Cursor movement of date datawindow column with edit mask has changed in PB 5.0.04. E.g. with edit mask 'dd/mm/yyyy' cursor could previously be moved from day to month by typing '/' - in PB 5.0.04, 6.0.00 ande 6.5.00 nothing happens.

Sample pbl must be run on pb5.0.03, then on pb5.0.04, 6.0.00 and 6.5.00

172191 QueryMode rejects first char if it is an international accented char eg "�", "�" etc

When a datawindow is in QueryMode and the first character entered for a column is an international accented letter the datawindow rejects it with the message "Specified criteria is invalid".

A workaround exists.

172218 If two structures are populated from the Message.PowerObjectparm, a subsequent change to the values in one structure are also reflected in the other structure.
172221 Enhancement request to have external source datawindow column edit limit property default to the length that the column was
defined. For example, for a string column of length 20 at definition time, the resulting datawindow column edit limit should default
to 20, not zero. If the data source is a database char(20) column, the edit limit would default to 20. For external source, the default
edit limit is zero, which is no limit. This results in a validation error when you tab away from the column.

WORKAROUND: The edit limit can be explicitly set within the painter.

PER DEVELOPMENT: This will not be addressed. The workaround is simple, and other users may prefer the current behavior.

172234 Informix - updateable datetime fields are not recognized in the where clause, when the datawindow update properties "Key and Updatable columns" and all columns are selected. No matter how DisableBind is set. Connected to a ANSI compliant DB.
172246 Enhancement Request: Customer would like to be able to add or edit retrieve arguments for a crosstab datawindow with a Stored Procedure source.

When a Crosstab datawindow has Stored Procedure source, if you select Design...Datasource from the DW painter menu, you get to the crosstab definition dialog. I couldn't find a way to access the selection of the stored procedure or the retrieve arguments for the
procedure. If you create a tabular datawindow from stored procedure source, it is possible to modify or add retrieve arguments
through the painter. If you create a tabular datawindow from a SQL select statement, it is possible to add or modify retrieve arguments,
but it is not possible when the datasource is a stored procedure.

172296 Execution of a stored procedure inside a pcakacge causes an error when using OR8 driver. If the procedure name is not qualified with the owner, you get Oracle error ORA-04043 Object mp_pkg2.sel_one_stud does not exist . If the procedure name is qualified with the owner, you get error ORA-25123 Too many components specified in the name.
172299 update () and commit do not return an error value when the update is not performed. This is related to CR 172234 datetime is not recognized in the where-clause.
172300 Enhancement request: Customer would like to be able to add window controls such as SingleLineEdit, CheckBox, or
DropDown ListBox to a Toolbar.
172344 Online help for 6.0 & 6.5 incorrect links for certain topics such as:

ALLBASE takes you to "Modify PowerScript function"
AllowEdit property takes you to "SelectItem PowerScript function: Syntax 2 When you know the item number"
Alphabetical list of properties takes you to a page entitled that, but it is blank.
Batch Applications takes you to "PostEvent PowerScript function"
condensed mode takes you to PrintSend Powerscript Function

172394 Enhancement: DataWindow Painter Group Band Object definition needs Reset Page Number on Group Break to be DISABLED until the New Page on Group Break is checked. Right now you can check either one, and if you only check Reset Page Number on Group Break, it does not reset which it shouldn't anyways.
172428 A single character command line argument separated from the exe path by a single space is ignored by the CommandParm() function and the Application Open event commandline argument.
172470 Documentation Enhancement: In DataWindow Painter, if you define a group on the datawindow and want the page numbers reset, you must select New Page on Group Break also.
172481 PB 6.5 REGRESSION. Works ok in 6.0. Converting string to double or real cuts off the digits after the decimal separator, e.g. "3,5" is returned as 3(,00). Only occurs when Regional Settings are set to a country which uses the comma as decimal separator.
172493 Opensheet/Close with a menu in a tight loop never releases menu memory on Win95
172534 Cannot change the background color of legend,category and value
172547 ENHANCEMENT REQUEST to allow protected access to an instance of a structure.
The structure definition should be visible for descendants, so that it is possible to define an ancestor method which returns the whole structure.
172580 Trying to modify the Table.Select of a datawindow with a string that is built in code from user selections. When a specific string is
used, the Modify causes a GPF.
Requirements to reproduce:
1. datawindow/datastore object must have a dataobject assigned - does not occur if no dataobject has been assigned
2. string must be assigned as in the code from the PBL submitted with this issue. The string is 448 characters long and
includes an embedded ~' sequence.
If the string length is changed - e.g., by adding a space character at the end - the problem does not occur.
If the ~' is replaced by some two other characters, the problem does not occur.
If the ~' is moved to some other part of the string AND the length remains 448, the problem WILL occur.
The problem does not occur if we use dot notation to assign the new select statement - this is customer's work around.
172631 When a CRLF (~r~n) was placed in a Select statement used to create a dynamic datawindow in 32 bit PB 4.0 through 4.0.07 it produced a CRLF in the dw. IN PB 5.0 through 6.5 the CRLF is ignored. If the character equivalent ( '\x0d\x0a') is placed in the Select statement the behavior is the same as in PB 4.0.07.

Workaround: Replace '~r~n' with char(10), the ascii equivalent , and it works as before.
Example: "SELECT emp_id, emp_fname +char(10) + emp_lname FROM employee". Tested in both SQL ANywhere and Sybase SQL Server. Concatenation characters may be different depending on database.

From Development: The change in the DataWindow engine was intentional in Release 5.0. Thus this is not a bug and will not be changed.

172663 The default background color for a datawindow column changes after clicking on the font tab. This can be seen if you examine
the exported dw code. There is no visible difference when previewing the datawindow.
172695 If you use the MID() powerscript function with a NULL argument, you will get a gpf when it is run from a machine code executable.
172698 If you attempt to create a machine code executable, you get error :Could not create or open file 'C:\PWRS7\BUILD196\cgen\EN32T.h'
Create of executable file failed
172701 Migrating a PBL from PB 6 to PB 7 causes a GPF in PBVM70.DLL. The PBL seems to migrate OK and can be used after restaring PowerBuilder.
172745 Customer would like to be able to specify the nolock db option for SQL Server directly through the datawindow painter.
172787 The pictureheight property of a picturelistbox control is not recognized for the display.The pictures show up scrambled in height. Works in 5.0.04.
172818 GetFullState() causes a memory error if the datawindow is crosstab and was previous populated by a SetFullState().
172875 GetFullState fails in 16-bit PB.
172879 If you create a linked list of user objects and you are using a 16 bit executable, you will "lose" some of the entries if the number of members in the list becomes too large.

Workaround: Turn garbage collection off using GCTimeoutLimit

172953 Make default background color for dw columns 553648127 and not 536870912.

This would help ct's dws print correctly and avoid an inconsistent dw behaviour (see below)

Current dw column default background color is 536870912 - transparent. But ct has problems printing this value on some printers. However 553648127 (also transparent) prints correctly.

Also if we change the column foreground color (from black to navy for example) then the background color for same dw column is changed from 536870912 to 553648127 (both appear as transparent in dw painter)

Therefore ct would like the default color to be 553648127 given that this is what the background is changed to when the foreground color is changed. This would make the datawindow painter behaviour more consistant and resolve the ct's printing problem.

172968 <dw>.Filter() causes a GPF if the datawindow contains groups and the current row has scrolled out of view.
172973 When exporting a Crosstab DW to Excel using the SaveAs Excel! function the resulting file does not retain the coulmn headers or any of the computed fields. Using a workaround of SaveAs HTMLTable! does not work if the size of the HTMLTable is > 2 meg. When the file is attempted to be opened in Excel an error message is received stating that Excel cannot convert/open an HTML file >2 meg.
172981 For a tab control using Vertical tabs,, non-TrueType fonts do not appear on the tab, probably still being displayed horizontally.
There is no problem for TrueType fonts.
173018 Feature Request: dddw programming
No more call to getchild to get a new handle after retrieving data into the dwchild. After Changing the appeareance of the dddw and hence after the change one needs to call getchild to get a new handle.
173055 Placing parenthesis around the select clause for a crosstab datawindow with a union alters the datawindow in such a way that if you click in the SQL toolbar icon, you will see the Crosstab definition window, not your select statement.
173061 SetItem for a ListView returns 1 even when passed a NULL value for the index. It should either return an error, or we should document what the behaviour will be when passed a NULL.

WORKAROUND: Check for NULL in code.

173075 The following sequence of datawindow events cause a page fault:

1) connect to database

2) Retrive to datastore

3) Getfullstate()

4) SetChanges()

5) Update()

6) Disconnect

7) Retrieve()

173144 Displaying multiple datawindow plugins cause Browsers(IE 4.0,NS 4.04) to crash after exiting. On Win NT 4.0 machines, exiting NS Communicator 4.04 would receive DDE server Window error: The instruction at 0x77b45a1 reference memory at 0x11667db0. The memory could not be "read". On Win 95, IE 4.0 3110.8 it would gpf with error message ole32.dll
173161 When column visibility is toggled in script, horizontal scrolling is affected. The horizontal scrollbar continues to scroll beyond the width of the visible columns if the arrow on the scrollbar is used. When the thumbwheel is dragged to the end it 'pops' back to the center but the edge of the dw is still visible. Sample is a grid style dw.
173173 New datawindow wizard, on the "Select Color and Border Settings" page, the icons in the dropdown selection boxes are distorted on Win98 and Win95. Display is okay on NT and Win2000.
173204 Printing a document containing a BMP with the FaxMan OCX results in a GPF

PowerBuilder will GPF at the PrintStart event if the document contains a BMP image. If the BMP is removed, then there are no problems.

I get the same GPF with every version of PB I use: Kernel32.dll at 0137 : bff72978

173229 MS Internet Explorer 4.72.2106.8 and 4.72.3110.8. Several events with input args are never triggered (expl. "DocumentComplete").The same control works with Visual C++ and VB.
173233 Describes do not work using PB Oracle native drivers when a table is accessed using a fully qualified private synonym and the user is not the owner of the private synonym. This makes it impossible to create datawinows or accessdata in the DB painter.
173238 When changing focus from dw editfield to treeview the losefocus() and the userevent with the accepttext() is triggerd after the selectionchanging() and selectionchanged() event of the treeview where the update and retrieve for the the dw is done. This causes a datalost in the datawindow. when you have a dw and you are in editfield and do modifications and then when the you click with a mouse to a other control you have to use the accepttext function
in a posted user event which you call from the losefocus event.
when you have a treeview control and click with the mouse on it first the selectioncanging() and then the selechtionchanged() event is triggered of the treeview,
after this the losefocus() event of the dw is triggered and then the getfocus() of the treeview is triggered.
BUT the order should be losefocus() of the dw then the getfocus() , selectionchanging() and selectionchanged() event of the treeview should be trggered.
When you like to retrieve data in a datawindow by clicking on a treeview item you'll loose data when the order of the events is mixed.

in the selectioncanging() event of the treeview you can specify:

if dw_1.accepttext()=-1 then
dw_1.setfocus ()
return 1 //to prevent the selection for changing
end if

173363 MSS SQL Server native driver. If you have a datwindow wiuth retrieveasneeded turned on, a number of iterations of retrieveing teh datawindow will cause a retrieve error.
173374 RetrieveRow event occasionally returns 0 in the row argument while retrieving. This does not seem to be a regression although it's a very bad behavior. This makes it unreliable in calculations, etc in that event.
173378 UseFormat vs Editmask not painting properly when col loses focus via click: tabbing through the column works okay, but there are other problems as described below.
An edit style of 'Editmask' will (should) take precedence over a specified 'format'. In PB 6.0 an option on an 'editmask' is 'UseFormat'. This is supposed to allow the specified format (on the format tab) to be used when an item is not being edited while still using the specified editmask when actually editing.

The problem is that the format is not always taking effect. If you 'tab' from one field to the other, the format will be used by the item that just lost focus, but if you press the down or up arrow to go to the row below or above you, the editmask stays in effect.

Also, if you scroll the datawindow and it is redrawn, all of the formats take effect as needed, except in the column that has current focus. If this column has the same 'useformat' specified, the entire column will change to look like the editmask.

Workaround: In the customers application the editmask and the format only differed for NULL values. To workaround the problem we added an expression to the 'color' attribute of the column as follows. "if (isnull( clock_in_1 ) and (getrow() <> currentrow()), rgb(255,255,255), 0)"
Since the formats seem to work correctly when going along the same row we only needed to check when the row changed.

173380 - declare a global structure class s_struct
- create uo function which is passed an argument of type s_struct
- override this function in a uo descendant,
If you declare the function arguments (in ancestor and descendant) to be of type s_struct, at runtime the
ancestor function is called, and it is not overridden. If you use powerobject as the datatype for the function arguments instead, then
the function is correctly overridden and the descendant function is called at runtime.

WORKAROUND: Use Powerobject as the function argument datatype

173381 ResetUpdate() does not reset the delete flag for a secondary ds or dw using Sharedata. This resulting DeletedCount() is incorrect on secondary dw or ds when using ShareData() and ResetUpdate() is explicitly used to clear the flags. The delete buffer itself is cleared but the flag is not. This has been reported as a problem in the past with PFC applications as the PFC Save process manages reseting it's own flags in the Save process using ResetUpdate().
173390 When using the start function to fire the timer object, it doesn't fire the first time. Return code is -1. If the same code is added the return code is successful.

uo_timer mytimer
mytimer = create uo_timer
mytimer.start(1.5) (return code is -1)
mytimer.start(1.5) (return code is 1)

Only happens on Sun Solaris. Works on hpux on pb6.5.

173395 Retrieving a composite datawindow which displays a datawindow with a computed field causes a gpf.
173435 Edit mask xx-xx does not show minus sign in control. Also, if you erase data already entered, you will only be able to enter the first two characters.
173447 The TableCriteria dbparm does not require (and in fact does not work) when quotes, either single, double, or two subsequent
single quotes are used. This probably varies from one back end to another. Verified that the quotes do not work using System 10
and SQL Anywhere. I wanted to show only tables starting with emp. So first I tried ''emp%'' (two single quotes on each side) and
got no tables in the list. Then I tried just 'emp%' and I got all of the tables, regardless of how they started. Then I just entered emp%
and then I got only the tables starting with emp.
173462 From the database administrator, type in a sql statement. Execute it. Change printer settings to Landscape. Print the result set. It will print Portrait regardless of the Printsetup change you did.

WORKAROUND: Use a datawindow or report for the result set instead, and that will print fine.

173467 SaveAs using the WMF! (Windows Metafile format) is truncating a long character column unless there are embedded crlf's. After saving in PB trying to insert into Word or VB column is truncated.

Customer has been given a working workaround that does the following:
1 - Copies entire dw column text to a MLE.
2 - Inserts CR/LF at the end of each line.
3 - MLE copied back to DW. Now the WMF file works correctly when inserted into Word.

173476 Create a group using a column of type time does not group properly in a Powerbuilder datawindow.

WORKAROUND: Add a column which converts the time to string, and group by that column instead.

173508 The function Double() does not return the correct value when Windows is set to use a comma for decimals in the control panel -> International settings.

For example
returns 1 with the above numeric settings in Windows
returns 0

No acceptable w/a for this other than use an external dll to perform these conversions

173610 Using dot notation to change a column's value in the filter buffer also changes the original value. This resultsare that the row and columns status flags for the filter buffer are NotModified when it should be DataModified. Similar changes to the Primary Buffer are processed correctly.
173633 PrintSetup changes are documented to change the printer for the duration of the session, but when you change to a different
network printer, the change stays in effect after the application (and Powerbuilder) are closed. Note: this may just be a
documentation error.
173640 Binary information from OLE objects on windows are not being exported when using ORCA and therefore not imported properly. The export and import of windows with OLE Objects work fine from within the Library Painter Export/Import from within Powerbuilder.
173646 Datawindow Plugin GPFs exiting browser after changing print orientation and printing. IE 3.0, 4.0. Netscape 3.0, 4.0.
173665 In group dw the last page sometimes haven't got a group header or the last row is shown twice on a seperate page.
This causes a page confution and when you scroll up it didn't scroll by page and a group header can shown twice.
173672 Pasting a multiline field with ~n (eg where an address block has been concatenated together) into an RTE control results in only the first line of field appearing - sometimes first two lines appear - very erratic.

An address block which is concatenated together and seperated by carriage return and new line characters. When this is displayed in a datawindow it displays fine, when this is pasted using (PasteRTF) into an RTF control, only the first line of the multiline field is displayed.

The problem is related to string concatenating using carriage return and new line (~r~n). The new line character was tripping up the display in the RTE control, once ~n was removed the datawindow copied across correctly.

173715 cut & paste don't work when you edit the label of tree or Listview, when menu has ctrl+v /x /c shortcuts.
When you run the MS Explorer you can do that.
173731 Differences in the size of an object, along with differences in the resulting SQL Update generated in the PBD with an object that has embedded SQL and has been regenerated using ORCA as compared to the object being regenerated within the library painter.
173744 Customer would like GetFullState / SetFullState to handle dw.zoom in addition to buffer settings.
173751 Performing Enable() on a menu item that is already enabled will return a value of zero. If the item is disabled, the function will return a 1.
The function should be returning either a -1 or a 1. Disable is also not working as documented, although the behavior is slightly different: Disable returns a zero
when successful, or a 1 when the menu item is already disabled, the opposite of Enable, but still not as documented.
173766 The European comma decimal separator disappears if backspace is used in an editmask.
This can only be reproduced with a 'foreign' keyboard layout e.g. German, French, Spanish etc.
This can be demonstrated with the following editmask on a window or a DataWindow:


Populate the editmask with the following value


Place the cursor between 6 and the comma (i.e. 123.456|.78)

If you type in any other number the comma will disappear.

Reproduced with the following versions of PowerBuilder:

PB Version and Build: -----> Fail

6.5.454 --------> Fail

7.0.211 --------> Fail

173768 If you "clear all" breakpoints in the PB 6.5 debugger, PB will produce an access violation 0xc0000005 0x003e5ef0.

PB Version: 6.0.251 GA -----> OK
6.5.444 ----------> FAIL
6.5.454 ----------> FAIL
7.0.211 ----------> OK

173780 Customer has a nested datawindow that retrieves 32768 rows. Powerbuilder gpfs after retrieving the rows in their application. They
sent a test case which gpfs in Powerbuilder, after previewing the datawindow, when the preview view is closed.
173783 Handle(datastorename) returned a valid long as the Windows' handle in 5.0.04. Starting with 6.0.0 (and after) it returns a 0.
173791 Connections to Sybase (SYC) cause memory loss on successive disconnect / connects within the same application.

Per Development:

There is a viable workaround for PB 6.5 and 7.0 (see below), and a new DBParm will be created for PB 7.x (i.e., post PB 7.0) that keeps the database interface DLL mapped into your address space for the duration of the application.

PB 6.5/7.0 workaround:

Reducing Memory Leakage & Improving Performance in PowerBuilder Database Applications

This information documents a powerful PowerBuilder coding technique that can improve performance and reduce the amount of memory leakage that can occur in database applications that connect and disconnect frequently.

Background Information

PowerBuilder 苨 database interface DLLs are not loaded automatically when PowerBuilder or a PowerBuilder application is started. Rather, the DBI layer in PBVM60 issues LoadLibraryA("PBSYC60.DLL") each time a CONNECT statement is issued, and a FreeLibrary(hLib) for each DISCONNECT.

LoadLibrary maps the database interface DLL into PowerBuilder's address space and increments its reference count to 1. Because each PowerBuilder's native database interface DLL is linked with the database vendor's client software, often many DLLs get loaded initially. For example, loading PBSYC60.DLL also causes LIBCT.DLL, LIBINTL.DLL, LIBCOMN.DLL, LIBTCL.DLL, LIBCS.DLL, and

NLWNSCK.DLL to be loaded.

If the PowerBuilder application requests a second SYC connection using a second transaction object, another LoadLibrary() call is made. This time, the operating system simply increases the PBSYC60.DLL reference count to 2 because the DLL is already mapped into the application's address space.

DISCONNECT statements in the application cause a FreeLibrary() call to the operating system. FreeLibrary decrements the reference count in PBSYC60.DLL and all of the Open Client DLLs

that SYC is linked with. When the reference count gets to zero, the operating system unmaps PBSYC60 and all of the Open Client DLLs from the application address space.

We have determined that unmapping PBSYC60 and PBDIR60 from the address space cause memory leaks. This is currently under investigation. Meanwhile, a simple Powerscript coding technique will prevent PBSYC60 and the Open Client DLLs from being continually mapped out of the address space. This can be done two ways:

1) Make a call to LoadLibraryA("PBSYC60.DLL") directly from the application.

2) Open a PBSYC60 connection and keep it open for the duration of the application

Implementing Solution One

1) Declare two Local External Functions somewhere:

Function ulong LoadLibraryA(string dllname) Library "kernel32.dll"

Function boolean FreeLibrary(ulong hLibrary) Library "kernel32.dll"

2) Invoke LoadLibraryA when the application opens and FreeLibrary when the application ends

Solution One Example

ulong hLib

long i

long numconnects = 100

boolean bFree

hLib = LoadLibraryA("PBSYC60.DLL")

if NOT IsNull(hLib) then

FOR i = 1 TO numconnects





bFree = FreeLibrary(hLib)

end if

Implementing Solution Two

Keeping a second database connection active throughout the duration of the

application also works to limit memory leakage, but solution 1 is far better.

transaction loadtrans // extra connection to keep PBSYC loaded

long i

long numconnects = 100



loadtrans = CREATE transaction

loadtrans.dbms = sqlca.dbms

loadtrans.dbparm = sqlca.dbparm


CONNECT using loadtrans;

if loadtrans.sqlcode = 0 then

FOR i = 1 TO numconnects





DISCONNECT using loadtrans;

end if

DESTROY loadtrans

Implications for Other Database Interfaces

Even if the database interface that your application uses does not leak memory, mapping and unmapping the DLLs takes time for each connect and disconnect. If your PowerBuilder application makes repeated connections using the same database interface DLL, you should consider experimenting with technique number one to improve performance.

173810 Using Print Preview, or printing a datawindow which has 2 or more newspaper columns across, as defined under Properties... Print Specifications, the first column ignores the "new page on group break". If a group ends in the first column, a page break does not occur. Instead, the next group is started in the second column of the same page.

within the DW Engine, newspaper columns are treated as multiple "logical" pages within a "physical" page; the "PageBreak" for groups translates to "logical" pages within a Newspaper environment -- it always has, and until more options and properties are added to the Group Band in some future release, this will not be changed;

173855 A PB OLE automation server with a simple function leaks on Windows NT 4.0
173875 Create crosstab datawindow. Change text of heading of a column, save and close the datawindow. Open datawindow, right click on datawindow, choose Crosstab, then click Okay. The heading text you changed reverts to the old default value rather than the
new text you entered.
173968 Clicked event of grid datawindow in PB 6.5 does not return the proper row number when one column has autosize height and you click in the white space below the data. PB 6.0 GA always returns the proper row. Clicking on the actual data in the column returns correct row number. Right Clicked event always returns correct row number.
173978 Opening a table in the Database Painter while connected with IN7 Informix driver and Informix client 9.15 2.02.TC2.
174007 NT 4.0 specific problem this works fine on WIN95.

Similar behavior as CR 161807 but this is related to the sheet menu and that CR dealt with the frame menu.

A large menu on a sheet contains many menu options that are visible and invisible. In the example some menu options are made visible at program execution time based on the number of menus requested from the user. The menu options are made visible using a FOR NEXT loop. When the count of options made visible is fairly large(seems to happen in test case around 50), the displayed sheet menu is corrupted, that is, the menu does not display all the normally visible options and/or options made visible at execution time. SOmetimes the menu disappears entirely. In the actual application , when this problem occurs, the menu that are displayed are usually inoperative. By that, I mean that if you click on a menu option, the clicked event programming is not executed. This is not included in the sample as once the menu is painted correctly everything else works fine.

174011 Windu daemons on solaris don't shut down and memory usage goes up for the windu_registry and windu_scm.
174035 Changes to object functions, cause runtime errors when running in dev mode
174040 ORCA does not import or regenerate a proxy object even though the return code indicates that the operation was successful.
174072 The remote object nvo opens a file in stream mode, reads the file contents into a string and passes the string back. There are 4 test files of varying sizes. There are no problems with this when using a PowerBuilder client. And using a Java client there are no problems when the client running on Windows 95. When the java client is running on NT4.0 SP3, then OutofMemory errors occur on some of the test files.
174100 When updating a blob in informix using odbc on solaris, update will
fail with an error of -458 sqlstate 60 long transaction aborted listed in the pbtrace.log file.
Update blob works with the same bitmap on wintel using the native informix 7 driver.

Client software on solaris is 7.2.4

182102 In PB 6.5 on a Grid datawindow when a column is made invisible clicking on grid lines or in invisible column results in a Powerbuilder Application Execution Error R0060. Error: Invalid row range at line 3 of clicked event of object....... when trying to return row number clicked on through dot notation.

Right clicking works fine in PB 6.0 GA through build 467 returning correct row number.

182103 If you have a DataWindow which has a column that contains the same data values, if you do a sort against this column. You get some unexpected behaviour. The first row becomes the last row, which is the same for windows explorer. If you sort again, the last row becomes the second to last row and the first row becomes the last row, etc. Basically every time you do a sort under these circumstances all rows are being pushed up by one. Windows explorer swaps between the last and first rows.
182178 Enhancement Request: An RTE control which is set to DisplayOnly should allow the user to select text (to e.g. copy it to the clipboard) like in an multiline edit control
182189 6.5 Regression - DataWindow has nested report with a retrieval argument. When previewing the datawindow, the first row in the datawindow displays fine along with the set of rows in the nested report associated with the retrieval arg, in this case cust_id. The remaining set of rows in the nested report display no data for 2 out of 3 columns in 6.5 (build 444). In 6.5 build 454 & 467 there is garbage in 2 out of the 3 columns.
182203 Using OLE automation to Word 7 & 8 with word.basic syntax and not VBA.

When running with WORD 8:
Sample works in PB 5.0.03 with this syntax.
In PB 5.0.04 on second iteration receive a -2 return code from PB ConnectToNewObject.
In PB 6.0/6.5 sample appears to work for two iterations but on the third it generates an invalid page fault in PBVM60.dll at 0137:112a234b.

When running with Word 95:
Sample runs successfully with both PB 5.0.03 and 5.0.04.
In PB 6.0/6.5 the line of code ole1.FileClose( 2, AsStatement! ) results in an Error: Invalid Parameter type calling external object function fileclose, PB window ot menu w_ole_sample, object-cb_1, Script -clicked, Errorline -70. It proceeds and does not page fault as long as you close out of Word 95 manually.

182204 You cannot toggle the machine code check box off and on in the Project Painter.
182205 The application Painter still shows an entry for 16 bit in the Executable format dropdown list even though 16 bit is no longer supported.
182363 Executing datawindow setsort function result in a memory leak
182376 If you have a groupbox in a datawindow with it's layered position property set to foreground or background, then only one groupbox will be displayed in preview mode or at runtime. If the layered position property is set to band, then there are no problems.

Reproduced with 32 bit PB:

6.5 EBF01
6.5 EBF02 pre-release build 477
7.0 EA Studio Build 900
7.0 build 2221

182424 Toolbar icons do NOT redraw if mouse pointer is placed on the icon. If you have an MDI application which has two sheets, and both sheets have toolbar icons associated with them. If you switch between the sheets by CTRL & Tabbing, if your mouse pointer was on a sheet icon, then it would not be redrawn. The icon will stay under the mouse pointer unless you switched to the same sheet twice.

This problem can be demonstrated with all builds of PowerBuilder 6.0 including the latest build I have access to PB 6.5 EBF02 477, this problem cannot be reproduced with PowerBuilder 7.0

182527 ISUG Enhancement Request e15_067:

Enhancement Request to allow PB to connect to Adaptive Server Anywhere using the SYC native driver (or introduce a new native driver for ASA) instead of using ODBC.

Per PB Product Management, this is not to be fixed:

PB Product Management has confirmed that there are no plans to do this now or in the future.

See Tech Doc 1011154 "Notice From Sybase: PowerBuilder Connectivity to Adaptive Server Anywhere" in the Technical Documents section of Support on MySybase.

182535 An edit mask with the format "dd-mmm-yyyy" does not allow you to enter 31-jul-1998. It only accept JAN as the month.
182537 In the BD Admin painter, a Commit statement must have a space preceding the trailing semi-colon.
182539 Scrolling thru a dddw and then hitting the Enter Key does not select the correct value.
If the mouse is used or the Tab key is used after scrolling, the correct value is selected.

WORKAROUND: In the sample taken from the PB Examples there was script in events that was firing when the Enter key was pressed that was re-retrieving when the rowfocuschanged. I was able to take the sample submitted and prevent this re-retrieval from occurring and thus have it behaves similar to when the mouse was used by creating a user event mapped to pbm_dwnkey. If it was the enter key that was pressed then to set a flag and then test the flag prior to having the re-retrieval take place.

182546 ListView with View property set to ListViewList! and with the item label text so long that it does not fit in the listview causes a horizontal scrollbar to appear. If you click on one of the truncated item labels it causes the listview to scroll to the right so nothing is visible in the treeview.

Doubleclicking on such an item with its label is truncated provokes a doubleclicked event with an argument index -1.
See workaround tab for w/a

182566 In PB 6.5 and 7.0 build 216 select statements on Informix tables with SERIAL data types fail when using ODBC driver.
182618 The SLE to specify a mask for an edit mask in a DW is missing.

Reproduced with PowerBuilder 7.0 Build 900 (EA Studio Beta 1), this is fine with Builds 211 and 2221 of PowerBuilder 7.0

182630 'Select error' if a join is made between an Informix serial column and a non-serial column and neither of these 2 columns are included in the Select clause.
If we include either of the 2 join columns in the select clause it works fine.

For example this gives a Select Error ...
SELECT systables.tabname,
FROM syscolumns,
WHERE ( syscolumns.tabid = systables.tabid ) ;

and this does not (serial col is included in Select)...

SELECT systables.tabname,
FROM syscolumns,
WHERE ( syscolumns.tabid = systables.tabid ) ;

See workaround tab for a simple workaround

182635 Making repetative calls to MailLogon() and MailLogoff() within the same mail session with maildownload! option results in GPF after running out of virtual memory.
182663 You cannot use the arrow keys to move command buttons in the Window Painter
182757 PB 6.X regression

Clicked event for menu is firing although the mouse has not been clicked. This is happening when the cursor has been moved over the icon.

182773 Using the SetPicture() on a Picture Control to display a GIF file fails with a -1 return code. Works on BMPs.

According to PB 7.0 documentation:
PowerBuilder 7 adds support for GIF or JPEG images in all controls that support bitmaps. Picture and PictureButton controls also support animated GIF images.

182812 PBIN7050.dll Informix Server side Memory Leak.

When executing a stored procedure that returns a result set the memory being used by the cursor on the server side is not being released. The only way the memory is released is if a disconnect is done.

182835 The dw.Find() function doesn't work with comma as decimal separator.

for example dw_1.Find ("salary = 48023,69") gives "Invalid expression".


use dw.Find ("string (salary) = ' 48023,69' ")

182837 ENHANCEMENT: SYC driver should allow connect with SYC when default database is unavailable.
182838 If you have a composite datawindow and you try to assign the data values dynamically to a datastore using dot notation. This will fail with PowerBuilder 6.5 and 7.0, you will get the following error message.

PowerBuilder Application Runtime Error (R0039)
Application terminated
Error: Error accessing external object property object at line xx in clicked event of object xxx of xxx.

The following line of script causes the problem: =

The script above works fine with PowerBuilder 6.0 GA build 251.

182841 Selecting Items in a listview with CTL + LeftShift + LeftMouse click doesn't work. It deselects previous selection.
It should work as the MS listview in the Explorer.
182915 Regression. Cannot Tab inside MLE control when MLE control is in a sheet and cannot Set Tabstops in an MLE control at runtime
182937 GPF PBVM60.DLL 0137:10c48ce5 when executing ppb__VALUE->GetValueAsInstance
(User Object generated to C++ wrapper generator)

In a C++ program I can use this object and access the simple variables with the generated 'Get' and 'Set' functions.
When using the corresponding 'Get' functions for the userobject, we get a GPF

182939 OpenUserObject(NameOfUserObject) does not display the UO in PB 7.0, but works fine in PB 6.x

OpenUserObject(NameOfUserObject) returns 1 and the UO constructor event is fired.

CloseUserObject(NameOfUserObject) will return 1 after the above is script has been triggered, also the destructor event of the UO is fired.

182941 PowerBuilder beta 7.0: Window Painter more than one Properties View can be displayed. If you had three opened, all three would display properties for the control that has focus. If there was a multi-select of controls, such as a cb and dw, the properties views would display the common properties for those controls.

Suggestion: only allow one properties view to display. Disable menu item once one is displayed.

182987 The cancel property is being modified in script for a commandbutton. Using 6.0 and earlier, this linked the ESCAPE KEY to trigger the clicked event when the escape key is pressed. Using 6.5, if you press the escape key, the command button appears to be depressed, but the clicked event script does not process.
183014 PB6.5 Regression
Decimal places in computed fields are not displayed when the datawindow was
designed when European numerical settings in the control panel (comma as numerical separator)
were used.

When the datawindow is regenerated with the dot as decimal separator in the c.p.,
the computed fields will display correctly, until the next modification or regeneration.

183015 Has a Datawindow rich text to do merge with a letter and fields from a table . The document is prepared outside PB ans inserted into the datawindow.
Once the datawindow is built there is no way to set the margins in the Datawindow painter.
Is it possible to have the same options in the Dw painter as in previewmode : Margins, ruler ...
183034 The query mode of a datawindow does not work with arabic words It gives ' invalid criteria specified'.
183037 PowerBuilder Beta 7.0
SQL Painter: Convert to Syntax. If you bring up another application such as explorer and then minimize it, the repainting of the SQL does not complete and you can still see the outline of the window from the previous application.
183143 SaveAsAscii() returns a -1 and creates an empty file when you have a tabular dw where the group is defined by Rows => Create Group when you have something only in the group header but nothing in the group trailer it fails.

If you have something in both the group header and group trailer, nothing in either the group header or group trailer, or if you only have something in the group trailer it works.

183151 Unable to retrieve multiple child datawindows in a composite report. Unable to perfrom GetChild() and Retrieve() for multiple child datawindows in composite reports if the functions are processed in a certain order.

After performing Getchild(), Retrieve(), an application will refuse to close. Other command buttons and controls will continue to work properly, however the application will refuse to terminate. Unfortunately, the datawindow itself refuses to populate - it will blank out.

While the application is running development and you try to terminate it by reactivating PB, it will prompt you if you'd like to terminate the running application, however doing so will bring PB up to the foreground, but the application is still running. You have to terminate it using the Task Manager, but this will also terminate the development environment as well

183190 Beta 7.0 Enhancement: In the New Objects dialog, the Database Painter appears in the Database Tab. In one way this makes sense, since it's database related; however, it breaks the paradigm in that other icons in that tab represent objects that you can create/modify as do all the other tabs except for Tools.
183285 16 bit DDDK installation adds long name path entry to autoexec.bat on Windows 95. This can cause pathing problems with other 16 bit apps

It adds...

But it should be...

In 6.0 this was no problem as it installed in a short name path
On Win 3.11 there is no problem either as it is impossible to use long names

The problem only occurs with 16 bit 6.5 installation on Windows 95
Although a warning is given telling the user they are installing a 16 bit app on a 32 bit platform and the autoexec.bat update is optional the ct reckons that it should add short names to autoexec.bat on Windows 95 or give the user an option

Only workaround is not to update autoexec.bat automatically and do it manually, change default directory (not good for end users) or use InstallShield to make an alternative installation.

PSE Afterthought...
"Sybase is committed to supplying application development tools for strategic enterprise platforms. In order to provide our customers with the highest quality products and the most up to date functionality, we will continue to focus our efforts on the mainstream market. PowerBuilder 6.x is the last release to support 16-bit deployment on Windows 3.1. Starting with the next major release the development environment will only produce 32-bit executables (p-code or machine) for Microsoft Windows."

Therefore this will not be fixed.

183291 In True colors (32 bits) the graphs are displayed in black and white.
183297 Can't select a column for sort which is not in the result set.

Per Development:
This is not a bug. ANSI SQL dictates that columns in the order by clause must be part of the select clause. Some drivers have relaxed their syntax to allow non-ANSI syntax as described in the CR but it varies from vendor to vendor.

183298 Enhancement request.

Ct would like to have an option to save scripts which contain errors so don't compile without needing to add comments to the script.
Suggests using a separate 'bug file'.

183324 Connecting to Informix using PB IN7 driver and Informix 7,23 client. If you create a datawindow using more than one table an alternately pick columns to includefrom the the tables, a subsequent retrieve() results in a select error.
183330 Using Informix IN7 driver with Informix 7.23 client. If you select multiple tables in the database painter and then try to open one of the tables in Data manipulation, a select error will occur.
183334 Unable to run SQL*Net easy Config from connection Profiles.
183349 When you assign a value to a datawindow decimal column using dot notation, a memory leak occurs if a numeric conversion is required. For example, setting a datawindow column to 10.23 does not cause a lead because 10.23 is a decimal constant. Assigning 10 causes a leak becuse 10 is an tinteger that must be converted to a decimal.
183439 OK button in the Prompt for Criteria Dialog box can only be activated via the left mouse button, should be done by keyboard as well
183510 Encountering performance degradation of distributed PowerBuilder on HP on an unacceptable level and instability of the PowerBuilder applications
Product Support Engineering Notes
OS: HP, Windows
PB Version and Build: 6.0, 6.5
PB 16 or 32 bit:
Customer escalation situation.

Performance degradation on HP when multiple clients are connected.
Although the problem is reported for HP, a similar problem exists on the Windows platform.
But threading will be OS dependant.

The time it takes for an operation is decreasing somewhat linear with the number of clients instead of just marginal or 10%,
i.e. when 1 client is connected a calculation takes 2 seconds , when 2 are running it takes 4 seconds, with 3 clients it takes 6seconds etc.
This gives unacceptable performance problems with many clients, such a high degradation is not what is expected for a server process.

When the application is started multiple times, performance degradation is even worse and the PowerBuilder environment becomes unstable.
When a client connects to such a process and his PC is rebooted, the connection stays there and the process runs wild.

An HP engineer has made measurements using glance, and has seen that in such a crash situation there
were some 15000 SIGCLEANUP calls per second are being sent, taking up 80 to 100% of two processors so that no CPU time is left for other processes and no other PB applications can be started.

Furthermore the performance on HP compares unfavourable with the Windows platform, about 1 to 10.

As this performance degradation is unacceptable for the expected up to 50 simultaneous clients situation the customer needs enhancement of the performance threads.

Performance measurements show (glance , vmstat -S) show that on heavier loads the number of system call faults column gets very high, (around 15000 per second).

183511 Regression. Informix 7.22 (Non-ansi). Informix (IN7) Select error: when viewing tables in data manipulation painter. Disablebind setting doesn't matter.
183524 PB 6.5 regression or change in behavior. If dddw with datatype datetime has a Null value and you select another value, the value gets set back to NULL when you tab out. Behavior was different in PB 6.0 GA with the selected value remaining in the dddw.

The other observed difference is that in PB 6.0 GA the DDDW is initially blank when containing a null but all other versions tested (PB 5.0.04 build 76, PB 6.5 builds 444 through 487 and PB 7,0 build 2226, the word Null appears.

183540 A pipeline with the commit value set to none, does commits after the updates. The commit should be under application control.
183568 PB 7.0 Beta 1: UO functions disappear when selecting functions from dropdowns
183643 grid datawindow: Want to set the width value of a column with an expression for the width propertie like (if( code ="1", 0, 150 )). "code" is a other column in the grid dw. This didn't work.
183649 In a dropdown datawindow with display value decimal and data value char, selecting a value gives an error "item 12,5 doesnt pass validation test". Happens only when decimal separator is COMMA.
183655 PB 7.0 Beta 1 -If you switch applications via the File -Recent Application new feature, and then open up the library painter the new application is not the active application
183694 SQLNRows is returning incorrect information depending if you use the SYC, SYT, or ODBC for ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise)

Declaring a cursor and opening a cursor does not populate the SQLNRows property.

Observed behaviours:
Under the SYT driver, SQLNRows reports -1 when the cursor is opened and continues to report this for each row that is FETCHED until the last row returned, in which case it will give the total number of rows that were within the cursor.

Under the SYC driver, SQLNRows reports 0 when the cursor is opened and continues to report this for each row that is Fetched. When the last row is returned, SQLNRows still reports 0.

Under ODBC for SQL Anywhere, SQLNRows reports the number of rows that is contained in the cursor and repeats the same number for each consecutive Fetch.

183728 The following edit mask DD/MM/YY allows you to enter a day which is greater than 31 in PowerBuilder version 6.x and 7.x

This only happens when inserting a new row. If an existing row is altered/modified, then any value greater than 31 is not accepted.

It is only a minor regression, because if you try tabbing off the field with the following date 44/04/44, the validation rule will fire, which will not allow you to tab off the field unless you have entered a valid date.

183738 If you use a comma as a decimal seprator, datawindow functions such as Number(), Real() and Double() truncate the data to the right of the comma.
183778 PB 7.0 beta; Can't change access or return datatype of an existing function
183787 Beta1 7.0 - DataWindow that has Prompt for Criteria checked on a column(s) AND there is a WHERE clause in the select statement, upon retrieval of the data a select error will occur: Select error: SQLSTATE = 37000 [Sybase][ODBC Driver] Syntax error or access violation: near 'and' in [and] ((("employee"."emp_...
183799 When connected with OR8 driver in PB 6.5 and above, strings with all spaces are converted to emprty strings before being passed to Oracle. Oracle does not support empty strings, so it treats them as NULL values. If the column does not allow NULLs, an update eroror occurs.
183803 6.5 Regression: In the ListView clicked event, a MessageBox is scripted that will display the index for the item clicked on, in PowerBuilder 6.5 the MessageBox does not display. Also, if you click anywhere in the whitespace of the ListView, a MessageBox will display but the index number is -1.
183812 Problem on Solaris and HP-UX. In pb 6.0, found the following problem where pb hangs when using the run function:

from shell script running in
csh csh pb will hang
csh sh ok
csh ksh ok
sh sh ok
sh csh (warning message of stty no such device or address)
sh ksh ok
ksh ksh ok
ksh csh pb will hang
ksh sh ok

Customer using Korn shell and added #!/bin/ksh to the first line of the shell. All set.

Problem is running from csh to csh, ksh to csh, sh to csh.

183828 After generating a java proxy, library list of application cannot be changed. Also, not able to change application, even when all painters are closed.
183835 A text object placed in the summary band of a crosstab datawindow is moved to the far right of the datawindow when the datawindow is viewed as a psr file with the datawindow plugin. The text is repositioned under the last column of the crosstab.

The same psr appears fine in a datawindow control or in Infomaker

Simple workaround for this is to use a computed field instead of a text object

183840 If you RightMouseButton on the outside of the window object after scrolling to the right, the pop up menu will be displayed on the top left hand corner of the screen.

On WIN NT 4 the functionality does not exist, it is disabled. But it does work in PB 5.x, 6.0 and 6.5.
This also used to work fine on Win95 with PB 5.x and 6.x.

This behaviour can be demonstarted on both WIN95 and Win98 platforms.

I tested against the following build of PB 7: Beta 1 build 999 and Beta 2 build 2226

183851 Illegal page fault in PBDWE60.dll on dw.update() with PB Intersolv dbase V 3.0 driver. They are receiving the illegal page fault when duplicate records are detected and an attempt is made to overwrite the record.

Per Development:
User Error. The DW is not defined as updating the table but they do a vast quantity of "Modify's" to plug in update table names and updateable columns but they never specify "Key Columns" or "Key and Updateable Columns" or "Key and Modified Columns" for "where clause for Update/Delete". Look at the "Update Properties" dialog box for what I mean by all that. We GPF because we THINK we will use a key for delete but none is defined. I had thought that we should perhaps add some protective code for this circumstance but the user (developer of the app) clearly shot themselves in the foot.

183866 Changing the number of columns in a label datawindow causes the nested datawindow to be empty.
183931 On rightToLeft Windows 95, Messagebox () function does not display a RTL dialog box :
for example YesNoCancel! should gives buttons <Cancel> <No> <Yes> and not <Yes> <No> <Cancel>.
WORKAROUND: Create a global function Messagebox() to override the PB Function.
In this function call an external function MyMessageBox() which call the Api MessageBoxEx() and add to the style the flag MB_RTLREADING .
183936 In the Window, DataWindow and User Object painters, perform the following sequence of steps, select the following menu options Design\Options choose the Layout tab and click on the "default" command button. This will result in the property view going blank.
183961 If you set the value axis in a graph to time and the maximum value to 23:59:59 and save the window, opening the window again in the window painter and examining the graph properties will show that the maximun value was changed by PowerBuilder to 14:00:00.

Set the property value in the constructor for the object.

184003 When you position the mouse over one of the tool bar items, the Micro help that shows is form another menu item.
184061 PB 6.5 Informix driver IN7 returns nothing/garbage when using datatype interval
184115 If the first column of a datawindow has Protect=1 but a Taborder > 0 and the other columns are editable, the datawindow scrolls to the prior row when it gets focus using TAB key.

Events fired when you tab onto the dw with first column protected are:
RowFocusChanging -> RowFocusChanged -> GetFocus
If any other column other than the first is Protected only GetFocus is fired as expected
See workaround tab for possible alternatives

184147 Using a Response Window opened by OpenWithParm, pass a structure in the message object. Passing the structure back using CloseWithReturn. The first time you open the Response window, behavior is okay. The second and subsequent times you open the response window, behavior is as if the structure is being passed by reference. It is not exactly that, because if you use an additional structure variable to hold the return from CloseWithReturn, you can work around the problem and the original structure variable is not changed. But if you reference both the "passed in" structure variable and a hard-coded reference back to the parent window's copy of the structure from the Response window code, except for the first time the Response window is opened, changes to the response window variable are also reflected in the parent window's variable.

In the parent, or calling window, use two structure variables. Use one to pass the data to the response window via OpenWithParm, and use the other to get the data back from the Response window via CloseWithReturn. The problem only occurs when the same structure variable is used
to both pass and receive the information.

184154 ASC() function is returning negative values for characters that have a values greater than 127 on the ASCII chart
184160 Similar behavior as CR 161807 and 174007 but this is related to the when more than 1 sheet menues are opened. The frame menu and the first sheet menu open without a problem.

A large menu on a sheet contains many menu options that are visible and invisible. In the example some menu options are made visible at program execution time based on the number of menus requested from the user. The first sheet menu opens fine it is only when aubsequent sheets are opened that the corruption occurs. The menu options are made visible using a FOR NEXT loop. When the count of options made visible is fairly large(seems to happen in test case around 50), the displayed sheet menu is corrupted, that is, the menu does not display all the normally visible options and/or options made visible at execution time. Sometimes the menu disappears entirely. In the actual application , when this problem occurs, the menu that are displayed are usually inoperative. By that, I mean that if you click on a menu option, the clicked event programming is not executed. This is not included in the sample as once the menu is painted correctly everything else works fine.

184193 Customer would like support for PowerBuilder connectivity to Open Server either through an Open Server driver or a DBParm that tells the Sybase drivers that they are talking to Open Server.
184196 Samples works fine in all builds available for testing until build 381.

Customer has an application in which he is initially changes the visible attribute to false for several menuitems: visible. Customer's sample changes visibility through script and after several iterations halts with an illegal page fault in USER.exe @ 0011:00000971.

Placing a messagebox, a several yield() commands or running through the debugger eliminates the illegal page fault.

184252 PB Active X window Control crashes in Win 95.
184356 DayName() and DayNumber() functions operate in reverse for dates prior to 01/01/1899. Dates after 01/01/1899 function correctly with these functions.
184380 If the year() function return indicates an invalid year, then isdate() should return false, but this isn't always true.

While the Year() function returns the same thing (-1) for each date tested 12/25/500 and 12/25/3500, because they are both out of the range that Powerscript supports, IsDate(12/25/500) evaluates to false and IsDate (12/25/3500) evaluates to true.

These dates fall outside the dates that PB supports however Powerscript should be internally consistent.

184426 6.5 Regression: OCX does not resize unless you click on control

It appears that trying to resize via dot notation does not work:
In Resize event of window, resizing using dot notation: ole_1.object.width=newwidth - 3000
ole_1.object.height=newheight - 2200

After window is open, if you then click on the OCX, it will resize to the size of the container.

Using Resize() function works ok ole_1.Resize(newwidth - 3000, newheight - 2200), could be a possible workaround.

184453 In PowerBuilder 6.x if you have any DataWindow columns with fonts which are true type (e.g. Arial), when you highlight each of the rows, you will notice the highlighted item will jump to the right. If all the columns are non true font (e.g. Roman), then you do not get this behaviour. In PB 7.x no matter what font you have the highlighted text will jump to the right.
184549 Beta2 7.0: In the datawindow painter, if a column has an edit style of dddw or edit mask, when you 'lassoo' or multi-select this column with another control on the datawindow an error will occur: Page Fault PBDWP70.DLL@0137:10afde22 or @0137:10b02b67.
184553 When a datawindow does not have any detail rows but does have valid data that is in the header and/or footer then use of SaveAsAscii returns a -1 and the associated ascii file is created but is empty.
184616 Powebuilder 6.5 : The last row in a DataWindow, when using autosize height for a cloumn, is truncated and not selectable. In Powerbuilder 6.0 and 5.0.04 only full rows were displayed.
184624 Powerbuilder 6.5 - Error Data-conversion resulted in overflow. Timed out waiting for server to acknowledge attention. ocurrs with userid which is longer than 18 characters using the SYT driver
184647 EA Studio 3.0 BETA:
Save Rows as HTML table does not work.

Cannot reproduce in beta build 4019.

184675 Datawindow column validation, a GetText() in error message expression fails on imported data.
184680 Unable to reconnect to a database after a server crash and the server is restarted. Transaction object still thinks it is connected to the database.
184690 When ThreadPooling is turned on, RemoteStopConnection crashes the DPB server.
184728 Unable to create a datawindow using and Oracle Stored procedure with retrieval arguments. Conenction is ODBC using Intersolv oracle 8 ODBC driver. Affects PB 5 and PB 6.
184745 In PB 6.5 and above, trailing spaces are trimmed from CHAR fields in datawindows when using the native Informix IN7 driver.
184770 Passing an enumerated datatype to a function declared with ANY argument fails
184823 PB 6.5 Copying data from one dw to the same dw within a composite report with dot-notation causes access violation when the first column is of type datetime and has an editmask applied.
184848 An OCX built in Visual Basic 6.0 has a function in the ocx that takes a variant (by reference) as an argument. From PB when a ref string is passed to the function it works fine, when a ref any is passed there is an error.

The error received is: R0035 Application Terminated. Error: Error calling external object function getstate at line 9 in clicked eventof object cb_2 of w_genapp_sheet.

184923 MAPI Mailsession Logon Fails when Run as a NT Scheduled Service.

Per development: This is a third party problem (with the AT scheduler). Other schedulers run the app fine.

184967 Date("49/12/31"), Date("31/12/49"), Date("31/12/1949"), Date("31-Dec-1949") all return 01/01/1900 regardless of system shortdate settings.
185013 In query mode, leading spaces in a query are trimmed before the sql is generated, whereas trailing spaces are not. Ct would like to have the option to control whether queries are trimmed. Workaround of using quotes is not suitable for his project.
185026 6.0 Regression: OCR A Extended TrueType font does not print using HP 6P/6MP driver, it prints another type of font instead.
In the datawindow painter and print preview mode, the OCR A Extended font can be seen, it's only when it's printed out using this driver.

Developer's comments:
This is not a bug in PB. The change in behavior from 5.0 to 6.0 and 7.0 is probably due to the fact that PB changed from a win3.x app to a win4.x app in 6.0. The 6p/6mp driver is also no longer considered current as it is no longer offered in the standard windows printer database for Win95. PB works fine with the current drivers. I suggest the customer upgrade their old drivers to the new ones or use a different font.

185030 Togglig from the window scripts to the window functions scripts causes a GPF in USER.EXE.
185040 Creating a grid datawindow from syntax after hiding columns overlays header text
185044 Grid lines in a grid datawindow do not show if the columns are not visible.
185045 Grid Datawindow: In datawindow preview, if you preview the datawindow, under certain circumstances the last row of the datawindow displays the data, but the grid outlines do not appear, and if you click on the data the "cell" (and row) where you click does not get focus. For 6.5 this occurs when you maximize the painter's sheet within Powerbuilder. Using Beta 7.0, modifying the height of your Preview View in the painter can cause the problem to occur at various heights. The problem occurs when there is almost enough room to display the entire height of the last row, but it does not quite fit.
185076 Rowfocuschanging not fired on keyboard arrow key to row not currently visible
185088 The customer is using SyntaxFromSql to dynamically create many datastores. He is experiencing a memory leak when SyntaxFromSql is being continuously called.
185116 ClearValues() and SetValues() fail and return a -1 and fail when used on a column in a Composite Report.
185134 The AppName DBParm should default to PowerBuilder for System 10 and 11 connections. It is not defaulted at all from PowerBuilder 5.03 forward.
185140 Consider the datawindow retrieval argument "WHERE <column> = :arg1"

PowerBuilder 6 would generate WHERE <column> = NULL if the value of :arg1 was null.

This syntax is not ANSI compliant and the results of this query are undefined.

To fix this problem, PB 7 and beyond generates "WHERE <column> IS NULL" if :arg1 is null.

185146 GPF on destroy of datastore after sharedata from a datawindow to a child report in a composite datawindow object associated with the datastore
185181 Windows Regional Settings: Dutch-Standard
Problem with PB not recognizing decimal part of the column value eg. filter expression colx=1.100 produces no rows when the value exists in column. Same filter expression produces erroneous row 1.000 if value 1.000 is included in column data.
185211 Retrieve documentation wrong when it says returns null if any argument is null.
185229 File SaveAs from the Application Painter fails if the library search path > 512
185258 Has a datawindow with an ORDER BY set in its sql request. Customer does a retrieve, then set a filter and finally reset the filter to empty.
The rows are not displayed in the initial order.
185263 calling a objectfunction of a nvo in a loop shows a signifcan performance loss between the PB5 , PB6.5 and PB7.0 #3251
similar to CR 160049
185312 Beta 7.0: If you inherit from a menu, then add new submenu items in the descendant menu and then save it.[ In this case it does save okay]. If you then delete that submenu item and then save the menu, an error occurs: C0001: Illegal data type: <m_thesubmenuitemname>
185319 Cursor takes bad position after hitting BACKSPACE or DELETE keys
185322 7.0 beta 2 File Editor has no initial open dialog box and no column & row info
185330 calling a dynamic function of a NVO did not recognize += or the -= shortcut operators in the right way.

donn't use shortcut operators with dynamic function calls. Use standart operators

185364 Regression in build subsequent to 6.5 maintenance release (build444). Dot notation for nested datawindow objects causes error referenceing external object property.
185367 Regression: Graph without value axis autoscale and a min/max range of 850 or greater, displays no value axis values
185394 When clicking on a dw header, row argument is equal to 1 but should be 0
185400 ENHANCEMENT: Allow date format for SaveAs function to be set with the function
185414 Using OR8 conenction to Oracle 8.0.3 database. Datawindow retrieve causes error ORA-03130 when datawindow contains a blob column.
185444 In PB 6.5 GA through build 507 using Informix pbin760.dll driver UpdateBlob() does not work if you logon to the database with a userid other than the one that created the table. No errors are received but the updateblob does not occur. PB 6.0 GA build 251 pbin760.dll driver updates when not logged on as the owner of the table.
185457 Customer would like a built in Powerbuilder FileCopy function.
185458 Customer would like a progress meter displayed in the Object Browser for the Show Hierarchy command instead of the Hourglass that currently displays.
185461 From the Function list tab, you should be able to copy the function (name, arguments, and return value) to the clipboard on paste it into your script. When you right-click and choose Copy and copy a function, then go to your script, it doesn't allow you to paste. The Paste menu is disabled. I think it should work much like the object browser and allow you to copy and paste the function along with the arguments.
185467 Add background color and text color properties to command buttons.

NOTE: Windows API probably does not support this, but sent in for review.

185469 The PictureButton Object inserts space on the top and left hand sides of button when using a BMP as enabled file name. No known workaround available. The BMP is a 16x16 Icon picture.
Customer has Enhancement Request that he have the option not to have any border showing around the picture on the button. He would like the picture to go right out to all sides of the button.
185470 6.0 Regression: Datawindow exhausts user resources w ver & hor scroll & autosize
185517 problem in sharing a DW which has retrieval arguments with a nested DW (a child in a nest). When a window containing a composite DW, and the nested DW's will be previewed and destroyed, the second preview of this nested DW causes a GPF.
185520 Beta 7.0: If a PB7 object function is overloaded, the global search dialog will take you to the first occurrance of that function, regardless of which occurrance of the function actual contains the matching search item.

In PB 7.0 with the new view interface, there is a view that is displayed for script/functions. When you double click on any one of the functions in the search result dialog, the function that is displayed appears to be the 'oldest' one. Meaning if you modified one of the functions, the modified function would show up last in the global search list window because it had a later date/time.

185523 Would like option to use datastores as well as datawindows with Library for Lotus Notes.
185529 After changing the font for a datawindow from Arial 6 to Arial 8, a subesequent datawindow print inserts blank pages at the front of the output and truncates some of the data at the end.

Per Development:
Not a bug. The DW Engine has always had this internal rule that a row fits on a page unless extended by a nested report. This issue has a row with an AutoSizeHeight Text field, which is given a 32K character string, causing the text and the row to span several pages. The Engine was not written to handle these types of 'word processing' documents. The only way to correctly handle large texts, is to cut the text into single lines of text, and report these lines as individual rows within a report or nested report. This enables the Engine to do its 'row processing', as originally designed.

185539 When open a datawindow and save it using "Save As", the comments are not saved to the new datawindow object. Notice the comment section is identical to the original datawindow's comments and has not saved the changes.
185580 Crosstabmax() expression gives incorrect results when row data is 0 or negitive.
185615 GPF when scrolling datawindow with no rows retrieved.
Two datawindows, one in query mode which feeds the second dw. If a query is entered which returns 0 rows, scrolling the second dw causes a gpf.
185634 Resolution: This is not a bug and the documentation will be changed to correctly reflect the fact that the datawindow handles the retrieval argument as a double which can only support up to 15 digits of precision. not 18 as previously stated in the documentation.

When FormatArgsAsExp= 'No' decimal retrieval arguments of 17 or 18 digits (and 'sometimes' numbers of 16 digits) are converted to exponential notation - independent of database interface. These should not be converted according to PB Documentation. Decimal retrieval arguments over 18 digits should truncate at 18 digits and these are also converted to exponential notation.

The following is taken from PB 6.5 Online Help:
When FormatArgsAsExp= 'No'
PowerBuilder leaves the retrieval argument as a decimal and does not perform the default conversion to scientific notation if it exceeds 12 digits

If a retrieval argument of type decimal exceeds 18 digits and FormatArgsAsExp is set to No to prevent conversion to scientific notation, PowerBuilder truncates the retrieval argument value after 18 digits.

185655 Temporary files ( DWExxx.tmp) generated and not removed when using GetFullState(),SetFullState()
185753 7.0 Beta 2: No way to back out (delete) an overridden object function.
185754 When trying to obtain a decimal number from the DynamicDescriptionArea using GetDynamicNumber PB 6.0/6.5 appears to be rounding numbers with 17 and 18 digits.

When this data is brought back into a datawindow and GetItemDecimal is used the rounding does not occur when the numebr has 17 or 18 digits..

185770 Customer has a crosstab datawindow which spans multiple pages horizontally when it is printed. They would like to have the Header carry over to all pages horizontally instead of just printing on each new verticle page.
185812 Attempt to create a proxy for the SVUCPPBookstore component. Package is installed using an autoextractible file, containing c++ components.
When trying to generate a proxy, it failed without any error message and proxy is not created.
185832 7.0 Beta: Using the Library painter to set an application as current fails.
185842 Beta 7.0 DW painter: Edit->Select->xxx does not display multi-select properties.
185880 Regression/Change in behavior when querymode is "yes" in datawindow starting in build 482. Tested through build 515 with same changed results. PB 5.0.04 and PB 6.0/6.5 through build 444 work as expected.

With PB 5.0.04 and PB 6.0/6.5 through build 444 when querymode was turned on and a Wherecriteria for a column was entered it was not necessary to use either an accepttext () or change the focus to a different column in order for the retrieve to use this criteria.

Workaround: Placing an Accepttext() right before the retrieve allows the criteria entered to be applied to the Where clause.

185919 Previewing a DW with retrieval argument (for example datatype date). Cst like to be able to test a DW with a NULL value as retrieval argument in the DW Preview.
185970 Setting the desktop color scheme a specific way (specified below) causes the checkmark to be invisible on a datawindow column of checkbox style. Using a plain checkbox control on a window works okay. Using Control panel, modify your desktop appearance to be Windows standard and click the Apply button. Then choose the item "Message Box" from the Item ddlb (still in the Appearance tab of the display properties dialog) and change the Font Color to brown, or purplish on NT (the second row, second column of the color chooser ddlb, directly under the black square) and click okay to save that as your desktop settings. Preview any datawindow with a checkbox column. All the checkboxes appear to be unchecked, regardless of the data, and if you run with plain Windows Standard colors without modifying the color for Message Box, they may actually be checked. Clicking on them does not change the appearance, i.e., you cannot click them "on", they remain "off". If you add a checkbox control to the window (i.e., not a datawindow column) then the problem does not occur. This problem was introduced with Powerbuilder 6.0.
186026 Array of string passed to a COM server gpf PB
186027 Ct wants to be able to have several series and only use some of them in different categories. Now he has to include them all in all categorys with value set to 0. This gives huge gaps between the categories.
What they want is to 'Slide left' the seriesso that they don't have a gap between them.
186028 Distributed server application GPFs or hangs in tasklist after the clients are disconected from the erver side and closing the window.
close event of the window will be triggered but the application will not be closed.
186032 This problem was reported in PFC function pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_querymode.of_load(). This function uses ImportFile() to load a query saved by of_save.
In a DW in query mode , if you have saved a criteria on a numeric column for ex. 'and >= 999', you cannot load it because Importfile() produces an Itemerror 'specified criteria in invalid'.
186040 grid dw with a computed field, where the taborder is set to 0 or protect propter is set to 1 dynamically jumps 2 rows when you press
the enter key.
186136 When a date field that has a edit mask of mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mmm/yyyy on a column and you
save the dw to a psr report that is than ported to wintel and viewed either in the report painter or a browser, the year
in the date field is garbage.

If you save the data to the dw and than port the dw object to wintel and than save the psr
on wintel, than it works ok.

186174 Beta 7.0: Library painter does not refresh to show a project that was created with the application wizard. You need to do a View-->Refresh to get it to show. When you create a project not using the wizard and save it the library list does refresh automatically
186179 User can check-out an object if an object that it depends on does not exist using the PB SCC version control interface.
186237 Beta 7.0: Creating and adding a new application object to an existing pbl causes an error: "Could not open application <app obj name> in <pbl name>"
186240 In 5.0.04 a Richtext style datawindow does not print when using a Windows print job with PrintDataWindow().
The print job just sits in the queue and is never printed. Print() works fine and 5.0.03 worked OK
186312 Scrolltorow or using arrow keys in a dw with a return 1 in rowfocuschanging still scrolls to the target row, even though the
current row does not change.
186416 Beta 7.0: When defining an editmask mask for a datawindow character column, changes are not saved when using File-->Save or the Save button on the toolbar. Changes ARE saved when you close the object without saving and then click "yes" when prompted to save.
186441 GPF (divide by zero) if dw radio button edit style columns across set to 0
186443 Beta 7.0: Character column on datawindow, has an edit style of type EditMask and mask with 12 x's. Save the datawindow by closing it and clicking yes when prompted. Re-open the same datawindow, add another x to the edit mask for the column. When you try to close and save the datawindow a page fault will occur:

Build 2227: pbvm70.dll@0137:11ce9ad6
Build 3259: pbvm70.dll@0137:11529e46

186464 7.0 Beta: Change columns across in a radio button edit style column, save the dw. Reopen the same dw, the columns across reverts back to 1.
186514 When using getfullstate() and setfullstate() with the a crosstab aand then crosstabdialogue() the application immediately gets Out of Memory error.
186592 Connecting to Open Client 10.0.04 thru Powerbuilder doesn't work. Can't locate ebf7042. Applied ebf8050 and same problem.
EBF8050 is the y2k compliant version.

Workaround is to use OpenClient 11.1. This version is threadsafe.

186627 When printing > 1 copies of a datawindow with DUPLEX printing set on AND with COLLATE COPIES set on, if there are an uneven number of pages (ie side 2 of last page of each batch should be blank) then the first page of the second batch will print on the back of the last page of the previous batch when it should take a new page.
186669 PB 7.0 Beta 2 through build 3259. When in the libarary painter list view the size of the object is left aligned not right aligned as a number usually is.
186678 Parentwindow.GetActiveSheet() returns a valid handle to an MDI frame when used in a sheet menu in 6.x, but does not in 7.0
186729 Enhancement Request: Add OptSelectBlob DBParm for MS SQL Server
186732 when you set autoscale off. maximumvalue = 1000 and scaletype = 10 the axis run into a rounding issue. It becomes float values but it should be integer values
186829 When an external function has more than 8 arguments, the 9th passed is wrong. It doesn't depend on argument type.
for ex : FUNCTION long my_func9 (long il_1, long il_2, long il_3, long il_4, long il_5, long il_6, long il_7, long il_8, long l9) LIBRARY "libfunc9.a"

my_func9 just prints the datas received. Il_1 .... Il_9 are good but il_9 contains garbage.
There is no problem when the function is called by a C program.

186846 After a connection to a DB Oracle 7.3.x and Sqlnet 2.3.x, PB crashes at the exit and produces a segmentation fault.
186866 Getting error "SQLSTATE = S1003 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Program Type out of Range" in the database painter.

Microsoft has changed the types and lengths returned for some of their data types in their Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 version of their ODBC driver (3.70.x) and also in Microsoft Access drivers for version 4.0. As a result, PowerBuilder sometimes cannot find an internal mapping from PB data types to the ODBC data types of SQL Server.

If we don't have a valid data type before we are ready to do SQLBindCol, we now default to binding as type SQL_C_CHAR.

This should work fine in 6.5.1 build 620. It is broken in 6.5 build 444.

186876 Customer trying to use Halt from SQLPreview event to prevent update from occurring. The correct way to handle this is to
return 1 from the SQLPrview event and then the update does not occur. Halt is documented to stop all processing, though, so
this is submitted as a bug. Either the update should not occur, or the documentation for Halt should be reviewed.
186887 wants to be able place the necessarry powerbuilder dlls in pblibrary directory setting in registry where the com generator points to. See below for more details.

ct. had multiple copies of pbvm60.dll one in sybase/shared and another in windows. After deleting one of thses files he was able to bring up the com generator
properly. He also uses web server which requires pbvm60.dll.
Enhancement request

place the necessarry powebuilder dlls in pblibrary directory setting in registry where the com generator points to. He thinks this will keep the development and
deployment environments from stepping on to each other. He also thinks this would be a little more intuthan the entry in the online help
help library search path

(If you choose to use the registry, the location of the PB COM server is written to a subkey called PBLibraryDirectory in the server's AppID key when the user
registers the server. The PB COM server uses this path to locate dependent libraries. The user can edit the PBLibraryDirectory subkey to deploy libraries in another
location on the deployment machine.

186919 When creating a psr report on wintel that has a where clause and than it's ported to unix, viewing the psr report in the report painter will cause Powerbuilder to crash with a bus error. Works ok in Powerbuilder 5.0.04 on Sun Solaris. Problem happens in PB 6.5 on Sun Solaris and HP-UX.
186947 Powerbuilder produces random ODBC and System 11 (SYC) errors when doing several DataWindow retrieves and
if there is code in RetrieveRow event - errors:
Error 999 : Only cancel command is allowed when the rows are pending.
SYC also shows ct_close, ct_send and ct_connect errors
186948 PrintSend( job, "~027&l11H" ) works on Win NT 4.0, but not on win95.

The PrintSend powerscript function is based on the Escape(...PASSTHRU...) Windows API function. The PASSTHRU escape is indicated as being obsolete and for Windows 16-bit only. It should not be used in Windows 32 bit. It is also an option for a printer driver to support this functionality. It is most likely that the printer driver simply does not support this functionality and it is reasonable that it does not. It is very much a hack to be sending codes directly to the printer, bypassing the print driver, in the middle of a print out.

186950 In a datawindow <LeftCTL + LeftSHIFT>can be used to switch to English and <RightCTL + RightShift> to swith betwen English and Arabic/hebrew. This switches the language and the cursor orientation.
It works fine when you are inside the column but the string is reversed when you leave it and the orientation in not kept when you come back to the column.
The same actions are handled differently in a single line edit.
186977 PB6.5 Informix 7: UpdateBlob succeeds but SQLnRows returns 0
187002 Beta 7.0; File ->New -> xxx does not always enable Save
187008 PB 6.5 and 7.0 Documentation and Help on AcceptText incorrect.
187011 PB 7.0 build 3259 DDDW's dddw.displaycolumn and dddw.datacolumn seemed to be stored internally reversed. This results in the data value displaying rather than the display value.
187013 Beta 7.0; Library Painter, can't right mouse and Select All either in the treeview or listview.
187039 Activate offsite a word ole application and clicked outside Powerbuilder and word applications. Powerbuilder doesn't get focus when closing word application.
187048 Beta 7.0.00: Created a PFC-based application. ToDo list contains info about scripts to be pasted into objects. The script files (in the ToDo-list) have an extension of *.sru. But the files in the ...\pfc\wizsrce directory have an extension of *.scr
187125 6.0 Regression: DW in querymode with dddw filtered to 0, causes an infinite retrieve of the dddw.
187129 DECLARE of stored procedure with output parameter causes compile error "Can't use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure"

It turns out the problem occurs when the stored procedure does not exist on the database. It is most frequently encountered when you have used the wrong database profile by mistake, or when you accidentally spell the stored procedure or argument name incorrectly in your script.

If possible, it would be nice to have an error message that is easier to interpret.

187161 Backspace does not behave consistently in an EDIT MASK
In certain configuration the cursor is stuck in the edit mask when using Backspace when it initially is in the decimal area.
Fixed in Powerbuilder 7.01
187174 PBDIR60 native driver: A subsequent connection (following the disconnect from the first successful connection) made by the application then fails providing the error that MainframeConnect version must be greater than Their version is and it was obviously ok for the first connection.
187178 After sychronising a datastore using GetChanges() + SetChanges() a call to Update will not clear out the datastore delete buffer. Neither does ResetUpdate().

If Update() FAILS or if we do not call Update() after calling SetChanges and before ResetUpdate() the delete buffer is cleaned out by ResetUpdate().

A workaround exists and that is to use RowsDiscard() on the delete buffer if Update succeeds.

187181 Multiple runs produce defuncted processes on UNIX
187257 Selecting a printer via PrintSetup() does not reset default printer on app exit
187273 PB 7.0 still using Win.ini to find Pb.ini
187282 PB 7.0 Enhancement Request: On Open wants object type view, not dropdownlistbox
187286 PB 7.0 Enhancement Request: Object Wizards should open object as last step.
187302 In a distributed application if an asynchrone call is made to a function which contains multiple calls to the PB Now() function, it hangs both the server and the clients.
187313 EAStudio 3.0 Beta 4 build 4007
Attempt to edit an overloaded userobject function from the search results dialog of the library painter causes a gpf.
187323 Beta 3 PB 7.0: Changes to x position in window painter are not saved.
187324 In PBSYC, Stored procedures invoked through RPCs (sp update feature in 7.0 or local external function in transaction UO) cannot contain arguments defined as money or smallmoney.
187331 Enhancement. Datawindow should interpret tab characters correctly. They should not paint as boxes.

Development: We do not expand tabs because we do not support the setting of tab-widths in the DW (an enhancement is required to handle tabs fully).

187336 EAStudio 3.0 Beta 3
install screen word wrap problem for screen on ODBC 3.5 - cosmetic
187342 EA Studio Beta 3: Enhancement Request:
In the database painter, when a SQL statement is
executed, it would be nice if the results tab was automatically selected
when the statement was complete. Currently, you hear the 'beep' and then
have to click on the tab.
187362 EA Studio Beta 3:

In script, use the Find menu. It only reports matches the first time through. Even if you scroll back up to the top of the script, click in the upper left corner to position the cursor at the beginning of the script. Then use the Edit...Find function again on the exact same string you already searched for and found several times, the microhelp reports the string not found, and the string is not highlighted, although it was the first time for using the Find option.

187367 RUN fails when executable name contains a dot in its name
187396 6.0.0 Regression: dw.create fails when syntax includes Icelandic extended ascii
187449 7.0 beta enhancement request: Better, more robust error messages from Jaguar
187452 A DDDW defaults to a '0' value when a new row is inserted starting in build 502 and still occuring through build 530. Same problem occurs in PB 7.0 build 4015.
In the sample provided '0' is a legitamate value and when a new row is inserted which is blank at this point the empty field is being interpreted as a '0' and the display value for the '0' is displaying. Prior to build 502 the field would be left blank.
187468 EA Studio 3.0 BETA:
Problems with Distributed PB in a mixed NT/Novell environment. SetLibraryList does not work for client application.
187485 PB 7.0 Beta 3 tested with build 4015.

Changing menu assignment causes invalid page fault in PBVM70.dll and occasionally in PBDEV70.dll. Sample exhibits behavior when used with Tutorial but can also be demonstrated when simply trying to change assigned menus in PB examples.

187562 Cannot create a dw sp if sp contains convert function on datetime datatypes
187570 Ability to connect to sql anywhere 6 (ASA6) via TDS (open client)
187587 EA Studio Beta:
Distributed Powerbuilder machine code executable causes a GPF at runtime. The same application runs okay with Pcode.
187620 EA Studio 3.0 Beta
The documentation (online help) for SaveAs states that the third argument is optional, but the script will not compile if it is missing. Either this is a bug or the documentation is incorrect.
187646 EA Studio 3.0 BETA
GPF switching between user object functions in user object painter.
187648 EA Studio 3.0 BETA
In the Keyboard Shortcuts you can assign the same key combination to multiple things.
187649 EA Studio 3.0 BETA:
Online Help error: System Options Dialog Box: General Tab: references "pb60.dbg" which should be "pb70.dbg".
187666 EA Studio 3.0 BETA:
HTML Datawindow Preview does not show all options, eg. border
187691 The sample is a tabular report with a nested report in the summary band. There are also a fairly large text object in the summary band which makes the band fairly large. When the number of records in the base report, plus the text object, plus the nested report all fit on one page it prints as one would expect. If however the remaining records from the base report, plus the text object, plus the nested report do not fit on the remainder of the page, the last record of the base report is placed at the top of the following page along with the text object and the nested report. Thi shappens even though there is plenty of space on the preceeding page for this last record to fit. Regardless of space remaining it is always only one record that is printed at the top of the page with the summary band.

If you remove the nested report or the text objects it still will not print correctly unless the actual space inthe summary band is shrunk small enough to fit on the page. Expected behavior is that this last record would print in the available space and then the break would be made to the next page where the entire content of the summary band would print.

187726 If you are doing asynchronous datawindow retrievals with Oracle native drivers, the retrieves will not be asynchronous if the datawindow has retrieval arguments.
187750 Wrong structure reference passsed to an external C dll
187751 OCX (MAPINFO MapXV3 ) from MapInfo gives PB GPF at "0x03273ab2" when trying to insert it on a window.
187779 EA Studio 3.0 beta:
Frequent GPFs closing painters. No code lost, but OS must be restarted.
187818 Set a Filter on a datawindow with the expression :'column LIKE '%test%%'
Powerbuilder crashes with Dr Watson error.
A datawindow filter ending IN '%%' will CAUSE an access violation.

Occurred in PB 6.5 (non-pfc and pfc applications both get system crashes).
PB software has a gpf because %% is not understood.

187833 Passing arguments by reference from ASP calling a PB generated COM object fails
187842 EA Studio 3.0 Beta:
1) In datawindow painter, the print specifications Paper Size list is dramatically reduced from 6.5. There are only 4 sizes listed. look at the same list in 6.5, and there are many options. What happened, for example, to Legal size ?
2) Two of the sizes appear to be the same: letter 8 1/2 x 11 and lettersmal 8 1/2 x 11


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      2016-03-03 13:06:13


    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: :arrow: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)