
在ASE中为对象命名的时候,要避免使用系统保留关键字,以防止带来不必要的麻烦。如果是对象名称必须使用系统的自留字,请用 quoted_identifer将该名称引起来。在ASE15.x中可以使用中括号[]来强制使用自留字作为对象名称。(这点功能和sqlserver 相似!)


1> select @@version
2> go
 Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.3/EBF 16738 ESD#2/P/NT (IX86)/Windows 2003/ase1503/2708/32-bit/OPT/Mon Jul 27 20:19:56 2009
(1 row affected)
1> create table testa ([create] int ,[alter] int)
2> go
1> sp_help testa
2> go
 Name  Owner Object_type Create_date
 ----- ----- ----------- -------------------
 testa dbo   user table  Apr 24 2010  4:10PM
(1 row affected)
 Column_name Type Length Prec Scale Nulls Default_name Rule_name Access_Rule_name Computed_Column_object Identity
 ----------- ---- ------ ---- ----- ----- ------------ --------- ---------------- ---------------------- ----------
 create      int       4 NULL  NULL     0 NULL         NULL      NULL             NULL                            0
 alter       int       4 NULL  NULL     0 NULL         NULL      NULL             NULL                            0
Object does not have any indexes.
No defined keys for this object.
 name  type       partition_type partitions partition_keys
 ----- ---------- -------------- ---------- --------------
 testa base table roundrobin              1 NULL
 partition_name  partition_id pages row_count segment create_date
 --------------- ------------ ----- --------- ------- -------------------
 testa_672718418    672718418     1         0 default Apr 24 2010  4:10PM
 Avg_pages   Max_pages   Min_pages   Ratio(Max/Avg)              Ratio(Min/Avg)
 ----------- ----------- ----------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
           1           1           1                    1.000000                    1.000000
Lock scheme Allpages
The attribute 'exp_row_size' is not applicable to tables with allpages lock scheme.
The attribute 'concurrency_opt_threshold' is not applicable to tables with allpages lock scheme.
 exp_row_size reservepagegap fillfactor max_rows_per_page identity_gap ascinserts
 ------------ -------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------ -----------
            1              0          0                 0            0           0
(1 row affected)
 concurrency_opt_threshold optimistic_index_lock dealloc_first_txtpg
 ------------------------- --------------------- -------------------
                         0                     0                   0
(return status = 0)




可以通过查询系统表来得到结果。 在spt_values表中type为W表示系统保留字。

执行select number,name from spt_values where type='W'这条语句可以得到所有的系统自留关键字。

1> select @@version
2> go

 Adaptive Server Enterprise/12.5/SWR 9616 GA/P/NT (IX86)/OS 4.0/main/1647/32-bit
         OPT/Fri Jun 01 16:58:25 2001
(1 row affected)
1> select number,name from spt_values where type='W'
2> go
 number      name
 ----------- ----------------------------
           1 add
           2 all
           3 alter
           4 and
           5 any
           6 arith_overflow
           7 as
           8 asc
           9 at
          10 authorization
          11 avg
          12 begin
          13 between
          14 break
          15 browse
          16 bulk
          17 by
          18 cascade
          19 case
          20 char_convert
          21 check
          22 checkpoint
          23 close
          24 clustered
          25 coalesce
          26 commit
          27 compute
          28 confirm
          29 connect
          30 constraint
          31 continue
          32 controlrow
          33 convert
          34 count
          35 create
          36 current
          37 cursor
          38 proxy_table
          39 database
          40 dbcc
          41 deallocate
          42 declare
          43 default
          44 delete
          45 desc
          46 disk
          47 distinct
          48 double
          49 drop
          50 dummy
          51 dump
          52 else
          53 end
          54 endtran
          55 errlvl
          56 errordata
          57 errorexit
          58 escape
          59 except
          60 exclusive
          61 exec
          62 execute
          63 exists
          64 exit
          65 exp_row_size
          66 external
          67 fetch
          68 fillfactor
          69 for
          70 foreign
          71 from
          72 goto
          73 grant
          74 group
          75 having
          76 holdlock
          77 identity
          78 identity_insert
          79 identity_start
          80 if
          81 in
          82 index
          83 insert
          84 install
          85 intersect
          86 into
          87 is
          88 isolation
          89 jar
          90 join
          91 key
          92 kill
          93 level
          94 like
          95 lineno
          96 load
          97 lock
          98 max
          99 max_rows_per_page
         100 min
         101 mirror
         102 mirrorexit
         103 national
         104 identity_gap
         105 noholdlock
         106 nonclustered
         107 not
         108 null
         109 nullif
         110 numeric_truncation
         111 of
         112 off
         113 offsets
         114 on
         115 once
         116 online
         117 only
         118 open
         119 option
         120 or
         121 order
         122 over
         123 partition
         124 perm
         125 permanent
         126 plan
         127 precision
         128 prepare
         129 primary
         130 print
         131 privileges
         132 proc
         133 procedure
         134 processexit
         135 public
         136 raiserror
         137 read
         138 readpast
         139 readtext
         140 reconfigure
         141 references
         142 remove
         143 reorg
         144 replace
         145 quiesce
         146 reservepagegap
         147 return
         148 revoke
         149 role
         150 rollback
         151 rowcount
         152 rows
         153 rule
         154 save
         155 schema
         156 select
         157 set
         158 setuser
         159 shared
         160 shutdown
         161 some
         162 statistics
         163 stripe
         164 sum
         165 syb_identity
         166 syb_restree
         167 syb_terminate
         168 table
         169 temp
         170 temporary
         171 textsize
         172 to
         173 tran
         174 transaction
         175 trigger
         176 truncate
         177 tsequal
         178 union
         179 unique
         180 unpartition
         181 update
         182 use
         183 replication
         184 user
         185 user_option
         186 using
         187 values
         188 varying
         189 view
         190 waitfor
         191 when
         192 where
         193 while
         194 with
         195 work
         196 writetext
         197 modify
         198 deterministic
         199 func
         200 function
         201 inout
         202 new
         203 out
         204 output
         205 returns
         206 stringsize
(206 rows affected)



 name                         number
 ---------------------------- -----------
 xmltest                              207
 xmlextract                           208
 xmlparse                             209
 encrypt                              210
 decrypt                              211
 materialized                         212
 count_big                            213
 tracefile                            214
 scroll                               215
 decrypt_default                      216
 insensitive                          217
 semi_sensitive                       218
 xmltable                             219




sp_checkreswords - Detects and displays identifiers that are Transact-SQL
         reserved words.  Checks server names, device names, database
         names, segment names, user-defined datatypes, object names,
         column names, user names, login names, and remote login names.
   sp_checkreswords [user_name_param]

之前我用create table testa ([create] int ,[alter] int)创建了一张表。在这张表所在的数据库内部执行sp_checkreswords过程,

系统报告出来了create  alter 这两个列名在用关键字。

1> sp_checkreswords
2> go
Reserved Words Used as Database Object Names for Database,testdb.
 Upgrade renames sysobjects.schema to sysobjects.schemacnt.
                                                                                                Reserved Word Column Names
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                Reserved Word Column Names
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
 Database-wide Objects
 Found no reserved words used as names for database-wide objects.
(return status = 4)

—- 本文为andkylee个人原创,请在尊重作者劳动成果的前提下进行转载;
—- 转载务必注明原始出处 :
—- 关键字:12.0   15.0 spt_values 关键字 reserved words sp_checkreswords

  • 本文链接地址:
  • 本文为dbainfo个人原创,请在尊重作者劳动成果的前提下进行转载;
  • 转载务必注明原始出处 : Sybase数据库技术,数据库恢复专家
  • 对《ASE12.x以及15.x中的保留关键字》有何疑问或见解,请在本文下方发表;
  • 对网站还有其他问题或建议,请提交在留言板,谢谢!
  • 目前还没有任何评论.
    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: :arrow: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)